Chapter seven

The Rest of the day Irenia spend talking to Lothíriel. Both of them had a lot to tell and a lot to be told about.

Irenia spoke of her magic, as there was no point in hiding it any longer, of Boromir's' rescue, of the time in Calembel and of the wolves.

Then Lothíriel was a bit cross, for those passed month had been incredibly boring for her. She hadn't been allowed to go riding or hunting, and her aunt had seized the chance to try and turn her into a lady. Which, obviously, hadn't worked, but she had nonetheless spend much more time knitting and sewing than she ever had before.

When the evening fell, they started walking towards the front gate, as the battle was won and they were allowed to leave.

But when they passed the houses of healing and saw all the injured people, Irenia didn't have the heart not to help.

So she entered shyly and asked one of the older woman if she was allowed to aid. She didn't see any problem, so Irenia started singing, softly and silent.

The tune was drowned in the cries and in the business, but it did its purpose. When all were a bit calmer, Irenia kept her words, but wrought in some more, to find the injuries of every single one.

When that was done, she put it all together. Her song grew louder, and people began to look at her.

She smiled shyly, not sure how to react, but kept singing.

As all wounds were healed, she bowed her head and moved to the next chamber.

When she was finally ready to leave, a group of men caught her attention.

Some of them looked familiar, so she stepped closer, to find Lord Aragorn, Boromir and a man that reminded her strongly of Gandalf. Thought that was impossible, as he had fallen. She didn't know the rest of the group, so she didn't dare to step closer.

But as things went, they saw her, of course, and she was introduced to the new king of Rohan, a blonde horseman, and a lot of other important people.

She then learned that the Man similar to Gandalf was indeed Gandalf, who had, by will of the lords of the west, returned to them as white wizard.

Then Irenia was glad, but when they asked her to take a look at Faramir, Eowyn slaver of the witch-king and a halfling she was awfully worried again.

It seemed to her she had spend her whole life worrying, and she cursed Sauron for it, for of course it was Saurons fault.

First she visited the halfling, who was accompanied by his friend wearing a gondorian armor. Their faced looked like they used to laugh a lot, but now they sat in earnest.

Irenia liked them on the instant, and after having introduced herself, she gave them a song of healing, courage, and happiness.

When she was done, Gandalf patted her on the shoulder appraisingly and told her she had learned well.

Then they left again, and Irenia was brought to Faramir. He looked sick and tired, but she could tell he had been worse.

When she asked about it, the woman told her how Lord Aragorn had healed him with some Athelas leaves. From this Faramir awoke, and so she asked how he had been and told him of her time in Calembel.

He also thanked her for healing Boromir, but she put it aside saying he would've done the same.

Then she sang a song of strength and wisdom, and Faramir looked a lot better afterwards.

Lastly Lord Éomer and Gandalf brought her to Éowyn, as the rest was about to retire.

Lady Éowyn was, she learned, the king's sister and a shieldmaiden of Rohan, and had ridden with the army disguised, and then saved her uncles, the old kings, body from the witchking of Angmar and his winged beast.

When Irenia entered her room, she felt the sadness that the female warrior held. The physical strength and knowledge of weapons amazed her, and she thought of how much Lothíriel was alike her. Thought she had long golden hair, something Irenia had never seen before.

She felt Éowyn needed comfort, and none she could, magic or not, give her.

But something about her air gave her the idea that woman would find some joy in a song about her braveness. And so she sang one, describing her battle dramatically and telling of her fall before pleading Este and Lórien to help the shieldmaiden.

Probably she was heard, because Éowyn woke up, and the two started talking.

Sometime after the men left, and soon afterwards Lothíriel stormed in, worrying about Irenia – and being bored, but she didn't say that.

She told a funny story of how she had run directly into Gandalf and King Éomer and how she had escaped her punishment only barely.

They laughed so hard Irenia began to worry about Éowyn, but the distraction helped her, and so she didn't say anything. She herself enjoyed their talk, and so they ended up leaving at dawn and collapsing in their beds almost instantly.

That day, the commanders held a debate, which the two girls slept through.

Around midday they got up, dressed probably and then went to visit Éowyn. On the way they met Gimli the dwarf, Legolas the elf, accompanied by the two halflings.

They talked a bit, and then went on, but passing Faramirs' chamber, they had to visit him as well.

Lothíriel was really glad to see her cousin alright, although she didn't show it.

When they finally got to Éowyn, three quarters of the day had passed.

She was really excited and told them that her brother had visited earlier to tell her the armies would march to the black gate to try and beat Mordor's Armies, but there was no way they could win such a battle.

Then they all got silent, because there were so many soldiers they knew and they didn't want to die.

They held a debate of their own – that had been Lothíriels' idea – and decided that they should try and get them to take Irenia with them, because she could save many lives, and Irenia also had the feeling she was supposed to do so, because it was the battle of the moon as well, and she was its ambassador.

So they kept planning the rest of the day, planning for a future that could never been certain.

In the evening Lothíriels' brother Amrothos came searching for her, so they said their goodbyes and left Éowyn.

The next morning, they went to the houses of healing first, and Éowyn cursed her injuries, because she wanted to come with them to help Irenia convince the commanders to let them take her.

Lothíriel even pondered the idea that they should arm themselves and force them to do so, but they rejected that quickly.

So Irenia found herself waking with Lothíriel to the Dúnedains encampment, hoping the men might be in there talking about the battle.

Indeed they did, and so they were led to the group of seriously-faced leaders.

They had agreed that Lothíriel would start with talking, because Irenia was still a lot shyer than her friend.

But as she was about to start their carefully written talk, her father cut her of.

"There is no way you can come with us."

"But dad! You didn't even listen!"

"I know by your expression what you want to say. And the answer is no."

"It isn't me you need to take, father."

For a brief moment, that set him of guard.
"Then who is it?"

"Her", Lothíriel pointed to Irenia, and the woman felt all looks turning to her.

She managed not to turn red, but it was uncomfortable nevertheless.

Clearing her throat, she spoke: "It is true, sir. We were thinking I should come along, as I can do magic, seeing I am moonborn, and I feel like I am supposed to be there."

That wasn't part of the text, and Irenia began to think she had clearly messed everything up and she had to return to Calembel right away.

But then Gandalf nodded slightly. "It's all right, she can come."

"Really? Oh, thank you so much!", Lothíriel bursted in. "I knew you would let her come, and...."

"Yes yes, we don't need all that, Lady Lothíriel. Has anyone ever told you you talk to much?"

"They certainly have!", Lothíriel laughed. "One time, I and..."

"Lothíriel!", Irenia tugged on her friends' sleeve.

"What? I was getting really good at this!"

"You did it again."

"Oh, right. Sorry!"

Irenia curtsied, Lothíriel followed, and everyone else bowed.

Then they left, and after they were out of eavesdrop, Lothíriel started hopping around, not very much like a real gondorian lady.

I've got holidays, finally. And sorry I didn't write anything for ages, but there was a lot to do for school and whatever. But there is another chapter coming.

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