Trickles of water gliding down the grand window. Combining droplets accompanied by the hum of rainfall. The street crowded with umbrellas and soaked humans rushing in and out of buildings. Cars splashing the rainwater as they move along the main city roads. Wipers thudding rhythmically right to left again and again. In her mind the world was at its best during days like this. Where everyone hurries off to get to their final destination, home. So the town gets almost eerily quiet compared to its normal bustle of life.

She was lost in her train of thought staring at the scene outside the cafe's window. She admired the simple things that life offered. A place to stay, a steady job, food on the table. 'Ding!' Sounds through the cafe trying to catch her attention. 'Ding! Ding!' This time followed by a voice "Hey, wake up!" As she turned her head the other way to look at where the irritated voice was coming from she snapped out of the daze she was in. Immediately moving towards the kitchen area to pick up the plates with hot food waiting to be sent out to the hungry customers.

"Sleeping on the job ehh?" The man behind the stove said with a smile in his voice flipping another set of pancakes. She gave him a soft smile and a nod picking up the three plates and exiting the kitchen.

She walked steadily and fast placing the plates at the correct tables and moving on to clean off another. All with a smile and courtesy. She has learned from her first job that a smile gives you bigger tips. Humans respond to nice and they help other nice people at least help more then they would if you served with a frown.

She taught of times when her smile was actually real. When the only worries of her life were the next outfit, homework she hasn't completed or the guy she couldn't get away from. It could have been a completely different life back then. Now it all has changed.

While moving down the memory lane of how life was before everything happened and how it was the first few years compared to now she suddenly felt an unimaginable emotional pain. It felt like someone had squeezed her heart so tight in an invisible grip her lungs refused to let the air out. She stopped cleaning the table and unknowingly sat down. Holding her chest unable to do anything else but stare at the table in front. A minute has passed and the 'pain' has eased but was still pulsating in the back of her mind. "What was that" she muttered softly more to herself than anyone around her.

She glanced at a few of the people that were in the cafe to see if anyone else had a similar reaction. But found no one looking differently than before. No pain showing on anyone's face. No one holds their heart before it magically falls out of the sealed chest. Resting for a few more seconds she got up and resumed her work. 'I felt this before' she taught. She felt it two years ago. The longing to be close to the feeling, to the person who is inflicting it on her. It made her mind twist in fear and adding to the anxiety building up inside her. Never a good combination for an already unstable werewolf lady. Especially in public.

The feeling of hurt sticking with her no matter how hard she tried to look past it she knew something was wrong. The thing is she wasn't a normal young woman working in a cafe shop. She was a young werewolf woman working at a cafe shop running from her problems and her old life. Before it can catch her and trap her again against her will. But running into this new life she didn't quite understand even now revealed more questions than when her journey began and none of them answered apart from one.

What was she.

At every cross road in life it felt like she chose the worst path available that takes to another cross road that leads into more confusion and unknown.

The night she got bitten was the start of the life she didn't know existed. Even now the thought of that night, the choices she had to make to lead her to this curse sends shivers down her whole body.

She is used to keeping her double identity a secret and have gotten to be rather good at it in the past 5 years since her first transformation. Until two years ago the shadow driven world of werewolves was completely hidden from the world of humans and thus making it easier for her to hide out.

That all changed the day all packs aligned and decided to end this mystery and constant cycle of fear against their kind. Coming out to the public was a shock to every creature mythical or not. From then on the world went a little crazy with more guns, more hostility and divide in the country. But even after the two years that have passed werewolf communities began to feel more at ease and gain the trust of humans as they included them in their life style and ways. Giving the opportunity for a regular to join in on their traditions or hunt along side of them.


The day was perfect. Sun beaming down the stage. It was just another hot day in Arizona. Press already knew something big was about to be announced even before the president stepped on the stage. All the major paparazzi and news channel agents sitting on needles in desperate hope for a big headline to drop today. For her the day just began. Her shift had started at 11am and the tv at the restaurant had been shut off until the owner got told by clients to turn it on as a big announcement is to be dropped in fifteen minutes.

She pops the tv on and searches for the given channel. The blond locks of the news reported bouncing as she moved her head, she stands at the back of the crown with her back towards the stage. Commenting on the whole feel of the press conference.

"Here we are today, at the press conference in Arizona. The weather is hot, and so is the news being shared this morning by Mr. President himself. No one has yet seen him arrive. It is said he has been here before us gathered. But if that is true, what is the reason? Why are we here and not in the White House? Why..." She keeps talking now with another reporter sharing ideas and speculations on the reason behind the mysterious behaviour.

"Are we to see the mythical creatures that were being researched for the last decade?" At this line the girl's heart beat quickened. She's not one to get shocked easily. After seeing so much of bad in the world she takes everything with a grain of salt. But the last line the reporter said before cutting off made her wish she could be home watching alone.

It has been a quiet day at work so standing behind the counter she kept polishing the many glasses left. Waiting for 11.15am to witness the big news. Her heart now steady and eyes peeled to the blond on the tv. Then her heart sinks down to her stomach.

The president walks out onto the stage with a huge wolf trailing behind him. The public sucked in their breath in shock. "What is this?" Some asked. A glass shatters sending shards around the accident scene.

There has been rumours of a supernatural world living behind the veil in the human world for years now. Ever since the girl from a crash that should've died has survived. With a bite mark that healed in a week. Healed so well that if you didn't know when she got it, you'd say it happened years ago.

Her identity has been on every newspaper debating the meaning behind the injuries, healing itme, her next move. Until now. The big brown wolf standing there. "The time is here." President started looking at the crowd. "The time for change. Without stalling. Here is our new future." He points to the wolf now beside him standing magnificently staring into the distance. "There are different creatures in this world. And it's time to accept them all. I present to you a werewolf. Alpha of the Moon Goddess Pack, Matteo Usoro"

Photos clatter but the people are silent even the newspaper reporters stand still and speechless. The cafe falls in even deeper silence. Before everything picks back up. Reporters shouting out questions towards the President. More pictures being taken of off the wolf in his almighty glory. Questions like how is this possible or what do we do now and how are we going to be safe again sound out from the tv.

The waitresses' faces froze. Her whole body froze. Going even whiter than her already fair skin. The crazy ginger locks framing her shocked face trying to grasp what this means now. The frame on the wolf zoomed and she sweared she saw those eyes somewhere before. The swirling orbs with beautiful blue light in them. But unable to place it she shared it off and glanced over at the boss sitting at one of the cafe tables who doesn't seem to be in too much of a shock as he is staring at the tv still tuned into the news revealed.

His blond hair slightly long and wavy at the front framed his head. He seemed young but the way he acted felt overly mature. Like he lived eight lives and was on his wises one yet. She never paid much attention to how he looks or what he does exactly. His eyes landed on hers meeting her gaze. He always looked at her as if he knew. Although she made sure he wasn't one of her kind he seemed different then the other humans. His scent wasn't as simple. His eyes looked at her all knowing ever since she walked into his diner for the first time.

She quickly composed herself and crunching the glass under her sneakers she walked to get a dust pan. Walking back she could see the boss back in the paperwork and the tv turned off. 'I haven't heard him turn it off' Her hearing is usually perfect as they are heightened by the beast within her. She never paid much attention to him and other than receiving her check and tips at the end of every week they haven't spoken much.

She arrived at the spot where the glass scattered. Bending down her knees stiff as if they were never made to be bending. She took a couple of shaky deep breaths to calm her emotions down and started to sweep the floor.

*Flashback Ends*

That day was one of the most shocking days of her werewolf existence. Honestly it still is but this heart ache is catching up behind it fast. Like most mornings the tv is on for the locals to listen to the news. A reporter is the same blonde from five years ago but now seems much older from her facial features. "We are most sorry to report that the Alpha Matteo Usoro of the Moon Goddess Pack has just died." Deep breath in. "Anyone who wishes to attend is welcome by the pack werewolf or not, to pay respects to the fearless leader of the Moon Goddess Pack" She finished, jumping onto the next topic of the day.

This time people did not stay still. No one was as shocked as at the coming out speech five years ago. Some muttered nice comments about the now deceased Alpha others just went back to what they came here to do. Eat.

The waitress once again got lost in her own train of thought. 'Is this it. Is it connected? What I felt was the pain in my heart in some way connected? Is it him dying that caused it? Is he the one that changed me?' All the questions and not one answered. But the day goes on and the feeling is not leaving her. It deepens the more she thinks about it.

The day passes and a few more people come in. Then there's a lunch rush and as it quietens down her emotions bubble back up. 'It must be connected.' She taught. 'It must.'

She felt compelled to need to go to the funeral. Like nothing else mattered. Like she was drawn to the place. She quickly google searched the place of the funeral. Which ended being the other side of the country. But she has already decided to go before she knew she walked towards the boss.

"Can I . um... Can I have a word with you...?" She almost whispered unsure he heard she took a step closer.

"You can take a week off." He said before she even had the chance to ask and walking out of his office he met her gaze for the longest time yet. His eyes were filled with longing and regret. Or maybe she was mistaking. He only held her gaze for a few seconds she could have imagined the pain in his eyes.

Maybe he felt it too. She wondered in tough.

Before she got this job she would moved every year in search of the perfect place to settle down. As a werewolf. At times she taught this would be it. But now it felt too small. Too intimate. Too many people that can figure out her secret that she desperately tried to keep to herself.

That same evening she went to her bungalow shared house and entering the house the smell of smoke filled her nostrils. Covering her mouth with the back of the palm she marched to her room. Slammed the door closed she leaned on the door and slid down resting against the cold wood.

All the emotion of the past and todays day rushing back into her mind at once. Overwhelmed her eyes filled with tears stopping at the brims not for long. Soon enough she her tears began to flow and there was no way of holding them back.

'I don't know him' she thought. 'Why am I feeling like this' The girl rested her head on her bent knees while mulling over the decision she had made.

Hours later she was all packed and ready to set out on yet another adventure her life was steering towards.


(2449 Words)

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