Meet The Jakes
With everything happening right in front of him, Jake was left feeling confused, but also amazed by what he was seeing right before his eyes.
"So, you're all. . . me?" Jake asked as he took in the sight he was seeing. "How is that even possible?"
"It's the same reason why Jakus is here." Megamind said. "It appears that something has caused versions of you from other universes to come to this particular universe. But what?"
"Do you think this gem has anything to do with it?" Jakus said as he pulled out the gemstone that they had taken from Jak Luna earlier.
"Hmm. . . I'll have to check it out." Megamind said. "I'll use my genius level intellect to dissect every piece and property of this here gemstone."
"Great. . . thanks a lot." Jakus said in a sarcastic tone as he rolled his eyes.
"And you can use this time to get to know. . . well, you." Megamind said, turning to Jake. "Perhaps we could get some good backup to fight back against that evil villain."
"Do we really need it?" Douxie asked. "Especially from these guys? We deal with enough from one Jake, let alone two. And now there's six!"
"And one of them is a pegasus." April said. "Isn't that a little strange?"
"It's not strange." Pegasus Jake said, getting defensive. "It's just that you haven't seen Equestria. It's such a beautiful place."
"Alright then." Jake said. "Let's hear about you first. What's your world like?"
"Well. . . it's magical." Pegasus Jake said. "And everypony looks like me. Except for the earth ponies and unicorns."
"Unicorns!?" Makayla said as her eyes lit up. "That's so cool!"
"Yeah, it's an amazing place." Pegasus Jake said. "You ought to visit sometime."
"I'll, uh. . . think about it." Jake said.
"Wouldn't that just cause more confusion?" Jakus asked. "If you're world is like the rest of ours, then it'll be a whole thing with more than one of you."
"Right. . . good point." Pegasus Jake said. "Just thought I'd be friendly. That's the main thing in my world, after all. It solves all of our problems actually."
"Friendship is the main problem solver in your world?" Douxie scoffed. "I don't even want to know how you managed to beat your villains."
"Especially Ryan and Natalie." April said. "Those girls aren't easily swayed by goodness."
"Well, Ryan is doing time to change." Jake said. "As for Natalie. . . yeah, I wonder how that works in a friendship filled world."
"Hey, don't undermine my world." Pegasus Jake said. "We still have bad guys in a friendship-filled world. This 'Natalie' you speak of is actually an evil alicorn overlord in our world."
Nobody said a word to that as they were all surprised to hear that.
"Don't tell her that." April said. "She'll get a big head and try to make it true in this universe too."
"Oh, speaking of Ryan. . . is she your girlfriend?" Jackie suddenly asked.
"Well, she was." Jake said. "But we broke up a while ago."
"Oh. . . I'm sorry to hear that." Jackie said.
"No, it's okay." Jake said. "Why do you ask?"
"Well, it's because Ryan is my boyfriend in my universe." Jackie said. "Should I. . . be worried?"
"Oh, no." Jake said. "I understand all of our universes are different. I'm sure you two are very happy together."
"Ooh, are we talking about our lovers?" Jakob asked. "My girlfriend is a cute shy girl. Her name is-"
"I'll get to you in a minute." Jake said, interrupting him.
"It's still weird to think that there's a universe out there where we're all gender swapped." Makayla said. "What am I like in your universe?"
"Well, I guess how you act in this world, makes sense to think that you're the same in mine." Jackie said. "And. . . you're named after your father."
"Seriously?!" Makayla said. "I'm Michael Morningstar Jr. in your universe."
"Yeah. . . I'm gonna go ahead and assume you're not like your counterpart." Jackie said. "He's really grown to express himself and likes to show off the fact that he's the son of a fallen angel."
"Damn. . ." Makayla said. "Here I thought I'd be able to like myself, even in the other universe."
"Well, it's just a typical high school story there." Jackie said. "It's really nothing special."
"What about the rest of us?" April asked. "Are we any different?"
"I don't even think I know you in my universe." Jackie said.
"That makes sense." April said, muttering under her breath. "She's still dating Ryan, after all."
"So, you're just a typical high school girl then." Jakus said. "That won't be any help towards the fight with that ninja."
"Hey, I can do more than you know." Jackie said. "You'll love having me on your team."
Jakus just rolled his eyes at that remark.
"Surely." Reverse Jake said with a scoff. "I don't need a team. I'll do just fine on my own. I can take down that asshole without any problems."
"Sheesh. . . he's like, the opposite of you, bro." Makayla said. "I don't know if I like him."
"What do you mean?" Jake asked. "He's like Jakus."
"Yeah, I don't like him either." Makayla said.
"Hey, I'm still standing right here." Jakus said. "Ever heard of whispering, you jerks?"
"Says you." Makayla said as she rolled her eyes and scoffed.
"Why do we even bother?" Reverse Jake asked. "We can't win against someone we know nothing about."
"Is everyone in your universe this negative?" Douxie asked.
"I don't know." Reverse Jake said. "I seem pretty normal, if you ask me."
"Yeah, I see what you mean now." Jakus said.
"What goes on in my universe is none of your business." Reverse Jake said. "And what we do from here on out is none of mine. So feel free to take the lead, my inferior self."
"God, you're infuriating!" Makayla said, angrily. "Let me guess. . . you don't have a girlfriend, either?"
Reverse Jake just blushed as he turned his hat around and tried to hide his face. "Well. . . like I said, it's none of your business." He said.
"Hah, he doesn't!" Jakob said, mocking Reverse Jake. "What a loser."
"Shut up, you recolored prick!" Reverse Jake said. "So what if I don't have a girlfriend!? I've got my sister."
"Right. . ." Makayla said. "I'm actually curious what the opposite of me is."
"Probably full acceptance of your dark side and embracing it while being a huge pain in the arse." Douxie said. "But that's just a guess as to how you are in this universe."
"Actually, you're not too far off." Reverse Jake said. "And it sucks, too. You would've made a great duo as you seem to be now."
"Wait. . . we 'would' have?" Douxie asked.
"Yeah, but you're not." Reverse Jake said. "Cause you're dead."
"Oh. . ." Douxie said. "So, that means my opposite is just being dead."
"Well, you weren't much of anything in life, either." Reverse Jake said. "So, we're not missing much there. No offense."
"And how is that not offensive?" Douxie asked as he gradually began to get angrier at this version of Jake.
"Alright, let's move on before we begin fighting the wrong people." Jake said.
"Yay, it's my turn now!" Jakob said as he jumped up and down in excitement. "My name is Jakob, I'm 16 years old, and my girlfriend is a shy girl with pink hair. Oh, and my ex, Ryan, broke up with me in front of the whole school and humiliated me, and her friend spread rumors about me and made all the girls hate me, thinking I was some kind of pervert. But I moved schools with my sister and met my girlfriend and we lived happily ever after. But then we had to break up because we moved to Japan as an exchange program and I met a cute Occult girl, who was nearly killed by Ryan, which then led her to summon a demon to take over the school and then I had to swoop in and save the say with true love."
Everyone was left wide eyed at the story of Jakob's life and they didn't know how to react or respond to what they just heard.
"I. . . I have no words left." Douxie said.
"Oh, and you have pink hair and you don't exist." Jakob said, pointing to Makayla and Douxie respectively.
"What?!" Makayla said in shock when she heard that. "I wish I had pink hair! That would look so cute!"
"So, you're dating an occult girl?" Jake asked. "Nice."
"I know right. She's so cute!" Jakob said. "Man, I wish I could see her again. When are we going home?"
"As soon as possible." Jakus said. "But first, we apparently have to stop the blue ninja and his plans."
"If we don't, then all the universes will be in danger." Jake said.
"Don't sweat the small stuff." Pegasus Jake said. "We have plenty of time."
"Right. . . are you sure?" Jake asked. "Cause when Jakus got here, he-"
At that moment, all of the Jake variants' bodies suddenly glitched out as they all cried in pain and fell to the floor.
"Yeah. . . that happened." Jake said.
"Shit. . . what do we do then?" Reverse Jake asked. "We're in no shape to fight. We'll just hold you back."
"No. . . we can't think that way." Jackie said. "We have to fight! For all our worlds!"
"That's surprisingly motivational!" Pegasus Jake said. "I'm in! And I'm sure we'll win. Because anything is possible with the Power of-"
"If you say 'Power of Friendship', I will literally end you." Douxie said, as he began to get over stimulated by the sheer amount of Jake variants surrounding him.
"Wow. . . this won't be so bad then." April said. "We've got an army of you, Jake. Plus more!"
"An army of me. . . that's right!" Jake said. "Hey, everyone. I have one more thing to ask you."
"Spill it." Jackie said.
"I'm just curious. . . how well are you all with handling your powers?" Jake asked.
All the Jakes just looked in confusion at the main Jake when he asked that.
"Powers?" Jackie said in confusion.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Reverse Jake asked.
"I. . . I think I have powers?" Jakob said, but wasn't sure himself, as if he didn't remember whether or not he had powers. "Do I? I don't know. . . I might."
"I mean. . . I can fly." Pegasus Jake said. "Is that good enough?"
Jake just stood there, dumbfounded, as he realized what this meant for them.
"Wow. . . looks like we're the only ones who have any sort of power." Jakus said, leaning down towards Jake.
"So. . . what's the plan?" Douxie asked.
"Well. . . this isn't what I expected." Jake said. "I guess we really do need more than just me."
April just sighed. "Well, we're screwed, aren't we?" She said. "We barely survived Jak Luna with yours and Jakus's power combined."
"Bloody hell. . ." Douxie said.
"It's okay. . . we'll just have to train extra hard for the battle ahead." Jake said.
"And how do you plan to train multiple versions of yourself?" April asked. "Look at them. This is as dysfunctional as it gets."
Jake just sighed. "Well, with Jakus's hello, maybe we could-"
"Nope." Jakus said.
"Damn it, Jakus!" April said, angrily. "Be cool for once and help yourself out!"
"This isn't what I signed up for." Jakus said. "I'm not gonna train a bunch of noobs who don't even have powers of their own."
With that said, Jakus just walked to the opposite side of the room.
"Jakus, you jerk!" April said, angrily.
"Forget him." Jake said with a sigh. "We can do this. He doesn't need to be involved."
"But what about your training?" April asked.
"If I had to ask myself to help me train, then I think I could manage to do it myself." Jake said. "It's no different then getting help from another version of me. I'll be fine."
Jake then walked up to the other Jakes and clapped his hands together to get their attention.
"From here on out, I'm the leader amongst me." Jake said. "And for the first part of my duties as such, you will all follow me down."
"Down?" Jakob asked. "We're already down."
"Wait. . . down as in. . . the sewers?" Jackie asked. "Where the turtles live?"
"The who?" Jakob asked.
"Yeah. . . that's precisely what I mean." Jake said. "You're all gonna train to become worthy and respectable fighters."
"Fuck. . ." Reverse Jake said.
"And we're gonna watch our language there, Reverse." Jake said. "So, who's with me?"
"We don't have a choice, do we?" Reverse Jake asked.
"So what?" Jackie said as she got excited. "I'm ready for anything!"
"Then let's get going!" Jake said. "Follow me!"
With that, Jake led all the other Jakes towards the elevator to get back up to the surface. But that's when another problem was noticed.
"Um. . . are we all supposed to fit in this small-ass elevator?" Reverse Jake asked.
"We may have to make a couple trips up and down." Jake said. "But that's okay!"
Jakus continued to watch from the sidelines as he just sighed. "That kid Jake doesn't know what he's getting into." He said to himself. "This will only lead to disaster. Why does he even keep trying?"
"Cause he's just like that." Megamind suddenly said. "He'll stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He's quite the persistent young man."
"And you're okay with this reckless behavior?" Jakus asked.
"Well, how else is he supposed to learn?" Megamind asked. "Besides, you've got multiple worlds to save. There's no time to dwell."
Jakus just sighed again, but cracked a small sneaky smile. "Where were you when I needed you the most." He said as he headed towards the elevator. "Hey, dumbass! Wait for me."
"So, you're gonna help after all?" Jake asked as he saw Jakus walking up to him.
"Well, why not?" Jakus said. "Nothing is gonna get done if I let you take the wheel on this mission. Plus, I still want to get back home."
"Fair enough, I guess." Jake said with a smile. "Welcome to the team."
With that, the elevator came back down for them as Jake and Jakus got into the elevator and rode it back up to the surface. And thus, the mission had started up to take down Jak Luna and getting the variants home before it was too late.
To be continued. . .
Jake Moon and all the Jake variants belong to me
Makayla Light belongs to makaylaLight435
TMNT belongs to Nickelodeon
Tales of Arcadia and Megamind belongs to DreamWorks
All rights reserved
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