Chapter 22 ~ Alliances
Nikolai hissed with pain, jerking in Yuri's grasp while Danitza tended to his injured side. The Mage harbored no sympathy for him and made it evident with every stab of the needle through his flesh. Nikolai was certain she could heal him just by using magic if she so desired.
The needle bit into his skin once more and he yelped. "Goddess above, could you at least stop stabbing so hard?" Nikolai glowered at the Mage.
"You're lucky the wound didn't go any deeper, and that it didn't disrupt my magic," Danitza grunted.
"Disrupt your magic? You mean, those spirits could've broken through Nik's glamour and exposed him?" Yuri demanded. Behind him, Mischa crossed his arms with a frown. Nikolai didn't miss the way his fingers tightened around his biceps.
"Immense bodily strain can break any glamouring spell a Mage casts over an individual," Danitza explained. "If Nikolai's injuries had been worse, or if he'd even been killed, his glamour would've faded immediately."
"You should've told me that before the challenge began," Nikolai huffed. Pain split through his side again. "Ow, shit!" He dug his fingers into the edge of the crate he sat upon. Yuri was the only thing preventing him from leaping to his feet and escaping the torturous Mage.
"I didn't believe you'd actually face undead threats in those Woods," Danitza replied. "I thought it was just superstition."
"They were all too real." Nikolai closed his eyes and drew a measured breath. Danitza's next few stitches were slightly more gentle. "What do you think happened to those spirits I told you about? Could it be a Mage disguised as a Knight?"
"It's highly unlikely. If there were other Mages here, I would know. We have the ability to sense a person's magic, if they possess any." A thoughtful look crept into her ice blue eyes, but Danitza said nothing more. Nikolai didn't press the matter, knowing it would only get him another stab in the side.
"What about that Silent Knight?" Mischa asked. "I asked around but no one seems to know who he is or where he comes from."
"He's riding Moxie, which means he has to be from Nyctoli," Nikolai surmised, rubbing a hand over his cheek and onto his stubbled chin. It was nice to feel his own features again, rather than Sir Arlov's. "Either that or he stole her for the competition."
"I don't know of any Nyctolians who would want to sneak along and pose as a Knight, knowing the sentence that awaits them if they're caught," Yuri pointed out. Nikolai raised a brow. "Besides you, of course."
"Could it be the Princess's brother?" Danitza asked.
Nikolai thought for a moment. "He's close to Alexei's height, but I don't think Alexei would do something like this. And I don't think the Silent Knight is responsible for what happened to the spirits."
Danitza tied off the last of his stitches and stood. "We know nothing for certain. You'll just have to see if you can learn the identity of this mystery Knight while I look for other Mages in our midst. Now, pack your things and get some rest. There's a banquet tomorrow and we'll leave for Eldon the morning after."
Nikolai rose and Yuri and Mischa headed towards the tent entrance. "Oh, Nikolai," Danitza called. His friends paused and Nikolai faced her. Danitza cupped his face in her hands and began to chant softly, her words all but incomprehensible. Nikolai waited for the familiar tingling to fill his skin as his features were replaced by those of Alyosha Arlov.
His short curly hair lengthened into wavy locks. Brown eyes flecked with amber took on an almost black hue. His bronze skin lightened into a warm golden-brown. Danitza released him and Nikolai followed Mischa and Yuri out of the tent.
"What now?" Yuri asked. "Want to see if there are any brawling matches set?"
"You guys can go without me," Nikolai answered. "Sleep is the only thing that sounds fun to me right now."
"All right. Rest up." Mischa patted his shoulder as he walked by. "And wish me luck. I want to put a few Andrians in their place."
Nikolai chuckled and turned towards his own tent. "Are you all right?" Yuri called.
Nikolai looked back at him. "I'm fine. Why?"
"You just spent seven days in a haunted forest, fighting spirits that nearly gutted you."
Nikolai grimaced. "That's been a highlight of the trip so far." Yuri narrowed his eyes, but that wasn't enough to hide the concern reflecting within their brown depths. "I'm all right, honestly. I just need a little time to rest and recover."
"All right." Nikolai turned to leave once more. "I'm not as familiar with Nastasia as you are, but I do know that she'd probably prefer to see you alive and in one piece upon our return to Dimesa," Yuri added. "I think it'd be difficult for anyone to love a corpse."
Nikolai bit his lip and ducked into his tent, not bothering to reply. He dropped onto his bedroll and pulled his poetry journal out of the satchel beside it. A few of its pages had been stained by blood. Nikolai flipped to a clean sheet and tore it out, then began to write.
His mother would be pleased to hear that both he and Volya were all right, although she'd be less thrilled about the danger they'd already faced. And even though he didn't believe the Silent Knight was the Prince in disguise, he hoped his mother could tell him whether or not Alexei was missing from the palace. Nikolai set his pen to the paper and began to write.
Nastasia remained in the shelter of her tent, both because she was busy cleaning her armor, and because she didn't want to listen to the rumors about the Silent Knight that were now circulating. I should've known they'd notice me immediately, Nastasia scolded herself once again. I should've taken more precautions.
She scrubbed at a particularly dirty section of her armor and ground her teeth in frustration. Finally, Nastasia forced herself to relax. At least I won't have to hide my presence from the other Knights as much. Although, I suppose I'll be expected to make appearances at the banquets and balls. I'll have to go in my armor or something. None of them can see my face or hair.
She jumped as someone pushed her tent flaps aside. Nastasia's eyes widened as two young women entered. One of them was the same girl who'd spoken on her behalf, Lord Anton's daughter.
"Oh, my apologies," the woman said. "We were looking for..." Her brilliant green gaze fell to the armor littering the floor of the tent. Her full lips curled into a spectacular grin. "Oh, this is brilliant! Isn't it brilliant, Elise?" Her companion didn't have a chance to reply. The woman grabbed Nastasia by the arm and pulled her to her feet. "You're the Silent Knight?"
Nastasia clapped a hand over the woman's mouth. "Hush before someone hears you! Do you know what could happen if I'm discovered right now?"
"Sorry," the woman murmured when Nastasia lowered her hand. "I was expecting the Silent Knight's identity to be a surprise, but to find out that he's actually a woman in disguise? It's better than I imagined! I'm Josephine. Josephine Dahl." She took Nastasia's hand and shook it firmly. "I'm sorry about my father, threatening to arrest you and all that. He hasn't a flair for theatrics, I'm afraid."
Nastasia nodded hesitantly, still eyeing the newcomers with some distrust. "I can trust you to keep my secret safe, can't I?"
"Of course. I wouldn't give this up for the life of me. Just wait until you win the tournament and all those pompous old bastards learn they've been bested by a woman! And Elise won't say anything, of course." Josephine gestured to her companion.
Elise bobbed a curtsy, lowering her rich brown gaze. "Elise Anselm. Your secret is safe with me."
"You can call me Nasi," Nastasia replied. She glanced between the two women, wondering if they would question her about her pale hair or unusual nickname. Neither of them said anything though. They were still studying her, just as she was studying them.
It was clear to Nastasia that Josephine was the leader of the pair. Elise seemed to shrink behind her, though that wasn't hard to do. Josephine was tall and curvy, while Elise had more of a delicate, willowy frame. Josephine's vibrant eyes perfectly complemented her gold kissed bronze skin, and stray wisps of dark curly hair hung over her brow and shoulders.
Elise's complexion was cooler than Josephine's, her dusty brown skin lacking a warm golden hue. Nastasia guessed that Josephine spent more time outdoors than she did. Elise's eyes were darker than her thick mousy hair, which lay down her back in one smooth plait.
"Why did you join the tournament?" Josephine asked, breaking the silence that had settled over the area. She clasped her hands together with an excited gasp. "Are you and the Princess secret lovers?"
Nastasia shook her head at once. "No, nothing like that."
"A pity. That would be so romantic."
Nastasia pursed her lips, considering her answer carefully. "The Princess wanted to know more about the men competing for her before the tournament ended. I'm here to learn about them on her behalf."
"How generous of you," Josephine said. "What you're doing is incredibly dangerous."
"Believe me, I know."
"Does anyone else know you're here?" Elise asked, her voice low and soft.
"Not that I know of. The two of you are the first to discover my secret." Of course, there was the Mage who had warned her to conceal her power, but did she know the truth, or had she guessed Nastasia to be another Mage?
"We must help you then," Josephine said firmly.
"Oh, that won't be necessary. I can handle..."
"Of course you can, but think about it. You're staying with servants and posing as a Knight. You won't get close to the men outside of challenges, and you might be too busy trying to stay alive to learn much about them then. Not to mention you'll need help concealing your identity. I'm the daughter of a Lord of Blod. I can provide any excuse you need during the tournament, and Elise and I can both help you keep your secret. It will be fun!"
"And dangerous," Elise warned. "Suppose she is discovered and our roles are revealed as well? We'll be just as guilty as her."
Josephine rolled her eyes. "Well, it's not like we couldn't be found guilty now. We already know her secret. We just aren't involved."
Nastasia's head was spinning. She massaged her temples wearily, then straightened. "I have an idea. We don't really know each other yet which makes me wary of accepting your help, but you're right. It would be easier to do this if I had someone else to cover for me."
"Why don't we have a test run of sorts?" She continued. "There's a few things I'll need help with at the banquet tomorrow, since I'm sure I'll be expected to attend. You can help me out, and if it works well, I'll accept your help for the rest of the tournament."
Josephine grinned and turned to Elise. "What do you think?"
"I don't know," Elise sighed. "It's risky."
"Risky, but fun."
Elise gave a small nod. "All right. I suppose there's no harm in our helping you tomorrow, at least."
Nastasia smiled. "Thank you."
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