chapter 9

Me and chase has been talking quite a lot after our journey to the underground
Ancient ruins. He calls me alot when he has the time and he tells me about his progress with blizzard and how well blizzard gets along with lock and his other monsuno how and jinja likes to steal him when she likes it.

I get a fuzzy feeling when he calls. Like I wanted him to call. I wanted to know about these feelings so I looked for information about this and it's called a crush and love for the person you like.

I blushed so hard that I punched the computer and it broke down, my monsuno were worried about me,seeing me so red and destroying things they thought I was going through something rough. They tried to cheer me up by doing some tricks.

Then I realized something we hold hands, he seen me blushing many times in the ruins. I never liked anyone so I didn't know how to act around him and blushed too much. Ahhhhh I bang my head against the table and wanted to dig a hole and hide in it, my face was getting reder. My monsuno's looked even more worried they ever seen me so embarrassed before.

Just as I was going to get a shovel to dig a hole bury myself in,a call came and it was chase I was freaking out if I should take the call or throw it out the window.

Leo could not take it anymore and throw the phone to my face with the look that said 'answer it'

I got toke a deep breath and answer the call"chase what's wrong? why did you call" ahhhhhh Sumi why did you say it like probably sounded wrong.

"Sumi I need your help and need it argently. Kilpses toke my dad and he's in danger we could really need your use help in saving him" Said chase through the phone, and it took me by surprise teacher was captured by Kilpses of people

"chase tell me everything what and how he was captured because he isn't someone who can be captured just like that what did Kilpses use to capture him? " I said in a calm voice to calm him down, I really am in love what a drag.

"Sumi you remember the monster we fought in the ruins,a human that turned to a monsuno well Kilpses turned jone ace into a monsuno to capture my dad" said chase.

Well thinks want from crazy to a catastrophe what the hell Kilpses this was your most horrible idea yet.

"Ok send me your location so I can know where you are and get there quickly, chase until then stay safe" I said softly

"I will and thank's. I will send you my location we will meet in Kilpses new base and sumi stay safe too" I heard chase say the last sentence softly and I can also see him giving me a gently smile.

The call ended and I run to get ready and packed my core's and especially Ryu. I know I will need him. I see the location chase sand me and saw that I will arrive a bit late.

"Ryu launch"
I launched a purple and black detail core and came out Ryu in all his glory.

"GGAAAHHHH!!!! " Ryu's roar shook my base I know Ryu may not look strong but he is the strongest and respected older brother of all my monsuno who also like's to mother me.

Ryu looked at me as if asking did I get in any trouble while he was in his core relaxing. yes the reason Ryu never came out of his core was because he was on a relaxing vacation in his core from all his problem aka me and my other monsuno.

"No I didn't get in any trouble but teacher sure did got himself captured and we are about go and rescu-" I didn't get to finish as Ryu lifted me up on his back and rushed out of the base he must really wanted to save teacher as he is the only adult we know and don't hate.

I told Ryu the location and he was flying even faster.

We made it to the location point and I looked at the place with my device to see where monsuno essence can be found and found it on an abandoned building.

I told Ryu and he rushed for it toward the building and his body glowed and made a front shield and dash in to the building shaking the building diving in to it and destroying half the rooftop.

We landed right in the middle of the battle and Ryu roars loudly shaking the already destroyed building and making the other monsuno back of a bit because of ryu's killing aura

"Seeker do you must always crash the fun" said an annoyed Kilpses.

"Of course seeing you in pain gives me a pleasing feeling and you kidnapped my teacher boldy"I said not interested in what else he was going to say and looked for teacher and saw him chained and I was pissed.

" TEACHER!!!!?"said everyone, confused.

"Sumi is that you?said teacher aka jeredy.

" teacher nice to you alive and kicking "I said jokingly only for me to him pissed.

" don't joke with me young lady, why did you stop answering my calls after only calling for a hole year and we had a deal young lady. I only let you go because we made a deal about you calling every week"ah oh I forgot about that and now I am sweating a lot to answer those questions. "Ryu I thought you would keep her in line so she doesn't go on a rampage and look my baby student has a bounty on her head" teacher said Ryu put his head down in shame for failing teacher. The other were to shocked to speak were trying to process what is happening.

"Teacher this is not the place to have this conversation and I came to rescue you and your the one who told me go to your lab get the clue that you knew I will be to lazy to code it what were you even doing by saying in your message that you could be in danger I had to drop everything and come to help you and now you're scolding me?"

"That was the only way to get you out of hiding so I could find my troublesome student and I knew you were going to be to lazy to code it that's why I did it and I also knew that you will make other's solve your problems without them knowing and sumi i still am your teacher it my right to worry for you not to starve yourself or going to far in harming others for information I still remember how you slapped the person who tried to steal my project and knocked out his teeth and than punch him until the guard had to bring him to hospital" tch he deserves it"

The others were looking back and forth seeing them argue Kilpses tried to say something but only for him to be slapped with a slippers that sumi packed for emergency and team core-tech laughed at Kilpses for that.

"If only I had some popcorn" said bren
"For once I agree with glasses" said Dax

"Enoug-wait did you say teacher and student and did you say her name was sumi? Asked Kilpses rubbing his nose. Than it click in his mind who I really am,

" youuuuu are the brat I hated the most!!! Yelled Kilpses

"It's about time you used your brain boldy" I said removing my mask and cloak and smirked.

"Wait sumi you never told me my dad was your teacher?" Said chase

"But chase you never asked?" I said very gently.

" Enough with this freedom striker sonic howl~"said the guy with a eye patch.

"Ryu inferno blast" I said casually.

Ryu blast a massive purple fire blast at freedom striker which hit hard and freedom striker backed away a bit.

"Ahh this is getting annoying, teacher we can talk about this once we get you free and running and you can scold me all you want but now I have to punch a certain someone" I said getting irritated.

"If it's Kilpses you have my permission to go wild" said teacher

"WHAT!!!?" Said everyone.

"What did you just unleash on me jeredy" yelled Kilpses

"Ryu you know what to do" Ryu nodded I got down from his back and ryu's hole body was glowing purple and launched a deadly spear slicer at all the red monsuno making them unable to move.

"What did you do backslash get moving" but he couldn't "Ryu wiping slash" from ryu's body purple wipe formed and with a knife on top and wiped all the red monsuno until they returned back to their cores.

I was going to punch Kilpses but I saw him running to the controls and press a button that made the floor that teacher was on go up.

"Dad hang on" yelled chase tried to free teacher when Ryu was fighting them.

The building was going down, I hope it wasn't my fault.

I ran to chase and grabbed him and rushed to his friends .Ryu used himself  as a shield to protect them from getting hurt and I ran under ryu's Wing so we don't get buried alive"Ryu body shield"
Ryu's horns were glowing and from a shield around us.

After the building was down we saw Kilpses using a video to show how he was fine and attacking with lagers which Ryu pretty much blocked but we had to run from it because he couldn't protect us forever a blast was hit at the mask guy which his monsuno saved him from but he was pretty injured so I carried him over my shoulder and grabbed his core and got on Ryu and the other's launched their flying monsuno to fly away from here.

Then we saw storm coming our way seriously why do they keep coming.

Storm fired at Kilpses ship and it did nothing to his ship and hired again but still nothing and Kilpses hit his laser at storm that pretty much destroyed them.but they still survive what a surprise.

My device packed something up from above and saw a massive white blast at Kilpses ship. That blast destroyed his ship.

I stayed above if they needed any help and I have a injured person on my monsuno so couldn't do much but watch the show and saw chase with his friends fight storm and Kilpses.

If only I had some popcorn and 3D glasses than this would be like a movie.
Wait I do have popcorn I opened my bag and found popcorn packed.

I was eating and feeding Ryu popcorn.
And saw their battle from above I could help them but what's the fun in that.

Ya I like chase but sometimes you have to do your battle by yourself.

I just have to punch Kilpses when he is not looking.

I noticed with all this fight it was powering Kilpses device that he made that was filled with monsuno energy and it exploded making all the monsuno go back to their cores but Ryu still stayed because he didn't have that much energy in him.

I wanted to go down to help chase but Ryu didn't want to go down because he was worried for me.

Than the ground shakes and came out four blue wings at first I thought it was evo but it was lock they fused but not just lock, Kilpses monsuno and the old lady's monsuno's too.

My eyes were wide with astonishment monsuno can do that?

Of course the old lady would want to ruin the moment with her loud voice.

They all attacking lock. Ryu got out of the way to it doesn't effect us.

Lock was knocked down I got worried but he launched up to the sky and the other two follows him I don't know what happened but saw Kilpses monsuno and the old lady's monsuno coming back to their cores and so I thought this was the perfect time to go down and punch Kilpses. I saw lock coming back and knew he was alright.

Ryu followed Kilpses and I got in front of him cracking my fingers and giving him a crazy smile, he was backing away with his butler "let's talk about this sumi" Kilpses said but my fingers were looking something to punch and I punched him and his butler hard knocking them out leaving them in a alley way.

I realized the sun was going down so I want to look for chase and found him and his friends and teacher all right and was about to leave thinking they didn't saw me but two hands hold my shoulders I turned around and saw teacher and chase they were giving me a scary smile. I knew I was doomed.

And now I was on my knees with teacher standing in front of me scolding the living day light out of me. The others felt sorry for me "I can't believe you became to lazy to give a call to tell me you were alright" I wasn't lazy I was in a learning process of fighting and looking for information I didn't mean to stop calling you"."well your grounded"

"WHAT!!!!" I yelled "your not my dad so you can't ground me".

"I was the only one taking care of you like my own daughter and I am still your teacher, so I have the privilege of grounding you" scolded teacher, Ryu pretty much got scolded as well but not much as me.i wanted to cry I was grounded just like that.

"It funny how sumi is grounded" said bren holding his laugh.

I will get him for that later.

No one______
Before sumi was caught and was grounded jeredy give chase the fail safe device and to decide but chase throw it away by saying monsuno were staying and to look for a another way to stop this.

After that chase decide to talk to his dad about how did he knew sumi,jeredy told him how he found sumi when she was 9 years old in a forest with half of her memory gone and how she didn't trust him at all he showed him the bit marks she made when he tries to get close to her at that time it took him weeks to get his trust she only trust him but she despises people and would hiss at them so he had to home school her and she stayed at his lab he told them everything he knows about her and what a headache she used to be and still is when she gone on her journey they made a deal to call each other but she either forget or became to lazy after only staying in contact for a year.

After listening to the story chase now had an understanding of sumi better that he loves her more and he told his feelings to his dad and jeredy at first almost want on a protection dad mode but then thought he always wanted sumire to become his daughter but she always says no but if she marries chase she can officially became his daughter.

Jeredy nodded to himself and hold chases shoulders with a big smile that almost freaked him out.

"Chase how do you feel about sumi? Do you want to marry her? Asked jeredy.

When chase heard that he blushed hard" da-a-ad what are you saying we didn't even start to date yet let alone married "

"I'm not forcing you chase but if you like her you have to get married because she doesn't trust anyone and I once asked her about what kind of person she would like to marry and she said she would like a person that will stay with her no matter how crazy or bad the situation gets and doesn't betray her because if they did she will kill them herself"jeredy know at that time she want along with his nonsense even if she didn't understand it just to humour him but he knows she was serious and now he is worried for his son if he likes her.

Now chase knows his own feelings so he can't lie about it to his dad " ok if she agrees than I guess we could get married when we get older "said chase embarrassed, his friends mouth were open and shocked.

" well I hope I get to be your best man at you wedding"said Dax breaking the silence

"Hey I'm his best friend so the honor should go to me" said bren.

"You boys should figure it out while I am positive sumi will choose me as her best bride's maid" said jinja smirking.

They all were arguing about chase wedding when he didn't even confess to sumi. Chase was shocked at how they were all chill by this news.

"You guys are all ok with this? " asked chase.

"Of course we are, chase we know it's sudden but it's your life chase you can do whatever you want and it's not like your getting married right now but in time so we are making plans for that day" said jinja,

"Ya what she said" said bren with Dax nodding.

"Thanks guys" said chase.

They all smiles at him.

Now back to sumi who was grounded
She really wanted to cry how can she be grounded she was 15 years old.

"Ok dad I think you scolded her enough" said my hero chase .

"Ok I think so too" said jeredy

After sumi got up from the ground with chases help they want to a alone place with jeredy to talk.

"Sumi I heard you collected a lot of information over the years did you have any breakthrough? Asked. Jeredy

" ya I did and I give your son a core as well"just I said that blizzard came out of his core "(bark) " hey boy did you have a nice nap"asked chase petting him and blizzard purred like a cat.

"It seems your getting alone quite well"I said smiling at them.

" wow you made blizzard like Leo now did you? Asked jeredy petting blizzard.

"It actually was an accident " I said which was true.

"Seriously why am I not surprised" said jeredy.

"So you didn't ask me to come here to just talk about information now did you teacher" I asked raising my one of my eye brow,

"I can't get passed you now can I " said jeredy, chase was blushed and knew what was coming.

"Sumi how do you feel about chase? Jeredy dropped the bomb.

Sumi couldn't hide her blush as he asked her this question " wh-a-at are you talking about teacher?

"I'm talking about is what is your feelings toward chase and do you love him?" And here I thought I was the brutality honest one but teacher toke it to the next level.

"It not that I hate him bu-" just say you hate him or you love him just pick those two"sumi was blushing couldn't think straight "i-i love him"

"There you go and would you like to marry him?" Said jeredy.

"What we haven't even started to date yet where did marriage come from?" I said confused.

"Do you want to marry him or not when you get older? " asked teacher

"Fine I will marry him when I get older so stop being so pushy" I said trying to hiding my face with my hands

"Ok then that's settled why don't you two  talk things out and you did just confess" said jeredy getting out of there.

I couldn't look at chase because I was to embarrassed to talk but I felt chase take my hand away from my face "sorry sumi he really wanted you as his daughter and thought this way would be best and you don't have to worry we can take this slow and get to know each other better" said chase softly smiling at me

And my embarrassment want away with his words wait did he like me too.

"Wait you like me too?"I asked
" well ya of course I do ,it was love at first sight for me ,your the most amazing and smart girl I ever seen why wouldn't I like you "said chase

I smiled at his words no one ever said that about me and my confidence with my sassymess was back I pulled chase toward me and sat him down next to me and smirked " you know now that we are dating you can talk to me about anything but you can't talk me out of my craziness and you will be with me no matter how any people I beat up like kilpses who i left beaten up in a alleyway"chase was dumbfounded with my change emotion but smile at me and then he must have realized something I said because his eyes were wide "wait you beat up kilpses?? "

"ya teach give me his permission to do it" I said smiling and giving him a kiss on the cheek and hugging his arm.

I saw chase shake his head smiles and hugs me back "the others are definitely watching us and you dad is probably tearing up" I said chase smiled "ya they most definitely are"

No one______
And they were right the other's were watching them and jeredy was tearing up "they look so cute together" said jinja

"I will show this at their wedding" said bren recording.
"Or we can use this as black mail" said Dax
"We shouldn't spy on them .we are disturbing their privacy " said bayal

"Oh ya than why are you spying on them with us" said Dax.

"Ok ok kids we saw what we wanted to see so let's give them their privacy" said jeredy pushing them away to do their thing.

And the next day sumi toke them to her base to relax a bit and found it a mess again it was yota this time and he shows an Innocent smile that said he was a good boy and chase had to take sumi away before she exploded and ryu made yota clean the base and bren helped him

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