chapter 5
It been two weeks After backstabbing klipses, sumi wanted to hunt more people for information and she heard about a wild core and how storm wanted to get it but failed miserably and chase stopped them and whatever and how storm wanted to catch them also failed heh
And how did sumi know this because she has a tracker on strom for if new information comes.
She knows klipses will go for the wild core. She won't lie but she also wanted to study the wild core but leo had another plan's right now leo wanted to camp and sumi is trying trying to talk him out of it
"Hey camping is not that fun as getting information and smacking people in the faces come on work with me here"sumi begs leo, but leo really wanted a vacation, so he was not moving from his spot and sumi doesn't like to force her monsuno and leo knows it.
So here they are camping with a low profile and leo was excited to be in a forest and not in the desert and sky. He was jumping around the forest and ignoring a grumpy sumi who was seating up camp.
Sumi want to a river near by and started fishing. Suddenly her three monsuno came out of there core blue, yota, new face that has a eagle head and wings but no arms the bottom half was like a dinosaur t-rex , his name was suma and he had a Tsundare personality
It something like this but the color is light blue and a little red it's eyes are red)
" let me guess you all want in on the vacation huh"said a smirking sumi.
Blue nodded many times and gave a guffy smile and yota was jumping up and down with excitement, and suma just turned his head but she can see his tail wagging "alright you guys get to join the forced vacation I'm surprised Ryu didn't join but you all have to be small like leo" said sumi bring out three purple pills and blue and yota excitedly eats it and become small like leo, suma eats it gracefully but his tail hasn't stopped wagging sumi saw it but didn't want to ruin its ego so she acts like she didn't see it.
The pills were something sumi made from seeing leo's ability to turn small she than thoughts why don't I make something similar for the anothers so they don't feel left out.
But it's effect lasts 10 hours they can turn back whenever they want tho and it had no side effects so it was win in sumi and her monsunos case.
While her monsunos were having a blast she looked at them and smiled this is what she loves about her monsunos not staying in a core and enjoying themselves to the fullest and eating together like a family she never had a loving family because she her parents never wanted her and give her to a orphanage she changes orphanage one after a another she lost joy of every liking a family she knew in order to survive she had to act smartly if not they will throw her away and they always betray her because of that she lost faith in humans. So she ran away.
Jeredy saw her by accident looking for animal DNA for monsuno cores and saw her by the river in theforest.
He had trouble talking to her as she did not trust him one bit he had lots of teeth mark on his arm to prove it but he did not give up and kept coming to see her when she truested him that's when jeredy toke her in she was 9 year old.
because he saw her dull eyes and lack of trust for people and he couldn't leave her there to starve. she stayed in his lab he wanted to take her home and introduce his son chase to her but she didn't want to go and she did not like anyone so he could do nothing but he make a room for her in the lab and buyed a fridge to put her food in.
At first she didn't care for jeredy suno and just ignored him but when she saw what he was working on she became curious and looked at what he was doing and she couldn't take her eyes of the project and jeredy noticed and asked her to came and help and she didn't ignore him after that and jeredy couldn't be more happy. He did bring chase to his lab once and chase did see her from a far and when sumi realized that someone was watching her, she hides.
Jeredy couldn't bring her to school so he home schooled her.
Jeredy saw she was a genius at what she does and decided to bring her to look at the monsuno essence and she saw so many life forms and got to work and when strom saw her with jeredy they thought she was a relative and did not care for her. But Jeredy's coworkers had something to say they did not like her and she did not like them. She used to call klipses boldy that he hates and a another person she forget the name of that couldn't talk properly and was scared of everything she had fun pranking him.
They complained a lot to jeredy because of her giving him a headache, but he knew she means well and getting better with people and didn't stop her from doing her thing and when she created her first monsuno Ryu jeredy was amazed and would not stop asking questions about it and she slowly explained it. But there was one problem with jeredy he wanted her to call him dad which she denied. So he got the title of teacher he thought was good enough.
She saw monsuno as something that would never betrays so she wanted her monsunos to be more sentient and for that she wanted to research more and she told her thoughts to jeredy and he supported her idea and when she said she wanted to explore he wanted to reject it but knew he could not stop her so he told her call him every week and she agreed and he was also worried because she was a little, no too lazy and her monsuno had to take care of her .
He knew his student was a little crazy on the head but she was a good girl. Jeredy seen her out by telling her to find him if she had any problems but right now she has to take care of his problem thought sumi as she cooked for her monsunos she wasn't a great cook but she would make healthy meal for her monsunos.
She only ever learned to cook because ryu begged her too so she doesn't starve to death.
When the food was ready she called her monsunos and they came running for their food ya she really likes to spoil her monsunos. They ate like they starved for days which is not true sumi would feed them but they didn't need to eat at all they were just drama queens or kings well whatever.
After they were full they started to run or fly in suma and blue case , and sumi decided lay on the ground and see the sun going down when was the last time she layed like this and relaxed and the night came she made the tent for her and her monsunos. And they quickly fell asleep.
The next morning
Sumi woke up and saw three big body around her and her tent was destroyed.
The pills effect much have worn off sumi thought and and her monsunos also woke up and stretched their body and looked around and saw the destroyed tent and was shocked especially leo his tent and angrily looked at the three and was scolding them blue and yota had their heads down but suma just turned away but we can see his tail was down.
"OK OK no need to be angry leo, your the older brother you know they couldn't help it you should understand, the pills effect was gone it's not their fault" blue and yota were behind sumi hiding and nodding their heads and suma also wanted to hide so he acted like he wasn't there "and I'll buy a another tent even big and fancyer " after sumi said that leo was finally calm. It's funny to see three big monsuno get scared of a small cat hehe.
Suddenly we heard loud sounds of a battle and fighting we decided to check it out and when we got there we saw blue core's fighting red core's it looks like blue core's are losing 'wait I know them' thought sumi yota was excited to battle too so he keeps looking at sumi to give the signal
"Hahaha it looks like you lose" ohh how sumi hated that voice medea that ugly lady. "Yota how about you sit this one out " when yota heard that didn't want to agree but he was glared at by leo so he stopped with his ears down.
"Leo it's been a long time since you had some fun right wanna go" leo nodded and sumi had a dark smirk.
"Leo go full form" Leo ran ahead and jumped in front of chase friends.
"Huh! Didn't that cat belong to the seeker " said bren.
"Awww it looks like you have a little kitten to protect you hahaha" medea laughed with her Survents.
But Leo growled and glowed shocking everyone
Leo then became a big ferocious lion
(Pretend There is a big horn on his head)
"Bloody hell it was monsuno all along" said Dax
"I didn't know monsuno couldn do that " said jinja.
"Monsuno are full of mystery " said bayal.
Bren was just speechless with his mouth open jinja closed it for him.
"Arrr so what, it still one against four" said medea
Leo opened his mouth and let out a fire blast , the red monsuno was about to dodge but it couldn't on time because Leo moved the blast strait toward it.
"What? " yelled one of the guys looking at his monsuno core seeing half of it power was gone with that one attack.
"That monsuno is a monster" said the another guy working for medea
"Now your saying to hurt my leo's feeling and I can't accept that" said sumi coming out of hiding everyone looked at her and three more monsuno behind her.
"Waaa seeker are we glad to see you" said bren.
"Ya thanks for the save " said Dax
"What? I didn't come to help you guys but I could give you a hand and I just hate that ugly lady" said sumi without blinking
"Whaa UGLY!!!! You don't know what true beauty is " yelled medea very angry
"I don't see any beauty but a sea slug" said sumi. bren, jinja and Dax laughed
"Hahaha good one" said bren
"Agrrr you will pay poisonwing attack" order medea and her monsuno attack.
"Leo fire tornado and make it snappy" asked sumi, Leo smirked and opened it mouth upwards and a fire tornado came
Out and Leo launched it at poisonwing. Poisonwing had no chance against that attack and fell in to it and when the attack was over poisonwing was very weakened.
"Hooo now that was an attack" said jinja
Bren ,bayal and Dax were nodding.
"Hey aren't your other monsuno going to fight" said Dax
" no they just wanted to enjoy the show you guys can sit with them if you like "said sumi.
" no need to tell me twice"said Bren got going to yota and hiding under his tails they were fluffy "hey wait for me Bren" said jinja following her were bayal and dax
But Dax was captured by blue into a big hug and started to lick his face with a guffy smile "oye oye enough already" "awww he likes you haha" said jinja laughed at Dax misfortune. Blue stopped licking Dax and turned to Jinja and started to purrr"awww who wouldn't like a sweet baby like you "said jinja hugging blues head and turned to Dax again started to purrr " alright alright your cute"Dax giving up and petting blue.
Bayal was watching Leo fight and he saw Leo taking little to no damage when he felt big wings around him and he looked at suma who turned his head away "thank you friend" said bayal.
suma wasn't jealous of his brothers playing with them no way but he thought bayal was cold so he used is wings "gahh"said softly suma
Just when one of the red monsuno was about to sneak attack behind Leo another attack stopped it Leo and the others looked at where it came from and saw lock and chase and commander ace
Running their away " sorry we're late guy-"chase stopped what he was about to say because his friends were completely fine it looks like they are enjoying the show with different colors of monsuno he recalls the fox monsuno and saw Bren relaxing on it tails , Dax and jinja sitting on a golden Griffens big paws petting it's head and bayal comfy with a eagle monsuno, "huh what are you guys doing?" Asked chase "Enjoy the show like seeker said" said Bren laying on yota's tails
Chase then looked at the big fire lion and saw sumi aka the seeker and she didn't pay any attention to him, so he ran to her side and lock ran to leo's side"ok we can do take care of this together"said chase "do what you want" said sumi.
"I am not going sit here and let them have all the fun "said Dex struggling in blues grap and blue let him go sadly and jinja comforted him.
" oye"Dex called bayal and throwed a core " new monsuno"and ran to launch airswitch.
Bayal looked at the core and walked out of suma's wing "arachnablade launch"
A new spider like monsuno with crystal legs came out it was powerful taking out the red monsuno with two moves"this monsuno is so powerful"thought bayal
Sumi saw the others could handle the situation so she did what she wanted to do she ran at medea shocking chase when he saw her punch medea knocking her down on the ground
"y-y-you punched me" said shocked looking madea holding her cheek.
"Mistress!!! " her guys yelled
"Woah now that was a punch" said jinja
"Ya it was so cool" said Bren
"I wanted to do more than just a punch but I wanted to smash that face of yours so prepare for more" said sumi with a dark look in her eyes and cracking her fingers. And gave a few more punches
Others can hear her screams "ohh that's gotta hurt " said Dax and bayal nodding "she is going to feel that for a week" said commander ace and chase couldn't agree more.
"Get away from our mistress" yelled one big guy he was going to punch sumi but she used his strength against him and blocked his arm chi and his arms couldn't move "gahhh what did you do to me" said the big guy but sumi just kicked him in the stomach. "Ok my anger is gone now and I am satisfied" said sumi.
"Leo let's go we have a city to go to get your new tent" when Leo heard that he turned small again shocking everyone and jumping on sumi's shoulder"you guys can handle them now"said sumi to chase "huh but I have to ask you something " "you can ask me when we meet again right now I have a cat to spoil and my other monsuno's too" said sumi when her other monsuno heard that they cheered
" aww your leaving "bren said getting up from yota's talis
Yota gave a big lick to bren to cheer him up which made bren laugh, jinja was giving blue a big hug and stepping away.
Sumi pulled out two pills and fad them they turned small besides suma and he knew why " woah what did you feed them that they turned small""awww you two are so cute"said bren and jinja.
Sumi said nothing but picked up the two and got on suma and suma flew away.
"Garrrr were is she" said Medea with swelling red cheeks getting up from the ground the others laughed looking at her.
She touched her cheeks and screamed"I'll get you for this seeker"Medea yelled which fell deaf ears for sumi as she was flying away.
Medea saw they were out numbered so they retreated, and the others sighed of relief.
After the fight commander ace left and chase figures out how Medea was tracking and warned her "man if seeker didn't come we would have been toast" said bren. "Ya her monsuno's were unique and more sentient i'm going to miss blue he was so cute" said jinja.
"Speak for yourself you didn't get licked and I did and the saliva also want into my mouth"said Dax , " I guess we have to thank her and she said she couldn't talk with me because she was going to spoil her monsuno's she must love her monsuno's "said chase. " yes chase her bond with her monsuno is so strong that she doesn't need to say anything to her monsuno they fight as one"said bayal
"Well we will meet her again she said we will and I still can't forget Medea's swelling cheeks it was hilarious " said chase laughing and everyone joined.
Meanwhile, sumi as she said was spoiling her monsuno with anything they want , her monsuno's were having a blast enjoy themselves and sumi was looking her wallet that almost became empty they were just going to get a tent not hole shopping chart. Sumi had tears in her eyes. Why her wallet.
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