chapter 12

After the beach vacation and barbecue they got a call to return to the train lab by jeredy because John ace was in trouble and they did what they were told.

"So your asking me to go with them?" Said sumi a little excited to go with chase

"Yes as you know that place and have an idea what's in that jungle more then anyone " said jeredy

"Ok sure why not" said sumi

"Ok let's go find a cure for John ace" said chase.

After getting ready to go "hey sumi why did you pack two bags? we're not going on a picnic" asked bren

"What I packed will help us on our journey so shut up and see what they are used for besides I packed same snacks for the road" said sumi

Leo was already on her shoulder ready to go he didn't like that place much not because of the mosquitoes but because of the energy in that place.

They launched their monsuno to fly their sumi decided to ride with chase hugging him as they flyed as dax and bren looked at them with disgust "those two really like to show us we're single" said bren.

"Shut up bren it's romantic if you don't like it then don't watch" said jinja

What they didn't know even if they were whispering chase and sumi could hear them "do we really make them feel single?" Asked chase, sumi shrugged, Leo jumped on chases shoulder for comfort because chase was in front.

They made it to the jungle and looked at the device which will help them contact with jeredy and he can send them the location on were to go.

And as expected bren was surrounded by mosquitos he was complaining to jinja and bayal "yo bren here" sumi throws a mosquito repellent at bren "you had this the entire time why didn't you give it me before I got bit?" Yelled bren "sorry I forgot" said sumi not looking guilty one bit and catch up with chase

"you actually didn't forgot did you" said chase amused "nope I didn't forget " sumi said with a smirk she actually sprayed mosquito repellent on chase earlier so he doesn't get bitten by mosquitos

"How much longer are do we have to walk in this place" said bren.

No one answers him they kept walking until they hit an died end "hold up guys it looks like we hit a died end better call my bad" said chase
Chase called his dad and jeredy came to the screen "hey dad how's John ace?"

"Still very toxic but I'm making progress on his Gene's therapy, have you made it to the site? " asked jeredy
"Well we thought we did but the coordinnates you give us must be wrong I mean there's nothing here but crazy thick jungle top to bottom" said chase showing jeredy what's around them

"No son your in the exact location that all the energy reading are coming from I'm sure of it, that's the exterior just past that wall lies a field rich with meteor fragments and monsuno energy I need you to get me a sample chase" said jeredy

"Then I guess we're just gonna have to do a little gardening, how do you guys feel about taking a little off the top" asked chase,

"Allow me " said jinja "charger launch"

After charger came out of the core he ramed at the vine wall destroying it,

"Looks like we found the energy field now let's see if we can find any meteor fragments" said chase

Sumi looked around and left that they were being followed and decided to stay on high alert but her device was beeping like crazy she can feel energy around here Leo was also on high alert and that's not a good sign, if her lazy cat was in high alert that means there is danger

Sumi walked around and her device was still beeping she heard jinja say "wow this is amazing I can't believe what we found a whole lot of nothing just a bunch of vines" sumi had to agree with her,"this is the energy field this can't be all there is"said chase.

"I mean bleasers mate what did you expect to find" said dax.

"Chase I will look around outside and see if I can find anything if anything happens give me a call" said sumi "ok you also give a call if you find anything or if you're in trouble" said chase sumi nodded and left and chase watched her go.


My device was giving me a hint on where to go and I followed it and walked for a while to see my device was going crazy again but more then before I looked around and sew something glowing light green.

I looked at Leo and he looked at me we shrugged and carefully walked toward the glow and found a fragments but not much but Duson looking fragments like it was powdered I took out a container to take these fragments carefully, I skillfully used my duster to take the fragments and was successful I give Leo a big smile, Leo was on the lookout and looked at my smile and knew we were done,

I caller was ringing and I picked it up and saw chase and got worried "chase what happened" "sumi we need a little help a vine monster is attacking us"" I'm on my way"

I hung up and run to back to the way I came I took a while and when I saw they were fine but what is Madea doing here was my punch not enough,

"Leo do you want-" I could not finish as he shook his head no he didn't want to fight he was still on vacation.

"Fine be that way " I took out yota's core "yota launch" yota roared as he came out of his core ,yota looked around "yota see that lady" yota nodded and was excited to play a prank " you know what to do right kick their butts but with style"yota nodded and ran to hide and to do a sneak attack when they least expect I ran next to chase "sumi you made it a dit late" said chase "sorry chase I was a dit far and came as fast as I could now where is the monster?" I said and looked at madea.

"chase you were right there is horrible looking monsters right in front of us" I said pointing at madea and boy was she angry and the other's were holding a laugh

"Who are you calling horrible looking " yelled madea

"You of course like a sea slug" I said dramatically

Madea now was red with anger and she must have remembered something and looked at me "you-u-u are the seeker who punched me!!"

"It's about time you remembered and I about to do it again" I said With smirk

"As if I will let you punche again dragon wolf attack that girl " just as I wanted my goal was to make her angry as her monsuno came to attack me I moved out of the way and her monsuno stopped and was about to turn around to attack again but yota came out of hiding and jumped on the red monsuno making making him unable to Dodge it yota began to use all his tails around dragon wolf and suck all his energy making him weak,

Medea looked at her core to see her monsuno was almost done for "dragon wolf get out of there" it tried to struggle but couldn't and want back to its core,

"Ohh what move was that he knocked him out with one move " asked chase
"I'll tell you later" said sumi giving chase a sweet smile.

Then a guy came out of nowhere he wanted to challenge chase and chase launched lock and that old looked guy with marking also launched a green looking core it took the form of lock

My eyes were widen ,how?and that guy had some interest in chase over my died body no one takes my man "yota help lock and I will try to attack that guy " yota ran to attack lock , yota attacked the green lock "why are you interfering with our battle"said the guy I now hate.

" why are you asking questions"I took out my syth gun and formed it to a syth.

I want to attack him and he dodged but I kicked him in the stomach and shot some bullet at him "you have some monsuno energy in you why is that " he asked dodging some bullets but not all two bullets hit him on the leg and on the side.

"As if I would know and stop looking at my boyfriend with those eyes it's creepy" I yelled "sumi fall back we have to go" chase yelled I wanted to finish him off before going but Leo called yota to carry me away, Medea followed us with her boys or whatever chase told me feed yota a small pill and I did and they launched out there flying monsuno, and we flew away ,

I heard Medea scream of horror and looked at chase with a smirk "you lead them to the vine monster"
"I know you would figure it out " said chase.

After we landed and made a fire and set around it it turns out that the green core wasn't from Teachers copy it was wasn't anything we ever seen "it looks like you kids didn't get a simple" chase shook his head no "well not all of us " I said getting everyone's attention I took out the fragments I found in the container "wow you actually found some" said bren

"I know sending you was a great decision" said teacher "of course I am the best" I said flipping my hair.

"And that weird looking guy had some interest in Chase for some reason I don't know why but I did not like it" I said
"What kind of interest? " teacher asked,

"Like he wanted to use him or something I don't know but my gut feeling was telling me this and it was never wrong" I said looking at teacher "hmmm if you feel that way then that might be worrying so can you watch over them for me " he asked I of course agreed because I got to hang out with chase.

"And don't worry teacher that weirdo won't get his hands on chase as long as I am here I will destroy him no I will boil him, roast him and eat feed him to the crows"I said with a evil laugh besides chase the others moved away from me Leo slapped me to stop laughing .

" you still think she's cute chase "asked bren,

" ya she's adorable "said chase with a love sick smile on his face,

Dax shook his head " only a fool in love will say that and I am looking at that fool"

"Ya no kidding" said bren and the others had to agree.

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