Chapter 7 - "The Filler Episode"

   The smell of ancient magical books hits my nostrils as I step out of the portal. It reminds me of last week at Kromgore's apartment when I was walking out of the building and a donut-shaped monster tried selling me cocaine and let me have the tiniest sample. Familiar, wonderful, and with a pinch of a ticklish sensation.

   Hissandra's library is the perfect place to host our final meeting right before the big fight with the nun. The thousands of books do nothing for us, don't get it twisted. We use the library as our main headquarters. To put the best minds together and create the most successful plan possible.

   We have not achieved that. So instead, we're hosting one last meeting because the other three standing cities have banded together to send their best warriors to fight with us. One city has fallen despite their best efforts. The nun walked away completely unscathed. She is impervious to everything you throw at her. Now it's our turn, and we're fortunate to have the support of all the other cities. This has to be the final battle, or hell will perish.

   Since discovering my true potential, I've spent numerous days honing my skills with the help of my besties, Hellios and Sephone. Everyone is terrified of what I am capable of. It feels like I'm constantly looking over my shoulder. Every movement and shadow in the corner of my eyes sends nervous chills up and down my spine, as if I'm being warned of my impending doom. Which gives me all the more reason to perfect these abilities.

   And also the fact that I am the answer to defeating this nun.

   I've accepted my fate. Clearly I was given these abilities at the perfect time for a reason. I understand now. I just wish that it didn't put such a large target on my back. Everyone in hell is terrified of power. It is the only thing that allows you to advance in the ranks. It's not how long you've been here or who you know that lets you rule over everyone else. It's simply a matter of power. What do you have that others don't? How many beings can you command that will allow you to be and do whatever you want? Which makes me wonder, if that's the case, how did the king come to power? Is he Lucifer, Hades, Yama, Trisha Paytas, or just one of us who got lucky a billion years ago?

   Hissandra, in particular, is upset with me. She realizes she won't be able to control me like she does her other subjects. Once we've defeated this religious cosplayer, I'll be walking out. I'm not going to be anyone's slave. Nobody will use me.

   The library's layout has been slightly altered to fit more bodies. Everything is wider and more spacious. There's a C-shaped emerald velvet couch around the portal in the center. In front of the empty space that disconnects the shape is a smaller velvet couch in the color red. It's big enough for five more humans, which really tells how much larger this library has become.

   I smile like the psychopath I am as I march my cute ass towards the VIP section. Hellios joins me as I sit down on the extremely comfortable blood-colored couch. Everyone is staring at me and I smile at them and wave, feeling like a princess.

   "In a few minutes, we'll be joined by some of the most powerful beings in hell," Hissandra announces. She slithers around the portal, watching the others sitting away from me like they're scared. "I expect you will all be on your best behavior. This is not the time nor the place for immature quarreling."

   Hellios already informed me that these beings have unique (unique!) powers, and they may seem unstoppable at first glance, but in the end none of them can ever compare to me. It's a nice ego boost, but again, the target on my back grows larger every day.

   On that note, I'm looking forward to meeting them and possibly having more unexplainable sex encounters.

   "As a reminder to those who are new," Hissandra continues, "the nun is able to control monsters. That is how she is able to attack from a long distance. It's how she was able to attack my precious Deathwish. If you are caught by the nun, we will not spare you and will destroy you if we must. This will not be an easy fight, but it's one we have no choice in."

   The hairs on my body suddenly bristle at the faint sound of screaming. It's so low that it's barely noticeable, but the room falls silent as the screams grow louder. It's coming from the portal, and I suspect the first visitor is here. The portal flickers like it's running out of battery, and just like that it goes black. The once vibrant blue color is empty like a void, gloomy cloud of darkness sucking up any joy left in the world. I can feel it, it's exactly how I describe it.

   A silhouette appears in the portal, a subtle shape in the darkness, and it's watching us. A distorted siren sound, similar to a horn, can be heard within the hundreds of screaming voices. It's a shiver-inducing sound that makes my skin crawl. The figure moves forward, gradually revealing itself. Every step is difficult for them, every limb and muscle twitches at the slightest movement, as if it's in pain.

   As the figure fully steps through the portal, the screaming becomes wildly intense. I can almost feel the emotion of each voice and their torturous agony. But it all ceases once the girl is visible. It's quiet again. And I'm frightened by her.

   The girl is young, but she's dead. Her pale skin is decaying so badly that her jaw is dislocated and breaking off. Her white eyes are haunting and wandering blindly. And her long white hair is wet from blood and covering some of her face.

   "Welcome, Kasperia," Hissandra says as she slithers around to meet the dead girl.

   Kasperia limps forward as the screaming voices rise once more, but this time instead of screaming, they speak for her.

   "I am thrilled about the possibility of adding more to my collection." The voices will never leave my head. It's truly as though dozens, if not hundreds, are talking at once, at different sound levels and different emotions.

   "Kasperia is a collector of souls," Hellios whispers in my ear as we watch them talk about our plans. "If anything or anyone dies near her, she will take their soul for all eternity. Whatever you do, don't die around her. You won't be able to be saved if you do."

   It's the first time I've seen Hissandra be courteous to others. I'm curious about Kasperia and what makes her so terrifying—besides the obvious. There is definitely a mystery that begs me to open my mouth and ask, but I will heed Hellios' advice and refrain for the time being. If I want them to take me seriously, I must remain calm and collected.

   There's also a part of me that doesn't want them to feel threatened by me because of what I possess. I don't want to fight, I don't want to offend, and most of all I don't want to wake up in the fountain of blood again.

   Kasperia's eyes snap in my direction. Her body writhes and makes a bone-snapping sound. My heart races as she moves closer to me, bringing her ominous darkness with. Her neck cracks one last time as she stops still a few feet from me.

   "You must be the young soul with much potential."

   "Something like that," I say calmly.

   "I hope you don't die." The voices laugh in an awkward, yet creepy way.

   "Thanks," I say loosely, clearly sarcastic. "Love that for me."

   "Yes, I believe she's the answer," Hissandra says, stepping in to mend the unsettling energy that's causing me to sweat out of places I'm not used to. "All we have to do is protect her and give her enough time to stop the nun."

   "I heard you can switch your image, is this true?"

   "Yes," I say as I change into a man with ease.

   She just stares at me in silence after that. She doesn't move and doesn't say anything. I've never felt more uneasy in my life. It's almost as if she's turned into a statue. Everyone doesn't seem to mind, so I turn away and pretend she's not there.

   I look at Hellios instead, who is sitting beside me. He's talking to a creature on his right, something about the Police Department. I'm glad he's not looking back because it means I can be creepy and stare at his beautiful face for as long as I want and forget about everything in this world that makes me want to cry really really hard.

   Without thinking, my hand reaches out for his. He instantly looks down at it and then at me. He gives me this cute smile that makes me forget we're in hell.

   Once again, the portal starts acting up again. It's no longer black—it's returned to its natural blue color, with the occasional flash of lightning. Krom and four other werewolves appear. The others are the scary type, of course. I get up and run to him, jumping into his strong furry arms.

   "I haven't seen you in days! Where have you been?" I ask him as he hugs me.

   "Sorry, Sinneas." He pets my head and I close my eyes as I bury my face into his chest. "I was forming a team of werewolves. It was hard to find trustworthy ones who were willing to fight for us."

   "You did well, Kromgore," Hissandra tells him. "We need all the help we can get."

   "Sorry it isn't more. Not many were willing to meet permanent death."

   "There are others coming," Hissandra says as she slithers to the portal and waits. "I can feel them."

   I take Krom with me and we sit on the long couch with Hellios. Krom is so much taller than us that even when he's sitting we look like little kids.

   "How are you both?" Krom asks us.

   "All the training has us exhausted," Hellios says. "I hope it was worth it."

   "No pressure," I mutter.

   "I know you'll defeat her, Sinneas," he says, shaking my shoulder. "There is a reason you have these powers. It's not a coincidence. You will be the protector of hell."

   "I agree," says Krom.

   Everyone has been giving me amazing words of encouragement. And it's not that I don't appreciate them or believe in my abilities. I just feel nervous, and the pressure is building up to the point that I find it hard to breathe sometimes. I don't want to mess up, because you can't mess up in this situation without letting many die. I can't forgive myself if I let my friends perish. That means I have to be perfect with every decision I make. That's not an easy thing to carry on my shoulders. Not when I'm still new at all of this. It wasn't long when I was still alive on earth. I was a regular human being, completely unaware that this world and many others existed. And now here I am with the responsibility of saving a dimension connected to trillions of other universes.

   I am in hell and this is my punishment.

   Then again, I'm sandwiched between two cuties. So who am I to complain?

   The room falls silent as the portal flickers. This time Kasperia moves and looks towards the portal as a regular man steps out. He looks lost and scared, and I'm intrigued. He's completely human with no abnormal features. His hair is black and messy, his brown eyes full of fear as they search the room, his skin is pale with a little hint of life, but it feels more as though he's being drained of life rather than naturally pale. If I have to guess, he's around thirty years old, maybe less, maybe more, I'm not quite sure. There's something sickly and helpless about him.

   "T-Thank you for having us," says the timid man.

   "Welcome to my home, Mormentis," Hissandra says, waving her hand at an empty seat for him to take.

   "Why is there a regular human here?" I whisper to Hellios.

   "It's not the human, but what's inside of him," he says, his gaze never leaving the man. "Be wary, Sinneas. What's inside of him is very dangerous. I suggest you don't talk to him. We don't want it to come out, especially now."

   The tension in the air is enveloping us. I don't have to ask the question, I know everyone is scared of this Mormentis. Whatever he is, he has the room in the palm of his hand.

   My eyes follow the man as the room slowly goes back to life with chatter. He doesn't look at anyone, except for the occasional glance. He mostly stares at the floor, twiddling his thumbs. I try to imagine what's inside of him, but I cannot. If it's something that scares everyone here, I can't possibly know. I haven't seen enough. I'll most likely see it during the battle against the nun.

   He seems so fucking scared and it's breaking my heart. I'm lucky enough to have human emotions since I'm so new. No doubt that in a few hundred years I'll be a cold bitch like everyone else, but for now I can have sympathy, especially for other human beings who are suffering.

   I want to talk to him, I really do, but I have to listen to Hellios. Not because he's so cute with a nice butt, but because he's the only one that has the knowledge I can trust. He literally knows all.

   "The last one is arriving," Hissandra says as she slithers back to her desk.

   Our heads turn to face the portal for the last time as it begins to flicker.

   "This one is a little unusual," Hellios whispers in my ear, and I smile back at the kind gesture of him giving my empty head information so that I'm more prepared. "He's one of the most powerful beings, and he retained his appearance from when he was alive. He's the only celestial being in our world."

   "What's a celestial?" I whisper extremely quietly with my lips puckered.

   "Celestials are children of the Gods. They were created to soar through the universe, each tasked with a unique mission. Nozaroc diverted from his path and was sentenced here. The creators don't mess around."

   The portal light fades abruptly. The library is quiet as the lightning struggles to stay active. Out of thin air, and without the light to shroud the mysteries within, a being rips through the fabric of our reality and carefully claws through with his human hands.

   I sit in awe as I take his appearance in. He's floating in the air in a way that makes him seem as though he's sitting. He's wearing a pale blue, skin-tight outfit, with intricate golden markings, and a dark blue, small cloak that hangs just below his elbows. His hands and feet are bare, which is the only indicator that he may be human-looking on the inside. But then you see the features that are non-human, like the giant hole on his chest. It's big enough that you can fit your whole head through. It's adorned with a gold ring and nothing else. He also has no face. He has a head, but it's all smooth like he has no eyes, nose, or mouth.

   He turns around in the air and moves his head like he's looking up. The cloak covers the hole on the back side, but I see three long ribbons that float down from underneath and each have a large gold ring just like the one in his chest. There are more gold accessories, like the six sharp jewels floating over his shoulders, and lastly, the ethereal halo floating above his head. Dancing around it are more of the jewels, each changing size as they spin around, leaving trails of sparkling dust that cascades down the celestial's body.

   "Thank you for joining us, Nozaroc." Hissandra slithers forward, pulling a naked stranger with her and pushing them towards the celestial. "One of many gifts for your participation."

   Nozaroc's head moves down to study the human shaking in his presence. I don't know if he's able to see, but I'm assuming he can. If he's a celestial, he doesn't really need eyes to see, right? There are a lot of creatures and beings that don't follow the human guide book. He's absolutely looking at the human.

   The celestial replies, but all I hear is a haunting high-pitched noise similar to a whale deep in the ocean. It's strange, that's for sure. Like an echoing extraterrestrial song.

   "Yes, as long as we win the fight, you will have as many as you want," Hissandra tells him.

   Nozaroc grabs the human and lifts them into the air. The gold ring in his chest starts glowing and making strange noises. The human screams in agony as the ring begins to suck in, slowly ripping apart the flesh of the human until their chest is open and exposed with blood flowing straight into the mysterious hole. Everyone watches, none of them even move a muscle, and it may be that I'm new, but I am the only one who looks absolutely horrified at the scene.

   The celestial holds the human in place until the heart is torn from the body. He lets out an eerie sound as the human heart floats inside his chest and stays there. The bloody heart spins for a couple of seconds and once it stops, he lets go of the dead human.

   Was that his fucking lunch? Did I just witness an angel eat someone's heart?

   Now that his tummy is full, every gold piece on his body is extra shiny. The heart is like a battery, and I bet he needs many human hearts to be strong. And we're about to fight a nun, so he needs all the power he can get. I'm happy my smooth brain is finally starting to understand how things work around here.

   I'm still scared, though.

   "Hole-y fuck," I muttered, a little too loudly, and against my will. What the fuck brain?

   Hissandra clears her throat as everyone's eyes are on me. "Now that we're all here. Let's waste no time."

   Sephone appears out of nowhere, her long purple hair moving like living tendrils. Her hair grows larger like a magical plant coming to life. "Madame Hissandra's army is waiting by the edge of Monstro City. The portal will be taking all of us in at the same time and we'll be transported behind the army. The nun is marching with her own army and she will be here any minute."

   "Say army one more time," I whisper.

   "They've lost their free-will and we cannot risk this battle trying to save them," Sephone ignores me, continuing her conversation with the crowd. "All we can do is fight and kill as many as we can so that we can give Sinneas the perfect opportunity to catch her."

   "How is Sinneas going to kill the nun?" One of Krom's werewolves asks.

   "Sinneas has two useful powers," Sephone says, raising two fingers. She walks around the portal until she's close to me. Her hair slithers around like snakes hunting for prey. "One where they can manipulate the physical world by controlling, bending, shaping, and moving, anything they desire, may it be objects, or people. And another power where they can enter your minds, control your will, and force you to do things that are impossible."

   "I think it's easy," I chime in. "I can protect myself with my physical power, and once I'm close to her I'll switch and use my mind control to destroy her."

   Nobody says anything, but I know what they're thinking. I can easily kill any of them by just speaking. It's instant and they can't protect themselves from it.

   "Which is why she destroyed a city and took an army with her," Hissandra says. "She's using them as a meat shield because she doesn't know what we're capable of. This is the largest city and the toughest for her to conquer. If she defeats us, it's game over. The other cities stand no chance."

   I stand up bravely, giving every being in the room my set of gorgeous pink eyes. My back is straight, my face is serious, and it may even seem like I'm about to give the greatest speech ever.

   "I need to go pee-pee before we go," I announce.


Sorry for the wait! Originally I was going to post this chapter at the same time as the next chapter because it's the last, but I am still working on the last chapter. It's a tough one, but it should hopefully be finished by the end of the month, no promises! If you are reading in the future, ignore this and enjoy the last chapter! If I don't post the last chapter by the end of the month, it shouldn't be too long. I struggle with constant blocks at every sentence and I doubt everything so I'm annoying af, so pls forgive me for the late uploads. After this book is over, if you are a new reader, I hope you check out my other works! :)

(So what are your thoughts so far?)

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