Chapter 6 - "What The Hell?"

   I'm surrounded by a dozen beings in Hissandra's library. I'm sitting in front of her desk, shrinking into my seat as their supernatural eyes watch me with motionless expressions. Hissandra is behind her desk, standing on her tail as she looks down at me with her own pair of threatening eyes.

   "You're firing me?" I whine, voice cracking as I attempt to hold back my emotions. "But I've only worked one day with you . . . and it was going great! My pole was the busiest of all the poles!"

   "We need your strength, Sinneas," Hissandra begs with a scary serious tone.

   I gulp loudly. "What's going on?"

   "Your talents are wasted on the poles," Krom says behind me as he squeezes my shoulders reassuringly. "We have decided to let you in. I know you've been wondering what's going on, but now that we know what your power is, we think you'll be useful."

   I shake my head at them. "I disagree. I don't think I'm useful at all. Look at what happened when I put my power to use. I died. I couldn't even save myself."

   "That is why you'll be learning with my two best followers—Hellios and Sephone." Hissandra waves her snaky hand and summons the two humans, which I now know are the most powerful of our fragile kind.

   "You're sending me away to train?" I wonder.

   "Training? No. We don't have that kind of time," she scoffs.

   "I'm sorry, but how are they going to help? Their strengths are no match for this fight," says the commander of the Cancel Culture Police Department, who is responsible for every police station in Hell. I met him just before I entered the library. He's a scary little sheep man, but he's Krom's boss, so I don't insult him with my smart mouth.

   "We don't have anyone like Sinneas," Hissandra tells him. "Our attacks have been mostly physical and we also know that psychics have no effect, but Sinneas possesses a different type of power, and a very dangerous one."

   "I didn't tell Sinneas everything when they first asked me what their power is," Sephone says as she steps out from the shadows and becomes the center of attention. "The truth is, their power is much greater than anything I've ever seen. It's my job to detect these humans before they can figure it out for themselves. Whenever I find someone who is worthy, I inform Madame Hissandra so that she may make her choice."

   "What the hell is going on?" I demand, eying everyone in the room. "I get that I'm new and I don't have a single ounce of experience like you all do, but would it kill you to stop treating me like a child and stop pretending like I'm not even in the room? Use your words! Don't give me your rhymes and puzzles, just tell me what is going on!"

   "A young woman has entered our world, a nun," Hissandra says, silencing the entire library with the truth. The energy suddenly changes, everyone is terrified.

   "A nun? Like a new soul?"

   "No, she isn't here because she died, she's alive."

   "This has never happened before," Krom tells me as he releases his grip on my shoulders. He walks around the room, scanning the thousands of books all around us. "A human has somehow managed to penetrate this dimension and we can't physically interact with her because she doesn't belong here."

   "We don't know how she did it," Hissandra continues. "It's certainly not her religion that brought her here, but I am betting that's what she believes. There must have been something left on earth by the ancients that let her come here. A spell, a relic, a door, something."

   "Why not her religion?" I ask.

   "The humans on earth are so consumed by their made-up religions that it has stopped them from truly evolving into something bigger. Tell me, Sinn, do you think I came from earth? Look at me and tell me."

   "I honestly don't pretend to know a single thing about anything, I live comfortably in my eternal confusion," I tell her, staring at her snake body.

   "Every single being you come across is from another world. Even some humans you see are not from earth. Earth is not the only planet to host humanoid simple creatures like yourself. It's true, some of you change when you arrive here, but it's only a reflection of your soul."

   "So her being a nun has nothing to do with why she's here?"


   "What is she doing then?"

   Hissandra releases a long sigh. "She thinks she's here on a mission from God. A mission to destroy everything that lives here. A mission to end hell once and for all so that evil souls cease to exist when they die, an ultimate death."

   "And that's not all," Krom says as he leans back against some shelves. "Because she's human, she has power here. She can actually kill us permanently."

   "The worst part is that she seems to be enjoying it," Sephone tells me. "In a way, she can cleanse us, which means that she can make it so we remember our past lives. There's a reason we don't remember, and a very good one. She's going around the cities making everyone remember, some she kills, some kill themselves."

   "So how can I help?" I ask.

   "Your powers are complicated," she says, her hair starting to move around me like vines, her third eye opening to examine me. "Psychic powers don't seem to work on her, but yours are different. You enter people's minds not to see, but to control. Your potential has a limit, but for some reason she won't be immune to it."

   "How can you know all of that if it hasn't even happened?" I tilt my head to the side like those confused cartoons with drool coming out of their mouth.

   "If I sat here explaining how everything works, we'd be here forever," she says, backing away and closing her third eye. "Your other strength won't work on her, but you can use it on yourself to keep your distance so that she doesn't touch you. Whatever you do, don't let her touch you. And that goes for all of you."

   "Enough talk," Hissandra says, clapping loudly. "Take Sinneas and make sure he learns how to use his strength to defeat this nun."

   "Yes ma'am." Sephone takes my hand and runs, not wasting time as we brush past everyone. We jump through the portal until we make it down to the restricted level, entering the human lobby. In the human lobby there are a couple of people I've never met before. Hellios goes ahead and tells the others to leave the place as we have important business to deal with.

   "How are we going to do this?" Hellios asks once everyone is out and we have the lobby to ourselves.

   "I think I'm just going to dig into their mind until I can figure out the full potential of their psychic power," she says, moving me to the sitting area so we could sit facing each other.

   "How does it work?" Hellios asks. "I don't understand how none of the psychics can stop the nun, but she can?"

   I just notice that everyone calls me the pronoun of whatever sex I'm using or whichever they met me in, except Sephone. Did she read my mind about possibly wanting neutral pronouns? It's more comfortable for me since I have no clue what I am in the real world. The constant switching is confusing to me and honestly extremely disorienting.

   "Yes, I did," Sephone tells me.

   "Thank you," I say with a smile.

   "I can inform the others of your wish if you would like."

   "I don't think monsters in hell really care about all of that. Perhaps the ones I'm closest to?"

   She nods her head gently, acknowledging my request. "I'm not sure how it works either, Hellios." Her delicate hands touch my head and she closes her eyes except her third. "It might have something to do with having two in one. But it could also have something to do with their specific strength. They don't read your mind, they don't see the future, they just control you. It's a psychic strength that has an actual physical effect. Nobody has this exact one. It doesn't exist for a reason. Controlling minds is too powerful, it's the power of a god."

   "Maybe we should have her test it on me?" he suggests.

   Sephone stands up, frustrated. "I can't find anything new. There's literally nothing else I can do. I can't just make them know how their strength works."

   "Maybe something in the library could help?" I add, wanting to feel useful.

   "Yeah, I'm going to go check it out. We don't have a lot of time, so try and see if you can figure anything out." Sephone runs away and I can see her hair shrinking. A sign of stress? It's an interesting feature, I want to see how much that hair can do.

   "Test it on me," Hellios says, taking Sephone's place on the couch.

   I quickly change my form and feel my long hair cascade down my shoulders and my boobitas grow like two beautiful round bowling balls. I take a deep breath as I stare at Hellios.

   "Stand," I tell him using my seductive voice. He obeys and stands, blinking a second later like he can't believe what just happened.

   "Weird. That felt weird. I wanted to reject whatever you were going to command, but I did it anyway. There was no thought, almost like my mind was gone in that second."

   "Sit," I say, holding back my laugh as he follows my order and becomes confused again.

   "Oh, I don't like that at all. You're going to destroy anyone that tries to get in your way. Amazing."

   "Amazing? How so?"

   "You just became one of the most powerful people in this universe. I know it's a lot to take in, but it will become normal to you eventually. I went through it and so did Sephone."

   "What happened to you? How did you deal with it?"

   He presses his lips together and shrugs. "Technically, I never really dealt with it. When it was first revealed what I could do, a lot of important beings came to me asking questions. It was really overwhelming to my mind. I suffered seizures with every answer. I couldn't control what it did to me. At some point they even locked me up in cages like an animal."

   "What? Why would they do that?"

   "Because I acted like one. This isn't what I normally look like. My real self is dark and monstrous. What do you do with monsters with too much power? You lock them up. If it weren't for Hissandra, I'd be one of the lost."

   "The lost, what is that?"

   His eyes go black in an instant, sparkling with thousands of stars inside. It's beautiful in a way, like I'm watching the universe through them.

   When he speaks, his voice is not ordinary, it's sinister and inhuman. "The Lost are people like us who have been devoured by their darkness. It's a painful process that ends with what's known as an empty death. The process of becoming lost can take thousands of years. During this time, the soul is ripped apart endlessly until they reach their demise. An empty death is not a permanent death, because you still exist, you're just no longer corrigible. Your mind is stuck forever in a loop of madness. You suffer for all eternity."

   "That sounds horrible," I say as his eyes return to normal. "It's like dying twice and going to hell twice."

   "I was close," he says sadly, looking down at his hands like he's ashamed of who he is.

   "You're okay now," I tell him, trying to reassure him, but I should really not speak without knowing.

   "No, it can still take me. I'm not entirely safe from joining them."

   "Since we're here forever and we're friends now, I won't let it get you, ever. I promise you with my entire existence."

   He smiles and chuckles at that. "Thanks. At least with you around I know I'll be physically safe."

   "Hell yeah! I'll rip anyone apart and make them jump into a volcano if they come near us."

   "Just . . . be careful with what kind of questions you ask me. I still go back to that monstrous side of me every now and then. Happens at least once a week, usually more than that."

   "I will."

   "Give me a bigger command, something heavier," he says, preparing himself for another round.

   "Like what?"

   "I don't know, anything you can think of that might require a lot?"

   I start laughing to myself at my stupid thought. He looks at me funny but doesn't question it, which I'm thankful for. I don't really have an idea of what to make him do. Making him slap himself or punch a wall doesn't seem that useful when it comes to fighting that nun. That's why I come up with the idea of asking him to do something that he can't do. The impossible.

   "Fly," I command.

   Now I understand why Sephone says my psychic powers are different. They shouldn't even be considered that. It's a godly power that has officially put a target on my back.

   Hellios is flying. His body rises and he hovers in place, unable to move, fully under my control. I stand up and walk around him, hoping to run into some invisible string that is holding him up, but nothing. I just made someone who is incapable of flying . . . fly.

   What the hell?

   I need to test this further. There's no way I just won the RNG game. There is no way I just acquired the strongest power in the universe. No one should be able to make other people do this. It isn't even my telekinesis, I am making him believe he can fly, so he does.

   "Become on fire," I tell him.

   Suddenly he explodes in flames. I scream wildly and try to blow the flames out but his entire body is on fire. I lose my fucking mind for a second until I remember I can just will it away.

   "You're not on fire anymore. You're safe and healthy," I tell him. It's my last command, so he wakes up from the trance, unaware, until he falls to his feet.

   "What were you doing to me?" he asks curiously, but innocently.

   "I think I figured it out." I sit back down on the couch like I just ran a mile and I'm exhausted, which is half true. I am exhausted from existing. This is too much. What the hell am I supposed to do with this? I tell him what just happened and he doesn't believe it, but he believes it.

   "I mean . . . we figured eventually someone was going to arrive with a power so large it would out-rank all of us. I would've never guessed it would be this."

   "Probably because this isn't just some cute little power, it's . . . unbelievable. I don't even want to think about it anymore."

   "Maybe you were given this power for this very reason. To save us."

   "Someone gives us these powers?" I raise a brow at him.

   He coughs and looks away from my eyes. "Sometimes information like this slips up. It's hard to keep track of what people know and don't know sometimes."

   "Wow, that's . . . you really do know everything."

   "Yeah . . ."

   "Do I want to know anything?"

   "Nope. You do not. Keep it a mystery."

   "What if I really want to know something?" I give him a playful smirk, with a pinch of flirt.

   He sighs and sits back next to me. "What would you like to know?"

   "Isn't it obvious? The dumbest question ever. The most common one you can think of."

   "Please, don't—"

   "What is the meaning of life and the universe?" I ask like it's a silly little thing, but I don't take a moment to think about the range of this question and what it can do to someone if they know the answer.

   His eyes go black again, but before they do I catch a glimpse of worry in his face. This time it's different. The darkness shown in his eyes flows through his skin like a wave or a pulse, consuming his human body to reveal his true identity. His whole body becomes like a window that you can see through. The dark of space and billions of stars and galaxies stare back, all blinking and burning. His clothes burn off his body and his limbs crack and twist like what he described—a monster.

   I listen with glistening eyes. He goes on and on, revealing the mysteries of the universe, but promising that our hell is everlasting. It's when he starts speaking about other dimensions and our creators that I become afraid. I decide I don't want to listen any further, as the few details of the other dimensions shake me. I command him to stop, and it works, he goes silent and stops spilling information.

   Hellios' body drops and he starts having a seizure. I get on the floor and hold him, commanding him to be healthy, but it doesn't work. Somehow my power doesn't affect him in this state. He might have not said everything about what he goes through, it can't just be seizures. I believe he is not having a seizure, but it's the best way to describe it in plain words. I believe whatever he goes through is much more complicated and frankly it has nothing to do with this universe. I don't think his mind is here, I think it's in that superior dimension, the one with all of the answers. But because he is still human, it does something to his mind that can't be repaired.

   "I'm sorry, Hellios," I tell him, rocking his body back and forth.

   His body looking the way it does makes sense. He is the universe. And seeing what it does to his fragile mind hurts me. I will never ask him a question ever again. He deserves peace. This is worse than anything hell has to offer.

   I stay with him for a long time, waiting till he comes back. Others show up and try to help, but since this happens frequently, there's nothing that can be done so they decide to move him back to his home. I use my other form to carry his body in the air and we travel out of Deathwish and through the city, finding a secret location with a door that leads to another part of this world. It reminds me of Nekro's home; In the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing but heavy fog. Hellios has a regular human home, and Sephone explains that it's to help ground him and keep him more human. It's a cute home with a porch, it even has a swing. When we step inside it takes me a moment to act normally. It feels like stepping back into earth. The house has beautiful wooden floors and furniture, there are framed pictures hanging on the walls like it belongs to a family. It almost makes me cry and I don't know why and for what. It's not like I remember anything, but it sends a heavy feeling to my chest. Can you have nostalgia for things you don't remember?

   We leave him laying on his bed upstairs, but I stay behind and watch over him. I feel guilty and I can't just walk away without taking responsibility. He warned me and I didn't use my brain. That's on me.

   Hellios continues to writhe with intense seizures and all I can do is watch over him. I don't know how long this goes on for, but eventually he stops shaking, and the moment I finally know he's waking up, his body begins to change back. His sharp claws go back to regular human fingers, twitching with life. The darkness runs back, revealing his naked body until it all swirls back into his eyes.

   My eyes bulge at the sight of his naked body. I failed to remember that his clothes burned off his body when he turned. He normally wouldn't have to worry about waking up naked because he's on his bed in the privacy of his home, but I am there this time. I've been sitting on a wooden chair next to his bed watching over him like a creepy little guardian devil.

   It's a nice slim body, more lean than skinny, but my male body is more muscular and bigger than his. Not a competition, just an observation. His dick is pretty, seems long while just resting softly, makes me wonder what it's like fully awake. And the balls are big, round, and smooth. Does my mouth water at the thought of sucking them in? Maybe. Perhaps. Who knows? Only Sephone would know. And she's not the type to snitch.

   My face turns to fire with the amount of embarrassment I feel when Hellios' hand suddenly moves, reaches towards his nightstand and grabs a folded rag to bring back and cover his junk.

   "I-I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd come back . . . naked."

   He doesn't say anything, just lays there, looking up at his ceiling. I feel this awkwardness in the silence, but I don't know what to say. I can't tell if he's mad at me for the question I threw at him or for staring at his dick. Maybe both?

   "How long did it last?" he asks.

   "Around two earth hours?" I guess.

   "Did others help you get me here?"

   "Yeah, I helped them carry you here. Are you mad at me?" I feel like a kid as I play with my fingers while waiting to be yelled at.

   "No, I'm not mad at you."

   "I'm sorry, Hellios. I shouldn't have asked that question, I wasn't thinking, it won't happen again."

   "It's okay. I'm not mad at you. I told you, it happens at least once every week and it's usually an accident. Sometimes I can control it, but most of the time it slips from me and then I'm gone."

   "Still, I don't want to hurt you."

   "I wouldn't worry about it, Sinn. It's a part of who I am. I don't want apologies, but I'll take help when it happens. Don't leave my body around where someone can take me."

   I stand up and nod. "I promise I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe."

   "This place was given to me by Hissandra. It's honestly a haven. One of the safest places outside of the cities."

   "Yeah, I heard of the insane shit that happens outside. I thought the cities were scary, but . . ."

   "It's weird how something can be the most dangerous place, and the safest at the same time. But it wouldn't be without some kind of magic."

   "Are you okay, though?" I ask as I sit back down.

   "It's a bit disorienting coming back, so I usually just lay in bed for a while."

   I almost ask a question, a question no doubt that would send him back into the void, but I stop my mouth before it gets me into further trouble. I'm starting to understand what questions don't trigger his power and which do.

   "Well, now that you're awake, I'll leave you alone before I cause more damage," I say, standing back up to leave.

   "You can stay," he responds quickly.

   "Are you sure?"

   "Did Sephone say anything?"

   "About my powers? Not really, but she's upset that she missed the one part of my strength that makes me unstoppable. She thinks this is what we've been waiting for, the thing she knew was there, but couldn't quite figure out. I'm glad we had our moment, I don't think I would've figured it out on my own."

   "Any news on when we're going to attack?"

   "No, she just said to wait until it's time. I'm not sure what that means, I don't think they want me around the battles."

   "The nun is causing a lot of damage, luckily none in the main city in hell. But eventually she will come here and I think that's what Hissandra wants."

   "We're . . . not going to question her, right?"

   He grins at that. "Now you're learning. You're not the only one she treats like a child, but I trust her with my whole life. You have the greatest power in existence, that's true, but you don't have her experience and wisdom."

   "Can't argue with that." I sit back down, again. I swear my bones are starting to crack from the exercise.

   "So you saw my dick," he mentions randomly after a little pause in our conversation.

   I close my eyes and inhale. "I'm sorry, please."

   "What are you sorry about? Aren't you the one that said you wanted to fuck me?"

   "Honestly, I think at this point I don't know who I'm not going to fuck."

   "It's only fair you show me yours," he says, raising a brow at me.

   I'm kind of stunned, but not really. "Are you sure you don't prefer the other form?"

   He shrugs. "Whatever you want."

   This feels slightly humiliating only because he looks like a regular human. It's different with the prince. I don't even see the prince as a human, not after seeing his real form. But Hellios is all human and somehow I feel the pressure to not disappoint.

   It's worse when he crosses his arms behind his head and just watches me curiously. He's pretty confident being this calm while also being mostly naked. Then again, he never seemed to be the shy type. The only reaction I've ever gotten from him was the surprise from when I switched from female to male. He seems to be the type that enjoys women more, but he did mention there aren't many attractive men around here. It's mostly just male creatures. And my skin may be gray, but I'm still very much human looking. I could be the one exception.

   I lower my pants until only half of my dick is showing.

   Hellios lets out a little laugh. "Keep going."

   I roll my eyes playfully. "Fine."

   The rest of my pants drop and my dick bounces in the air. It's not hard or anything, but the nerves make it twitch. This feels too real with Hellios, but I enjoy it either way.

   Hellios sits up on his elbows and eyes my privates with no shame whatsoever. His eyes then snap up to mine. I take this as an invitation. I remove the rest of my clothes so we're matching and then I climb on the bed, crawling over him until my body towers over him and our faces are inches apart.

   "Do you want me to fuck you?" I ask, using my low and seductive voice, one that I hope sends chills down his spine and makes him call me daddy.

   "I'm down," he says nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders like it's nothing but a walk in the park.


   "O-Okay, just like that?"

   "Yeah, why not?"

   I dive in and kiss his lips to quiet him before he says more things to destroy any daddy-ness I have left. He eagerly kisses me back, but there's not a lot of energy in this movement. He must still be recovering from coming back, so it's my job to take most of the responsibility for what we're about to do.

   I open my eyes as I pull back and admire his looks.

   "You are literally so fucking pretty," I say without thinking.

   He can't control the smile that appears on his face. "Thanks. You're hot, too. Both of you."

   Might as well embarrass myself further, why stop there?

   "Seriously, you are the most gorgeous human guy I've ever seen."

   "Do you want to fuck me or not?"

   "Yes, badly."

   He pushes me off to the side and I crash down on my back. I watch the rag fall on the floor and see that his dick is slowly growing hard. But instead of coming back to the bed, he walks away and enters the bathroom, I assume.

   "Coming?" he says from inside as I hear water running.

   I jump out of bed and follow him into the bathroom. It's a nicely sized bathroom, a big walk in shower, a big tub, two sinks, very his and her style. That would be very useful for the two of me. It's nothing like the prince's bathroom, which might as well be called a warehouse, but it's perfect for that human lifestyle that you might seek when you need a comfortable home. In hell.

   Hellios is filling up the tub with water and soap. The tub fills with blue bubbles and we wait in silence, watching the water slowly rise. I take this time to look at myself in the mirror some more, since I can never take enough of it. I am so hot as both, it's not even fair.

   "By the way, I've never been fucked. But you seem to want my hole, so I'm giving it to you," Hellios says, coughing at the end like he's in disbelief at what he just said.

   "I'm down for everything, but I am so down to fill you up with my cock right now," I tell him.

   "I think I'm very tight down there," he says quietly, and a little flirtatious with a hint of timidness.

   I make my way towards him and stand behind him. I grab his shoulders and squeeze them gently while I leave tender kisses down his back. I position my cock between his buns and let it rest there while he feels it get hard. I bring my hands in front of him and I massage his chest, feeling his nipples, rubbing them softly.

   "Let's get in," he says after a while of me kissing his neck.

   The tub is one of those that resembles the shape of half an egg. It's actually more spacious than it seems. There's a seating area on both ends and we both take them. It's super comfortable and the water is warm and soapy, but doesn't taste like soap. It smells like raspberry and tastes like candy.

   Nobody better ask me why I was tasting the soap.

   Our legs are wrapped with each other under the water. We have enough room, but clearly we're here to do more than just fuck. It's a relaxing time. And I don't think Hellios wants his first time with a dick inside him to be uncomfortable.

   I don't really question what kind of soap it is. Maybe it's bubbly lube. It feels like I can use it for those situations. Like soap but without the burn. Hell really does think of everything—as long as it makes you sin.

   I shift closer to him while he leans back into the cushions of the tub seat. I can feel that his legs are spread apart, so I swim my hands down to his dick and I run my fingers down, massaging the tip with my thumb and using my other hand to caress his balls.

   "Mmmh," he moans, closing his eyes. That was such a beautiful moan that it made me hard instantly.

   I feel him growing bigger until I'm jerking him off instead of rubbing. It's nice and long, with a surprising amount of weight to it. Not something you expect at first glance when you see his pretty boy face. I might be calling him daddy instead.

   The water reaches up to our chests, but I can still see his dick through the water. It's not that soapy. I am so hungry for it and I don't wait and ask for permission. I grab his hands and pull him right up. He's a little wobbly at first but I keep him balanced between my legs. I stick my tongue out and lift his cock into my mouth with a delicious moan. After the taste of the raspberry wears off, I taste only him and the bit of precum that starts building up already. My tongue circles around the head as the foreskin pushes back. It's such a beautiful cock, I might even be jealous. I drag kisses down the entire length until I reach those balls of his. They smell so fucking good, a scent unique to him for sure. I give them the pleasure of my tongue and suck them into my mouth. My mouth waters tremendously and I swallow back every bit of him.

   "I think I'm going to be sucking you off for a very long time," I tell him as I take a break from his heavy privates. Honestly, I think I need to work out my tongue. Could also help when I have sex with a girl.

   "Forever sounds good," he says, looking down at me with those fucking gorgeous brown eyes. Fuck him.

   "Turn around," I tell him.

   "Okay," he chuckles.

   I bend him over and admire his cute ass. I think mine is bigger, but that's a muscle difference. He's still a skinny guy compared to me. But his ass is so perfect and fits him so well. It's cute, but it has shape. A shy little bubble butt that I'm going to fuck forever.

   I bite the left cheek and smack the other. I bring my hands together and spread him. His hole is pink and looks tight. I think about the fact that no man has ever entered him and my dick does another jump in the water. I am the first man he's been with and I hope the last. I am going to be selfish and demand he's mine to ruin.

   There's a shocked sound that chokes him as I press my tongue on his hole and swirl my saliva around it. I lick up and down, gently pressing the hole but not digging in. I want him to feel my tongue trying to enter, I want his mind to collapse as he begs for it.

   His hole actually ends up tightening, puckering under my pleasure. I lick longer and slowly slide in. He's so tight even for my tongue that I struggle to keep it in. I try again and slide my tongue inside his hole, moving it immediately and making rubbing motions. I hear him breathing heavily while trying to keep himself standing. This makes me feel bad because I know he's exhausted, so I give his ass another slap and turn him around.

   "Sit on my lap," I tell him as he looks down at me with lazy eyes.

   He obeys as I sit back against the tub. Hellios sits on my lap, both of our dicks and balls touching. He relaxes on top of me and kind of leans on me. I wrap my strong hands around him and hold him in place. We're still hard, it's kind of hard not to be. I feel him gently kissing my neck while we slowly start grinding our parts.

   "This feels different," Hellios says under his breath.

   "Yeah, I feel it, too."

   He kisses me gently and I start to wonder. If he has sex with other people, maybe it doesn't feel human, but we feel human, and it's a comfort that you don't get, a heaven in hell.

   "Your white hair is kind of angelic," he tells me while grabbing it.

   "You'll need something to hold on to," I tell him, winking. I slide him a little closer to me so my dick slips under him and pokes his ass.

   "I'm ready to be fucked."

   I spread his ass and feel his hole perfectly settling over my dick. He lowers himself in the water and I never move my hands from his hips. He doesn't let me take control of anything past that, he instead takes command of how fast or slow my dick enters his hole. He takes his time, the water and soap helps it ease in, but once it starts stretching him, he winces and closes his eyes. As he tries to relax, my dick slides all the way in. It makes me lose my fucking mind for a split second. The feeling of his tight little hole completely devouring my cock drives me to insanity. The tight warmth strangles my cock till it's as hard as a diamond. If I had to describe it, it's like his hole was meant for me.

   "That fucking hurt," he mutters, a little choked up.

   "Want to stop?"

   "No, I'm not a bitch."

   I snort. "Okay, big man."

   If only he knew.

   He goes for my lips again, kissing me passionately. Our tongues meet and lick one another, tasting and swallowing each other's saliva. He makes the kiss wet and needy and I don't know if he's doing it because he doesn't want to be screaming from the pain.

    Hellios grinds on my dick, moving in circular motions. I move my hands to his lower back, holding him steady. I push up against him as he fucks my dick. It's slow at first, but slowly picks up speed until the water starts making tiny waves. His arms go around my neck as he drops his whole weight on me. I don't mind this, it feels good to have him on top of him while my dick slides inside of him.

   "Want me to go harder?" I ask him.

   "Y-Yeah, fuck me harder." He closes his eyes and presses his forehead against mine. I can see he's feeling good, but he's fighting back against the pain. I know the struggle, and I know that it will pass and he will feel nothing but greatness, especially because it's me and I want him to feel incredible.

   It feels like magic between us. Our bodies explode with sensations we've never felt. I can see it in his eyes that he's truly never experienced something like this. In a way, neither have I.

   My heart pounds hard against my chest as I try to hold back from letting go. The emotions and pleasure mix in my mind, making it heavy and cloudy. My power begins to escape me, causing the water around us to vibrate and slowly rise into the air like gravity is pulling it towards the ceiling. In a matter of seconds, all of the water rises and takes us with it. We're floating in the air surrounded by a bubble of water as we fuck. Being in the air amplifies the feelings. I'm thrusting into him, with every pump getting me closer. I kiss him and hold his face as the pleasure builds and explodes. I moan into the kiss as I fill him with my cum, my dick feeling a thousand sparks of bliss and heaven. He cums with me unexpectedly and we both hover in the air, kissing madly while we moan at each other.

   After we descend back on the tub, we lay there resting with our eyes closed, enjoying the moment. I think about more than just the sex. My powers are growing. It's like every time I use them, I learn how to control it further, how to bend it and do exactly what I want with it. It comes to me easily, like it's a part of me, a part of my nature. It makes me chuckle at the thought of all the ways I can use it for sex.

   "What are you laughing at?" he asks, his eyes still closed with his head resting back on the head cushion.

   "Thinking about the useful ways my power will let me fuck you."

   "You're fun and creative, I'll give you that."

   "I wish I knew about my powers when I arrived," I say, staring at my hands, remembering when I ripped that monster apart.

   "Some know right away, some don't. It depends on what your strength is. Whatever it is, it activates the moment you enter hell. So if you are cursed with a useless power like exploding, you'll arrive at the bridge and just . . . explode. But yours is different, so you wouldn't have known until you figured it out by accident or if someone told you."

   "If we die to the nun, I'm going to be seriously pissed off," I mutter. I don't want to think about it, but I have to. I don't want to lose the friends I've met. Hell seems like a dreadful place to be in for all eternity, but it doesn't seem so bad with good friends to suffer with.

   "I'm not worried," he says, smirking. "I know you'll protect me."

   "I will. I'll do everything I can to protect all of you."


HI! Hope you liked this chapter! It was fun writing it. Sorry I didn't update for a month, it was a holiday break lmao. But now I'm back and I think there's 2-3 chapters left in this book before it's over? But I'm currently thinking about expanding to a part 2 if you guys support the book. SO SUPPORT IT >:( Show it love! Unless it's really bad ... then tell me it's bad so I can cry and delete it. Not sure when next update is gonna be because the next update will be two chapters at once, I'm just not sure if I'll write another after that. It depends, I'm still writing the "last" chapter so I'm not sure how it's going to end just yet.

Anyway ty for reading, leave comments, vote for the chapter, add it to your library, share it with your friends <3

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