Chapter 5 - "Everybody dies . . ."

   I feel uneasy staring up at Deathwish after the incident yesterday. Nothing was ever explained to me and I'm not holding my breath for an answer either. I know that to most creatures here I am nothing but a bag of meat ready to be slapped on a grill on a hungry day. I am a nobody, an insignificant human amongst trillions, but it wouldn't hurt to know what I'm walking into.

   Krom doesn't stick around after he drops me off, he has his own business to attend to. He's a busy wolf keeping the city safe from witches and bitches who want to curse the land and destroy everything that brings balance and order.

   Or something like that.

   Would be nice if witches destroyed these streets. There are like twenty lanes between me and Deathwish. And I swear to everything dark and unholy that more lanes get added randomly. Trying to walk across is dangerous and hell doesn't care about safety measures. There are no traffic lights or stop signs. You just pray and run.

   I watch hundreds of vehicles pass by, waiting for an opportunity to cross the road, but the moment never comes. Instead, when I think I can finally step off the sidewalk and make a run for it, I feel a large hand squeeze around my neck and pull me back to the sidewalk.

   I start screaming violently as I'm raised in the air. The pain brings back memories of everyone warning me that this day would come. Most new souls die hours within their arrival, but I managed to slip by death for a few days. It's an accomplishment. A world record even. I'll be known as the newbie who lived the longest.

   That being said, I still don't want to die. I know I'll come back again, but it sucks! I don't want to be ripped, shredded, or snapped in half. If it's up to me, I rather never go through this experience.

   This gives me the strength to fight back instead of surrendering to the inevitable. The monster becomes furious when he senses my struggle and turns me around to face him. He looks like a demonic gorilla with a creepy white mask. His fur is pitch black and shadowy, his eyes are even darker, but the horns on his head are massive and on fire.

   "Let me go," I try telling him, but my influence doesn't work. This is the one power I don't understand.

   He makes a growling noise behind his mask that actually sends shivers down my spine. He doesn't like being told what to do? Well, I don't like being murdered, so one of us is going to lose.

   He uses all of his strength and sends me flying through traffic. I roll over the pavement and get up quickly as hundreds of cars start coming at me. I jump around avoiding all of them, and this just pisses him off more.

   "Anger issues," I whisper.

   The demon gorilla rages madly and runs straight through the traffic on all four, pounding his knuckles on the ground and leaving trails of burning fire. He rips through cars and tosses them aside like they're plastic toys.

   I blind him purposely as I switch forms, causing him to stumble backwards while shielding his eyes. A few blind drivers collide with him and I take this time to run towards the club.

   The gorilla recovers quickly and leaps into the air, coming down on me and pinning me against the road. My transformation finishes, but not before he bashes my face until one side goes completely numb and my vision goes red with blood.

   "GET OFF ME!" I scream, raising my hands and using my powers to throw him high into the air. Eventually he comes back down while I'm coughing blood.

   This monkey isn't going to give up. I have to kill him like I killed that monster on my first day. It's not illegal to kill, I remind myself. This is how I defend myself in this world. Kill or be killed. It's quite simple.

   I get up to face him as he does the same. When he takes his leap towards me, I grab him mid air and toss him at the tower. I run to him as I keep him frozen and pinned against the building. I have to mentally knock away all of the cars coming at me while I run at full speed across the road. It's not easy when half of your face is bleeding like a waterfall, but I'm gonna make sure that everyone knows not to mess with me. Ever.

   I stand in front of the gorilla as he's groaning and panting, desperately trying to free himself from my grip. I keep him still and slowly begin to dismember him piece by piece. First his arms are ripped from his body and blood squirts out of both sides. I let him feel the pain for a minute before I pull his legs off. The skookers in the nearby window start dancing to the sounds of his scream.

   Lastly, I separate his head from his shoulders with one slow twist. The body drops as I do. I'm losing a lot of blood and I don't know what to do about it. Am I going to die? Is there even a way to heal from these wounds? It hurts so much that I just want to close my eyes and sleep, maybe even wake up from this nightmare.

   I touch my bruised face and feel a strong sting. My face may or may not be ripped. My lungs feel suddenly tight and I can't take a deep breath, as if I'm slowly drowning. The feeling worsens and I'm gasping for air. I turn around and see an army of angry monsters getting out of their vehicles that I had trashed.

   My powers are impressive, but my body isn't at the same level. The left side of my face is completely blind so I don't react fast enough when I'm attacked and pinned to the ground once more.

   I look up at the dark sky. I lay cold and hopeless, giving into my demise. I am not strong enough to fight them. My eyes close as dozens of creatures climb over my body and kill me.

   Fucking ow. Death hurts.

   Like the birth of the universe, one second it's just darkness and the next it's an explosion of stars and galaxies. My consciousness returns like waking up from a deep sleep. I don't know where I am, I just know I can't breathe. It takes me a while to figure out that the force around me is water, it just doesn't taste like water. It tastes numb and metallic. I see a small light above me and start swimming. As I get closer to the light, I become aware that I'm not the only one.

   There are countless of bodies floating or swimming up. Many of them seem dead. Their bodies get pulled away by the current and they don't move a muscle. There are some that aren't even complete, missing flesh and skin, just lifeless muscles.

   I scream in agony as my skin feels a searing heat. Bubbles escape my mouth and rise to the surface as I'm left in the bottom to drown over and over again. My consciousness goes in and out, each time waking me in a new location, but always the same dead water.

   I wake up once more and the light above me is closer and brighter. I swim as fast as I can and before I reach the surface, hands drag me back down. The dead bodies of other humans swarm around me, keeping me from leaving them. Their groans are low and empty, their voices a replica of death itself. The sound drowns me in its suffering. Their cold limbs wrap around me and attempt to suffocate me, but with one quick thought, my power forces them to let me go. They watch me as I swim up, leaving them in their total darkness.

   I break through the surface and gasp for air, choking on not water, but blood. Explosions erupt in the sky, setting it on fire for a few seconds before more explosions follow all around. It's like I've awakened to a war of blood and fire.

   Another explosion happens, but this one is just above my head and it sends me back under the sea of blood to protect myself from the fire. I can hear a lot of screaming from other people, other humans. I hear them above the sea and under. They're being tortured endlessly.

   My lungs burn and I swim up to face the fiery sky once more, but when my head breaks through the surface, I'm no longer in the same spot. It's quiet and peaceful. I'm not in a sea of blood, more like a pond of blood. I choke on the blood as I drag myself out of the pond, leaving a trail of red. There's snow all around me and the cold hits me late, since I'm still recovering from the fiery explosions.

   I make it a few feet away from the pond before I hear footsteps.

   "There you are," says a familiar voice.

   "Where am I?" I ask quietly, too exhausted to tilt my head up and see who the stranger is.

   "My home."

   Curiosity takes over me and I manage to roll on my back and look up at the sky. The man stands over me, staring down with a kind and understanding face.

   "Nekro," I breathe out.

   "Congratulations on your first death," he says, clapping his hands slowly. "Tell me all about it. How did it happen?"

   "I don't remember."

   "Here, let me help you up." He pulls me up on my feet and has me lean on him for support. "It will all come back to you, just give it a minute."

   "What . . . What was that?" I look back at the pond of red blood in the middle of a frozen wasteland.

   "You were in the lake of resurrection. Most call it the fountain of blood. It's the size of an ocean, but the experience normally doesn't last longer than a week."

   "You mean . . ." My breath hitches, I turn away from the pond and bury my face in his chest. He's warm for someone wearing a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

   He drags the hairs clinging to my face away. "What's wrong?"

   "I could have drowned over and over for a week?"

   "I pulled you out as soon as I knew you were back. This is my personal portal where I can drag out humans from their suffering."

   "I'm ruining your shirt," I tell him as my blood soaked body rubs all over his nice white shirt.

   He smiles, clearly telling me he doesn't care. He takes me away from the pond in his backyard and we enter his home through another gigantic doorway. It's eerily dark inside, but at least it's warm. I have a feeling there is no one here but us.

   We pass by weird portraits of him and his family dressed like gothic vampires, and one of him standing on a mountain of bodies—with no shirt. These are extreme artistic choices, but nonetheless it's all but a simple blink of an eye in a world as demented as hell.

   He waves at the end of a hall, where a gold door awaits with mysterious energy.

   "This is the bathroom. Please use it, clean yourself, relax, and I'll be back in a little bit." He opens the door and it's like stepping into heaven.

   The bathroom is sparkly clean, shining with white marble and gold. It's stupidly massive for a bathroom, but the tub in the middle makes me want to start screaming with joy. There is a staircase with a few steps that lead up to the square tub filled with clear water. I've never been more excited to take a bath.

   "Thank you," I tell him gratefully with my whole ass heart and soul.

   He winks at me and turns to leave, giving me privacy.

   The bloody clothes are peeled off one by one until I'm naked and exposed. I leave them somewhere in the corner and carefully make my way over to the center of the bathroom, wasting no time.

   The bathtub sits on top of a tall square surrounded by the staircases. It's like a mystical journey trying to climb up, almost like a pyramid in a way. I can see that it's supposed to be elegant and fancy, but one slip and you're done.

   As I climb the last step and lift my leg over the tub, it starts bubbling instantly. The water is warm to the touch and goes white the second I submerge my body. The bubbles grow in size, mixing with the soap that is turning the water cloudy. The blood on my skin washes away with ease, hissing with steam as the magical soap cleanses me from the filth. It only takes one second for me to dive under the water and come back up clean as ever. As if my death never even happened.

   I feel guilty taking such an incredible bath when so many out there are suffering. Most of my experience so far has been positive and filled with much support and care. I understand I am lucky, but I can't help feeling like I should be ashamed. I don't remember much about earth, but I know that I am being treated like royalty for no damn reason when it's the opposite that should be happening. Am I lucky for being at the right place at the right time? What would have been my fate if I picked a different city? I can't imagine it.

   I sigh and sink lower into the water. I spend a good amount of time in the bath until Nekro finally shows up.

   "Are you enjoying yourself?" he says, walking up to the tub. He's a generously tall man, so we're eye to eye despite the fact that this tub is high above the ground.

   "Are you going to join?" I ponder, but it comes out as an invite.

   "I don't think we'll behave if I join," he states with a grin.

   "Fine, you can fuck me," I mutter.

   The prince has no shame and wastes no time. He rips off his white shirt, exposing his insanely attractive body. It's so unexpected that I find myself sinking lower and lower under the water until only my eyes are exposed. I know he's athletic, it's not hard to tell by looking at him. The way his muscles are defined, from his biceps to his pecks, to the smooth abs begging me to lick them, he's pure perfection.

   He intentionally takes his sweet time pulling down his pants until his also sweet cock jumps out. He's not hard and it's already massive. There's no way everyone in hell has a massive one, right? I'm gonna need that special lube again, especially when you count how thick it is.

   The cock is smooth, just like the rest of his body. Hair or no hair doesn't seem to bother me. What bothers me is the fear of pain.

   "Do you like everything you're seeing?" he asks.

   "Yeah, you have a stupidly sexy body. Your muscles, even your legs, everything about you is so . . . jaw dropping."

   "I'm glad to hear it," he says, sending me a smirk that travels down to my pussy with tingles.

   Nekro takes a few steps and jumps on top of the bathtub, sliding into the water casually as if he's done this a thousand times. He swims to me and pushes me back against the edge of the tub, holding me there with his body, his skin barely touching mine.

   "What do you want?" he asks, looking down at me as I'm quietly freaking out inside.

   It took me now to realize I have no idea how sex works with this body. Being in a male body is easier and straight to the point. When something makes you horny, sometimes your dick gets hard and any kind of touch just feels fucking good. The only hard part about it is holding back the orgasm, it's too easy to reach it. And when it comes to being fucked, an ass hole is as basic as they come. It's all up to the one fucking you at that point, you kind of just take it and hope you look good enough for them to climax.

   But now . . . is it the same with this body? Because it doesn't feel the same.

   Suddenly, he stops my train of thought as he leans in and captures my lips in his. It doesn't shock me or make me freeze, it does the opposite. I feel calmer and kiss him right back. His lips feel soft and powerful at the same time, and somehow I feel more naked in his presence.

   While our lips get lost in each other, his hands go between my legs and he spreads them, holding them around his hips. I can feel his cock press against my pussy perfectly, and slowly drags up as he becomes erect. He lets go of one of my legs, but I keep it tightly wrapped around him, even as his thumb brushes gently from my clit down to my hole. He does this wave of motions with his fingers, rubbing the places he knows will make me shake, but there's a part of it that feels like he's exploring, trying to draw a map in his head.

   Without any warning whatsoever, he lifts me out of the water with one hand and into the air, causing me to release an unattractive hurling noise. Using his supernatural strength, he holds me in the air, his strong muscles flexing for attention, and slowly begins to lower me until his face is buried deep in my coochie and his tongue dives in.

   My flappy bird starts flying, singing, laying eggs, all while his wet tongue penetrates me and licks the good places. He takes his time with my clit, using his tongue around it, over it, leaving deliciously wet trails of saliva. He stimulates the perfect spot continuously, never seeming to need rest. My weak mouth starts moaning, my body feels hot, and the way I lose my mind makes me believe his tongue is a god of its own.

   When he moves down and starts fucking my hole with his hot tongue, my body starts trying to hump his face aggressively. I don't even know how he can keep me balanced over him like this, but it honestly feels nice, like I'm floating. His finger replaces his tongue, entering my virgin hole. It's long and it's not too painful, but pain doesn't cross my mind once his tongue is back on my clit and his mouth closes over it, sucking the little nub until I can't tell if I'm sobbing or laughing. This goes on for a blissfully long time and ends once heat flashes through my body, my strong orgasm emerging from the intense pleasure, causing me to collapse from his embrace and fall back into the water.

   As I hit the water, the orgasm still lingering from not even a second ago, my mind goes blank. I hear a desperate voice, loud, but somehow still hard to hear from another empowering element. I can feel their distress as if it's my own.


   "I don't want to die alone."

   I swim back out of the water and my mind seems to return. The orgasm is so powerful that it literally almost knocks me out. My eyes are closed as I take deep breaths. If I'm going to start hearing voices from how good he eats me out, I might as well label myself crazy and submit myself to a psychiatric hospital.

   "I'm not done," Nekro tells me.

   "I've never felt something like that," I say, opening my eyes.

   "You can have it anytime you want."

   I start nodding. I don't know why I'm nodding. I feel like a stupid monkey who lost all her braincells. "I'm ready for the next step of this spectacular experience."

   He takes my hand and places it over his dick. It's hard and long. I swallow my saliva, and a little bit of soap. He lets me feel it for as long as I want, and I won't deny that I wish my lips were the ones feeling it.

   I'm pushed back once again as he lines up his cock, massaging my bits with the smooth head. My skin shivers as I enjoy the sensitive smooth feeling of our private skin rubbing on each other, but once he starts looking for my hole with the tip, my temperature rises up with anxiety. I don't know why I'm suddenly nervous and scared, but my breathing goes irregular and it feels like I'm about to cry. The tip of his cock slides in and I feel an intense sharp pain as he opens me up. There wasn't any preparation besides the foreplay, so it's a tight squeeze, but despite my lust and desires, I realize I am not ready for this. I'm frustrated with myself because an innocent part of me wants it more than anything, but something inside me is holding me back.

   "S-Stop," I say, but it's too late.

   He slides further in as the shaky word comes out of my lips and it feels like I'm being torn apart. My screams are piercing and fill the room as if I'm being murdered. All too sudden, the room goes white with a heavenly glow reflected from my skin. Nekro jumps back as my body changes unexpectedly, without my control or will. The light fades and returns back into my body, leaving the familiar body that I entered this universe in.

   "What is this?" Nekro demands, his eyes open wide as he stares.

   My hair is short now, but there's still enough for it to cling to my face and force me to push it back. Subconsciously it's also a way for me to be open to him about how my powers work.

   "It's my strength," I tell him, with no emotion in my voice. It's not that I'm pissed, but it doesn't feel good to change without my say.

   "You're a man?" he says, almost in a disgusted way.

   This catches me off guard since it's not the original reaction I expect. I watch his face for any sign of trouble, but he just stares back confused.

   "I'm . . . both, I guess."

   "What is your strength?"

   "They're calling me a switch, but the real name might be something out of my pronunciation abilities."

   "Come again?"

   "Sure, I guess I'm ready for round two. Maybe give m—"

   "N-No, not what I meant. What do you mean you're a switch?"

   "I can change my sex," I explain, while ignoring my embarrassment. "It's a full body transformation, but my mind is the same. And both of them come with a unique power that I can only use while being the power's sex."

   "Okay, makes sense, but why did you change while I'm trying to fuck you?" he asks, and there's a hint of annoyance in his tone, or maybe frustration.

   "I didn't do it on purpose," I say, feeling guilty and sinking into the water.

   "Which one is the real you?"

   "I don't know," my voice comes out low like a whisper. "Everyone keeps asking me that, but how am I supposed to know when none of us know anything about our life on earth?"

   "Why didn't you tell me?" he says loudly, making me feel like I'm being interrogated.

   "Why do you sound upset?" anger slips into my voice as I stand out of the water, rising up to meet his level. He's still taller than me, but I am tall enough. I don't like his tone, it's not friendly and it's not kind. "Are you telling me you're homophobic? In hell? Really?"

   "I'm not attracted to men," he says sternly.

   "I am not a man, and I am not a woman—I am me," I say with full emotions. "If you don't like my male form, I will switch back, but I will not let you disrespect me just because I have a power I never asked for."

   "Are you forgetting who I am?" he says angrily, punching the water in front of us. His threatening eyes burst into purple colors as the room suddenly feels intensely hot.

   "Clearly you don't know who I am, so let me introduce myself." My anger fuels me up as I grab the prince with my powers and throw him back. The anger and betrayal I feel seems to manifest physically because a dark wave rushes out of my body as I use my power and I can finally physically see how it looks while I pin him on the wall. It's an extended shadowy arm constantly flowing from me like energy.

   "My name is Sinneas Gravemore," I tell him, smiling in order to provoke him.

   "This power is nothing to me," he responds.

   "You're the one being pinned to a wall, your highness."

   He roars, literally. His voice is dark and demonic, something I haven't heard from him before. The air around him changes like a heat wave and his body starts turning blue. Right as he shouts again, his veins become visible on his body and he begins to grow in size.

   My power's connection that keeps him pinned breaks as he waves his hand. He lands back on his feet and starts stalking towards me, his height increasing until he's almost as tall as the room. And yes, the ceiling is fucking tall. Now I understand the size of the doors and the rooms. At first glance you think this place is too extravagant and a little extra, but it's just perfect.

   "You think your childish powers are any match for me or my family?" His voice actually makes the ground tremble. It's everything you imagine from a demon.

   "I'm not scared of you," I state, staring up at his giant being.

   I am very scared.

   He swings his hand, attempting to bitch slap my entire body, but I hold him back with my power. Naturally my power feels smooth, but trying to use it against him feels dangerous. He's stronger in this form. It's not just the massive muscles anymore, it's his full demonic strength.

   His face looks different, but still human and recognizable. His black hair flows in a supernatural way as if we're caught in the middle of a storm. I'm not scared of what he looks like, but I am scared because I know I cannot beat him in a fight.

   I jump out of the tub as his other hand winds up another attack. I'm fully expecting to slam straight down, but quick thinking makes me use my powers to levitate myself in the air. I can't believe it even works.

   "You should be very afraid," he says darkly as he swings at me.

   Since my quick thinking saves me from a rather nasty fall, I try it again and draw the water from the tub and send it circling around his head. I don't know how I'm learning this fast, but it's mostly just lucky guessing. I don't know what works with this power, but so far it's straightforward. It's not a limited type of telekinesis. I can physically control almost anything.

   I'm so focused on trying to drown him that he manages to catch me like an irritating fly buzzing around his face. He starts squeezing the life out of me and I transform back into female.

   "LET ME GO!" I scream, punching his giant fingers.

   The prince stops abruptly, he looks uncomfortable, like he's being twisted from the inside. It's my power. I'm starting to get the hang of my strength. For once, it all feels as simple as breathing.

   "What is this?" he asks as he fights my influence.

   "Put me down, gently . . . now."

   He drops me back on the ground and uses one hand to stop the other from shaking violently.

   "Your voice . . . it's in my head." His eyes momentarily roll to the back of his head as he fights me.

   "It seems like you're physically stronger than me, but mentally . . ."

   "Stop it."

   I have no idea what he means, but I release him from my mind control. At least I hope that's how it works. When I woke up from the dead, surrounded by all of those living corpses, I knew that I had used my power to make them release me. It's a feeling inside of me and there is not a word to describe it.

   Now that Nekro is seeing me as a woman, he feels calmer, even the temperature is less tense. It's disappointing that this is what I have to face in hell. A homophobic prince with all the power to torture me for all of eternity.

   "Were you really going to kill me?" I ask him, my voice very much giving away that I am sad.


   "It sure felt like it."

   Before he responds, he returns back to his regular form, his beautiful Greek body shining once again. "I love fighting," he says while rubbing his wrist. He keeps his distance, giving me a comfortable amount of space. "But I was telling the truth when I said I'm not attracted to men."

   "I really felt like you were going to kill me, Nekro."

   "I'm sorry," he says sincerely. "It took me by surprise, but fighting is part of who I am. I love confrontation, I love arguing, and most of all I love being angry and battling it out with powers."

   "I mean, I'm not at all expecting anyone to be nice, and you slightly having some abusive boyfriend traits doesn't surprise me or shock me, but holy fuck warn a bitch next time."

   "What's the fun in that?" He smirks.

   I take a deep breath, knowing that he's telling the truth. "Yeah, I guess. I just don't want to die again, it wasn't pleasant."

   "It never is, and you definitely will die again."

   "Can you at least not kill me with your demonic form? Seems painful. What are you? Like fifteen feet? More?"

   He shrugs.

   "And where was your dick?"

   He raises a brow. "How did you miss my dick?"

   "I guess I was too busy trying to not get killed," I mutter.

   "Want to see it?"

   "You just tried to kill—Okay," I accept shamelessly.

   He rolls his neck and shakes his body, preparing to transform. He takes a deep breath and as he releases it, his body turns blue and two horns pierce through his skull. Now that we aren't fighting, I take my time and catch every aspect of his body as he goes from a human to a towering demon.

   My eyes go straight to his demon cock. I don't know how I missed it, but my jaw drops to the floor and through hell's crust into the next dimension.

   "Well?" he says, his voice sending chills throughout my body.

   "How is it thicker than my head?"

   His cock just rests there menacingly, the head staring at me from under the hood. It's thicker than my body and longer than my arm. AND IT'S SOFT.

   "You can touch it."

   I look up at him and place my hands on my hips. "You have a lot of nerve. You think I'm going to touch you after all of that? What happens when you're fucking my ass and I accidentally transform to a male? I'm still learning how to use and control these powers, you know."

   "I'm not going to kill you." He's staring down at me, and he's not showing any signs of hostile energy. "Like I said, I was surprised. It's hard to feel attraction towards men, trust me, I've tried. I have lived for thousands of years, and in all that time I have not met a single man that hasn't made me feel repulsed."

   "I have a feeling a lot of people share your opinion."

   "I've fucked men and women," he says as if it's supposed to make me feel any better.

   "Yeah, sure."

   "Fine, switch."

   "What do you mean switch?"

   "Switch," he repeats, voice monotone, slightly irritated.

   "Fine, but don't think for a second I'm letting you fuck me with that thing," I say as my body turns. "Not only is it impossible, but it would kill me. Mostly physically impossible."

   "You still kind of look like yourself," he says, bending down to examine the masculine features of my face and body.

   "They're both me," I say to his face.

   "Why did you even transform to him?" he says, ignoring how I'm literally saying there's no difference, that they're both me.

   "When you entered me, it just happened. I don't know why, I'm sure I have a great storyline that explains why I am the way I am."

   He waves his hand over the tub and the whole structure shifts, changing shape and size. It becomes flat at the top, taller, and keeps the little stairs. Nekro then sits on top and spreads his legs. It feels surreal in a way. Since everything in this room is heavenly and the tub is gold and magical, it just feels like I'm standing in front of a god sitting on his throne—just with his massive cock hanging between his legs.

   "I'm not repulsed by you," he says, leaning back on his hands and tilting his head back. "Touch me, Sinneas."

   "Why not make me touch your human form?" I wonder as I take little steps towards him.

   "Because this is my real form. Nothing is more personal and real than interacting with me like this."

   I don't even know how I'm supposed to do this, but I start by climbing up the stairs between his legs until I'm facing his blue cock. I use both hands to grab the skin and massage him, hopefully making him feel good. But I'm so small compared to the rest of him that it honestly makes me feel discouraged.

   "I don't know how to make you feel good. I can't just wrap my mouth around it."

   "Don't think about it too much," he advises.

   I drag my tongue over the head and take a moment to really enjoy the flavor. It tastes exactly how I imagined, but so much better. I can honestly say his godzilla cock tastes devilishly incredible. I even go deeper and lick the slit, leaving small wet trails. I kiss the skin all over the tip and suck even though he might not even be feeling anything. The way it makes me feel, though, is like a million butterflies in my stomach suddenly bursting into fireworks.

   An idea comes to me that may or may not work, but it's worth trying. I step back to see his cock slowly growing as he becomes erect. I can't believe this isn't even his final form. I use my power to physically create a larger touch. It ends up working.

   I make him fully hard as I jerk him off with my power, letting it caress tightly over the entire length. When I see how big his cock is fully at attention, it makes me hard. I hug the entire thing and climb up on it like it's a horse. I enjoy the warmth of his massive human-sized sausage as I slowly rock back and forth, humping it and moaning with how good it feels.

   There's another unattractive noise that comes out of my throat when he suddenly grabs me—except this time it comes out of my male side. He picks me up with just one hand, making me feel like a small toy, and holds me over his mouth. I am surely about to scream because I think he's going to eat me, but he just does the same thing he did before when he had my pussy all over his face.

   The homophobic demon prince lowers me over his mouth, and it's weird because of our size differences, but once his big tongue starts licking me between my legs, my brain completely dissolves.

   My legs are spread far over both sides of his face as his lips keep me trapped, locking over both sides of my hips, sucking everything down there. His mouth becomes so wet as he licks my hard cock—which feels little on his enormous tongue. He swirls the saliva between my cock, balls and ass. His tongue licks all three at the same time, but he doesn't stop, and it feels better than anything I have ever experienced in my life. I am not exaggerating.

   My body is in paradise when the powerful suction starts pulling my balls. I wonder if he can taste anything with how small I am, but if he can, he's enjoying himself with how much he swallows me. I am so painfully hard and brace myself for the ride to be over as his tongue pokes between my cheeks, licking up and down. My eyes flutter close as I start cumming on his tongue. I actually sob into the orgasm. It's the most powerful one I've ever felt and I'm not sure there's anything that can top it. I moan and groan loudly as he drains me completely. I can't form words or thoughts after it's over.

   Nekro sucks me one last time as if he's making sure his lollipop is dry before he puts it away. He lifts me up from his face when he's done and drops me back on the steps.

   "Hug my cock and squeeze it," he orders as I watch him swallow his saliva.

   He wants to cum, and I will happily take him there. At this point he's fully hard from everything he just did to me, so it's standing up almost straight. As I hug it, it makes me imagine a tree trunk, except much smoother and softer, but just as huge and thick. I cling to the tall cock and squeeze it tightly with all of my limbs. He closes his eyes, so I assume it feels good to him. I climb it higher until my face is just on the tip. I take long licks, lapping up the glistening goodness. I squeeze as tight as I possibly can and hump it hard, almost like I'm trying to fuck it, until it starts shooting long ropes of white cum and almost makes me fall. Some of it lands on my head, drenching me. I have to scoop it out of the way so I don't drown, but it tastes so good that I take some in my mouth and swallow it like I'm starving.

   As he breathes heavily, the ceiling begins to shower us with water. It destroys any evidence that I had demonic semen all over me like I had just won an awards show at a certain television network. The water is the same kind of magic as the bathtub and actually dissolves anything that doesn't belong and leaves me feeling cleaner than a priest on Christmas.

   "See?" he says as he returns to his human form.

   "See what?" I say, staring up at him from the steps. He steps down from the top of the structure and stops on my level. I still have to stare up at him, but not so much in my male form.

   "I'm not afraid to be intimate with a male," he says proudly.

   "Good job."

   "Helps that I met you in your other form, but I guess I still think of you just the same."

   I roll my eyes and fake laugh at him. "Finally! It only took you this weird sex scene to pull through. Male or female, I am the same. So please, view me as me, not as my power or my body. I can make you feel good no matter what sex I'm wearing that day. If you don't like my male form as much as my female form, then tell me."

   "It's easy to say when you're attractive. Maybe I should show you around the city and then you let me know if you still want to fuck men."

   I tap my chin, remembering all of the beings I've seen so far. "You have a point. I've seen women of all shapes, sizes, colors, and species, and I can honestly say I am not disappointed, but the males . . ."


   "I've still seen some pretty good looking males, but if it's not your taste, who am I to judge?"

   He smiles at me, and I almost feel embarrassed just standing in the fake rain, naked . . . in front of the prince of hell. We're good looking guys with nicely sized cocks. I would like to feel him in my ass, but I wonder if he will let me feel him. So far no one likes to be the one getting fucked. I have a feeling that will change pretty soon.

   "You most certainly judged."

   "I judged your abrupt homophobic attack, not your lack of taste in men."

   "Come," he says, holding out his hand.

   "Where are we going?" I ask, taking his hand and letting him pull me along.

   "I'll get you some new clothes and take you back to your home. You'll have to let everyone know you died."

   "Oh, right. I don't want to get fired from Deathwish. And I'm sure my friend is worried about me."

   "Don't change back to your female form. I'll give you some of my clothes to wear."

   We leave the bathroom and he takes me up a grand staircase. The mansion feels like a dark maze I can easily get lost in, never to be seen again. For this reason, he holds my hand all the way until we reach his room. It's a massive room, yes, but it feels comfortable. It's extremely dark and almost everything is black. His bed is huge and has curtains that close around it. There's a nicely sized balcony that currently has its doors closed, but I can imagine him sitting outside reading a book while thinking about torture.

   "Nice room," I tell him.

   "You can stop by and stay in my home anytime you want," he says, and notices I'm staring at his bed. "Don't worry, we'll fuck many times on it."

   He goes to his wardrobe and I just stand around, watching his beautiful muscular back down to his juicy ass. I get hard again, which boggles my mind considering how hard I came into his mouth. This body never rests. It starts hurting so I hide it between my legs as best as I can. Watching him dress into a gorgeous prince makes it all the more difficult to hold anything back.

   "Don't make me bend you over and fuck you right here, right now," he states.

   I swallow all of the horny saliva accumulated in my mouth. "Can you seriously tell with your back to me?"

   "Yes," he says simply.

   "Thank you, but I think I should get back and let everyone know I died."

   He turns around, fully dressed and handsome, and throws me some of his more campy clothes. He is attentive, I'll give him that. He gives me clothes that closely match the style of my old clothes. It's kind of sweet that he thinks about such miniscule little details.

   He quickly looks up as if he's listening to something. "Quickly, get dressed."

   I jump into the clothes without even caring if they are properly on and follow him down the stairs to the front of the house. As I hop on one leg while getting the shoes on, he opens the front door and darts outside.

   "Wait for me!" I call, running after him. He's outside on his path, watching the sky. "What's wrong?"

   He silences me with a hand as a shadow appears in the sky, pushing strong gusts of wind towards us. I cover my face and hold on to my coat as the sound of wings enter our air. They sound large and slow as the shadow disappears and a figure breaks through the fog in the sky. I stare at the figure as it glides down, large wings spread open, and finally realize it's a man.

   He comes into view and I'm frozen with awe. His wings are black with a dark red tint, the fingers in his wings pierce through at the top like metallic knives. As he hovers closer, I study him. He has horns that bend backwards, but they are not like demons. They are clearly dragon horns. That's when it hits me. I'm not gazing up at an angel or a demon . . . I'm witnessing a dragon. A human hybrid.

   He lands on the ground in front of Nekro and I glance down at his talons as they dig into the ground. His skin is covered in black scales with the center of his body being softer with pale human skin. The scales strongly resemble the armor he wears, which is close to a knight, with powerful shoulder armor, vambraces that compliment his strong claws, and leg armor that hugs his long legs as if they were a part of him. The strangest thing is the belt, which is made out of metal, but cloth hangs from it like parts of a magical robe belonging to a gifted wizard. He has no need for boots, since they would hinder him rather than help. I can imagine his talons are strong enough to rip through anything.

   The dragon man kneels in front of Nekro, raising an arm over his forehead as his wings relax around him like a cape. I can't stop rudely staring at his marvelous beauty. Everything about him is new to my eyes. I have seen many creatures of the night, but this one is far superior to anything I've seen. He's simply stunning. Even his armor leaves me breathless from how perfect it represents what he is.

   "What is it, Skëlls?" Nekro asks.

   Skëlls stands back up. "Your family is trying to contact you." His voice is deep and soothing, but there's also a part of it that sounds like magic. I can't explain it. It perhaps is magical.

   "I turned them off for a reason," he says in an annoyed tone.

   "She has attacked Murder City," he states, speaking as if he's a soldier in a war. "They are fighting her right now and they need you."

   "What? Are you serious?" Nekro sounds stressed.

   "It's not looking good. We don't know what to do. She's immune to everything we throw at her."

   Nekro grunts with frustration. "Skëlls, can you take my friend home?"

   "Of course," he says.

   I blink. "What?"

   Nekro turns to me, his face full of fear. He grabs my shoulders and tries to reassure me, but his face gives everything away. Something bad is happening, "You can trust him, Sinneas. I'm sorry, but I have to go."

   "Okay." I don't know what else to say, and neither does he, so he disappears into a wormhole as fast as he can.

   "Hello," Skëlls says to me when we're alone.


   He walks closer to me, and I don't know why, but he walks so fucking sexy. His style is just so strong and manly, even though he's quite pretty looking. It has to be the armor . . . or maybe the insanely cool tail behind him. Maybe he just can't walk with talons as feet? I don't know, but I'm worried once again for my hole.

   "My name is Draco Skëlls and I am Nekro's warlock."

   "Is your tongue okay after that sentence?" I wonder, not being able to even say it in my own mind without choking on my tongue.

   He actually opens his mouth and waves his tongue. His tongue is long and not human. He smiles at me, which is kind of adorable. It's also weird for me to think that. Skëlls is dark. He doesn't even have white in his eyes, it's all black except for the iris, which is red. Even his hair is black, and I assume messy from all of the flying. Despite how attracted I am to him, I mustn't forget where I am. This is hell and even this fine creature has an evil aura.

   "My tongue is perfectly fine," he responds.

   "That's . . . good."

   "What is your name?"

   "Sinneas Gravemore."

   "Nice to meet you Sinneas Gravemore. Why haven't I seen you before?"

   "I'm new to hell," I say, shrugging like I'm ashamed of constantly having to remind everyone of my inexperienced time.

   "Oh, really? That's interesting. Nekro never brings newbies to his personal home. You must be special."

   "Yeah, yeah."

   "Would you like me to take you somewhere?"

   "Can you take me to Deathwish?"

   He nods. "Yes, I can. Would you like to go now?"

   "Can I ask you some questions first?"

   "Sure." He nods again, crossing his arms over his chest.

   "What's a warlock? And what do you mean you're Nekro's warlock."

   "Every child of the fallen king has a warlock to protect them. This universe is large and expands every second. The threats are endless and sometimes devastating. Nothing is forever, even the lives of those that are powerful. I am here to use my magic to do anything and everything to make sure Nekro is safe."

   "Are you saying you are more powerful than Nekro?" He surely looks the part, which is incredible considering what Nekro wears normally. Skëlls is what I think of when I picture Satan's children. Instead, he's just a magical guard.

   "I am imbued with special powers only warlocks can use. I am not more powerful, just different."

   "Are you a dragon?"

   "Half a dragon, yes. I am the only one of my kind."

   "Oh, that sounds sad."

   "No, I am just the only one in hell."

   "Oh, you're a bad boy. Bad dragon."

   He just stares silently at that.

   "Shall we?" he says.

   "Are you going to fly me?"

   "I can't create portals."

   He beckons me with his sharp fingers. I comply against my fears and inch closer to his detailed body. He wraps a heavy arm around me, which comes mostly from the armor, and holds me tightly. He's taller than me, and although he's lean and his muscles aren't like Nekro's, I don't doubt his capabilities at all. His wings spread far and wide, gaining air and control as we launch into the sky with ease. It's hard to see in this eerie air, but seems like no trouble for Skëlls.

   I'm not certain if he's just strong, but holding on to him feels light. I'm not even worried about slipping from his grasp. We soar through the sky seamlessly, gathering so much wind it feels like he's dragging a hurricane, yet I'm not struggling to hold onto him.

   "Are you super strong?" I ask him.

   He just smiles at that and stays focused on flying. Safe driver.

   While it doesn't take long to reach Deathwish, I am well aware we traveled tremendously far. I don't know the extent of his power, but Skëlls is wonderfully useful to have on your team. Nekro is lucky.

   "Thank you, you majestic creature," I tell him as we land on the property and he lets me go.

   "Call me whenever you need me. A friend of Nekro is a friend of mine."

   "How can I call you?" I quickly ask as he braces himself to go back to the sky.

   "Just call my name." He winks and my dick jumps.

   I watch him fly so fast that in a blink of an eye, he's gone.

   I notice he left me where I died, which is suspicious. Is it just a coincidence? I can still see some of the pieces of the gorilla where I ripped him apart. Monsters must have eaten the other parts. I don't even see my body at all and I don't want to know.

   Today I died, but I feel at peace with it. I'm okay and I know I'll be okay. Now I can't wait to tell Krom about my eventful day.


I hope you guys liked this crazy weird chapter! UNFORTUNATELY it's the last chapter for a little bit. Enjoy your holidays, I'll be working on the last few chapters that still need some work. I ran into some trouble with a chapter and it took me a long time and realized I have a lot of rewriting to do, so I rather get that over with before I post more chapters.

But yeah, thank you guys for your support <3 I freaking love this story so much omg, which is why I'm taking more time before I post more chapters because I'm adding like two extras before I wrap it up. <3


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