Chapter 4 - "Hooker Prostitute From Hell"
I've spent the last few hours finding the perfect outfit for when I switch on the go. While I'm male and masculine, I do have muscles and a much bigger body overall, so wearing something tight will only cause me to break through it, or if it's tight enough, die? Maybe I'm just being dramatic, I'm not even huge as a man, but the muscles can be a problem.
Bae Lyon is incredible. That woman and her third eye have to be some kind of magic, because I explained my situation, and she took me under her wing and we ran around the hotel bulldozing through everyone's doors trying to steal clothes, and in the end we managed to fit together an outfit that makes sense.
It's not spectacular, but it works. I need something that can stretch, but also make me look good. I can't walk around with my tits out forever, although I'm starting to really want to.
The outfit in question starts with a cardigan, and yes, that may sound boring, but we're in hell and there's no such thing as grandma's sweater laying around. The cardigan is made from a thicker material than you'd expect, but it's semi-long, has a witchy hood and it's big enough to fit both of me, whenever.
What I'll wear underneath depends on my mood that day. I can either go shirtless, or I'll wear another stretchy shirt underneath. It doesn't really matter to me all that much, as long as it's black and it expands with my body, we're good.
Finding a good pair of pants for a male and female was definitely the hardest part, but when we found it . . . I almost cried tears of joy.
It's the perfect fabric, not like the cardigan, but softer and stretchier. The best part is that it's only "tight" around the bottom, and it gets baggier at the top. It's stylish with cute little ropes to tighten it if I want to, and the waistband is thick and comfortably tight so no matter what sex I am, the pants will never fall or suffocate me.
No pockets, but the cardigan has pockets!
And lastly my boots. I don't want to talk about feet in case some weirdo who can read thoughts is spying on my brain right now, but it was a little difficult finding something to fit both of me. We found some nice leather boots. They aren't perfect, and they won't feel the best at certain times, but I'll be able to run for my life in them and that's what matters.
I'm very happy with my one outfit that I'll wear for the rest of my life like the main characters in an anime. But it isn't complete, it just needs one small touch.
"Krom?" I call his name from the bathroom.
"Yes?" I hear his voice, but he's somewhere else in the apartment.
"Can you come here?"
I hear him run to me, but when he sees me naked in all of my womanly glory, he makes this weird noise in the back of his throat and turns around to not look at me.
"I need you to rip my cardigan with your claws."
"Just the ends, like my other coat."
"Oh, okay."
"It's by the bed, thank you."
I close the bathroom door and finish drying myself. Having long hair is the most annoying part of being a woman after a shower, and I know that seems miniscule to the many things other women feel annoyed by, but my hair is supernaturally long—it's inconvenient. It's wet and heavy and I feel like my neck is going to snap.
Taking a deep breath, I stare at myself in the mirror, remembering my conversation with Madame Hissandra. I should be able to change whenever I want, so why can't I do it? I've tried, of course, but nothing happens.
It sucks. I want Krom again, and I know that he desperately wants me, but he isn't attracted to my female body. I just want to feel him inside of me again, feel his strong arms around my body, squeezing me as he pumps me with his monster cock.
I fucking want it. I want to fucking change. Body change.
I gasp at the sensation starting to float through my veins. Is it finally happening? Do I have to feel like I want to be fucked in order to change?
My fingertips feel electricity as they slide across the counter. The feeling then begins to travel through my arms and spreads to the rest of my body. When my entire body feels like television static, my skin glows white until I can no longer see any details of who I am. That's when I start changing.
I see my hands stretch longer and my arms get thicker, but it doesn't hurt. It doesn't really feel like anything. And then happy thoughts fill my mind as I feel my long hair being sucked back into my skull as my transformation completes.
He's back.
The glow vanishes and I'm left with my old self—Sinneas. I admire my gorgeous male body and let the towel drop from my waist. Not only will I be able to test my outfit as a male, but I'll finally get fucked!
I open the bathroom door and quietly sneak out as Krom finishes scratching my cardigan. His back is facing me as he inspects the piece of clothing once more to make sure it's perfect for my taste.
"Hey, sexy wolf boy."
His ears perk up at the sound of my deep voice, and not gonna lie, I surprise myself too. I forgot how my male voice sounded. It's a shock for us both, but mostly for him since he's been wanting me back since the second I changed.
"You figured it out?" he says, turning around to look at me.
"I think so. It was kind of random, honestly. So you can put away the virgin blood, we won't need it."
He doesn't say anything, he's too busy drowning in my body. I can see him breathing faster the longer he stares. He wasn't lying when he said he's horny all the time. I'm right up there with you, bud.
I walk closer to him and start removing his clothes. He doesn't move at all, too busy breathing heavily. Even when we're both standing in front of each other, wearing nothing but our skin, he doesn't move an inch.
Taken aback, I swallow the hard knot in my throat and walk back. "Krom? Are you okay?"
"I don't think we should do anything tonight," he finally says.
"That's okay. But are you okay?"
"It's part of my curse," he says quietly, turning away and gathering his clothes from the floor. I feel embarrassed after getting him naked while he was frozen, not from being horny, but something bad.
"What curse?"
"You've asked me why I don't look like other werewolves, it's because I'm not technically a werewolf," he admits. Instead of putting the clothes back on, he just moves to the bed and sits down, closing his eyes while breathing through his nose. "I'm somewhere in the same category as a werewolf, but I am actually a hybrid. I'm not a werewolf by birth or choice, I was cursed."
"It really does explain why you don't look terrifying like the rest. I don't think I could actually sleep with a real werewolf, no offense."
"The monster that cursed me tried to turn me into a werewolf, but he used regular wolf hair for the potion he brewed instead of werewolf hair. He threw it at me like a bomb and it exploded all over me, permanently turning me into this."
"Did this happen here?"
"No, it happened on another world many centuries ago. I was surprised I kept this form when I arrived here. Would have been nice to arrive as human, like you."
"So the universe has dark secrets that most people aren't aware of?"
His hands start shaking for a second, but he turns them into fists and hides them under his arms. He seems to be in pain.
"The curse was supposed to turn me into a werewolf, but it was done by someone who lacked any form of intelligence. He messed up the spell, turned me into a mistake forever. Other werewolves are strong without the full moon, it's actually a blessing for them down here. But for me, I need it."
"And there's no moon here."
"No moon at all, which means every now and then I'll struggle in my own body, but it doesn't last more than a day. It used to be horrible when I first got here, but I've had time to adjust."
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
He looks at me and smiles sadly, shaking his head. "I'll just end up hurting you."
I jump next to him on the bed, completely unafraid of him. "We're kinda fucked up, you know? We're nice, we respect each other, we care for each other, meanwhile everyone else would have no problem selling us to a monster for a few pieces of gold."
He chuckles. "I'm just tired of being a monster. It's what got me in here in the first place."
"Yeah, so who cares if you hurt me. Won't I come back if I die?"
He squints his wolf eyes at me like someone who is judging. "Are you suggesting we still fuck while I'm in this uncontrollable state?"
"Oh, no, but if you want to, I don't mind."
"You don't understand. It's not that I'll be a little rough in bed; I could end up biting your head off if I'm not careful."
I shrug at the thought. "Sounds fun?"
"Dying is not fun."
"Have you died?"
"I'm a detective, of course I have. It sucks."
"Does it hurt?"
"Everything hurts."
"So what are you gonna do then?"
"I hope you're satisfied with just jerking off, because I'll be sleeping in my private werewolf-only room tonight."
"Yeah, it will only get worse, but I'll be better in the morning, I promise. I can't really help it when it comes."
"No problem."
"I'll drive you back to Deathwish in the morning before the monsters start reviving."
I groan and fall back on the large bed as he gets up to leave. "Don't remind me."
"Get some sleep, you'll need it."
I don't like the way he said it, but he's right. I haven't seen everything in that tower, but what I saw is enough to make me fearful. For now I take his advice and get some needed rest so that I am energized and ready for tomorrow. I don't even know if I'm going to be interviewed or be given the job.
My eyes snap open at the horrifying sound of a scream. My heart feels like it's going to climb out of my chest and put me out of my misery. My hands desperately search for the nightstand in the dark until I find the television remote to turn on the screen and get some light in the room.
"Oh, good morning," Krom says as he opens the bedroom door, letting more light in from the rest of the apartment.
"What the hell is that?" I ask.
"It's the alarm, sorry."
He runs to the other nightstand on his side of the bed and grabs a vibrating clock. He scares me further by silencing the clock by crushing it with his claws, destroying the device.
"Does it not have a button to turn it off?" I ask, shocked, but too sleepy to care much.
"I don't think you'll like being woken up to that every day, so I'll get a new one."
"Oh, alright."
"I've made you some breakfast. I'm sure it's going to be delicious to human eyes. At least I hope."
Krom seems to be back to normal, which is good to see. Whatever happens to him during this time, he wants it hidden from me. I won't bug him about it, I can tell it's serious.
"I don't feel hungry, is that wrong?" I wonder as he leaves his bedroom and comes back with a plate.
"Not in your early months, but after a while the hunger really kicks in, and most people ignore it since they think food must not be that important if they don't feel anything, but they usually die instantly when it happens."
He lays the large plate of food on my lap. It looks like ordinary human food. There are french fries, a burger, a tuna sandwich, scrambled eggs with bacon, pancakes drenched in syrup, and other things that I don't recognize, but still look like they belong on the human menu.
It looks . . . normal, but I don't feel hungry. I don't have an appetite and I don't have any desire to eat. I also don't want to be rude and reject something that looks incredibly hard to get in hell, and I know my brain wants to ask, but I will not. If it's actually human food or things that were made to look like human food, I don't care. I don't want to know a single detail about anything anymore.
I pick up the burger and set aside the tray. It looks the nicest out of the bunch, so I chose this to try first. I take my first bite and chew the flavors quietly. It's nice . . . all things considered. It's not an explosion on my taste buds, but it does the job. I take another bite and almost choke when I feel Krom crawl underneath the covers and start sucking my soft cock between my legs.
Not a single bone in my body stops him. I take another gentle bite of my food and lay back, closing my eyes as my cock gets licked and sucked until it's fully hard in his mouth.
The human part of me wants to feel shame for eating while getting a blowjob, but the man side feels like a fucking king. I groan loudly when Krom does magical things with his tongue. I have to put down the burger and roll my hips, fucking his mouth as my legs get spread under the covers.
I'm not proud of it, but I finish too fast. There are a hundred excuses rushing through my mind about my ability to hold back, but honestly I don't have to explain a single thing to anyone. You try having your cock sucked by someone who can physically slide it in their entire mouth and then tell me you wouldn't finish right away.
"I can't believe this is how my first day of work is going," I say while cleaning myself up.
"You'll need a good start if you're going to work for Hissandra," he says.
Krom does a little bit of cleaning as I finish eating. I take a shower after and get ready in the bathroom. I manage to switch back to female as I'm standing naked in front of the mirror. There's a brush on the counter made out of bones and I stare at it before deciding on not using it on my hair. I think that kind of torture device might rip out my scalp instead. My white hair will stay the way it is.
When I'm ready, Krom and I walk out of the apartment and down the darkly lit hall to the elevator. The nerves are starting to swim through my stomach and I hope to Satan that it isn't the food that is causing it.
I think about what kind of job I'll have, and the unknown seems to make the feeling in my stomach worse. Not only that, but it's getting harder to breathe, like someone is wrapping their hands around my throat and squeezing the life out of me. I'm suffocating in hell.
The journey to Deathwish is the same as before. We descend into the secret caves below the city and rush through the portal that takes us to the center, where the snake tower awaits its new member.
"I'll come get you tonight," Krom says as I exit the vehicle.
I turn back to him with a confused look on my face. "It's always night."
He stares at me for a lengthy minute and drives away, leaving me there with my mouth wide open. I can't believe he just did that. I've never in my life been called stupid so quietly.
This is going to be my first day truly on my own. I'll have to be careful with who and what I look at, watch where I step, think about what I say . . . basically I'm fucked.
The club is much quieter at this time, and since there's technically no day and night, this hour might be the closest to an early morning that you can get here. Even monsters have to go to sleep eventually.
I feel more confident walking inside this time around and it totally has nothing to do with the lack of beasts roaming around with their saliva dripping from their monstrous faces. I even spot a skooker fairly quickly. This is my day, it's my time.
"Hey, I'm here for work," I say with a smile.
"Sinneas . . ." I close my eyes, forcing my brain to work as I manage to forget my last name. "How many Sinneas could there even be . . ."
The skooker sighs and my eyes go straight to where the lungs would be, if he had any, but he doesn't.
"Follow me."
The skooker takes me to the portal in the center and holds my hand. We jump in together and I feel gravity pull me with the skooker as we dive down until the shadows devour us and spit us back out on another level.
I don't get time to really take in the sight of the cave we've spawned in. I'm immediately pushed aside by skeletons who are coming in and out constantly.
"This is the underground restricted level for workers only. It's super easy to get here, you just have to swim down when you're in the portal. You'll fry to death if you try unless you're marked or if another worker takes you."
I follow him and move out of the way of the long lines of skeletons marching in and out of the portal. They're kind of cute. Cute little workers.
The cave isn't special at all. It's just a regular rocky cave with torches hanging on the walls. Although they are unnecessary since the light from the portal brightens the cave enough to see perfectly.
"Come," the skooker orders.
There are two entrances in this cave. One that leads through a hall made out of metal and satanic symbols and the one all of the skeletons are running through. We take the one away from the skeletons. This hall has a purple carpet and we follow it all the way down until I can no longer see or hear the skeleton army.
At the end of this hall there is a metal door that opens automatically as we approach it.
"Welcome to the human lobby!" he says with a fake excited tone.
I'm about to comment on the fact that there are no humans here to make it a human lobby, when a girl shows up and stops my thoughts. I try to keep my face blank as I look at her features. First of all . . . she has longer hair than me. Her purple hair goes all the way to the floor and then some. But her hair is the least distracting part. She has four horns. The two on top curve upwards and the other two on her temples make an S. It doesn't end there. She has three eyes and all of them are pure white. The one on her forehead is surrounded by markings. Despite these abnormal features, she's the prettiest purple girl I've ever seen.
"Can you take over, Sephone?
"Of course," she says, her three eyes fixed on me.
"I'll come back if she hires another one," he says on his way out.
"Hello, Sinneas," she says calmly.
"How do you know my name?"
"My strength is a form of psychic powers, but unfortunately it has left me physically blind. I may not be able to see you, but I can still see everything about you."
"Okay, good. That means I don't have to bother explaining why I'm here."
"Interesting choice for your first job."
"What is my job, anyway?"
"A hooker."
"This is a safe place for Madame Hissandra's human workers. There are rooms with beds, showers, lockers, a kitchen, and much more. But before we get started, I'll have to mark you."
"What does that mean?"
"It means a tattoo will be placed inside your skull."
My eyes go wide at the ground, avoiding all three of her prying eyes.
"Is it—"
"No, it's instant. You won't feel a thing."
I look back up and roll my shoulders. "Okay, I'm ready."
She raises a hand from under her robes and presses it against my forehead. Her sharp nails scrape my head slightly as she squeezes and whispers an incantation that burns images into my mind. She retreats her hand and smiles at me.
"Well, hello." Another voice enters the room as Sephone finishes.
I feel a little dizzy and start losing my balance, but this mysterious person runs to me and holds me steady.
"I'll get her some water," Sephone says.
"Wh-Who are you," I say as I fight the urge to pass out.
"My name is Hellios," he says, smiling at me.
"Y-You look like that guy . . ."
"What guy?"
"That girl . . . bro, she . . . she drove through the suburbs for you, and you weren't there."
"Here." Sephone returns and brings up a cup of water to my lips and I drink eagerly, but it isn't water.
My eyes begin to focus and my head stops spinning. Whatever the drink is, it cures me right away. I am able to manage my balance once again and I take a deep breath.
"Is she not used to incantations?" Hellios asks.
"She isn't even a week old," Sephone answers.
"Oh, fuck." He looks at me with a shocked expression.
"Are you okay?" she asks me.
I nod. "I'm okay. Am I marked now?"
"You are," Sephone says with a bright, warm smile.
"Good. When do I start?" I return with a creepy smile, then remember she can't see, and I slowly lose my smile as Hellios gives me an eye.
"You'll have to get into your uniform and then Hellios will take you back upstairs and show you to your post," she says.
"Uniform? Where is it?"
"Your uniform is your skin."
"What? What do you mean? I have to be naked?" Unsurprisingly, my hands go straight to my boobs.
"You're a hooker. Your job is to dance sexually and earn as many boners as you can."
"So I'm a pole dancing hooking prostitute from hell?"
"Correct," she says with full seriousness. "I'll check on you in an hour, but for now I have to go and take care of . . . something."
"Can I ask you for a favor before you go?"
She walks closer to me, her face a few inches from mine. Her three eyes move as if they're scanning my brain. She takes a breath and closes her eyes. I don't know how her strength works, but I try my best to focus on only her and not the attractive twink daddy watching me from the side.
"Yes, I see you. I see all of you. Your strengths are useful here. You will be happy."
"Please, tell me what they are. No one knows and I can't figure it out."
"In your current form, you're an influencer."
"Like a Youtuber? Ew."
"No, you can influence minds. You can make people do and say things. It's a powerful one, not many have it."
"And the other?" I look at her with child-like eyes.
"Oh. That's it? Well, it explains how I ripped that guy apart."
"Don't underestimate it. You're a powerful human. I'd be careful if I were you."
"Thank you, Sephone."
"Oh, and one more thing. Hissandra prefers you use both of your forms. A switcher will be very popular with the customers."
"Okay. That makes sense."
"Go with Hellios. I'll see you soon." Sephone leaves the lobby and I watch the trail of hair follow her, and I swear for a second I saw them move on their own.
"You can put your clothes in your locker," Hellios tells me as he walks ahead, showing me around. "The lockers are next to the showers, which are on the right side."
"What do you do here?" I ask him.
"I'm Hissandra's human assistant." He's quite pretty to look at. I'm most impressed by his brown eyes—so plain, so normal, yet so deep and full of mystery. His brown hair is curly and—wait a minute.
"Why do you look so normal and the rest of us don't?" I say in my offended tone.
He stops by the lockers and opens the one I assume is mine before turning around with a smirk on his face. He leans back and crosses his arms over his chest.
"I look normal?"
"What's so normal about me?"
"Your . . . everything. Even what you're wearing is normal."
He looks down at his normal button down shirt with a little bit of chest exposed, his maroon pants and black boots, then looks back up at me with an eyebrow raised.
I have a strange feeling that he's looking at me like a fresh new hole he desperately wants to fuck. Am I really that attractive or am I conceited to think that everyone wants to fuck me? Because it's not fair to call me conceited when I don't even recognize what I look like. Even I want to fuck me.
"What's your secret?" I ask him.
"Appearance is one thing, but there's so much more." He looks sad as he talks. "While Sephone can see everything about you, I know everything . . . about everything."
"So, you're smart?"
He chuckles at that. "No, I know everything in the universe. I know the answers to questions that make people go insane. I know the answers to everything."
"That's not so bad."
"Not on paper, but you weren't there when I first arrived thousands of years ago. It took me . . ." He takes an uncomfortable breath and looks like he is in emotional pain remembering. "It took me so long to numb out the knowledge. I had to die a million times to be able to control the insanity my strength brought."
"Oh, I see what you mean. I can't imagine how knowing everything feels. I think we'd all go crazy."
"I look better than I used to."
"Hissandra is smart to keep you and Sephone under her wing—tail? That's some powerful shit."
"And now she has you."
"I'm nothing like you guys."
"Are you kidding me? I heard what Sephone said. You have two incredible powers. In time people will know your name and fear it—speaking of which, what is it?"
"My name?"
"Yeah, what's your name?"
"It's . . . Sinn."
"Sinn? Really?" He tries not to laugh, but it still rubs me the wrong way and I am so easily offended that I have to defend myself.
"It's short for Sinneas."
"Why did you shorten it?"
"Do you want to see why I have two strengths?"
"Sure. Show me." He drops his arms and hooks his thumbs inside his pockets, watching me carefully.
Since I'm going to be naked while I work here, I might as well start now. I remove the cardigan and hand it over to him to hold. I make my expression delicate and sensual, keeping my blue eyes on him as I start to remove my top, exposing my bobs. He takes a sharp breath and I see him squeeze my cardigan. I bend down carefully and pull down my pants. And yes, I don't have any underwear.
I try not to laugh when he swallows. He definitely won't be laughing in a second.
My skin goes pure white as I take off my boots. He's confused, but intrigued, and keeps watching as my transformation takes me from Sinn to Sinneas. My skin glows so bright that he covers his eyes and peeks between his fingers. The glow washes over me and starts to dissolve, leaving behind a beautiful guy.
Hellios squints his eyes suspiciously. His eyes are refusing to drop.
"My name is Sinneas, nice to meet you," I say with a smug.
"You're a guy?"
"I can change to male or female."
"So which one is the original?"
"Don't know. I wish I knew what I was on earth, but I know nothing."
"So . . ."
"Sometimes I think about using neutral pronouns," I say thoughtfully to myself.
"So . . . about the way I was looking at you before—"
"What's wrong?" I ask, stepping closer to him. I'm taller than him now, so intimidating him is easy. I'm also stronger, way stronger. He's a lean guy, and he may be pretty, but compared to me he's my bitch now. "I could see it in your eyes, you want to fuck me. Unless you want me to fuck you now."
"That's not . . . okay, I . . . um."
I laugh like crazy until my eyes water. "I'm just kidding! I'm just messing with you! Oh, messing with you feels so good."
"Heh. I'm happy you find amusement in my discomfort."
"The offer is still up, though," I tell him, squeezing his shoulder.
"What offer?" He's cute when he's confused. I want to squeeze more than his shoulders. Uwu.
"You're cute. I'd fuck you."
"Oh, okay. Maybe later? I guess."
I put on my best smile, excited for once in my short life. "I'm ready to be the best hooker."
He fetches a coat from a nearby locker and slides it over my shoulder. It's comfortably warm and covers a lot of my body. He gives me a real smile and beckons me with his head. I don't know what it is about him, but he makes me feel at home. It must be how he looks. There's no one as human as he is. In a world of monsters, he's captivating.
We go up the portal and I'm grateful for the coat. It's freezing cold outside of the human lobby. I don't necessarily feel embarrassed being naked, but I tightly hold the coat around me as we float up through the portal and exit on the level where I witnessed the orgies yesterday.
There are twenty spots with poles and almost all of them are occupied except two. The poles are black and stand at the center of an elevated stage, surrounded by a sunken couch that circles around it.
"This will be your stage from now on," Hellios says, helping me jump up.
Now that I'm here, I begin to feel scared. I look around at the other humans dancing. With their eyes closed, they're lost in another world as they move like experienced dancers.
"I just realized I have no idea how to dance," I say under my breath.
He just laughs. "It's okay. Not everyone does. Dancing isn't the requirement, it's satisfying your viewers. In any way you can."
The music is sensual, loud, exotic, and it helps my blood pump through my veins. I allow the music to enter me and take over. Hellios catches the coat as I let it drop, and begin to move. Around my stage there are stars that suddenly burst with light. They make me look . . . cooler.
Hellios wishes me luck and moves to the next pole dancer, checking up on them. I notice he looks back at me every now and then as I dance with the music. Over time, I start attracting eyes, and in no time the sunken couch is packed with admirers. Half of them are hybrid humans mixed with some other humanoid monster while the other half are things I can't explain. They all seem happy with my appearance, so I keep dancing, holding on to the pole like it's my best-friend.
I don't think I can do this without the help of the music and the lights. It adds so much to my performance that it almost makes me look like a professional.
An hour into my job, a perfect song with a build up starts playing. It's slow in the beginning, with a beat that pounds at the same time as my heart, and as the song progresses and gives you the taste of a drop, I start bracing myself to switch as all eyes are on me. The song starts picking up, increasing my heart rate as I'm spinning on the pole. The beat finally drops and my skin bursts with a blinding glow, catching even more eyes as my figure transforms and my hair flows in the air. The crowd gasps as I continue to spin around the pole with my legs. I don't know how I'm doing it, but I keep it up.
There are many moments when hands reach up and touch me. I'm not sure about the policies, but I'm going take a huge fucking guess that hell doesn't care about rapey bastards. I just keep dancing and moving on my platform, hoping that fingers don't slip in my no-no places. I'm fine with being naked, dancing on a pole as strangers touch me and masturbate to me, but I don't think I want everyone fucking me.
At some point, three monsters get pissed at each other because they want to be in front of my pussy as I pound it on the floor to the music. Blood starts flying through the air as claws rip through flesh and bones. I don't pay them attention, not when nobody does. It's just a regular day in hell.
Skookers come and go, cleaning up the gore and nonsense around this level. I'm just glad I don't have to be anywhere near the orgies. That must be a bitch to clean up.
I'm enjoying my time until I see familiar faces jumping out of the portal. The first one is Krom, followed by Sephone and Hissandra. They talk closely in a group, their faces showing nothing but worry and fear. I can't read their lips from where I am, so I only assume I'm in trouble, but they never look in my direction and they don't seem to be interested in me. They split up and start looking around the level until they find a few people they must have been searching for.
"Sinn?" I turn my head as my name is mentioned. It's Nekro. He's standing behind the crowd, watching my body.
"Your highness," I say sarcastically, taking a few spins on the pole. I need to remember to ask one of the other humans to teach me some better moves. So far I'm leaning more on my beauty rather than skill on the pole, but it's working so far.
As he opens his mouth to respond, an explosion happens right outside of the tower and a giant beast crashes against the building, shattering all of the windows and disturbing the snake.
"NOW!" I hear Hissandra shout.
More explosions happen and everyone starts running for their lives. I'm confused as fuck and just watch as panic fills the room. Monsters tramp over humans, crushing them as they try to get to the portal, but everything happens too fast and I don't get a chance to process what is going on before more explosions happen.
"TAKE MY HAND!" Nekro screams at me.
"What?" I say as my brain takes a vacation.
On the other side of the level, I see the others surrounding a young girl who starts chanting as a blue orb appears between her fingers. It expands all around us, covering the entire tower. The world outside of the broken windows vanishes and the tower shakes like an earthquake. Out of fear, I jump off the stage and into Nekro's arms. As soon as our hands touch, he shuts his eyes and whispers a name. Reality warps, transforms, and ultimately melts, creating a wormhole of colors until finally they all blend together to create a new picture, a different location.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
My right eye starts twitching, my butt does a little wiggle, too. I cannot process how one second I'm in Hissandra's tower and the next I'm in some . . . graveyard? It's such a drastic change in scenery, but still in the themes of hell. Everything around is dead and decayed, from the trees to the soil, and even the fog covering the distance seems a bit unusual. In the midst of all the grey stands the largest mansion I have ever seen. It's almost castle-like, but just modern enough to keep it's creepy factor. The home rests inside four walls of black rotting gates and a gorgeous grand entrance that has flaming horns watching down on all who pass.
"I think so," I reply, taking a shaky breath as I compose myself.
"Welcome to my home," he says, stepping towards the gate as it opens to him.
I follow behind like a lost puppy, a scared puppy, one who might just start peeing uncontrollably, and without stop.
The closer we get, the more I realize this mansion is built for giants. Even the front doors are like twenty feet tall, but that isn't what gives me the ideas, it's the windows, the steps, the door knobs.
The doors bust open and a creepy girl walks out in a worn-out white gown. Her black hair is long and looks like wet veins pulsing down her hourglass figure. The creepy part is the blood on her smiling lips. She resembles a pretty zombie, with a pale face and blue eyes, but the creepy smile needs to be stitched shut.
"Brother," she says like she's out of breath.
I'm about to wonder how they are siblings when they are different races, but I forgot that Nekro can shift to any appearance he wants, so the probability of her and his royal family being able to do the same is quite high.
"Deathwish was attacked," he tells her as he brushes past her and goes inside, leaving me on the King Kong steps.
"What? Did you see anything?" Her face shows worry, but it vanishes after she looks back at me. The sister suddenly grabs both of my wrists and lifts me up in the air with her supernatural strength, forcing girly high-pitch screams out of me as she drops me next to her. Wait, girl screams? I am a girl.
"Sorry," I say, covering my mouth as a blush enters my face without consent.
"Is he going to eat you or fuck you?" she asks me as she wraps her arm around my shoulder, dragging me inside their home. "Or both?"
"Leave her alone. I saved her from the tower."
The siblings start bickering nonsense, but I can't pay attention as my eyes are drawn to the high ceiling painted with the brutal image of their family devouring humanity.
"You think Hissandra would let her tower fall? I'm sure she's safer there than here," says the sister.
"Demonica, please, shut up."
"Oh, nice to meet you, Demonica," I tell her with a friendly smile.
She gasps loudly. "You're nice?"
"She's new here, give her time and she'll become an asshole like everyone else."
"What's your name, sexy?" Demonica says, ignoring her brother.
"You can call me Sinn."
"Sinn? What a wonderful name. My brother doesn't normally become obsessed with humans, but it happens once in a while. Say, what's so special about you?"
I shrug my shoulders.
"Leave her alone," he repeats with a stern voice. "And where are the others?"
"Out. They probably heard about the attack and left before you got here."
"D-Does the king live here?" I stutter as my brain tries to think about a non-offensive name for Satan.
Demonica rolls her eyes and pushes me away. "That's all they care about. Where's daddy? Where's the king? Where is the all-powerful dark lord. Blah, blah, blah. You know what? I'll make it simple for you. No, you can't escape hell and you can't ask him for favors either. You're a simple human who will die and rot in hell till he decides eternity is boring and the earth deserves an apocalypse."
"I . . . I'm sorry, I wasn't . . . that's not what I meant—"
"For devil's sake, Demonica, will you leave her alone? I didn't bring her here for you to torture."
"Whatever, wake me up never," she says, strutting down the hall like she owns the place, and disappears behind a door.
"I'm sorry, she's our most annoying sibling."
"I heard that!" her voice echoes through the house in a demonic tone that literally shakes the earth beneath my feet.
"So what happened in the tower? What was the attack? Seems kind of miniscule when you think about what happens in hell."
"You're very right about that, but it isn't an ordinary attack. I'd love to give you information, but I'm afraid I cannot do that."
"Can you at least tell me what happened to Deathwish? I have friends in there."
"It was transported somewhere else, but will return once the attacks have stopped."
"Hell is . . . interesting," I say, tapping my chin dramatically.
"Yeah, it can be."
The way he says that, the way he looks at me. I understand now, it all makes perfect sense. Demonica is right, I would be safer in Deathwish than here. I don't know what it is, but I feel strange here.
"Before you do what I think you're about to do, can you tell me one thing about you?"
"Uh," he looks confused, but goes along with it. "Sure."
"Can you die?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Because I get the feeling you're about to rape the living shit out of me. You've been horny for me ever since you laid your eyes on me. And if you can die, then trust me, I will defend myself till my last breath. And don't you dare for one second think I'm not strong enough, because you'll be right, but you will be surprised at what I can't do!"
He takes a deep, annoyed, angry breath and lets it out through his nose. "I didn't bring you here to rape you, Sinn. I brought you here because the attacks have a permanent end."
"What the hell does that mean?"
"It means in all of the time hell has existed, we have never seen a threat so large that it causes permanent death and the complete and utter erasure of your soul. If you are attacked and you die, you are gone forever."
"Whoa! You said everyone at the tower is fine! My friends!"
"They're fine."
"How do you know?"
"My other siblings are there right now. We send each other information telepathically. It's how we stay safe. And to answer your question, yes, we can die, it's just not as easy as you think it might be."
"So you're not going to rape me?" I say in my sad, but sweet voice.
"Unless you want me to? I don't know . . ." He scratches the back of his head like a shy boy.
"Aw, you're so sweet, but the answer is still maybe next time."
"It's fine, you probably wouldn't want to anyway."
"What? Why?," I say, clutching my invisible pearls.
"Sometimes when I'm enjoying the moment too much, I get comfortable, lose control, and rip someone apart with my cock."
I give him the stupidest expression my face can come up with. "The heck are you on about?"
"My true form?"
"Oh, your true form. What is that exactly?"
"I'm too massive. My cock is too massive. If I'm fucking you and I change, I'll rip you in half."
"Isn't that just another day in hell?"
"Would prefer not having blood and guts on my dick, thank you."
"Oh, I'm sorry, didn't know you had standards in hell."
"Let's change the subject before I change my mind."
I swallow.
"You know, a lot of you are actually so nice to me. Besides the spooky monsters, I didn't expect such friendly people."
"That's because we know you're unique. I don't know what it is, but you're different."
"That was so fucking gross." I laugh loudly like a maniac. "Don't talk to me like I'm some stupid main character in a book. Unique? Different? Oh, I'm so fucking special. Destined to save hell, aren't I?"
"Some of us can sense power . . . there's a lot of it in you."
"I'm sure a lot is going to be in me," I mutter as I place my hands on my hips.
"Next time?" he asks.
I sighed and rolled my eyes Demonica-style. "Fine, next time. Can you please take me back? I have a job. And if I'm to get a hellhound as a pet, I need money to feed it."
He gives me a side smile. "Okay, I guess the house tour will have to wait. Take my hand, let's take you back."
I smile back at him and slide my girly hands around his strong arms. So many hot guys of all species in hell. Who will this main character date? Or will it be a bouquet of cocks and pussies? Stay tuned to find out.
Sorry for the wait! Had to delay this chapter for a bit since I'm still working on the last few chapters of this story. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and you like all the chaos that is happening. If you think this story is weird, that was on purpose. I just wanted to write something random and strange that didn't need much thought behind it. It's less stressful than a more serious story. I can just have fun with it, which is important. ANYWAY, if you liked it don't forget to vote on the chapter, leave some comments, and add the book to your library if you haven't! See you in the next chapter <3
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