Chapter 2 - "Sweet Diversions"
The train drops me off at an actual stop. It's a bit away from the city, but it doesn't take me too long to reach it. It gives me time to think about what I'm going through. And it's a lot. I haven't accepted my death yet, but I want to. It's not easy to accept something you can't understand. If I don't know who I am, how am I supposed to process all of this? The whole thing is beginning to feel like a bad dream.
Or a nightmare.
The city is not what I imagined when I saw it from afar. There's nothing normal about it. A lively city like New York City has nothing on Monstro City. This city is . . . from another world. To begin describing it, I have to start with the roads.
They're red. And I'm certain they are covered in blood. The roads are the only spacious thing about this city. The buildings? Not just massive, but monstrous.
The color scheme is extremely hellish. Some buildings are simply grey, others are as black as the void above our heads, and others are red or purple. It's like a parody movie of what a satanic city could look like. Every detail contributes to the creepy atmosphere.
I avoid stepping on the road, afraid it might swallow me into the ground. It feels familiar walking around like I'm back on earth, but I know this is anything but ordinary. I'm aware that it isn't supposed to be normal. I remember what cities on earth look like, but my brain is having trouble seeing all of this with my whole ass eyes.
I walk on the sidewalk, my eyes darting around like a curious baby discovering the world for the first time. I've never noticed anything in the sky because it's always dark, but I can see red in the far corner of the city, as if a magical sun is rising. But I doubt it's a sun.
The first few buildings are relatively quiet. There is no one on the streets, no one at the windows, and nothing appears out of thin air to scare the crap out of me. Even so, if someone is watching me through the windows, I can't see them through the black tint.
I'm tempted to go up to one of the doors and check if it's locked, but judging by how hard my heart is pounding, I decide against it.
I continue forward, deeper into the city. I know I haven't seen much—the map I saw when choosing a city was larger than anything I've ever seen in my life. And if this is the underworld, or hell, or whatever the fuck—five cities are insufficient to house all of the people who have died over the thousands of years we've existed.
But who the fuck am I kidding? I don't understand shit. There's a chance this isn't even the only hell. I should be happy that when I died, I didn't cease to exist. I'm still alive—or, well, I'm conscious.
I hear the first voice since entering the city. I look to my right and see a monster running down the street. Another monster is chasing after it. The first monster is made up of a combination of bones, flesh, and muscle. It's truly repulsive. The one behind it has no eyes and only a mouth. A mouthful of razor-sharp teeth.
A lot of things don't make sense here, but if I don't want to go insane, I have to accept that this world will not function like the one I grew up in. As humans, we spend our lives wondering what lies beyond this enigmatic barrier between life and death. We seem to accept that our minds are incapable of comprehending such complex ideas, so why am I wasting my time attempting to piece them together? I'm a newborn. I am here to learn about this new life that has been bestowed upon me.
I'm curious about what's happening, so I quietly cross the bloody street and start chasing the two monsters. It appears that the first monster stole something from the second. Perhaps a bowl of human eyes? That can be valuable here.
The first monster suddenly leaps into the air and lands on the side of a building. Its fists smash through the windows as it grabs on tightly and starts climbing towards the roof.
Unfortunately for the eyeless monster, the thief has escaped effortlessly and is long gone. It doesn't have the same strength to compete and keep chasing.
It turns around, defeated, and our eyes meet—er, wait, nevermind.
"Hi," I say to his mouth.
"What do you want?" he snarls.
"I have a question."
Don't do it.
"What is it?"
"How do you see if you have no eyes?" I spit out bravely.
He just stares at me. Fuck, I mean . . . he just . . . stands there, yeah. He stands there silently. Maybe he's thinking of a proper answer since I have such a respectable curious mind.
His jaw slowly loosens, and I get the feeling that he's about to answer my question, but his mouth does a different thing than speak. It opens and starts opening wider than I thought possible.
He's going to eat me.
I start running and screaming with a pitch only reachable by BTS army. The monster shrieks and runs after me like a crazed zombie with no concern for the safety of his limbs.
It's too fast for me. As my identification clearly states, I am but a regular human being. My shoes get stuck on a conveniently placed rock, causing me to faceplant the ground. I roll onto my back as I hear the monster close in on me.
The monster jumps on me and my hands automatically go up to cover my face. A second later nothing happens. I'm laying there on the floor, no barbeque sauce on my titties, still alive.
Shivers run down my spine as I open my eyes. The monster is hovering over my body, inches from my face. My hands are trembling as I stare at it. It's fucking hideous.
I'm not sure why it's frozen in mid-air, but I'll take it as a win. When I separate my hands to relax, his body abruptly splits in half. In a red explosion, his guts, blood, and teeth rain down on me.
I touch the slimy blood and guts, thinking it's fake and I'm just being pranked, but it isn't. It isn't fake at all and I want to throw up. My eyes are watering as the smell begins to sink in.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" I scream as I shake off the leftovers.
An eerie siren blasts loudly, getting closer and closer until three cars appear and rush towards me. They are police officers. Obviously, not regular cops, but hell's version of cops. Their wheels are pentagons, the light above the car is a glowing black gem with a purple glow, and the car is made of skin-like material. I'm sure it's tough as fuck, if not bulletproof. I'm only assuming that monster skin is indestructible. It's the only logical explanation.
Fuck. There I go trying to dissect again.
Nope. Cop cars are weird, that's it.
"We received a call about a thief," says one of the cops as they leave the vehicle. "Was that you?"
"Nope," I tell the bat-like humanoid creature posing as a cop.
"Did you see anything suspicious?"
"Um." I think about all of the weird and suspicious things I've seen since I opened my eyes and fell from the sky. "No, nothing."
"Why are you covered in blood?" says a deep and raspy voice right next to my ear. The scream that comes out of my mouth is far from manly.
I hear sniffing as whatever asked starts smelling me.
"Hm, not your blood."
Out of anticipation, I jump back to look at what is smelling me.
I seem to have startled him too. He's a . . . wolf? Werewolf? He's tall as FUCK. Like, three to four feet taller than me. He's not human looking, but he's humanoid. Doesn't have a human face. He has a snout and everything.
And he's wearing a stylish black trench coat, which is completely different than the uniform bat boy is wearing.
"Yeah, not my blood," I casually admit.
"Detective Bloodfright," he says, extending his . . . claws.
I forget my name, so I take out my identification card and read it out loud for him. "Sinneas Gravemore."
Detective Bloodfright takes out a notepad and starts writing. He's suspicious of me, I know it. I need to say something before I actually get eaten alive. Hell is fucking crazier than the stories said on earth. They have no idea how wrong they are.
"May I see your ID?" he asks.
I hand it over to him as my voice starts shaking. "H-Here you g-go."
"Why are you nervous?" the bat wonders.
"Oh, he's new here," says the detective as he scans my card. "Just arrived today."
"And you're already covered in blood?"
"It's the edge, what do you expect?" The wolf rolls his eyes. My mind goes wild with questions I want to ask. I shouldn't do it. I shouldn't fucking do it.
"I have a confession," I say, my voice returning to normal, sort of.
"What is it?"
"I think this blood belongs to the pers—the monster that called . . . uh, what is 911 here?"
"666," says the bat.
"Of course," I whisper under my breath.
"What happened to him?"
"First of all, I'm extremely innocent, so don't eat me. I simply walked into the city, saw the eyeless monster chasing some other creepy monster because he stole something, but he got away. Then the monster saw me, I asked a question, he got offended, and he jumped my ass."
They stand there as if waiting for more.
"Is—Is that it?" the detective asks, confused.
"Yes? OH, you mean about the blood? Yeah, I don't know. He was floating over me and then exploded out of nowhere."
The detective shows the bat my card. "Hey, have you ever seen this strength type?"
"What the hell is this?" bat says.
The wolf shrugs his shoulders. "Something new? Every once in a while it does happen."
He hands me back my card and I take it, staring at the grey fur on his hands. He doesn't have paws, so it leads me to believe he is a werewolf. A hybrid of a wolf and a human. Strange. I thought they'd be . . . scarier. His hands are still strong and scary, just not the kind of high five you want from a dog.
"Are you going to arrest me?" I ask quietly-hopefully sounding innocent.
"The caller is dead and the thief escaped, correct?" he asks.
"That's that."
"Good luck out there," the wolf says.
They all get back in their car, and I should be happy that I'm not being arrested or suspected of murder, but it's all too much. I fall on my knees and crumble to the floor. The first tear rolls down my face, followed by many more as my emotions overwhelm me. It's like I'm in a dark music video and the streets are filled with my blood and tears.
"Where are you going?" I hear the bat.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Detective Bloodfright returns, kneeling next to me on the blood-stained road. You can't even tell there's fresh blood on it.
"Everything," I cry softly.
"You haven't died yet, that's good."
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
He looks to the side, then back at me. "Yes."
"Are you saying it's normal to die on your first day?"
"Okay, that just makes everything worse!"
"Are you scared?"
I look into his eyes and stop crying for a moment. "I'm . . . I'm not scared of monsters, I'm just scared of the unknown. I'm scared that I'm alone and I have no one. I have no family, no home, no idea what the fuck I'm supposed to do. I don't fucking remember anything or anyone."
"It's okay, Sinneas," he reassures me, squeezing my shoulder. "You're not the only one that goes through this. A lot of humans come in every day, from all directions, in all of the cities."
"I knew hell was supposed to be a place of torture, but I was thinking more fire and pain, less . . ." I don't even know how to begin explaining this. It's a growing hole in my chest and I hate it. "This fucking feels like leaving high school all over again. You're suddenly expected to know everything, expected to know what you want to be for the rest of your life, while juggling four jobs and three internships. I have nothing, and that's what scares me."
"Uh, Yobtab?" The detective looks back at his partner, who is sitting patiently in the car. "Do you think you can ride with Jester?"
"Seriously?" He sounds annoyed. "You can't save all of them."
The wolf looks back at me and smiles. "I'll help you."
I sit up and smear the blood as I attempt to wipe the tears from my face.
"I'll let you stay at my place while we figure things out, okay?"
"I don't want to bother you, Sir Wolf."
"It's no bother," he says, standing and pulling me up with him.
"But I have no money to pay you."
"I'm sure there are other things you can do to pay me back."
I give him a friendly smile and accept his offer. I'll fucking do all of the chores and cleaning that he asks me to do as long as I have a roof over my head in this nightmarish hell.
I join him in the police car. I'm not surprised it looks semi-normal inside. The seats are made of leather, and I want to ask what kind of leather. I want to ask a lot of things. And I have a feeling that he won't try to eat me for being curious.
He drives us through the city, and as we go further away from the edge, things start becoming . . . insane. This city is not only massive, but I am a hundred percent positive that there are thousands of different monsters here. Anything you think of is probably walking around the corner. Mummies, werewolves, ghosts, zombies, mermaids, hybrids, and more things I would have never imagined.
It's a busy city. Everyone is walking somewhere. Every monster has a purpose. They have jobs, homes, families. It doesn't exactly all work like human cities. Every now and then someone is getting eaten by the bus stop, and other monsters merging into one, swallowing others whole. It's chaotic, but somehow it makes sense.
"By the way, my name is Kromgore, you can just call me Krom," he says.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, go ahead."
"In a place so evil and chaotic, why the fuck are there cops?"
He makes a humming sound, as if surprised but also impressed by the question. He taps the steering wheel with his sharp fingernails. "Yeah, I can see how it looks weird to a human, but even chaos needs to be controlled; otherwise how can anything exist?"
"Did you just give me a 'just cause' kind of answer?" I mutter in disbelief.
"Hell is chaotic, yes. There are technically no rules, but there has to be a balance. There is such a thing as too much. When everyone starts killing each other, it disrupts the balance of things. And besides, hell or not, it's still a civilization."
"But who are we trying to impress? Why does chaotic nature need balance?"
"It's what the king wants."
"King? As in . . . king of hell? Ruler of the underworld?"
"We're here," he announces after an eternity of driving.
I look up at the black tower in front of us. It's a hotel, I think. There's a massive sign on the center of the building, but it's lopsided and broken. The letters keep flashing, and instead of Kassman Hotel, it says assman. There's not much else to the hotel's appearance. The windows are also tinted, the style of the building is minimalistic, with little to no design to make it unique and stand out from the others—almost like it's meant to be secretive.
"Really . . . big," I describe as I get out of the car.
"It's for my kind," he explains. "I'm tall, so I need more space than a human does, or a blorg."
"A what?"
"Uh, nothing. Just something smaller than you."
I follow the tall detective as he walks towards the front doors. They open to him as he approaches them. He looks back to make sure I'm still behind him before he guides us in.
The lobby has more personality than the entire building. Even the floor is more unique than the exterior. Every black tile is separated by a thin white line that glows and pulses like a heartbeat. If anything, it reminds me of a club, but without the music.
There are monsters hanging out, the majority of which are werewolves. But they don't look like Krom—they're scarier. They come in a variety of shapes and colors, just like humans. In fact, they resemble what I imagine werewolves to be. So why is Krom so . . . different?
He keeps walking and I follow him until we are at the elevators. One of them opens just as we arrive and we step inside. It's a massive elevator that clearly wasn't designed for me, as I can barely reach the floor buttons. Inside, there's a soft glow, but it's mostly dark. The four mirror walls make the already spacious room appear even larger, and creepier.
"Where is your place?"
"Top floor."
It takes a crazy amount of awkward time to reach the top. When we finally do, we step off and go down the hall, make a right, and only stop at the last door. Every door looks the same, at least I'll remember this small detail.
Krom takes out his card and swipes it at the door. It beeps and unlocks, opening all the way.
"Welcome to my home, human."
I enter and my jaw drops—luckily not literally, but anything can happen here.
His apartment is for wealthy wolves. Even the tallest person will never be able to reach the ceiling. We'll need at least two ladders. What he meant about the space makes a lot of sense now. I'm surprised at how normal everything appears to be—at least by hell's standards. It's still dark, but it's a nice dark. A comfortable amount of Satanism and moon signs. And it's normal because it truly resembles an ordinary apartment, just larger.
"Is that a chocolate fountain?" I ask him as I notice the raining sculpture on top of the dining table.
"Choco—No, it's a blood fountain."
"Why did I ask."
"My room is that way." He points at the closed door next to the living room. "The kitchen is right over there through that hall. And the last three rooms are private, so I ask you to please respect my home and not go inside."
"Am I going to find hanging bodies in them?"
"No?" he says, huffing in full offense. "One of them is my office and it contains work-related information that isn't supposed to be viewed by anyone. One is a room for werewolves for . . . certain situations. Another one is a freezer that does store meat, but not human meat, so worry not."
"Ah, sorry. Thanks for explaining, though."
He sighed, slouching his shoulders. I notice his ears drop as well. "Yeah, it's fine."
"What now?"
"Are you hungry?"
"Not really."
"Okay, well, nothing can be done for today, but tomorrow we can roam the city and see if we can find you a job."
"Alright, sounds good."
"I might end up leaving you at some point, but I will fill you in on everything you need to know and I promise you'll be okay."
"Yeah, no problem. I'm sure being a detective werewolf in hell is a busy busy job."
He chuckled. "It is, actually."
"I notice you don't have a couch in your living room. Where will I sleep?"
"Check my room."
He says it as a command, not an invitation. I move to his room, assuming it's just the authority in him and nothing to be frightened of. I open the door and peek inside. There's a dim light on the ceiling, it doesn't give enough to brighten the room, but it gives it a warm and comfortable tone. There's one bed in the center and it's so big that a few more werewolves can lie in it. For a human like me, it's like the size of an actual regular room.
"You sleep in that?"
"Yeah, I do. Every night. Alone."
"Did you mean to make that sound sad?"
"Of course."
There are two other doors inside on both sides of the bed. I'm assuming one is a closet and the other a bathroom.
"Wait, a television?" My interest goes from zero to a hundred so fucking fast when I notice it hanging on the wall. "It works? Actually?"
"Yes, it does."
"Holy shit."
"Remote is on the nightstand."
"Thanks, I'll check it out."
"I'm going to take a shower first, since I don't want you ruining it with the blood." Krom begins to undress in front of me and my eyes suddenly don't know what to do in their sockets.
As much as I want to look away and give him privacy, I don't. He takes off his trench coat, and I'm speechless. He looks bigger in it than he actually is. But he's quite thin for a werewolf, and as he takes off the shirt that covers his body, I'm left speechless once more. He's smaller than other werewolves but larger than humans. In human terms, he's actually quite muscular. He's not all grey, his fur is actually divided between grey and white. The center is white, just like the center of his face.
I can't stop staring. His six pack, his pecks, his biceps, and the fur. I want to touch so badly, but I know that's more rude than asking if I can pet his head.
He doesn't get completely nude, which leaves me a little disappointed. I'm curious. I'm not going to apologize for it.
"Be back in a few," he says, opening one of the doors and entering. He doesn't close the door, but I can't see anything inside from where I stand.
I check out the remote and stare at it. It's shiny and black, like most things in this place. It's like a pattern or something. Why is everything black deemed as evil? White can look just as creepy and disturbing. I wonder if they have a Helltopic.
Excited, I do a bunny hop towards the television and turn it on. The first few channels are news, but then I get into the real channels. There's one called Backwards Music Television, and it's a creepier MTV. It's just . . . songs . . . being played . . . backwards.
I find a porn channel, but quickly switch when I see the horrors of what sixty holes can do.
Suddenly, I'm not interested in what kind of entertainment hell has to offer.
I look around for a while, go through his stuff, trying to see if I can find a reason to run away before he eats me for dinner, but so far Krom seems to be a normal werewolf with a normal job in a not-so-normal place.
I hear the shower go off and my heart starts racing. Is this where I die or where I actually get to shower and be clean?
Krom comes out of the shower, steam following him. He's wearing only a towel around his waist, and I can see a bulge. A . . . long bulge. Werewolf is packing. His tail is tucked under the towel, and I want to see it, but maybe he's shy about it.
"You can use the shower now," he says.
"Is the shower made out of bones, too?" I ask genuinely.
He snorts at that. "No, it's just a shower. There's a tub if you want to take a bath, but I'm assuming the shower will leave you cleaner. I'd prefer it if you were cleaner."
"You and me both."
"There's a towel on the racks that you can use, just leave your clothes in the tub or something. We'll get you new clothes and burn your old ones."
I smile at him again. "Thanks for helping me, I really appreciate it."
"No problem."
I pass by him and enter the bathroom, but I close the door. The bathroom is just like everything in hell—unreasonably dark. There are three candles that float on the ceiling, giving barely any light. It's not that big of a deal, I find the shower easily and get in after peeling off the bloody clothes.
I use his body soap and read the bottle as I lather my body. It doesn't say anything interesting, especially not any ingredients. Where the hell do they get these products? Are you telling me some spooky looking ass is out there in a factory making body soap?
I don't want to imagine it. Not today, Satan.
I spend a really long time in the shower. The water is warm from the help of the fiery pits of hell. It's the only thing that has felt good in this damn place. Like, I feel cold in hell. What kind of disappointment is that? I'm not expecting a sunny beach in Florida, but where is the HEAT?
When I'm happy with how much I've scrubbed and cleaned, I turn off the shower and get out. My body is dripping wet and I'm tempted to look in the mirror, but the fact that I don't even know what I'm supposed to look like doesn't make me feel better.
I look regardless, because I like existential dread.
My skin is a pale grey and I have no clue why. There are many humans in the city. They don't have skin like I do. I'm . . . unique. I don't even know what race I'm supposed to be. It hurts not recognizing myself. The positives are far superior than the negatives, in my opinion. I'm a really good looking guy, and I say that not arrogantly, but I say it as someone who has no fucking idea who they are. This is only my second time looking at what I look like. I'm not obnoxiously strong, but I have an athletic body. It's smooth, kind of sexy, kind of weird that I make myself drool. And don't get me started on my eyes. What kind of human has pink eyes? Me! That's who. Maybe I'm not even human at all.
But then . . . my identification card says I'm human. It just doesn't make sense why I look the way I do. Why do I have pink eyes? Why is my hair white? Why is my skin like the ashes of someone's recently cremated cat?
I look at my dick. It's a dick for sure. They made a terrible mistake for putting a question mark on my card where my sex is. Maybe hell can't keep up with all of the monsters and sexes that exist? It's a strong possibility. But the dick is real, and it's a nice one. A little thick and floppy, a nice sausage for someone's nice dinner.
I finish drying my body and walk out with the large towel covering most of my body. Krom is laying in his bed, under the sheets with just his upper body showing. He's watching the news.
"I'm done," I announce happily, waiting for him to give me new clothes.
He doesn't say anything else and doesn't move.
"Um, clothes?"
"Don't have any."
"What? I thought you said you were going to give me clothes."
"Tomorrow, yes."
"What am I supposed to wear until then?"
"I . . . What?"
He finally looks at me. He sees the confusion in my eyes. "Oh, sorry. I should have been more direct."
"We're fucking?"
I swallow my saliva just to have something to choke on. "I'm going to keep saying what until I'm no longer confused."
"I thought we were on the same page."
"About what?"
"You let me have sex with you and I let you stay with me?"
"What the hell gave you that impression?"
"I . . . " He suddenly looks sad and confused, even more so than me. "I'm sorry, I smelled it on you."
"Smelled what?"
"Your attraction to me."
"I can still smell it on you, I took it as a sign that you wanted—"
"So I'm just a prostitute to you then?"
He sits up and waves his hands defensively. "No, no, no! You don't have to do anything. I won't force you or kick you out for not wanting to."
"But you want to."
"Well, yes—I'm always horny."
"Don't you have people you fuck? Or wolves? Or other?"
"I have before, but I don't get the same satisfaction as I do when it's with a human."
"You've fucked a human before?"
My eyes make a quick glance at where his dick is under the sheets, but there is no bulge this time. The sheets are too thick to see anything but the slight shape of his legs.
He raises his hands again like he's all innocent. "I assumed, I'm sorry."
"You are nice. I don't think I'll be meeting nice things here in hell."
"So . . ."
"Am I going to die sleeping with you?"
"I promise."
I hum, still awkwardly standing by the bathroom door, wondering if I should do this or not. If hell is my new home, and I technically have to start a new life in a new world, that means eventually I have to date someone if I want love and pleasure.
"Get in bed," he tells me.
I drop the towel and make a hasty jump inside the covers. It takes me a second to reach him across this giant bed. It's super comfortable and smells like the body soap he uses.
"I'm . . . nervous."
"It's okay, I am as well."
He wraps a strong arm over me and caresses my face. "I don't want to mess up. I want to make you feel good, so that we can continue doing it."
"S-So you want to . . . fuck my hole?"
"I'll be gentle at first."
"At first."
"I have lube that will make it a lot better, I promise."
"Why do you say that as if my life is in danger?"
He eyes the lower half of his body. "Why don't you find out?"
I enjoy having his strong arms around me. His fur feels soft and gentle against my naked skin. It doesn't bother me. Having no recollections of a past life makes this decision fairly easy. It wouldn't happen with other kinds of monsters, especially ones with multiple heads and limbs.
But Krom is nice. There's something about him that I'm starting to cling to. I want to find out more. I want my curiosity pleased. I want to explore and never be afraid.
I pull back the covers, slowly unveiling the mystery underneath. His body is incredible and he's right about my attraction. He's . . . strangely attractive to me. I know he's a werewolf, but there are still pieces of human in him, and I'm liking them. I can almost tell what he'd look like as a human, and that helps with what I'm about to do.
The last bit of fabric is gone. And there it is. His dick. The fur stops at the base, then his soft dick is long and dangles between his legs. It doesn't look like what I thought it would look like—thank the devil. But it's not fully a human dick. It's too big—and it isn't erect! There is no foreskin, but he isn't circumcised because the head of his cock is different. It resembles a human cock, yes, but with a cliffhanger. The head is thick and shiny, and as it receives the ultimate death stare from me, it grows larger as he becomes hard.
"Want to taste it?"
I slide down to meet this monster face to face. I hold it with my hand as it hardens fully. I move my mouth close to the skin and give a long lick from the base all the way to the head. It tastes . . . sweet, in a way. It's warm, and I make it warmer as I try to stuff the tip in my mouth. The flavor is actually fantastic and I can't get enough of it, almost like I've instantly become addicted to it.
I moan around the head as I roll my tongue and swallow the taste. Suddenly he starts getting wet and it only makes me lick faster to keep up. I can't take it all in, it's physically impossible, but I try what I can with what I have. I clean him up, lapping up the wetness rolling from the tip.
"Nobody has ever sucked me this good, it's like you love it." His voice is deep. He doesn't trap his moans either, he lets them free every time my mouth sucks hard on his head. It makes him go a little wild, make his back arch and his ears twitch.
"I do love it."
"Really?" he asks, sounding relieved.
"It's the best cock I've ever tasted."
Honestly, it's the only cock I remember tasting.
"At this rate, you're going to make me cum before I can even put it in you."
"Um, Krom? How is that supposed to fit in me without killing me?"
"The lube. It's special for werewolf and human intercourse."
"Does it magically expand the size of my hole?" I ask sarcastically.
"It blocks excruciating pain, so you only feel the good pain. Any stretching my cock does to your hole will heal back and shrink back to normal. It relaxes your hole, but gives you more sensations."
"Sounds . . . intriguing,."
"Can I get it now?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"After I'm done, you will be begging me to fuck you multiple times a day."
"Oh, the expectations are off the roof," I say, dramatically raising my hand over my head.
He leaves the bed and I take a good look at his tail. It's cute. I also notice he has a great fucking ass. Not sure if he will let me tap it, but I will be asking at some point.
He comes back to bed a second later. I stare up at him, at how much taller he is from me. It's a little frightening, but my dick likes it. I'm so fucking hard that it feels like it won't let me breathe.
He pumps his cock as he watches me spread my legs apart. Since I'm the one that pulled the covers down, they don't hide my naked body. I feel intimidated by the lust in his eyes as he scans my body. It's a nice body, not going to lie. I'm not jacked like he is, but in terms of human, my body is perfection. If he likes humans, he loves me.
He takes the gallon of lube and puts it next to me. He dives down without warning and takes my whole cock in his mouth. I'm taken by surprise, and a little fear rushes through me, but the way he swallows my cock without any trouble and makes it feel amazing, despite the fangs, makes all my worries disappear.
What he does next makes me cum. It isn't planned. He goes all the way deep, his snout pressing against my pubes, and as his tongue wraps tightly around my entire length, the end of his tongue reaches down and enters my hole. I've never been sucked and have my ass eaten at the same time by the same tongue. It's a feeling I've never experienced before.
I think.
Either way, it's so fucking good that my dick starts cumming right away. My hands grip the thick sheets as his wet tongue works its magic, draining my balls of all the cum I have and licking the inside of my hole like it's an empty ice cream cone that you've chewed your way through and then there's just ice cream juice left at the bottom that you need to dip your tongue in before devouring the rest.
He keeps going, and my eyes are rolling to the back of my head. The tingly sensations on the tip of my cock won't go away—not like I want them to, but holy shit I can't breathe. My chest is heaving as my lungs struggle to get air into them.
He slowly licks my cock until it's dry. His tongue goes back to my hole, demanding seconds. His tongue is so wet. Why is it so wet? Why does it feel so good? Why is this happening? Why am I in hell? Why did that tentacle monster not want to give me a retake on my picture?
"I think you're ready," he says, his voice dark and spooky.
"My head is still spinning, but sure, use my hole all you want after that," I tell him.
He spreads the magical lube on his cock and my hole. He tries to be gentle when it comes to his claws touching my hole, but he does a pretty good fucking job. I'm loopy and still feeling like the orgasm hasn't ended, but I still wonder how he's going to enter my virgin hole.
Then he just enters it like it's nothing.
I feel the thick cock push through the ring of my hole. It's tight, I can feel it. There is pressure, and pain, but it's not kill me now kind of pain. I can tell the lube is doing what it's supposed to be doing. All I feel is my hole stretching, struggling with the tightness as he pushes further in. At some point he stops, because he can't push any further, my human body just isn't built for that kind of length.
"You are insanely tight, you know that?" he growls through his teeth.
I'm too busy focusing on the pressure his cock is giving my hole to care about the growling, besides—he's a wolf. I take it as a sign of satisfaction. This is what he wants.
He pushes in and out, but I can feel him struggling to stay inside as my hole fights to go back to its regular shape and size. It's like it wants to push him out, but then he fights back to fuck his dick in and keep me feeling full.
I won't lie to myself, but I love this wolf cock. The way it tastes, the way it feels sliding in and out of me. He makes me feel good. It makes me forget what's happening outside. And even though when I look at him I'm looking at a monster, he's so fucking sweet that I don't care.
I don't know what's normal anymore, but I know that this feels right.
His body is so enormous over me that he has to bend down, as he's fucking me, to kiss my neck and lick my skin.
When he pulls out for the first time, he has to work back into me because my hole tightens again. Then I feel him again, stretching me, making me mad with pain and pleasure. He fucks me long and hard, and it feels like it goes on forever. Krom has the stamina to fuck me for a long time, which is good to know, because he was right about me wanting more afterwards. I'm going to want so much more.
He pants loud, growling randomly like it isn't meant to escape. I touch his face, hoping he realizes that it's okay if he wants to growl. I can't speak while this is happening, I don't know how to.
I love the way his eyes look at me. They look sleepy, but it's just the way he looks. He feels good, I can see it. And as he moans hard one last time, he doesn't look away as he fills me with so much cum that it starts to spill out of my hole through the tightness.
I kiss him as my mind keeps floating in heaven. There's something strange about having sex with him, and I'm not talking about him being a werewolf with a massive cock. I can't explain it, and I don't think I'll ever be able to, but I'm going to be addicted.
Omg. I'm sorry if you found this weird, but it's only going to get weirder! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue to read. If you didn't like this chapter, that's okay, it's probably just not for you. But if you do, what are your thoughts so far? :) Are you going to keep reading? Do you have a favorite character so far? (Many more coming) (pun intended)
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