Chapter 45
(A/N: Hey guys, so it's time for the final battle. Before you begin reading this, One I want to say: Thanks for sticking to this story, I appreciate all your support and your love for this book. I too love this story and enjoyed writing this. Two: I've never written a battle scene before so please bear with me. Thank you and enjoy this chapter)
Stealthily I walk down the hallways trying to find any sign of life; any sign that Kaden and Markus are around. I've found some dead bodies but none belonging to anyone I know. Eerie silence has engulfed me and left me wondering whether anyone is even here. That's when I hear a scream of pain.
I dart down the hallway to follow where the sound had came from. I slid a bit on the floor as I skid to a stop, finally finding the throne room in which I left everyone in to follow Bill.
In the far back I see the circle Robbie made with everyone still on it...except they're frozen in stone. On my left, hanging from the ceiling, are the Pines family hanging in a cage. On the right side is Pyronica chained to the wall. My eyes dart everywhere until they land below the cage where a limp Bill Cipher is chained to the wall with the chains around his neck, arms, torso, and legs. I hold my breath in as I watch his body dangle forward with his golden hair back and hovering over his closed eyes. He has his two arms now and is back in his human form. It looks like he could be breathing...but only faint.
That's when my mind catches up with everything and starts to ask: who screamed out in pain?
My answer, a figure being thrown onto the ground. I wince a little from hearing a bone crack as I look to see...Markus Locke? Why would he be thrown across the room and hurt to the point that this demon screamed out in pain? Again, my answer was soon to be given to me.
"Well, Locke, I really didn't think you out of all demons would try to go behind my back. Mine! Too bad you couldn't fulfill your plan, no one gets passed me easily. They also don't go without being punished." Kaden Psyche announced as he stepped closer to the green demon. The shaking form on the ground tried to back away only for his neck to be in his master's grasp.
"P-Please, Psyche, it won't happen again. I swear!" Markus begged with pleading eyes. Markus, begging? That's something I thought I'd never see.
Kaden chuckled darkly as his eyes turn pitch black and his cat-like irises turn white. I could've sworn Markus started shivering out of fear. The purple monster raised his hand as a blue chain locks around Markus' neck and starts to burn him. He screams out in pain as a sinister smile forms on Psyche's face. The chain dangles off his neck as it is connected to nothing, continuing to glow a bright blue. The green dream demon tries to stand up but only falls down as if he were weak. The gears in my mind click, Kaden took away Markus Locke's powers. How on earth do I know this? No idea but somehow I can feel the lost of magic in the air.
I glance over at Bill who still seems to be lifeless. I bite my bottom lip, trying to come up with some type of plan. I can't go in there with no plan, that's a suicidal mission. Bill's powers could be useful seeing that Psyche probably doesn't know I have them. It took Banford a while until he figured it out himself. I could stall, start up a conversation with the monster and out of no where I could throw a fireball or something; I could conjure up some spell that would distract him and make him think about what just happened as I prepare my next attack. Lucky for me, I learned how to block my thoughts using what I call a 'firewall' which I had learned to use to annoy Banford because he couldn't know what I was thinking; so because of this firewall of mine Kaden hasn't been able to hear any of my plan that I've been forming.
I take a deep breath.
Let's do this.
I run in as all the demonic creatures and the Pines turn to face me; a sinister smile is placed upon Kaden's lips. I only stand there with clenched fists and no emotion to be read on my face. Time to stall.
"Hey Kaden, how's it going? Long time no see, eh? Well, at least to me. To you it's been, what, an hour? I've been waiting for this for...about two weeks. Love what you've done to the place, it really brings out the monster within you, don't you agree?"
In the background, I can hear Dipper face palming.
"Kid, what are you doing?! Get out of here while you still can!" Stan yells as I hear Mabel agreeing with him.
I ignore their comments and continue to stand my ground. I start to get curious as Ford isn't saying anything. I clear my mind as I enter his thoughts, 'Please don't get hurt.' So, even when everyone else is telling me to run, Ford is still here just wanting me not to get hurt. He's not telling me to back down or anything, just that I stay safe through the battle I'm about to enter.
"Look who it is, Y/n L/n. Ready for round two, my dear?"
"You flatter me, Kaden, truly you do. Except, I'm not here to play anymore games. If you want to fight me then get it over with, I've been preparing for this."
His smile grew wider as his tail flicked behind him, his hand engulfing in bright violet flames as they are thrown at me. Fear does not develop at this point as reflex takes over and makes me do a back tuck and back handspring. I land both on my feet as I'm kind of surprised; if you knew me well, you would know that I could never be that flexible. Kaden frowned while growling a bit as he tried once again with the flames only for me to dodge them again.
"Two weeks and you seem to be as flexible as a noodle." Kaden comments as he continues to fight me.
"Oh, you know, Mabel Juice is my secret to that but how about less talk and more action."
I sprint around the room as I use scattered statues of humans as a wall between me and the monster.
"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, *tsk, tsk* you should just give up now. You can't save them; the Pines will die, Bill will die, and your entire planet will be wiped out and be nothing but history to every other dimension. A small, helpless, naïve girl like you doesn't have a chance at saving at least one soul."
I grit my teeth as I stare at the floor, my eyes burning like flames once again. This time, however, I notice my clothes start to change to the color red while red highlights appear in my hair. Just like when Bill gets mad and his golden color becomes crimson red. Right now, I seem to have the upper hand because I have powers he doesn't know about plus my quick thinking that I got from math class to come up with a plan on the spot. He thinks that I'm just some girl...I'm not. I'm different from others and that's why I know I can save everyone. I jump to the side of the statue while doing a forward roll; I look up at Kaden as his eyes widen with slight fear but more curiosity.
My hands are engulfed in red flames as I throw a fireball at his head except he dodges it. As he is distracted, however, by looking back at the wall in which the fire hit, I conjure another fireball with this one hitting his tail. He screams out and starts to glare at me as his white irises grow smaller and the black surrounding it gets larger.
I quickly get on my feet as I start to run around but never fully stopping as he flies after me. I jump onto a wall and start climbing it as I use my hands as if they were suction cups. Banford had told me it would be a useful spell but in the past I kept failing at it. No time to fail now. I climb higher and as I see I am a good distance away from one of the tapestries hanging from the ceiling, I jump off the wall and cling onto dear life on this one piece of decoration.
He's still after me, I have to shake him off. Don't stop, keep going.
I swing the tapestry a little and then I fling myself across the room, like a cat I land on both of my feet as I try to gain some oxygen for a second.
"Running is a cowardly move. Just give up now." Kaden shouts.
"I'll be caught dead before I do!" I shout back as I throw a ball of flame in which he dodges.
"I must admit, it was a clever decision for Cipher to give you his powers but to give them to someone who can't control it was the dumb part. You have so much power that you don't know what to do with it and because of this, that power you hold will blow you up into fragments of flesh and bones. Stars do die out and your time is up."
My body starts to feel as though it's burning. Could it be my anger or the truth that he says? No, I can control it. I can and I will.
I back up slowly as he stalks over to me. I need to think of a plan, it should be impulse by now that I should know what to do but right now I'm starting to run out of ideas. I stop when I feel my back hit something while at the same time hearing something crack. I turn my head slightly to see Wendy's statue self and her stomach cracked. No...did I kill her? To answer my question, the statue starts to glow yellow as the rest of it falls apart and reveals Wendy Corduroy alive and ready for battle.
"Impossible! Someone as weak as you could never break one of my spells!" Kaden growls as he stares in disbelief.
Wendy shakes her head as she opens her eyes to see me. A wide smile grows as she hugs me tight while I return it but careful not to burn her. "Dude, look at you! What happened?"
"I'll explain later. Right now, Red, I need you to free Pyronica and the Pines. Think you can do that?"
"Is my last name Corduroy? I'm on it, now go kick some demon butt!"
Wendy runs off in the other direction as Kaden is about to follow her until I tackle him down to the ground.
"Strength and flexibility I see?" he comments while I growl through gritted teeth as I cup my hands around his neck in an attempt to choke him. I forgot about his tail until it wrapped around my ankle and threw me across the room and straight into a wall. I try to catch my breath while laying there as he stands up and flies over to me; Psyche grabs me by the arm and throws me once again but this time into the middle of the room right next to Markus who is barely conscious. I'm about to stand up until the green demon grabs my left wrist to keep me down.
"His heart," he says with his voice scratchy and barely audible, "it's in the middle of his chest. Grab it and transfer some of your powers into it. He's right about one thing, too much power and you blow up."
I look down at him with his eyes seeming to lose their color as his grip around my wrist feels weak. So much of his own energy taken from him. Markus is right, too much power could overload him like a computer system and shut him down. His powers must be contained in his dark heart. I stand up and start running, I feel a burn on my right arm as I see the symbol that represents Wendy glowing a golden color. Alright, now I have a plan.
I let Kaden chase me for a while as I continue to dodge him so I can save and build-up my power. I run back over to the circle of statues to test my theory, I touch Robbie on the shoulder as he starts to come to life. Another burn appears on my neck where I can see the broken heart symbol. For once, I guess my theory is correct. I continue to do this as I dodge Kaden's attacks at me while also keeping everyone from getting hit as well. Once I wake up Gideon, the last one, Psyche launches his tail at him while wrapping it around his neck to choke him. I try to pry off the tail but nothing seems to be happening besides his laugh growing louder.
I finally had enough of it, I launch my teeth into his tail as he shouts in anger and loosens his tail enough for the white-haired boy to escape. The purple monster wraps his tail around my neck as he flies up to the ceiling; I try to hold onto to his tail as to not choke myself with me dangling there.
"I've had enough of this nonsense! It's time that I end you once and for all!" No more white irises, just pitch black. He throws me as I am falling to my death. I close my eyes and spread my arms out as an attempt to stop my falling. The wind in my face from the velocity I was falling at immediately stopped; I open my eyes to see that my nose is just hovering over the floor that's inches away. I move myself upright and float up to Kaden's height as his clothing of purple and salmon was now pitch black as well. "Enough of this foolery! Enough of these pathetic games! You were mine to control since the beginning, I control you and you will do as I say or else everyone you care about will burn. Be the hero and die!"
From the corner of my eyes, I can see the Pines family being freed from their imprisonment and jumping out of the cage onto Pyronica's back. The last four symbols appear on my left and right arms. It's time.
"I agree with you, Kaden. Enough of this foolery and games. Let's get down to business."
I launch myself at him while snapping my fingers to make a sword appear; we go into a sword vs. tail combat with just us. One-on-one. I swiftly move my sword to hit his razor sharp tail; it's as if I've used a sword before but never in my life have I touched one. This could be Bill's powers taking over or it's actually me doing it. He aims for my head as I dodge and float back a little to make us have some space. We start circling each other as I can hear my own heart beat pounding in my chest as if it will escape at any moment. I move some of my hair out of my face so I can get a good look at my monster. His skin, clothing, and hair has all become pitch black as if he were a shadow but his eyes were no longer dark but a bloody crimson red color. If I looked closely, it almost seemed as if his eyes were bleeding.
"Give up!" Kaden shouted as if it wasn't just one voice speaking but multiple, "You are nothing. I am the powerful one, the king! Nobody, not even a pathetic mortal, can stop me!"
I grip my hand around my weapon as my eyes seem to burn more with a growl escaping my lips. My whole body was glowing a golden color. "I'm not just some mere mortal, Psyche. I'm the savior of this world, any demon or monster that wants to try and come here to take this world they can try. First, they'll have to go through me and I can assure you that no one will get passed."
He chuckled which sounded more demonic than ever, "What happened to that scared little girl in the beginning of the summer break?"
"She died when she learned that the wheel was real and that Bill, too, was indeed alive."
I launched myself at him as he put his tail in front to block me. I gripped my hands onto the tail as my sword went down on it, a scream of pain came next as his tail that was once attached to him fell, I moved to his back and ripped off his wings. I punched his back to make his trip to the ground faster as I could hear bones breaking and the floor cracking. I floated down faster and placed my foot on top of his chest as he looks at me as if he were surprised.
I dig my right hand into his chest while finding the dark heart that I never knew he actually had. My eyes start to glow golden, so does the rest of my body as I can see some power transferring. He starts chuckling out loud until his laugh sounds as if he were in pain. I could feel the pounding of his heart racing like the ticking of a bomb. I throw my left hand up into the air to make a portal that went back to the Nightmare Realm.
His eyes became normal as he tried to make sound come out of his mouth but nothing escaped. I leaned forward as I whispered one last message to him, "Your time is up." I throw him into the portal as it closes and a bright flash of white light blinds the whole room.
For me, everything went dark.
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