17. The Vytal Festival; Memories

Legends Never Die by Against The Current

Legends never die,

When the world is calling you,

Can you hear them screaming out your name?

Legends never die,

They become a part of you,

Every time you bleed for reaching greatness,

Relentless you'll survive,

They never lose hope,

When everything's cold and the fighting's near,

It's deep in their bones,

They run into smoke when the fire is fierce,

Oh, pick yourself up 'cause,

Legends never die!

When the world is calling you! (When the world is calling you!)

Can you hear them screaming out your name?!

Legend never die!

They become a part of you! (They become a part of you!)

Every time you'll bleed for reaching greatness!

Legends never die!


"Do it Zen." Alexa whispers through the girls' giggles.

"Pass me the shaving cream."

"Here." Rubina said, giggling.

"Pass me the cupcake."

"There you go." Alexa said, passing it.

Zen then shakes the bottle before squirting the shaving cream on Ziana's face, making it look like a beard. The younger Thundrice than gabs the cupcake and squashed it on her nose.

"Picture perfect." Rubina said, cracking up.

"Wait, let me get the marker." Alexa said.

She then gets out a black marker and draws a mustache.

Ziana snorts in her sleep and then starts fluttering her eyes.

"She's waking up, back in your positions!" Zen squealed.

The girls got into their bed and shut their eyes tight. Ziana yawned as she covered her mouth, not noticing what is on her face. She scanned the room with the "sleeping" girls.

"Girls! Wake up!" Ziana mutters, throwing a pillow at Alexa.

"Is it morning already?" Rubina moaned dramatically.

"I think I smell eggs, let's head outside." Ziana said.

"Okie dokie sis." Zen said, winking to the girls.

"Ladies first." Alexa said, putting her hands toward the door.

"Oookay? You guys are weird." Ziana raised her eyebrows.

They all went down where they see Johnny and another boy sitting across him. He had a bangster style clothes with silver platings to top it off. He has white hair with yellow eyes and black pupils. And he has a helmet on his hands.

The other boys had raven hair with a black and gray hoodie. He wore a white t-shirt with a blue crystal covered by black flames in the middle a design. He has black jeans that had blue designs at the bottom of it and wore black, gray and white boots.

"Hey, morning girls..... Nyahhhhhh!!!" The ravenette exclaimed, suddenly seeing Ziana's face.

"Well good morning to you too, Kevin." Ziana said sarcastically to the ravenette.

"Ziana, what's....." Johnny tried to say something, but Zen, who is behind Ziana, placed a finger on her mouth to signal him to stop.

The other white-haired boy then turns and sees Ziana's condition. Droppong his bowl, he clutched his sides as he laughs hard.

"Haha, very funny Nex. Okay I get it, I have bed head sometimes guys." Ziaan said, taking a seat and rearranging her hair. Her hand slightly brushed against her 'beard', leaving a trail of shaving cream in her left hand.

"What the- you guys didn't!" Ziana runs towards a mirror outside of the house and near a rock.

"Holy mother of Amatsuagatsuchi! You girls are dead!" Ziana yells.

Everyone starts cracking up. Johnny then pulls out his Scroll and snaps a picture.

"Well hello, screen saver. Ain't that attractive?" Johnny then shows the picture.

Ziana herself starts laughing. "You guys are so evil for doing this!"

"Why thank you very much sister." Zen said, taking a bow,. This caused everyone to start laughing even more.

After Ziana washed her face and ate breakfast, the group decided to head out and explore the Kingdom of Vale.


The hunters made their way towards the tents. As they are walking they noticed some people giving them curious stares, though they choose to ignore it.

"Hey guys!" They turn to see Teams RWBY and JNPR running towards.

"Who are these people?" Nex said.

"Students from Beacon Academy." Zen shrugged.

"Glad you guys can make it here." Blake said, then looks at Rubina, Nex and Kevin. "Who're those three?"

"They're hunters and allies of my village." Ziana said.

"This is Rubina." The redhead waves. "That's Kevin." The ravenette held up a peace sign. "And that's Nex." The white-haired boy nods.

"So are you guys gonna participate in the tournament?" Jaune asks.

"Nope." Zen said, popping the 'p'. "We're here to see the fights."

"Oh too bad." Ruby said. "We could seen you use your weapons like that. Anyways, bye!" The eight students went off towards the stadium to prepare.


"This stuff tastes great!" Alexa said, biting into her chili dog as she and the hunters are seated. "Remind me again why we don't have these?!"

"Beats me." Zen shrugs as she takes a sip from her cola.

"Let's see how skilled these kids are compared to hunters in pur village." Nex said, placing his boots in the top of s seat in front of him.

"Put your feet down, Nex. It's rude." Alexa scolded him.

"Ah leave him alone. There's no one in front of him." Ziana said. She leans back in her seat.

"Let's just hope nothing immediately goes wrong." Rubina said as the teams made their way.



Unknown village


A nine-year old Kira opens her eyes and sees her village in flames and ruins. Humans and Faunus alike screaming in terror as she witness hunters fighting and dying vainly against the legendary Amatsumagatsuchi, The Storm Elder Dragon. While the hunters faced many Monsters, they had yet to combat an Elder Dragon.

A small whine caught her attention. She looks down to see a small black dragon nudging her legs. She picks it up and held it tightly as it whimpers. "Sssshhh. There, there Nergigante. I'm here." She whispers to the dragon, which calms down.

She then proceeded to sneak away from the Amatsumagatsuchi while it's distracted. She is almost near the exit, when a missed air beam from the Storm Elder Dragon knocked down a house, which is near her.

She screams as she and the infant Nergigante rolls into the ground, in plain sight. The Amatsumagatsuchi immediately sees them and wasted no time firing an immense water pressured beam. Hunters who see her shouted for her to dodge.

As Kira shakes her head to clear her mind, she sees the attack about to reach. A sudden impact then causes her to fall to her. side. Getting up, she sees that it is the baby Elder Dragon that bumps.

"Ner-!" But it is too late. The attack struck him head on and sent him flying. The infant Nergigante screams loudly as he is swept up by the storm, presumably never to be seen again.

Kira falls to her knees in shock and horror. She ignored hunters that shouted for her to escape while the Amatsumagatsuchi advances on her.

Nergigante was a gift from her parents, who since long died fighting a Zorah Magdaors and saving the infant. She raised him as if he was her child. He was a constant reminder of her parents And now he's gone.

"No....." Her body gave off a white and red glow, stopping the Elder Dragon's approach and the rest to look at her in amazement. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" She screams at the top of her lungs, which cause sher body to be covered by the glow, forcing everyone to cover their eyes.

When the light died, everyone looks on in sheer shock. Kira is now a huge dragon with a pair of horns on the back of her head, a white body with draconic wings and fur covering her face, neck and tail. Her neck and chest has a glowing red color as it gave off electricity. She had red eyes with yellow slits. This is one of the three Fatalises to exist. White Fatalis, the Ancestral Elder Dragon!

The Elder Dragon screeches as she summons a powerful red thunderbolt towards Amatsumagatsuchi. The Storm  Elder Dragon roars in pain as it crashed towards a a house, destroying it under its weight.

The White Fatalis the took flight and begins charging a powerful energy ball from her mouth. The Amatsumagatsuchi gets and sees the Ancestral Elder Dragon fire a powerful thunder ball. The Amatsumagatsuchi then fires a powerful tri-water beam as it holds the attack at bay.

However, the White Fatalis channels energy to her claws and swipes at the Elder Dragon. It roars in pain as it is severely electrocuted. The Ancestral Elder Dragon then swoops and bites down unto the Storm Elder Dragon's neck and tore through its chest with its electrified right claw.

The Amatsumagatsuchi roars one last time in agonizing pain before its body went limp. The White Fatalis pulls her claw out and watch as the body of the Elder Dragon slumped down to the ground.

She grunts before a white and red glow consumes her body and reveals a nine-year Kira. Her eyes glazed before falling to her side.

"Nergigante....." She whimpered the name of her deceased pet as before she passed out as hunter quickly carried her and escaped the destroyed village, which is now being invaded by Jaggis and Great Jaggis.


Kira woke up from her sleep, breathing heavily. She looks around and finds the now adult Nergigante looking at her with concern.

She smiles and rubs his head with affection. "Sorry if I scare you, Nergigante. It's just that I had a memory of the day I lost you." She said. "But it's okay. I'm here."

Nergigante growls in happiness before going back to sleep, happy his friend is alright. Kira smiled before leaning back on a tree she is on and covered herself in a blanket and is lets sleep takeover them.

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