chapter 5: dealing with the bandits
A/n: Hello, my fellow readers! Here is the next chapter of this story! Now let the chapter begin!
Y/n's pov
After we got everything we needed along with getting more info around Iliasberg and gotten some info on a group of monster girls that go by the nickname the Four Bandits, which we got word from a rather interesting woman.
I was walking through the town as Luka and Alice where getting some info form other villagers, until I accidently bumped into a woman with long white hair.
Y/n: Sorry ma'am.
White haired woman: It's fine. Are you a Hero by any chance?
Y/n: Kinda, just not one that's baptized Hero.
White haired girl: I see... Nevertheless, there has been some robberies around the village recently.
Y/n: Really? Is it a Human bandit group?
white haired woman: No, they are a small group of Monster girls. Two of the members that were identified as a dragon and vampire.
This shocks me the know that there was a dragon and a vampire, both really powerful monster types just in sheer power alone. Even Granberia was strong for a Dragonkin type monster girl, even so this group of bandits needs to be taken care of.
Y/n: I see... Me and two of my travelling companions are about to head out to Happiness Village to sort out some trouble there. I'll let them know about the Bandits on the way there.
white haired woman: Please do, so far they only done robberies. The way I see it all they need is a guiding hand to lead them into the right path.
-flashback end-
Y/n: "A guiding hand?"
Luka: Is something wrong, Y/n?
Y/n: No, just repeating something that caught my mind.
Alice: Really? Care to explain.
Y/n: Yeah, a woman with white hair told me some info on a group of four Monster girls calling themselves the "four Bandits."
Luka: Four Bandits? I think some villagers at Iliasberg mentioned them, before we left.
Alice: Yes, that's right and that two of the members were a Dragon and a Vampire. Both are very powerful types of Monsters.
Y/n: I thought the same, I wanted to bring this up when we left Iliasberg to sort things out before planning our next move.
Alice: Good, choice. According to the Inn owner that something happened in that Village, which also halted scheduled deliveries of their Honey for the dango. Also since you two don't want to kill and Y/n will be needing a new sword, so I'll give these swords to you two.
Alice hands me what looks lot be a single edge sword with colors of blue and black, along with feeling some kind of energy emanating from the blade.
While Luka his given a sword that seemed to be a sword that was made with statues of angels smelted into it, something that most holy priest would find it horrid and looks to have an eye towards the tip.
Luka: Eww... What is that?
Alice: Angel Halo... One of the only two swords of it's kind, it's very valuable. While the other sword, is known as Rogue Angel. Use these swords from now on.
Luka: *looks at Angel Halo* emmm.... This thing? How come Y/n gets a sword that actually looks like one, and I get this thing? No way... that thing is creepy.
Alice: But it has those angels you Humans love embedded right in the handle. I thought you be happy!
Y/n: Eh, I think it looks cool.
Alice: See, even Y/n like it.
Luka: Those angels look like their being tortured!
Alice: Whatever, just take it.
Luka reluctantly took the sword, though once in her hands despite how the sword looked heavy by appearance, Luka was able to hold it without having to use two hands. Then a sudden moan was heard which surprised and freaked out not just Luka, but me as well just not that much.
Luka: I think it, just moan.
Alice: Well, that's to be expected. The sword was refined from 666 melted angels, after all. While Rouge Angel was refined and created with 6666 angel souls and it was made by a fallen angel.
Luka: I hate the way you said that so matter-of-factly.
Y/n: So, is there a reason why you give us these swords?
Alice: Yes, Due to how these swords were made, they hold a cures. They eat away the magic of whatever they slash, making it hard for opponent to maintain their form.
Luka: I don't get it...
Y/n: I believe she means, if we defeat a Monster with these swords we can temporarily seal them into a lesser form.
Alice: Exactly what Y/n says, they wont maintain the forms you would usually see them in. But it is temporary, since said opponent would need to rest to regain their original strength.
Luka: So it makes them harmless.
Allice: I not try them out?
And just like that, she quickly hides herself while me and Luka draw our attention to the ground ahead of our path. Which reveals and earthworm monster girl, upon the mosnter girl's appearance me and Luka ready our new swords.
A/n: You can look up the Earthworm girl, I just want to be careful of what pics to use.
Earthworm girl: Oh? Travelers? With one of them Being a handsome young man.~
Y/n: why, thanks for the complement.
Earthworm girl: Can you let me wring some semen from you?
Y/n: No.
Luka, made no hesitation and swings the Angel Halo at the Earthworm girl and hits it's mark, the Earthworm girl staggers back and shaking a bit. Meaning that she's getting weaker from the sword, before she could even make an attack of her own I rushed in and swing my Rouge Angel sword. Which my attack also connects, since the Earthworm girl had little to no time to dodge my attack.
Earthworm girl: What the... What are those swords? From my wounds... my power is draining...
Luka: It worked!
Y/n: Then let's keep it up.
Earthworm girl: I'll coil around you!
She tries to lunge at me and wrap me around her body, but I managed to dodge being grabbed by her and booped her nose for good measure. Which was good enough to catch her off guard and Luka charges at her for another swing, it hits and weakens the Earthworm girl further and allowing me to finish her off with a powerful move.
Y/n: Demon Decapitation!
With a quick lunge and swing with my new sword, I managed to hit the earthworm girl which the said monster girl screams and turns to dust, only to reform into a normal earthworm that leaves the area.
Y/n: Nice! [Now I won't need to worry about hurting monster girls.]
Luka: An earthworm?
Y/n: That must be her sealed form.
Alice: Right, you are Y/n. That monster from before turned into that. Totally unharmed and harmless.
Luka: Alice... But... that's still kinda sad.
Y/n: Remember, Luka... Alice did say she'll reform back after awhile. Since it is a temporary seal.
Alice: Y/n is right again. It's better than dying. She's still a monster, so even with that appearance she won't die easily. If she gets powers from others, she'll be able to return to her original form.
Luka: I see... I hope she reflects on her actions in the meantime.
Alice: Rather then reflect, her hatred will probably just increase.
Y/n: Only time will tell, you never know what kind of outcome you'll get.
Luka: True, by the way what will happen if me and Y/n these swords on a human? of course I don't want to do that.
Y/n: I'd assume they, just be as effective as a normal sword.
Alice: Actually even if it's a human, it can seal them But for Rogue Angel, if it's user desires it then it can kill the target that the user hates the most and sees as an enemy. They probably turned into a child or a dwarf. Since the swords is made out of Angels, they will show their true power when fighting against them.
Y/n: Really? I can only assume that the Angels would probably fear these swords.
Luka: why would we fight an Angel? Anyways thank you, Alice. This time I will be able to fight without holding back.
Alice: As I thought, you fought a lot better than before. Especially with you Y/n, though I'm sure there's still more your hiding.~
Y/n: *coy smile* That's my little secret.~ Anyway, we should check up on those bandits that has been stealing from Iliasberg.
Luka: Agreed, we can't let that go unchecked
Alice: Really? So you two want to die that badly? Idiots.
Y/n: I know it may seem stupid, but we at least have to try and negotiate with them.
Alice: How can you be sure that you'll be able to do such a thing.
Y/n: Trust me, I can be quite the negotiator.
Luka: Nevertheless, we'll win or die trying.
Alice: *sighs* Idiots.
We then head towards the path that would lead us to the mountain, that the Four Bandits would be at while during the walk. I think back to the woman's words, which makes me wonder just who are these bandits.
3rd pov
As the three travelers made it to the base of the mountain, but even if they made it Y/n just remembered one very important fact.
Y/n: Um, question... How are we going to find their hideout?
Luka: Crap... How can we stop them if we don't know where they are...?
Alice: This huge mountain range will take forever.
Y/n: Yeah... It's also not a good idea to split up, since they could try to attack us in twos.
Luka: What should we do?
Before any of them could suggest an idea, something small jumps out of the bushes, which Alice is quick enough to hide herself while Luka and Y/n pulled out their new swords at the being that jumped out.1
Goblin girl appears!
Y/n: Well, hello there.
Goblin Girl: Yai! Give me your money!
As the cute monster girl yells out, both Y/n and Luka raised an eyebrow at how she ordered for their money. While noticing the large hammer the said monster girl is wielding, which makes it look like she would not be able to wield it.
Luka: No way... your one of the bandits?
Goblin Girl: Indeed! I'm the Goblin bandit of the Four Bandits!
Y/n: One of them... Okay. *sheaths his sword* Leave this to me Luka.
Luka: Um, okay.
Goblin Girl: *points her hammer at Y/n though a little shaky doing so* You, why put your sword away? Don't think you can underesitmate-
Y/n then holds out a piece of candy, which catches the Goblin Girls attention and starts to drool over the piece of candy.
Y/n: Drop the hammer.
The Goblin Girl does so, then Y/n holds out his hand and commands the monster girl to place her hand on his, which she does so and Y/n places the piece of candy in her hand and patted her head getting her to blush and smiled.
Y/n: Good girl.
Goblin Girl: *eats the candy* Why did you give me that?
Y/n: I simply want to talk, to your group and negotiate on having you girls stop robbing Iliasberg.
Goblin Girl: Well, okay... But don't be surprised if the other girls would try to jump you.
Y/n: I can handle that.
Goblin Girl: Okay! Follow me!
The Goblin Girl takes the lead with Y/n following behind her, while Luka just smiles and puts her sword away and follows the two, Alice however was more surprised at how Y/n handled the Goblin without having to fight her. She then follows them to see how things would work out, but Y/n is in for a surprise for one of the Bandits, for a lack of attire.
To be contined
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, now I know your wondering how come amira didn't show up in this chapter. Well to answer that I'm replacing her and the other unfortunate monster girls, with different monster girls their story will be answered as this story proceeds. Now let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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