Chapter 4: A night with a lamia

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. Now this is going to be a lemon chapter, but it will not be short or anything I'll make it as long as possible for a good enertaining chapter. Now let the chapter begin.

3rd pov

-lemon start-

Y/n: *nervous like tone* Um.. Alice... can we talk about this?

Alice still had her smile that she presented to Y/n and her tail wraps itself around Y/n, which makes the human know that he wasn't going to get out of this situation by sheer talking it out.

Alice: So? What will it be? And just so you know if you try to resist, it'll be more fun for me.~

Y/n: Well, I'll take it.

Alice: *gains a slightly surprised look* Oh? I thought You'd want to stay loyal to Ilias, why is that?

Y/n: Please, don't lump me with her. Besides most monster girls have their needs.

This surprised Alice even more to hear that he's willing help her satisfy her "hunger" which she then releases Y/n from the grip of her tail. She then return to her smile and lean towards Y/n.

Alice: Consider this, "special" training. Considering that you're male. pleasuring attacks are your weakness.

Y/n: That's true and don't forget, I am the only male between you, Luka and me.

Alice: Which means more for you. Plus the other monster girls will be targeting you more. You're adventure with Luka will end in failure... Is that what you want?

Y/n: Of course I don't want it to end with me being defeated by being pleasured till I give in.

Alice: Then let's get the "special" training.~

Y/n: Give me your best shot.~

Alice: [Hora, Hora~ such confidence.]

Alice then moves down to y/n's pants and she notices that there is a slight bulge, which makes her smirk and look towards Y/n.

Alice: Hooora....~ You seem eager.

Y/n: Maybe that or maybe your the eager one.~

The comment made Alice giggle and begins to take Y/n's pants and underwear off, but once she does Y/n's cock springs up and to Alice surprise it was bigger than she even expected.

A/n: For reference you're bigger than male luka in the game.

Alice: Hora, hora.~ it's bigger than I thought, this could be fun for the both of us.~ I wonder how much I can collect.~

Y/n: Good luck with that.~

Alice let's out another giggle finding this human more and more interesting, she then wraps her hands around Y/n's cock while leaning her face next to it with a seductive smile. Once her hands made contact with Y/n's dick he let's out a pleasurable grunt sound from the warmth of Alice's hands.

Alice: Hora, hora.~ does my hands feel that good?~

Y/n: not gonna lie, they do.

Alice: *giggles* And I haven't even gotten started yet.~

She then started to rub Y/n's dick very softly, her soft fingers slowly and lightly stimulate Y/n's dick. Which makes Y/n stifle his moans and grunts, so they aren't too loud to wake up Luka and witness the two doing this.

Alice: Well then...~ How shall I do it...~ Just like this?  

She then starts to slowly move her hands up and down, gently messaging Y/n's dick. But she also uses her thumb and index finger to squeeze him in tiny circular motions as she moves her hands up and down on Y/n's dick. With Alice slow motion movement, deep pleasure flows through Y/n, which makes Y/n moan and grunt a bit in an enjoyment matter.

Y/n: *pleasured grunt*

Alice: Fufu... You won't last very long, do you? It looks like you can last much longer.

Y/n: *slight moan* We'll... see about that. *pleasured grunt*

Alice: *giggles* Fufu... Let's see how long you can endure my technique?~ It doesn't it will be too long...

Y/n: Want to bet on that. *pleasured grunt*

The two then stared at each others eyes enjoying their moment, as Alice continues to message Y/n's dick and can't help but be mesmerized by Y/n's silver eyes. While Y/n feeling the pleasure that Alice is giving him and tries his best to endure the pleasure, but enjoy that he is training with Alice.

Y/n: *slight moan* I've got to admit *grunt* Alice your giving me a run for my money.~

Alice: *giggles* You seem to be holding pretty well, but You'll soon ejaculate soon.~ Just by doing so little. You let out such a voice.

Alice's thumb and forefinger continue to circle around Y/n's dick as she gently pump him up and down. During the same time Y/n was feeling his end building up, which Alice notices s well making her gain a victorious yet seductive smile.

Y/n: *grunts* You and me both know that I'm about to release soon.~ *moan*

Alice: *giggles* Indeed.~ Since you lasted this long I'll let you do one thing of your choosing after this.~ But first I'll make you shoot out your little children all over my hand.~

Alice then begins to increase the pleasure with her left hand as she giggles in amusement. Her hand starts to get sticky from the pre-cum leaking out of Y/n's dick. With her skillful technique, she keeps driving Y/n to the edge, as the said human does his best to last as long as he can.

Y/n: *grunts* You ready for this.~

Alice: Of course.~  For me to be rubbing you like this until you cum... what good luck you have.~ Now... submit and let out the rest of your semen into my hand.~

Alice's left hand continues to message Y/n's dick. Sometimes twitching and sometimes squeezing. Y/n manages to last this long from releasing his load, as Alice skillful hand gives Y/n intense stimulation. While her right hand strangles the top of Y/n's dick... Unable to endure the two different movements, Y/n finally reaches his limit.

At the rate this is going, Y/n would just melt into Alice's hand... As soon as Y/n accepts his desires and releases his semen into Alice's hand. To Alice's surprise Y/n released a large amount of his semen onto her hand and some of it got onto her face, much to Alice's enjoyment smiled and scrape up and lick off as much as she can.

Once Alice managed to lick up and swallow a good amount she turns to Y/n who is exhausted, but hasn't lost consciousness.

-lemon over-

A/n: I know the scene was a lot longer than this, but there will be some that are just as long or longer than it. Also I did not put in the visual due to that it could be flagged even if my story is has the mature feature on.

Alice: That was a nice amount and you lasted longer with enough stamina.

Y/n: Why thank you. I did train to increase my stamina, so that I don't get exhausted during a fight.

Alice: Which is a good thing, especially if you were to run into someone like Granberia again. Now you should wash off and rest for tomorrow.

Y/n nods and heads to the room's bathroom to wash off the sweat that he might have on him during the "training" session, while Alice goes to one of the other spare beds to sleep in. But what they don't know is that a certain purple haired girl was awake and witness the two of them "training" But her back was face towards them with one of her hands in between her legs.

Luka: [What did I just witness?! Am I a lewd girl?]

-next day-

Y/n's pov

Once the morning sun rose me, Luka and Alice left our room that we stayed in, but we were then stopped by the Inn keeper who was giving me a teasing grin of sorts.

Inn keeper: It sounded like you had fun last night.

I froze cause I wasn't expecting the Inn keeper of all people to hear me and Alice's little "training" session. I looked to Alice to see that she had her usual smile and in her human form no less, but I then noticed that Luka was giving her a slight glare which confused me as to why she's doing that.

Y/n: *to the Inn keeper* I'm sorry if we were too loud last night. [Just be calm and not be too distracted.]

Inn keeper: *slight giggle* Was I right? It was just a lucky guess. And don't worry just your little "fun." Well... be sure to come again! I'll be sure to welcome you!

Luka: We will! Thank you!

We then walked away from the Sutherland Inn and walked back into town, once we got there we were met with a store clerk.

store clerk: Welcome!

We went in to the town stores to restock on supplies like food, equipment and other things for our journey. Along the way we did talked to some of the towns people, as some of them were still in shocked or surprised that a Four Heavenly Knight was in town yesterday, although a young man did say that they wet themselves.

Prostitute: Ara, Hero you seem like a strong young man.~ How about I give you a special discount?~

Y/n: Um, no thanks I'm good miss.

Prostitute: Boo.~

As we went on through the city some of the soldiers do have some respect for Granberia, for that she didn't attack or harm any of the children or elderly. Along with not killing anyone in town or causing collateral damage.

Y/n: [Well she did say she doesn't kill or harm the weak. I can only guess that counts for the children and elderly as well.]

We then walked into a store that sells weapons and armor, I took out my own sword to see that it has a very large crack and spreading along the blade.

Luka: What is it Y/n?

Y/n: Oh nothing. It's just that my sword took one helluva beating from fighting Granberia and it could break at any moment if we were to encounter another monster.

Luka: Well, maybe they have a sword for you? Or maybe some armor for you?

Alice: Idiot girl. If he wore that, he wouldn't be able to even move.

Y/n: She's got a point. Armor may provide protection from most physical attacks, but armor dues lower ones speed.

Luka: Yeah, I guess your right about that. And we might face some monsters that have some impressive speed during our journey.

We then noticed Alice grabbed a ordinary shirt and placed it on the counter, since it was just a shirt it's not too expensive.

Alice: This looks good. We have enough to buy this, right?

Luka: This... We're looking for a new sword for Y/n, not a shirt.

Alice: This is for you girl.

store keeper: Ah, you got good eyes, Miss. That shirt was woven in special way for maximum protection. *sees Y/n's clothes* And I can see that young man's clothes are made the same way.

Luka: Oh, really?

store keeper: It's a good piece of protective wear, even if it looks plain. Recently it seems heroes have been only caring about looks, though. Those kinds of people don't see how good this piece really is. It looks like your different, though!

Luka: I see! Alright, I'll take it!

store keeper: Thanks for your business! Even thought it's a great piece of armor made by Enrika, it hasn't sold well because it just looks to plain.

Y/n: Enrika? Is that who made this?

store keeper: Ah, not a person. Enrika is the name of a small village to the southwest. Even though they isolate themselves from the rest of the world, they make some pretty good pieces of armor.

Luka: Oh, I didn't know that...

Y/n: This is good piece of information. Let's keep that village in mind Luka.

Luka: Right. But What about your sword, Y/n?

Alice: I might have something for him, but it'll have to wait until we leave town.

We then leave the armor and weapon shop and took a look in the tool shop, but not finding much of anything, other than a rude shop keeper of the tool shop. Luka then went to the church to ask for Ilias' protection, while me and Alice are not really fond of the thought, but we went with her anyway.

Luka: Ilias please watch over me and Y/n.

Alice: How boring.

Luka: Really you... I just want to give my prayers to her thanks.

Priest: Exactly. One should always pray faithfully.

Y/n: Holy crap! where did you come from?!

Priest: Oh, sorry if I scared you young man. But as for your question, I just came out of the confessional.

Alice: A boring person came out.

Luka: Really, you...

Y/n: [Oh, no matter how much I want to laugh, but I got to remain calm and collected.]

Luka: It's true that priest's are usually boring...

Priest: Well, I'm sorry for being boring. More importantly, you must remember to pray faithfully. It's one of the five commandments, after all.

Alice/Y/n: Really, how boring...

Luka: Y/n! Not you too. Even if he is boring, I should still listen. You too Y/n.

Y/n: [Never.]

The Priest didn't say anything, once we leave the church and leave town to head for our next place to go for our journey. Though I do wonder if we will be seeing any more of the Four Heavenly Knights.

To be continued

A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, now do let me know what you guys think and do guess where the next place the reader and Luka along with Alice will go to next. please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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