Chapter 3: enter the swordswoman of fire

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. now as the title suggest those who are familiar with Monster Girl Quest you should know who Granberia is those who do not you'll know in this story. also I forgot to add Laplace  into the harem. now let the chapter begin. 

Y/n's pov

ever since last night with training and learning the Demon Decapitation move that is made be a dark elf. now in the middle of the day we walked on the path to Iliasberg, but along the way we encounter an odd looking plant in the middle of the path.

Y/n: okay. that is too suspicious.

Luka: what do you mean? it just looks like a plant. *walks up to the plant* watch I'll show you.

Alice: *smirks* this should be good.

she goes to pull on the plant with all her strength while I quickly put my hands over my ears to cover them. once Luka stop pulling I see her body stopped as if she was paralyzed and the plant she pulled comes up to the to reveal...

a Mandragora

Mandragora: what the hell are you doing!? I was finally asleep too!

Luka: I'm really I can't really move my this?

I see Luka's body fall backwards on the ground unable to move her body at all. every single muscle unable to be moved so I got in front of her from the Mandragora girl with my sword out.

Mandragora: *to Luka* that's because you heard my scream. it can even kill people with weak hearts. *to Y/n* my aren't you a cute one. now I wish that you heard my scream we could have lots of fun.~

Y/n: I'm going to politely declined that offer miss.

Mandragora: *pouts* boo, well I would go back to sleep, but I'll be able to sleep longer if I had some nourishment.~

Y/n: oh boy...

I made the first move on the Mandragora swinging the blunt side of my sword on the Mandragora dealing some damaged to her. while I do this Luka tries her best to move her body.

Mandragora: *to luka* it's cute that your trying to resist there and so vulnerable. *to Y/n* you can resist as much as you want, but I'll get my hands on you by licking you~

the Mandragora girl tries to plant her face at my groin to try and lick my dick, but I dodged it avoiding the her. the Mandragora girl get's back up and looks at me with a pout on her face as I had a playful one.

Mandragora: oh why did you dodged? I could have made you feel good.

Y/n: I guess I like to play hard to get.

I then charged hitting the Mandragora girl with the blunt side of the blade dealing more damage to her. the Mandragora get's knocked back a bit, but she get's back up and gives me a smirk herself.

Mandragora: I'll get you with my hair~

she then used her hair to hit me and rub against my penis through my pants dealing some damage to me. I managed to resist through the damage once the hair went back to her I was about to use the new move, but the Mandragora girl let out a yawn.

Mandragora: *yawns* I'm too tired to do this so I'm going back to sleep.

she then dives back into the ground which left me with a look that said "what?", but one it was over I helped up Luka who got feeling back into her body.

Y/n: well that was a thing.

Luka: yeah... 

Alice: ah I see Y/n drove it away.

Luka: uh...Alice? where did you run off too?

Alice: if there's even a chance of combat, I'm going to hide. I told you both before that I'm not going to help you two, didn't I?

Y/n: yeah we heard you before, but I'm not going to ask your reasons why you hide cause I don't want to over step my boundaries.

Alice: *smiles at Y/n* and I appreciate that. *to Luka* how horrible, you attacked that Mandragora who was just minding her own business sleeping...what a bully.

Luka: but she was the one who was going to attack me!

Y/n: to be frank Luka I did pointed out that the plant was suspicious.

Alice: and you did pulled on her causing her to come up from the ground.

Luka: ek...

it was then that Alice was teasing Luka about her "violent side", but now that she needs to be more careful since that there's not going to be many monster girls that will attack us. we then continue on to Iliasberg since we're not that far from and can see the town ahead as we get closer.

Luka: alright! we're almost to Iliasberg.

Y/n: *looks at the setting sun* yea at this rate we'll get their just before night fall. but we got one problem. *to Alice* hey Alice do you have a human form or something?

Alice: taking a form of a human is unpleasant...why would I have to pretend to be a human...

Luka: if you can't enter the city, *smirks* how are you going to eat your Ama-ama dango?

Alice: crap...I guess that's true. does this look?

I then see that she uses her magic to slowly turn more human hiding her snake tail and purple skin. but still has the flower in her hair her skin turned into a nice fair color making her quite stunning.

A/n: this is what her human form looks like.

Y/n: not gonna lie you do look beautiful, but if I had a preference your true form is more better looking.

Luka: ah...that's good.

Alice: *to Y/n with a playful smile* oh really now. I'll be sure to remember that~

with that little situation settled we then proceed to enter the town only to be introduced with...

3rd pov

as the three enter the town there was this eerie silence that enveloped the town with not many people where out and about.

Y/n: this is odd...*looks around* where is everyone?

Luka: what's going on!?

the three then heard some commotion coming from the town's plaza like last time Alice disappears to stay hidden from the fight while Y/n and Luka ran towards the plaza. once the two hide behind a tree both notice a certain individual that shocks Luka while Y/n has a excited smile on his face knowing who it is.

monster swordswoman: how boring. is there not a single strong person in this entire city?

standing in the plaza is a single monster swordswoman with other human soldiers looking pretty exhausted which means they tried fighting her, but failed for not being strong enough.

solider A: d... damn it...

soldier B: she's so... so strong!

soldier C: grh...

as the three soldiers struggle with the monster swordswoman around them are dozens of "strong" soldiers all collapsed on the ground. meaning that a single monster swordswoman has beaten all of these soldiers without breaking a sweat.

monster swordswoman: you three... are you going to fight or not?

soldier A: guh...!

with the way the soldiers are now is incredibly unlikely for the three soldiers to have any chances of winning.

Luka: that couldn't be...

Y/n: your not the only one seeing this Luka. it is exactly the person who you think it is.

what the two heroes know who the dragon swordswoman who wields a giant sword in the plaza. even through rumors that they heard from travelers that come by their town is now in front of them. one of the Four Heavenly Knights Granberia a mosnter girl that has a sword arm that no human can match. the monster girl that is able to stand up against an entire army by herself killing thousands of soldiers. such a insanely powerful monster girl attacking Iliasberg by herself too.

Luka: a...Alice...what should we do-

Luka the turns around to see like before Alice disappeared from sight making Luka dumbfounded while Y/n expected that to happen.

Granberia: only you three are left... are you just going to watch while I take control of this city? or is one of you going to be a Hero and try to face me!? well...hurry and decide!

soldier A: grr...damn you!

soldier B: I won't let a monster like you do whatever you want!

two of the remaining three soldiers stand back up to face Granberia while the third one is cowering in the back unable to move.

Granberia: that's the spirit! but even if you have spirit, it's meaningless!

as Granberia lifts her sword in a ready position the said sword erupts in flames along the blade letting put scorching heat. it's as if it's covered in the fires of hell itself.

Y/n: *mutters* incredible.

Luka: *whispers* yeah, I've also heard from the stories that each of the Heavenly Knights use one of the main four elements.

Y/n: yeah and Granberia uses the element of fire.

then soldier A takes the first move not backing down from the heat of the flaming sword. the soldier then swings his sword at Granberia, but in an instant Granberia vanishes from her spot.

soldier A: gah!

the soldier faints as his sword's blade hits the ground then falling forward on the ground knocked out. while Granberia is revealed to be right behind the soldier.

Luka: what was that?

Y/n: speed, Luka. Granberia was to fast for the weaken soldier to see.

soldier B: damn you!

the second soldier then tries to swing at Granberia's back while the said Heavenly Knight looks over at the soldier then swinger her giant sword.

Granberia: slow...

then the flaming sword of Granberia slams into the soldier with enough strength to knock the soldier towards where Y/n and Luka were hiding along with the heat of the flames.

Luka: amazing...

the two know that the soldiers of Iliasberg had a lot more experience in fighting than Y/n and Luka, but Granberia was far above those soldiers level of fighting. while the two soldiers on the ground are still breathing, but also in immense pain.

Y/n: even for someone of her strength she managed to at least not kill them.

Luka: yeah.

the two then see that all that remains is one terrified soldier whose too scared to even lift his sword.

Granberia: well then...what are you going to do?

the last soldier then turns around making a run for it screaming while Granberia stood still not even bothering to chase the terrified soldier.

Granberia: that's a wise choice. but in the future , you can't call yourself a soldier or a Hero.

Luka: this isn't good...

all over the ground of the plaza are soldiers that are either knocked unconscious or too tired to even get up and fight.

Granberia: is that it!? having your city taken over by a monster...there's no complaints!?

the voice of Granberia rang through out the whole town while everyone else were hiding in their homes. while this was going on Luka was wondering what to do as a Hero she needs to fight Granberia, but she knows that Granberia is out of her league to fight.

Luka: what should we do Y/n....Y/n?

she looks to see that Y/n had left his spot then hears whistling which not only caught Luka's attention, but Granberia's as well. the two see Y/n walking towards Granberia with his sword drawn.

Y/n: hello there.

Granberia: well then, I see that someone finally decided to show themselves.

Y/n: well I just wanted to take the moment to watch just before fighting.

Luka: h...hold it!

then Luka who manage to summon enough courage to get out of her hiding spot and stood next to Y/n.

Granbeira: what was that girl?

Granbeira then turns her head slightly to face Luka. just from her stare Luka could feel the over whelming sense of oppression from Granberia making her body shake slightly, but Y/n manage to help calm her down with his hand on her shoulder.

Granberia: *sees Luka's sword* oh your carrying a sword like the boy. then I'll treat you  both as a warrior, not as a boy and girl. you have no problem with that, do you?

Y/n: *chuckles* not me besides I'm about to fight someone who I've been waiting for to fight just didn't think it be this soon.

Luka: of...of course not! even som...even someone like us is a warrior!

Granberia: I understand. *gets in her stance*

Granberia: well then...the fire swordswoman Granberia will be your opponent! now give me your best shot!

Y/n: with pleasure!

with that Y/n made the first move charging at Granberia who readis her sword to meet Y/n's, but he fakes the first strike catching Granberia off guard. but she managed to block the strike making the two swords clash making a shock wave happen around them.

Granberia: impressive faking your first strike to follow up with another one.

Y/N: oh we're just getting started.

Luka: take this!

Luka then  tries to swing her sword at Granberia's back with all her might, but Granberia vanishes from the two making Y/n's and Luka's swords collide with one another.

Luka: eh?

Y/n: look out!

Y/n then moves Luka out of the way saving her from a hit from Granberia as he blocks the said Heavenly Knight's kick with the flat side of his sword and get's knocked back a bit from the force of the kick. but what Y/n didn't expect was that Granberia then trips him with her tail and steps on his groin.

A/n: not as in to hurt him severly

Granberia: your quick with your reflexes, but you two are still too green. you two challenge me while the adults were hiding in cowardice. I can respect that. *looks at Luka* your young, so a mistake like that is to be expected. but there won't be a second time.

Luka:'s not over yet!

Granbeira then moves off Y/n allowing him to jump back up to his feet and gains some distance from Granberia. while the said woman looks at Luka.

Granberia: are you going to ignore my advice? I won't look over it again.

Luka: prepare yourself!

the two then face Granberia with their swords ready while Granberia stands looking at the two seeing them determine, but can't help but look at Y/n with a curious expression.

Granberia: [hmm, I don't know why but he seems to be holding something back.]

Y/n then thought of an idea and whispers it to Luka getting her to nod while Granberia has her sword ready, but also raising her eyebrow wondering what could they be thinking. Luka then charged at Granberia swinging her sword which Granberia blocked Luka's attack looking at the purple haired girl.

Granberia: was that your best shot?

Luka: *smirks* not even the slightest.

Granberia then looks behind Luka to see Y/n not there which she quickly turns her head to see him on her right, but her eyes widen upon seeing a move that catches her off guard.

Granberia: what! this technique!

Y/n used the move that Alice taught them "Demon Decapitation" lunging at Granberia. with no other choice she shoves Luka away from her and dodged Y/n's attack narrowly avoiding the blade.

Y/n: damn...almost had her.

Granberia: why do you know a monster's technique?

Luka: eh...

Granberia: both of your sword plays still need work. *to Luka* your sword play is sloppy and your still immature. *to Y/n* your sword play is good, but not good enough to beat me. there's no way neither of you thought that by yourselves. I want to know where you two learn that move. I'm sure your lady friend also knows the move since you whispered it to her. who taught it to you?

the two went silent not sure if they should tell Granberia about Alice Luka may not care much about Alice, but Y/n on the other hand is not the type of person to rat out anyone even if his companion his a monster girl.

Luka: w...why should we tell someone like you?

Granberia: *smiles* I think I already know who it is *looks at Y/n* also just by the look on your face your not the type to rat out anyone secrets. in fact, I would like to have a match with that that person your master or something?

Y/n: that is...I won't say.

Granberia: is that so then...

Granberia then used an attack on Y/n who just barely blocks the attack, but not without taking some damage in the process. Y/n then slumps forward a bit making his sword hit the ground to be used to keep himself up.

Luka: Y/n!

Granberia: I held my attack to make sure you didn't die. well, are you going to talk now?

Y/n: *pants* grh...*pants* even with that I won't say.

Granberia: is that so? I don't like using my sword on the weak...but...* raises her sword*

????: how long are you going to play coy?

Y/n: *smirks* I think of it being part of my charm.

Luka: A...Alice!?

Granbeira: *looks at Alice with widen eyes*!

Y/n noticed the look on Granberia's face thinking that the two have met before or something like that. Granberia then slowly gets on one knee.

Y/n: [well this is interesting.]

Luka: ehh...EHHH!?

Alice: Granberia...what are you doing? who ordered you to do such a thing?

Granberia: I decided by myself. to get rid of those annoying Heroes, I...

Alice: go away, you annoyance.

she declared flatly. even giving like her such a rude command while Granberia then opened her eyes surprised by Alice.

Granberia: b...but! if I leave now, even more Heroes will show up...

Alice: I told you to go away. if you go berserk like this, how am I going to eat the Ama-ama Dango?

Y/n\Luka: huh?!/Nani?!

Granberia: if you want something like that, just let me take control of the city

Alice: how can I sight see with such an unsightly event like going out? idiot. having to say the same thing three that how you show your loyalty? I told you to go away.

Granberia: at once. if it's your will. then it's my will excuse me...but first *looks at Y/n* the next time we meet I want you to be stronger and not hold back your true strength.

Y/n: so you noticed?

Granberia: I'm a skilled swordswoman I can notice when my opponent is holding back or not. until then give me a fight worth fighting.

she then used some magic to vanish from her spot and with draws from the city plaza. Granberia was sent away... by Alice.

Luka: we...we did it!

Y/n: calm down Luka we just barely survived an encounter from one of the Four Heavenly Knights. [plus it was Alice that sent her away and just saved me from using "that"]


Alice stayed silent while Luka catches her breath from the fight with Granberia while Y/n just had a permanent smile since he just fought the one person he wanted to fight.

Luka: you...were pretty awesome back there.

Alice: that's it!? that's all you have to say after what happened!? *to Y/n* and you what did Granberia meant by holding back!? are you really that stupid!?

Y/n: you have your secrets and I have mine.

Alice: got me there.

Luka: eh...what?

man: she gone? that monster...did she run away!?

woman: those three over there! I don't really get it, but it looks like that woman, young lady and man drove her away!

the four then look around to see that the citizens of the city start to come out of their homes and surround them.

Luka: err...uh...we...

man: thank you! a little bit longer and this would have been a monster city!

woman: even though your so young, that's amazing. how did you drive away such a strong looking monster?

Luka: was nothing...really...

even with all of the people around them is doesn't seem that anyone is noticing that Alice is really a monster. after the people thanked them the city residents slowly start to return back to their daily routine. none of the defeated soldiers were killed and peace finally return to Iliasberg.

Alice: by the way Citizen A over there, I want to ask you something.

Citizen A: Citizen A? me? how can I be called "Citizen A" when I have such a magnificent name as Cervantes!

Alice: I don't really care. where is the Sutherland Inn?

Citizen A: ah...just head to west from here and you'll see it. it's such an incredibly old Inn, it will stick out.

Alice: huh. did you hear that, Luka? Y/n? it still exists like I said. 

Luka: incredibly old Inn.

the sound of such an incredibly old inn sounded famous like it's going to be very expensive. something that adventurers can't really  afford....

Alice: *smile* alright! off to the west! we know where we're staying tonight.

Luka: whatever you say.

Y/n: but one problem.

Alice: and that is?

Y/n: how are we're going to do about who sleeps with who or who is in what room?

Alice: we'll worry about that when we  get there.

with that Alice then dragged both Luka and Y/n to where the Inn is located while Alice had a smile that she was planning something.

Y/n's pov

after some odd minutes we finally made it to the Inn that the citizen of Iliasberg directed us to.

Luka: ah there it is.

we look at the Inn to see that it was a lot nicer than we thought it would look. but one thing I am curious about much is this going to cost?

Y/n: *reads the sign* let's day... 2, 400, 000 gold per person!? O.O

upon seeing the price of how much it would cost my eyes are whit as dinner plates right now. how can anyone could possibly afford this!? it made me remember that a baptized Hero can practically afford this if not stay for free.

Luka: Alice there is no way can stay here. if the three of us go inside, we only have nine seconds...

Alice: what... if I knew this was going to happen, I would have let Granberia take over...

Y/n: now, now don't get any ideas.

then suddenly a soldier comes up from behind us going towards the Inn.

Soldier A: excuse me, can you step aside?

he then slips passed us reaching the reception desk most likely going to stay in one of the rooms, but how will he afford it. but then I got a closer look at the soldier and it was one of the soldiers that was knocked out by Granberia.

Soldier A: hey owner, I'm a Hero. give me the Hero rate to stay here.

Owner: what stupidity is that?! what kind of Hero get's knocked out instantly by a monster like that!

shouting at the poor schmunck the Owner chases the soldier out of the Inn to the outside.

Soldier A: but... but I've been baptized as a Hero! 

Owner: someone like you calling himself a Hero... get out!

the soldier runs off screaming from the Owner heading towards another part of the city. once she driven off the soldier she then turns to the three of us. she notices us and her look softens.

Owner: oh, you three! the ones who saved the city! please won't you stay here tonight?

Y/n: um... we would like that, but...

Luka: we don't have enough money...

Owner: I'll give you the special Hero rate, two gold per person. I'll bill you the other 4, 799, 996 to Ilias temple.

Y/n: [how in Ilias' name can the temple afford that much!? does Ilias herself gave the people at the temple a vault to hold enough money to support the Heroes or something!?]

Luka: th...thank you. but we're not baptized Heroes...

Owner: that doesn't matter. the baptism doesn't make you a Hero, your actions do.

I gave a understanding look to the Owner while I see Luka have a surprised look on her face now understanding that we didn't need the baptism to be a Hero.

Alice: that said, didn't you just got you ass beat?

Luka: guhu...

Y/n: but we did give Granberia a run for her money.

Owner: come in! come in!

Alice: *smiles* looks like you two were useful for something. come on Luka, Y/n, don't just stand there like an idiot.

Luka: right, right... I get it. hey! stop dragging me!

I gave a light chuckle as I followed the two inside the Inn. once we got our rooms set up we were staying a large room big enough for the three of us.

Luka: ah...I need to calm down.

Y/n: we could use the rest after what happen.

since me and Luka were from the country side we never seen such a elaborate before. once we were in a secluded room Alice turned back into her monster form and happily munching away her Ama-ama Dango.

Y/n: I see your enjoying your Dango.

Luka: how is it?

Alice: *bright smile* it's sweet!

it made me smile to see her enjoying her food and that smile she was giving was cute for her. her tail is also wagging around happily which was kinda hard not to tease her about the tail wagging like that.

Luka: oi, oi. don't lose your transformation.. someone might come by.

Y/n: um like who?

Alice: fuuu... that was delicious.

she then transformed back into her human form which made me disappointed cause she looked cute with her tail wagging like crazy when she was eating. the Owner then cleared off the dishes pretty much giving us the VIP treatment. we also heard that the Owner of the Inn was pretty influential person in the city. if the town was taken over, it really would have hurt her...

Owner: how did you like this hotel's Ama-ama Dango?

Alice: even though it's incredibly sweet, it doesn't overpower the flavor of the Dango. absolutely delicious. if you were a monster, I would make you a douchess.

Owner: *laughs* what a strange remark, young woman. *laughs*

me and Luka didn't really get it, but it seems that the Owner found that pretty funny.

Owner: unfortunately. we haven't been able to get enough Happiness Honey. so I can't make anymore Ama-ama Dango... since Happiness Village doesn't have enough men anymore, I guess there's no helping it...

Y/n: happiness Village huh.

from what I've heard about Happiness Village it's a small village east of Iliasberg and they're primarily a bee keeping village that exports their Happiness Honey all over the world.

Luka: did something happen in Happiness Village?

Owner: yeah...hmm.... hey that's right. if it's you three, you might be able to do something. if you were able to beat that swordswoman, it should be easy for you.

Y/n: um.. yeah...

at this point we weren't able to disagree with her too deep to turn back now just got to roll with the cards that we were dealt with.

Owner: well then have a nice rest.

Luka: ah, yes thank you.

the Owner then leaves the room now that we were alone so that Alice was able to go back to her monster form. I then see Luka let out a tired yawn and sleeps on one of the spare beds in the room.

Alice: hmm... I'm hungry again...

Y/n: didn't you eat all those Ama-ama Dangos? how can you still be hungry after eating all of those?

Alice: the Dangos went into a different stomach... my other stomach wants some human...

I then see Alice stare into my face with what I could guess is a seductive smile and licking her lips and it hit me like a hard punch from Granberia.

Alice: someone unbaptized like you just looks so...delicious.

Y/n: I see... [oh boy.]

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. now for the next Chapter you should guess that it's going to be the first lemon with Alice. so that should be good also should I make it where female Luka heard about what happen to Y/n and Alice making her jealous let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one. 

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