Chapter 1: two adventurers meet Alice
A/n: hey guys here is the next chapter for this story also I chose this video up top for the opening I was cross between this one or the attack on titan one so I thought this one would work also I did not make this it all goes to the person that made this video now let the chapter begin
Y/n pov
after some running and moving past some trees me and Luka push through further into the forest where we found...
a beautiful woman laying on the ground and not just any woman by the looks of it she appears to be a lamia
Y/n: what happen to her?
Luka: no idea. but from the looks of it she seems like a powerful one.
Y/n: yeah, let's see if she's alright.
Luka: huh!?
I then walk towards the unconscious girl then knelling down and begin to lightly shake her but being not to rough while doing so
Y/n: hello... miss monster are you alive?
I didn't get a response I then looks at the area around her to see some destroyed trees and the ground below the girl dented most likely from the impact for something like that to happen one would have to fall from a great distance
Y/n: *mutter* just what the hell happen here? what should I do?
Luka: Y/n, what are we going to do? we have to go to the temple soon.
Y/n: yeah but we can't just leave her here. we both want monster and humans to coexist.
Luka: true, but it is an important day that we can't miss but if we don't mess around we can make it.
I decided to help the girl even though she's a monster I'm still going to help her I went to check her face to see if she's still breathing but once I did her eyes open up to reveal beautiful golden amber like color
Y/n: uh... hi?
we both look at each other then the monster girl then shot up I move back a bit giving her some space
monster girl: where am I?
Luka: eh....
monster girl: I said "where am I?"
Y/n: oh, sorry but your in Ilias village.
I answered truthfully seeing no need to try and lie to her since she dosen't seem hostile just curious
monster girl: so I was blown to such a place... that damn girl.... what crazy strngth.
Y/n\Luka: uh... girl?
monster girl: anyway, who are you two?
Luka: apprentice heroine luka, from the nearby Ilias village....
Y/n: and I'm Y/n L/n an adventerous person who lives in the same village as Luka.
we both answered truthfully as she then smiles then looks at me eyes that seem to be scanning me
monster girl: an apprentice hero and a adventerous hero..... so you haven't been baptized yet? you do smell pretty delicious.
she then licks her lips with s smack sound as she was looking at me intently making me blush a bit
Luka: *slightly jealous* that's right, the baptism! we have to get back before we're late!
she then stars to pull on my arm wanting to get back to the village as quickly as possible which I reluctantly do so
Y/n: well... we'll be off then.
monster girl: stop...
then in an instant I start to feel the lamia woman's huge tail coil around my body as Luka lost her grip on me she then turns me around to face her I don't show any fear but just a curious look on my face
monster girl: ahh, I understand yours and the girl's situation now. today is Ilias' birthday, so you two are trying to receive your baptism.
Y/n: well.... *motions his hand for her to lean forward and whispers in her ear* to be honest I really don't want to do it
she then moves her head away and nods to him understanding his honesty while she turns her attention to Luka
Luka: that's right... so... can you please let go of my friend?
monster girl: Ilias' baptism.... how foolish.
Luka: fo... foolish!?
she practically insulted Luka's way of life as she has always wanted to be a hero and receive her baptism while I have the same dream but I think it's possible without Ilias' baptism
Luka: whatever... just.... just let go of Y/n alright?
monster girl:....
she remains silent and keeps her tail coiled around my body which kinda feels nice in my opinion almost like getting a full body message
monster girl: why don't either of you try and kill me when I was unconscious?
Luka: eh? k... kill you?
monster girl: a golden opportunity for two people aiming to be heroes... killing a monster like me.
Y/n: well, we didn't know if you were good or bad.... there's no way we can just kill you like that.
monster girl: oh... you two don't see all monsters as an enemy?
Luka: certainly there are people who do...
monster girl: but you two want to be a hero. someone who doesn't treat all monsters as enemy, why would you two become a hero, whose goal is to kill the Monster Lord? is it fame? ambition? or...
Y/n: we don't want to be that kind of hero. we don't even particularly hate the Monster Lord.
Luka: we just want to stop her from doing evil things.
monster girl: what?
Y/n: we don't want to kill monsters or even the Monster Lord. we want a world where human and monster can coexist peacefully!
monster girl: you two are idiots.
Y/n: gah.
those words hurt more than getting slapped by Luka when I accidently walk in on her changing sometimes
Luka: why are we idiots!? we just want human and monster to....
monster girl: believing in a immature view of world peace. with everyone living in harmony and peacefully with no issues.... what is that but idiotic?
nether me or Luka have no idea how to respond to that
monster girl: a boy and a girl who doesn't understand the world they're living in.... monsters living hand in hand with humans? when are you two going to wake up from your dreaming?
Luka: but... I...
monster girl: I understand you two are still a child. *smirks and releases Y/n from her tail* just go little boy~
Y/n: even if the dream me and Luka have is some what impossible. doesn't mean we should give up on it I'm sure me and her well be able to do the impossible.
with that I leave with Luka as she still smirked from teasing me Luka and I proceeded to head back to our village
Luka: man I can't believe she would insult us like that.
Y/n: easy there Luka remember what I said back there even if the dream we have is some what impossible doesn't mean we should give up on it cause I'm sure we can do the impossible.
that seem to cheer her up a bit as we head back to our village we talk about how would we do against that monster girl we were talking to which I answered honestly that we probably wouldn't be able to lay a scratch on her at our current strength I'm just glad we didn't that we didn't run into one of the Four Heavenly Knights that would only be a one sided match after a lengthy walk back to the village we head towards the temple which I really didn't feel like going once there we came across the priest
Priest: Ilias isn't here. she won't celebrate in your coming of age you two or baptize the both of you. go away.
usually I would be ecstatic but the way he said it was really rude and uncalled for if it's one thing I don't tolerate it's when someone is either being rude or anything like that
Luka: a....uh.....ah....
for Luka she was really hoping for this day but now she is just so shocked that she couldn't even say a word
Adventurer: oh no! are you poisoned? please, use this antidote grass quickly!
Luka: no...I'm not poisoned....
I then sighed and help her back home which is going to be quite the walk to which I decided to save Luka the trouble of walking and let her ride on my back once then we entered the house only to see the one person we did not expect to run into again
monster girl: you two are slow.
Luka: wh....what?!
Y/n: the hell?! how did you get in here?!
we were both greeted by the same monster girl we found unconscious in the forest now some how in our house
Luka: how did you find our house?
monster girl: by scent. smelling the h/c boy's unsophisticated scent once was all that it took.
Y/n: more importantly, how did a monster girl like you entered the village?
just a low level slime girl caused a huge panic even in a small village like Ilias village how could a strong looking monster gone unnoticed?
monster girl: it's easy to trick humans... just who do you think I am?
Y/n: we have no idea who you are....
Luka: why did you come here?
monster girl: well...I was just interested. there's also something I want to confirm.
Luka: eh...
I just shrugged it off then decided to ask who she was or at least get her name so that way we can at least call her something
Y/n: who are you?
monster girl: oh , just a traveling monster....
Y/n: what?
I just shook my head cause she may not seem hostile but is also doesn't seem she's going to give us a name yet
Y/n: anyway, this isn't good. we can't let our neighbors know that we have a monster our house.
Luka: why are you here anyway? I'm already depressed since we couldn't receive our baptism...if you come to make fun of me or Y/n more...
monster girl: hah... hearing that was one of the reasons I came. so Ilias didn't appear for both your baptism...
I can see she gave me a smile but for some reason that smile was meaning for something else than her gloating
monster girl: I owed for giving me many wounds.... "goddess" that created the world.... how stupid.
Luka: eh... what do you mean? what... what did you do?
monster girl: food...
Y/n: huh?
monster girl: get me some food. make yourself useful.
I was about to decline but I really didn't feel like arguing with her since I still have no idea what her name is so I went to the kitchen as Luka got off my back since it was only the two of us so we took turns with the cooking Luka is good at cooking but my cooking skills beats hers by far but since we packed up some food for the journey to defeat the Monster Lord so the Kitchen is empty so I gave her what we had left
Y/n: dried meat....
monster girl: dried meat....*sighs* you make me sick. oh well I'm tired.... I'll just have it as an appetizer I guess.
she then eats the dried meat with an unhappy look on her face after she finished eating the dried meat she then smiles
monster girl: mmm.... it's not too bad after all. the seasonings and spices were done complements the meat.
Y/n: really me and Luka practiced how to cook in preparations for our journey. we'll need to know how to cook for when we set up camp.
Luka: though we weren't able to become heroes.
monster girl: hmm...oh well. I guess I'm fine with just the appetizer. I guess the main dish wont be necessary.
Y/n: eh...main dish?
I then notice her staring at me which it hit me she meant me or more specifically my seed kinda forgot she was a monster girl
Y/n: so why else did you come here? are you going to make fun of me and Y/n for not becoming a hero
monster girl: hrm... I guess I said too much earlier. you just sounded so childish...I couldn't help myself. that's why I wanted to clear the air on something. I've traveled around the world and seen plenty of things. while your childishness is's good thing.
monster girl: what? I'm comforting you. what's with that face?
Y/n: eh...c...comforting!?
monster girl: anyway, what are you two going to do after this? surely you two aren't going to give up on going on a journey?
Luka: just as we planned, we're going to defeat the Monster Lord. even if we're not heroes, we'll still leave.
Y/n: *smiles* that's the spirit Luka.
monster girl: hahahah...that's good. in fact I'm a little interested in the both of you... [more so in you Y/n I don't know what is it but your eyes are something special]
Luka: Interested? in us?
monster girl: *smiles* that's right you both are interesting. your both able to say such ridiculous thing as "I want humans and monsters to coexist" so confidently.
Y/n: it isn't ridiculous. we'll truly make it happen!
Luka: we'll definitely show you it can be done!
monster girl: long can the two of you hold onto that belief? I'll follow you two travel to watch when that delusion wears off.
Y/n: eh...on our journey?
monster girl: I was going to travel around the world... I might as well travel around with the two of you.
Luka: do whatever you want. even if I said no, we wouldn't be able to drive you off, would we?
Y/n: I don't mind traveling with you with us it could be fun.
monster girl: *smiles* ah... that wouldn't be possible. with both of your power, there's no way either of you would be able to drive me off.
I guess that's somewhat true what she said could change if I were to use that but I don't want to relay on it too much only I'll only use it for emergences or as a trump card
Luka: well then...follow us around as you like. we'll prove to you that our conviction is real. by the way what's your name?
monster girl: Arisufi-zu Fateburn. but I'll allow the both of you to call me Alice.
Luka: Alice? that doesn't really fit you...
Y/n: Luka don't be rude I think the name is cute for her.
Alice: thank you Y/n, as for you Luka do you want me to strangle you?
Luka: ack, sorry. well then, shall we head out?
3rd pov
as the two grabbed their packed things for their journey with their new traveling companion Alice
Y/n: hey Alice not to be rude but can you go out through the back door? if the villagers see you there will be chaos. we can meet back up once we're outside the village.
Alice: that's fine, causing a commotion would give me a headache. I'll wait for the both of you outside the village.
with that said she leaves out through the back door of the house going outside of the village waiting for the two adventurers while the two then leave the house that they both grew up in with Luka's mother they won't be returning to the house for a long while
Luka: well we're heading out mother.
she said her goodbyes to her mother while Y/n is waiting outside for her then they both went along and say their goodbyes to the people of the village including Betty who teases the two that they make a cute couple while getting a tip or two from the knight of the village once they finished with seeing the villagers they left the village heading on the road ahead meeting up with Alice
Alice: *looks at Luka* hmm? what's wrong?
Luka: nothing.
Luka was pondering on why Alice decided on traveling with her and Y/n while Y/n looks at Luka as he wasn't all convinced he knew she was thinking on why she and him didn't get baptized not that he cared about that but does care about Luka
Luka: oh Ilias...did you really abandon us? I waited for today for so long... and we weren't able to be baptized in the end....
Alice: isn't it better to not be baptized? I don't understand why humans want to be slaves to Ilias.
Y/n: well I wouldn't say slave but to me I just don't see the point in that.
Luka: being a Hero has a lot of perks, you know. you get respect of the people, cheap rates at inns and you can even walk into people's houses and take stuff.
Y/n: yeah that last part doesn't sound very Hero like if you ask me.
Alice: walk into people's houses and take things...? I'll have to agree with Y/n are you a thief or something?
Luka: er's not quite like that. but most importantly, they get the divine protection from Ilias.
Y/n: *mutters* yeah right I don't need her protection.
Luka: if you come across any evil monsters, she'll defend you.
Y/n: *coughs* bullshit *coughs*
this caused a giggle from Alice at Y/n's comment as Luka lightly punches Y/n with a pout on her face
Alice: semen of a baptized human is awful. so monsters aren't as likely to attack them.
Luka: that how it works?
Y/n: I kinda had a feeling it was something like that semen is one of the things that they go for when targeting men.
Alice: you didn't know that? baptized people taste like angel liver...not very appetizing.
Y/n: I really didn't need to hear that cause that almost made me barf.
Alice: *smiles at Y/n* that's why someone like Y/n smells delicious.
Alice licks her lips while eyeing Y/n who blushes slightly from Alice's comment which he didn't mind since Alice is going to be traveling with Y/n and Luka so he's going to have to get use to it
Alice: by the way, where are the two of you heading? going directly for the Monster Lord's castle?
Luka: well... we'll end up there eventually. right now we're a little but north of Ilias village....
they then bring up a map showing three main islands the one their on is Ilias the middle one being Sentora where there's more towns and villages and the third main Island is called Hellgondo where the Monster Lord's castle resides on
Y/n: well for now I think it's wise to stay on this continent for now. so our destination is Iliasberg if we keep up our pace, we'll be there around this time tomorrow.
Alice: oh come on. Ilasberg, Iliasport, Ilias village Ilias,Ilias,Ilias. what's with all the cheesy names.
Y/n: thank you!
Luka: why is everything that comes out of your mouth so horrible.
Alice: don't use that tone with me.
Y/n:, now there ladies no need for violence.
Alice: more Importantly, I'm hungry again.
Y/n: uh didn't you just eat our dried meat a little while ago? we'll set up camp once the sun goes down, so just hold out until then.
Alice: you better make an effort at it tonight. Your aren't too bad at cooking after all.
with that they continue along the road heading to Iliasberg until suddenly....
To be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter now if you guys have questions about this story please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one
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