Chapter 8

As her mother tried to stop. Them but her father and her moms father grabbed her.

"You can't you signed over guardianship to me when she hit 18. Because you couldn't handle her and were not fit to raise her. I made her move in with me when she was nineteen to straighten her out. After I found out she was beating you back and blue everytime you simply were trying to actually be her mother. Instead of her friend which is exactly what started her violent behavior in the first place. But even after we took her she only got worse she stole someone's car. Broke into someone's house drunk thinking it was her ex after wanting to get back at him for cheating on her. And ended destroying and catching his  neighbors house on fire. Who turned out to be an attorney. While him and his wife were on a date two weeks ago. They threatened to press charges and sue us and you for everything we own.  The other neighbor not only caught her on their security camera and their kid caught her doing it they video. She's going to be marked with some really serious charges that will mark her as a fellon. They went her to serve maygor jail time. So I nogiciated with him. I told him what if I send her to her father. I told him who her biological father is. He's met and hire him before so of course when he found out she was his one and only biological child. He was empathic when he realized she was the child he was referring to when he said he lost his daughter. So he contacted Hellsing with me. And we struck a deal. I sighed her over to her father's dad because her father actually refused to put her in their program to become a hunter. He was in the same room as Alucard when we called he over heard the conversation turns out he didn't even know he had a grandchild he didn't know Alucard had any biological children because he never married and he never exactly told his family or any of the other Hunters about you. This is Cain he's Alucards father and who's going to be looking after and training her right Cain." Her father said, as an older man that was clearly Alucards father walked up. He was the most famous hunter. And he was huge for a human.

"Of course trust me she's in the best hands. I trained all my hunter in the elite sect. Myself. I will admit I do not go easy on them I push them to their absolute limits and beyond. And Im the one who normally handles the hard case like her anyways. Alucard refuses to train any the men but he does train the one with companions. Any warriors especially the hard to handle one. Since him and Whitefang are our strongest most compatible team. Hes the best at training our warriors and handlers best. I still can't believe you had a child and didn't tell any of us especially me. I'm your dad son I kinda have a right to know I have a grandchild. I was so pumped to meet my first grandchild. I wasn't exactly expecting your child to be 20 though you have no idea how disappointed I was that I missed my first grandchild whole childhood though your breaking my heart so I wanted so badly for her to be a baby I'm so upset I didn't get to meet her as a baby I would have everything and anything in my power to get her back off her mom and help raise her. It check my heart when I found out that you got cut off from her life." He said, hugging his soon. I'm going to clear her throat making both of them look at her before she gave them mischievous grin wiggling her eyebrows.

So Dad said she's in her custody you want her to be a baby again.

"You no I do anything to have that and I would do it right this time. I would take her to my parents and and take turns like we do with the other Hunter children. It was wrong with me to think I'd give her a normal life. She's a Hellsing for crying out loud father you once told me something no Hellsing can not be a hunter it runs in our. I'm now realizing how right you had always been. I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm sorry I went so much against you. I should have just been honest with you and asked for help. Instead I completely ruined my only biological daughter by letting her be corrupted. I should have just told you. I'm sorry I failed her so much as her Father which is why I refused to train her because I feel like I had already failed her too much." Alucard said, as his father put his head to his.

"It's okay son you were scared 17 still a kid yourself finding. Out your going to become a father yourself. I couldn't imagine I had all my children after 28. But you were just a child yourself barely any experience. I got to say I'm pretty damn impressed how good you got much better than the most hands would add teen parents were never go to the lengths you did. So not only did you everything you could to take care of her including the one thing I know you didn't want to do became a hunter. To take care of her and her mother without asking for help. Not mention became one of my best ones. I'm so proud of you. I never knew you grew into such a fine proud young man. Now reverse time to when she was a baby." He said, as Luna cleared her throat getting both her attention.

"You do know I can do that right. I can turn your child back into an infant I can give you another chance to do it all over again. Give me a chance to do it right this time and raise her properly." She suggested. They practically jumped at her.

"Baby girl can you really do that are you sure. Can you actually do that. Please if you do I will be indented to you for the rest of my life and I will not even care I want my baby back. Please." He said, she took off to the car they were loading her up in she stopped them picked her up and cared up again. Before putting her down holding her still enough for heard about her head to hers. The spot touch her head eliminated. As her whole body was enveloped in a luminous light as her physical body change from an adult to a newborn. Which Luns was now holding her hands. Check the make sure she's breathing and that she was you know healthy nothing wrong but when she turned her back into an inphant she did not have her heart disease anymore.

"Okay everything looks tipped top shape and no disease no sickness perfectly healthy and her heart's fine I fix that too. Your welcome at least I could do after everything you've done for me. Easy tough guy remember this is a baby. Now who gets her." She said and they both went to reach for her. Alucard retracted his arms when he seen how excited his dad was. "You sure you want to give me the first turn. She is your daughter." He asked.

" I'm sure at least I could do after hiding her from you and not letting you be apart of her life when I should have. I technically robbed you of your first grandchild. So you go first." He assured his father. When his father despite being as big as he was was actually the most gentle when he reached to pick her up since she had her eyes closed that is till they popped open she was all smiles and laughs reaching for his face and everything. He looked like the proudest grandfather in the world he just couldn't stop looking, talking, and smiling at her. He kissed her head. As a man that was in the stands walked over.

"I'm glad we came to this agreement instead of putting her in jail I have three grandkids myself to now that I have another grandfather meet his grandbaby. Is a win for  me. What are you going to do with her can't train her like we promise if she's an infant. I complaining I mean now that I'm complaining it's not like she can do anything in that body but why a baby." He asked. 

"Because I wasn't there when I should have been I was absent so I could take care of her I never let her meet my family or anything like that so my dad didn't even know that I had a kid now as an adult I realize where I screwed up and where I failed her 17 when she was born just a kid myself. I should have done was took her mom didn't want her anyways she was a young she wanted to live her life not raise a kid. I shouldn't have been right then I should have taken her to my family and ask them for help he'd be surprised of how family oriented. When it comes to Children babies and grandbabies. We're supper parents. The whole Clan chips in to raise the children of the hunters mostly It's the grand parents or a trusted older relative mainly retired ones. Who watch them while like I'd say they're single parent like me they would watch them while I'm at work. Make sure they're being careful properly it's better than leaving her with her mom this time she's going to be with me where she should have been from the gecko. This time I'll definitely without a doubt do it right this time. I Promise by the time that you see her when she's more grown you'll see if she'll be completely different better much better. Look at my parents children look at how they act my parents raised us. And we all turned out to grow up to be some of the best people and Hunters our clans produced. Dad do you care if I just convert to do only train with Warriors and new bees so I can spend more time with her. But wait what about Luna she needs to be with her family." He said frantically.

"What are you worried about me for I'm a full grown ass adult thank you besides I got my memory back my family and I got a make it out of here I'm living with my parents it's not like I'm homeless dad you worry too much trust me I'm fine by my own you trained me excellently I am a stupid wild animal or a teen I'll be fine raise your daughter. Go spend the time with her that you missed. Go be her dad." She said as her family walked up behind her putting her hands on her shoulder.

"Go ahead trust me we got her she's our blood relative she's in good hands and she ain't going nowhere to find her if you need her and it's not going to drop her off for training or hunts. She's a companion and a Warrior which makes her just as much of Hunter as you." Her dad assured him. He smiled hugging her kissing her and you could tell he didn't want to leave her." " get out of here uncle I promise you won't be able to ever even when she's out and about I'm her mate going to be with her 24/7. I'm trying to form a soul bond with her for crying out loud. So trust me she'll never be alone ever promise. As a alpha I give you my word. I will look after and protect her the entire way from you. To stop worrying worry wart and go live go spend time with your daughter go raise your daughter." They said he gave I'm Allah hug before he left. They went back to her parents house after cleaning up the courthouse like they cleaned it spotless for the Supreme judge. He was actually really impressed by how clean they got it. Then they paid him for letting him do that you didn't want to take it but they made him. He just hugged them and said their goodbyes.

"You behave yourself Luna you hear me. Little troublemaker I'm just kidding you're the most well-behaved where I know. But seriously keep her out of trouble she has a bad habit of going and finding it and getting herself and s*** that she shouldn't be why do you think her second dad is afraid to leave her alone because every time I even turns around she's somewhere causing a whole entire freaking riot in a mall Park I'm not even close to where he left her I'm not even joking she actually did do that once I was the Supreme Court that they put on her case as soon as I realized it was her you have no idea how much I laughed my ass off I was like out of any other word I should have known it was you she needs supervised if she gets bored she does stupid s*** she has a mosh pit at a Chuck E cheese don't ask me how that happened. And you don't go water off by yourself you always stay with either mate or family member I swear if I find out you were by yourself if you're grounded and I'm calling your second dad. Got it no before it's better be brought to me with your name on it or I swear." He set as he walked open to her father open window to tell him her dad started cracking up.

Do I even want to know how you caused hey mosh pit at a Chuck E cheese. What type of s*** do you do when you're bored like now I'm very curious what type of crap you actually get into like who thinks of that.

I know you'll be surprised I found all kind of s*** to get into and yes he's normally the one that they call every single time. Because he knows Alucard and I know he's my Handler. I know he didn't tell you the first one yet I went to is you an unlocked all the animal cages and was playing with them all I got band and yelled at her playing with a tiger I was bored I told him you shouldn't love me on supervised with it caring for the case yeah yeah zookeeper trusted me too much and left the keys where I can find them on his desk for 30 minutes and I got bored and I decided I wanted to play with the Bengal tiger it's actually pretty fun that Bengal tiger loves me. I miss Jerry. Dad ca....

No never let her go to a zoo ever every time she does she shifts and gets in one of the animal cages and that a hell of time getting her to stop playing with them and normally have to bring in Alucard to pull her out because she refuses the car playing with a freaking Asian elephant the one time your daughter is very random but never take her to visit she literally always gets in their cages.

What is a physical private owned that's owned by my uncle he has literally all those animals we privately raises for rehabilitation they're all animals that can't be relocated in the wild again that were seized from illegal animal trade he wouldn't mind if you played with them in fact he actually gets in the cage with them quite often but there's so many of them that he can't get to them all if she wants to we can just take her there and she can go with him he's got Bengal tigers and everything and he and bottle raised every single one of them and he has a huge African elephant he raised her from the baby she's so sweet so what do you say baby you want to see her...." Her mate suggested and she literally screamed and hugged him kissing him.

You just take your own grave kid you're going to have a hell of a time getting her back out of it she loves animals and I mean it's absolutely obsessed with all my people let her she will spend the whole week with him we literally couldn't get her out of one of the pins for over a week.

Well it's my uncle so we can go see them whenever we want she doesn't have to do that I'm pretty sure I got this she's okay. She can literally go visit them and go see them anytime she wants for as long as she wants my uncle honestly is not going to give a s*** and factual actually probably really enjoy it cuz it gives him a break from happening deal with them being too rough see he's human and they have time to see being a way to rough with them so now that they're adults cuz they want to play She's a Dire Wolf I'm pretty sure they're going to have a blast. My uncle owned an entire freaking Safari for God's sakes with hundreds of wild exotic animals like giraffes and s*** and he runs it by himself with his kids honestly they have a hard time keeping up with it she can honestly volunteer there and he won't give to s*** in fact you're probably honestly pay her forward because the main part of the day that takes up the most of the time is playing with them giving them all attention there's too many for them to get to all of them. So what do you say babe." He asked. She grabbed his face slammed her lips against his screaming. "Baby I Fucking Love You are you sure you won't mind cuz I really work there I don't give two s**** dad's going to be doing training with the Warriors from now on anyways which means that I'm only going to be called in every once in a blue moon. Can I." She said most excited he's ever heard so you just pulled out his phone and put it up to his ear after dialing a number.

" hey Uncle you still need help with all those animals I just found out my new maid who's a direwolf loves playing with Bengal tigers and elephants she is a warrior type and one of the hunters companions her Handler though just got his daughter back so he is going to be focused on raising her so he is only going to be doing training with the Warriors and the handlers so she needs a job hell for probably even volunteer to be honest she just wants to f****** play with them and trust me this the star wolf had his energy for days. By the way she's my mate she's also a supreme White Witch. You interested." He asked pausing listening for his reply. 

"Holy s*** Adam congratulations I didn't know you had a f****** mate and she's a dire wolf in a supreme and she's a warrior damn where'd you find this one I'm so proud of you that sounds like a really powerful partner that's perfect for you with you being an alpha and the Wolf King. Hell yeah I'll take her f*** it I'll pay her as long as she plays with all the animals I do not care they all need attention I don't have enough hands and I don't like hiring Outsiders last time I did that somebody tried to smuggle out and orangutan."

Oh no trust me sir I'll just play with them I really love animals and honestly bangle tigers are like the best okay I'm going to be honest big cats are literally my favorite to play with and trust me and I will forms huge they love playing with me yes I play with them in my form they don't care I am a white witch so they like me. My energy I mean and I promise I'm really good with humans and I don't hurt him either I'm very gentle despite how strong I am trust me you can literally ask this a Supreme judge because he's literally pulled me out if I don't have an Ever cages I'm not even joking I stayed in the open case for over a week because he wanted to pull me out they had to get my Handler to do it oops I love animals. So can I can again I'm Luna Aurora Enchanted Bloodfang. Dads a Bloodfang mom's an enchanted. But I'm actually a rare hyper purebred and I barely off of direwolf and the only bear wolf in existence obviously cuz they died off but I am a purebred and this would be perfect for me since I can't go and Hunt anymore and they need to find an outlet for my crazy otherwise I will cause it right in the middle of Central Station like I did last time don't ask I get bored and I do stupid s*** and I always get the cops caught on me my bad but yeah my hand blurred sense of having to handle me and with him having a baby now that's probably not a good idea. Please I'll even take care of all the girl s*** I don't care like I will do squab there and go through his while I'm in there please this perfect for me." She said begging him her mate was just cracking up as you put the phone to his ear.

" oh dear Jesus I didn't know if you like them that bad so what do you say uncle that was my mate by the way remember my child's her friend that I grew up with I had a huge crush on since day one Luna one of his daughter the kind of shift yes surprise surprise that's her we actually became mates after she came back. So can you please do me a favor she is way too eager if you let her I promise she won't destroy anything in fact she'll probably expect that damn things spotless and you're always complaining about how much you hate cleaning those big enclosures she'll do it and not even give a s***." He laughedd as his uncle cracked up on the other side.

Yeah if you could remember on down she sounds wonderful and oh my gosh that's so cute see how it's always telling me that you'll find your happy ending you are always so sad about her currently so harboring that she would reject you now see who is right who is wrong shut up. Remember next time listen uncle good things will come I might be human only you but I know for a damn fact we were going to be alone forever. You know what I told you what I tell you and you got the woman you wanted and that you waited your whole entire life for now is a worth it. HELL YA IT WAS. Make you happy with a smile on his face for on ce you can tell his life instead of looking like you just seem dead puppy sorry for that is how sad you always look after you stop seeing her you look like somebody just murdered a puppy in front of you. Now see oh God the happy ending you always wanted now bring my girl down and down I want to meet her I want to introduce her to all but guess and yes you're coming with her no spots around about it your family and I'm a heartbeat I'll hire you can be around each other because I know that your damn ass is about ready to ask can I get on too so I can be with her I aint that stupid I know you. Nephew." His uncle said from the other side. Adam hesitated for a minute. I do want to work with her but first off if I do can you please not schedule me in the same area or same time that Mindy's there she is still getting out since I want her she won't let it go and keeps on persisting I'm tired trying to be nice when I reject her and her not getting the hint and if I made it safes or flirt with me well let's just say better have her handle her there on the spot otherwise she going to be dead. My mate and me are working on a Soul Bond. I'm the only reason why me and that girl even dated to begin with briefly was because I was missing lonely and I was lonely. Then I realize how psychotic and how un healthy her attuation with me was. I promise I won't cause any problems within her and whatnot I don't care but if she does something that's out of wine and when it gets a hold of her there ain't not a damn thing I can do she's the strongest Warrior of hunters have she's no joke and she will f****** a b**** as in you know dead." He replied

You're good I will definitely make sure that you guys never work the same hours or I will make sure that you guys are not scheduled to run into each other I'll make sure that she stays far away from you if she is working and I'll keep an hour to make sure she doesn't wander off and find you and I'll make sure that she has no clue or even here trust me I got you and yeah I don't need Blood on the Dance Floor in My Soup in other words I don't need to be cleaning up my friend's kids and because she decided that she was going to make Google eyes at you. Wait a minute Miss powerful Warrior nephew is your f****** mate WHITEFANG. Why didn't you tell me I'm a huge f****** fan. She's literally my favorite Warrior out of the companions.

"Bingo yes I'm whitefang the one and only. But my real name is Luna. Whitefang an alias. I had Amnesia and forgot my name I didn't remember till I ran back into my dad." 

"HOLY SHIT this is best f****** day of my life I've always wanted to meet you. Excuse me I'm sorry I'm just not being weird I'm just really fangirling. I'm like you're legit hugest fan. you're definitely bringing her your ASAP I want to get her autograph. I can't believe f****** WHITEFANG is working for me holy s***. F****** love today best day of my life." He yelled as he had already done dropped his phone as he was running around excited way cheering and I'm just laughed before yelling the love you and then hung up his phone.

"Hey a..."" no no no don't you be calling me by my name you're made it to my daughter I and Dad she is Mom to you son. And her siblings are her brother and sister. Got it now would you want bud.

"Can you drive me to my uncle Safari my uncle Jasper he's hiring me and Luna to give her an outlet so she doesn't get into Mischief since alucard's not going to be available for a while and isn't really going to need her unless it's important or the you know they didn't really wear but she only listens to him so they normally will not call her unless they got him. And my uncle has too many animals to handle up once and they likes to do exactly what he has a problem with keeping up with giving attention to the animals as I'm playing with them spending quality time with them there's too many for him to go one-on-one with all of them all the time and trust me she would be perfect for helping him out please offered to clean the enclosure for him or he can't get in my uncle is him and he cannot shift so yes he gets nervous to get those big ass clothes huge animals and none of his workers are volunteers are capable of doing so me and her will be the only two nonehumans." Adam said. And her father let out the biggest sigh of relief.

"My son you are an angel good job I was worried as s*** but what we're going to give her to do thank God you're smart. That's perfect. Where am I taking you." Her dad asked. He put the address into the GPS. And started it has the GPS loudly announced directions of where to go as he drove. As her mom passed back another outfit cute butterfly romper.

"If you're working with animals it's probably better if you wear that not a dress because otherwise be eating your pantyhose. And your sisters and mate her living on sitting beside you your brothers are in the other car. She said, Luna shrugged and quickly as she could put your shoes off after pantyhose off and then work the dress off. Tossing them in the back and then slipping the other one on. Thanks Mom this is so cute and it's got pockets.

Good I got plenty of us like that for you to wear to work the way any of the clothes I give you you keep their brand new and definitely the girl picture that we got it for always gave us the wrong size the same size which is actually your size which is good cuz the clothes are so freaking cute. Not to mention not cheap just a part was I should never once told us we got the wrong size she waited till like 5 years later the hand is a whole box full of this and nobody fit them. I'm glad they're your size.

Me too my clothes that I left behind definitely will not fit me with my physique now. It changed a lot when I hit adult like her when I actually got an ass and I actually have boobs sorry but I was flat chested as shit and I had insult injury I had no hips and no ass. I was the definition of board flat embarrassing concerned how sexy my physique is now I got nice hips nice ass and nice chest. Sorry but I love my adult body rose remember Bridget you always used to make fun of it cause that bitch knew it bothered me she was such a she is a single me out on purpose. Jokes on her I so would love to see the look on her face to say her reaction if you seem to look like now that'd be the sweetest Revenge." Luna laughed.

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