this is Louis' hair^^
italics is when Louis or his fan are speaking French, the parenthesis are the English translation. sometimes there won't be translations purely because it won't be needed, or to create cliff hangers or mystery. enjoy the story.
"Maman aide moi s'il te plaît?" (Mother, help me, please?) Louis calls through the house, lugging his two suitcases up the stairs. He's gotten his duffle bag up, but he can't carry both heavy cases at once.
"Vous devez prendre deux voyages. Mia doit être prêt à partir demain et Carolyn n'a réalisé aucun progrès non plus." (You must take two trips. Mia must be ready to go tomorrow and Carolyn has not made no progress either) she says from the stairwell, heading outside as she passes.
Louis groans, leaving one suitcase and gripping the other. He takes it step by step, going up one then hauling the luggage after. It takes a bit to get both cases up into his new room, but when he does Louis collapses onto his bed. The duvet and pillows are black, which Louis is okay with, but the walls were the lightest pink. He wouldn't have ever chose it, but he doesn't care.
Louis curls up on his new bed, pulling the blanket up over his shoulders, "Je déteste le déballage. Satanée Amérique. On aurait pu vivre avec un aller sans retour avec les baleines, c'est plus proche." (I hate unpacking. Stupid America. We could have lived with Nan back in whales, it's closer.)
Louis takes a while to himself, just laying in the bed and trying to relax. Only problem is, he accidentally dozes off for an hour or so.
"Louis! Maman dit que tu dois venir en bas!" (Louis! Mom said you must come down!) his sister shouts up the stairs, which is what causes him to jolt from his light sleep. He blinks, looking around the room and rubbing his eyes. He groans, falling back on the bed and pulling the duvet over his head.
"Louis!" Carolyn whines, "come," she stands in his doorway, and Louis has to hide his giggles, because he's learned on his own that in America that's an inappropriate word in certain cases.
He rolls out of bed, onto his feet. He raises his eyebrows at her, "heureux?" (happy?) he asks.
Carolyn shakes her head, annoyed at her brother, before rushing forward. She tugs his shirt down, as it had unnoticeably ridden up during his nap. "Come on now," she says.
Louis scrunches his nose, "pourquoi parles-tu anglais?? C'est juste nous." (Why do you speak English? It's just us) he tells her, but stops when the two get to the bottom of the stairs. He can hear others voices, and goes into the kitchen slowly. There's a woman and a man, both who're now facing Louis.
His aunt Marie speaks up, "Oh, Louis, these are good friends of mine, Anne and her son Harry," she says.
Anne gives Louis a look over, and smiles brightly, but Louis can't keep his eyes from wandering to Harry every couple of seconds, "Uh, hello," he waves slightly, "Louis."
Harry smiles, "Hi, I'm Harry," he says, and instead of going to shake Louis' hand or goes in and hugs him instead. Louis takes a step back at the impact of the tall boy, but hugs him back none the less. He has to stand on his tip-toes to be able to wrap his arms fully around Harry's neck.
When Harry pulls away, Louis then notices the hat on top of his curls, "Sait-il que c'est seulement les touristes qui portent cela, pas vrai?" (He knows that only tourists wear those, right?) he giggles, looking at his sister Carolyn. She chuckles as well, but their mother interrupts them.
"Louis! English please!" she scolds.
Louis sighs, facing Harry, "Tourist wear this," he says, nodding his chin at the hat.
Harry cocks his head, "What? My hat?"
"Uh, oui, tourist, eh, visitor, wear hat. Not we," he cringes at his own words. He knows his English is horrible.
"Only tourists really wear the hats regularly, Harry. Not many of us French people. Bit of a stereotype," Mia says for him. Harry's mouth forms an o, and he blushes furiously, taking the hat off.
Louis shakes his head, gesturing towards the hat frustratedly, yet a smile stays on his face, "Looks nice, wun-wonda- uh merveilleux," (wonderful) he nods, looking up at the other boys face.
Harry smiles, "Okay," he murmurs, looking at Louis. He shakes his head, looking towards his mum, "uh," his voice fades.
"Excuse me Anglais, please," he says, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
Mia chuckles, "Louis chose Spanish in school. Me and Carolyn had already been ahead of Louis in English since we both chose to do it in school, and I was taking classes at college for it in hopes of being able to teach around here. Aunt Marie is getting me an interview tomorrow for a French teacher," she shrugs.
Carolyn nods, "Yeah. That and he refused to pay attention when we had an English teacher come to the house," she says.
Marie smiles, "Yes, Anne, Mia is out of college as of last year. She helped Carolyn with English on top of classes. Carolyn is going into her second year here and Louis is a junior in high school. He can understand English sometimes but a lot of times it gets too confusing and he can't really speak it well," she tells her.
"Well, Harry is a junior as well so he's in the same halls! He can show you around the school, Louis," Anne says.
Louis nods, "Merci," (Thank you).
Carolyn comes up behind Louis, whispering in his ear, "Harry te plais? T'arrête pas de le fixer?" (Do you like Harry? You don't stop watching?) she observes.
Louis' cheek blush, and he purses his lips, "Oui," (Yes) he murmurs, "très joli," (very pretty) he whispers, mainly to himself. Yet he's blunt about it, not caring if he likes the boy or not. Carolyn smirks, and nods as she takes a step back.
Harry and his mum are talking to Louis' mum when Anne sighs, "Alright, well, we've still got some things to do at home so I think we're gonna to get going," she says, and her, Jay, and Marie share hugs.
Harry turns towards the other three, "Uh, nice to meet you Mia and Carolyn," he says, then looking at Louis, and before his mum nudges his arm he smiles nervously, "au revoir Louis," (goodbye Louis) he says softly.
Louis doesn't know that that's one of the only phrases Harry knows, so he smiles wide, "au revoir," (bye) he mumbles, waving slightly at him.
yay first chapter!! next chapter coming soon!
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