

Driving down the dirt road was awfully familiar. Memories stood up in my mind like a sore thumb. This road lead to destruction; it lead to a place where my life was forever changed. Maybe it was for the better, it did shape me into the person I was today and build my company. But there was no happy endings brought by this place. Soon I arrived at the check point of this place. I stopped the car as familiar faces got down from the small little building with guns on their back and began to search around my car. Some had loud barking dogs with scars around their faces from the fights they engage with other dogs.

On the outside I looked cool and collected but really in the inside I was full of anger. They took her from me.

A man with vibrant red hair and soul that was pure deep down, knocks on my window signaling me to roll it down. When I do, he is surprised by my face.

"Nicole?" He says taken back.

I smile slightly, "Hi Rami."

He soon clears his throats and takes that look of shock off of his face, "What are you doing here?"

"Visiting a old friend." I tried to keep my sentences simple around these people. They can detect my true actions and my plan in the making would be ruined.

"You know you have no business here. You're gonna get yourself killed just like yo-"

I quickly cut him off, not wanting to hear him finish that sentence. "Seems like you haven't heard the news. I'm working with the fire again. Now will you please let me through."

He stares at me for a moment before finally giving into me. He raises his left hand signaling for them to open the gate to me. "Be safe Nicole." He whispers to me. I roll up my window without giving him a second glance and drive through the gate; the gate where they teach that paradise does exist for the sins.

The complex is huge, it's almost like another city. It's honestly unsettling to think that there's more of these places around the world. Fifty five to be exact it this here was the mother ship. It was dark as a dark horse but in her, in Raw, the complex was lit up with street lamps. I check the time and it was fifteen minutes till curfew, I was praying to god I could make it back to April. It was gonna be hard explain where was I over night since I was supposed to be spending the night at her apartment. I mean maybe I won't have to do much explaining because I might be dead. Who knows what's the outcome when you come to this place.

People of the complex stop and stare. They scatter from the streets and onto the makeshift sidewalks. They knew who I am, of course they recognized me. Who will ever forget the girl who killed the fire's marker. I glance at myself through the mirror. I tried my best to look somewhat irresistible, I know it would harder for her to try to kill me when I look the way I did when she first kissed me. I exchanged my normal bright red lipstick to a deep red shade. My eyes were smoked out with eyeshadow and my hair was tousled. I was my old self for one night only.

Just then those street lamps changed from a golden light to a bright red and the sirens were signaling.

"Fuck." I mumbled. Thanks Rami for just announcing that I have arrived once again for everyone to know.

Immediately the "soldiers" of the complex surround my car with firearms. I mentally prepare myself for whatever will happen next. I shouldn't be nervous, I had these people in the palm of my hand before, I can do it again.

"Get out your car now or we will shoot you!" One of them yells. Go time.

I stop my car once again and got out slowly from the drivers side. I raise up my arms and I smirk devilishly, "Hi boys."

Gasps and whispers erupted the streets and soon the streets were loud and chaotic. Another familiar face takes his gun and shoots it up in the air signally for everyone to shut up. Silence falls on the people of Raw. A man who I once had a close bond with steps off the curve and with his signature smirk. He plucks the cigarette from his mouth and throws it to the ground, smashing it with his feet.

He stands in front of me with shotgun pointed at me. He is first shocked but soon wipes that from his face. "Well, well, well look who came back. After everything that has happened, she has still managed to crawl back like some slut she is! Come here and give Mox a kiss princess." He says with pure evil in his eyes.

I had the urge to roll my eyes but that would just let me meet a terrible fate. "Can you take me to m-" a baby starts to cry loudly causing Jon to roll his eyes.

"Can someone shut that baby the hell up before I do it myself and trust me I will." He threatens to the crowd. Immediately the sound of the crying got quieter and distance.

Jon soon turns his attention towards me, "and why should I do that?"

"Because I have important business to take care of." We stare at each other for a few moments before he starts to walk over to me. He gets terribly close to me to the point I can smell the cigarette smoke coming from his mouth. He chuckles quietly and slides a hand under my skirt. I immediately flinch and move to grab the knife from my bra strap but I was soon stopped due to the knife now at my neck. Jon presses it slightly causing me to wince. His hand creeps up to my bra strap and takes the knife from me. He stuffs the weapon in his belt and removes the knife from my neck. He smiles and spits on me.

I quickly wipe away the spit as he turns his back urging for me to follow me. "Anderson, Gallows, lets go." His smile vanishes, "Everyone else go inside. Curfew has been lowered. Anyone out will be shot on sight!" He says with spine-chilling voice.

I held back an urge to breakdown and cry. Everyone called this place a paradise but that was not the case, this place was far from a paradise. Prostitution, human trafficking, drug dealing, kidnapping, street fights, and murders happened all the time. This was the definition of hell. You could let your rage go here and no one could do a thing. When I say the leaders of Raw had almost complete control over the world, I mean it.

"You know I met your little friend." Jon says while playing with the knife I brought. I clench my hands in fists at the mention of April. He better take her name out of his mouth before I kill him with my bare fists.

"She's very pretty you know. So delicate and so fascinating. You I have been watching you guys and I could tell how hooked she is with you and oh you Nicole is wrapped around her finger." He walks with a pep in his step. He enjoys getting under my skin.

"But you know what's interesting! Nick too has seemed to found a fascination with her! How interesting. But I mean can you blame him? She has the idle look those sick creeps are looking for, if he gets his hands on her then she will sell well."

I step forward ready to attack Jon when Anderson holds me tightly. "Nick will never have her. He's never going to into that fucked up thing called human trafficking. He will have to go through my dead body to be able to lay a finger on her!" I exclaimed vexedly.

"Oh!" Jon exclaims mockingly and laughs. This fucking bitch. "I hit a nerve huh? You see I wish I could continue chatting with you but looks like we got to our destination!" He goes over to the door and does the special knocking that everyone with axis with the fire knows.

one loud knock, wait a second, followed by two quiet knocks.

The door is opened by a women named Beth. Gallows and Anderson goes stiffed next to me, she was a intimating woman.

"Oh miss! You got a special guest." Jon says happily as he walks into her office. Red everywhere. Her walls were painted a vibrant shade between orange and red representing her hair. Red rugs cover the floor, Red framed mirrors are hung on the wall, hell even a red chandler.

I hears the sound of heels clicking against the tiled floor. This all seemed like deja vu to me. It felt like just yesterday that I was apart of the fire's life and  saw life a little bit differently.

"Nicole." The sound of the voice that I used to find angelic causes her to turn around and stare at the woman who has cause chaos in her life.

It was her eyes that I first noticed about it her. Four years ago they held a story of passion and courage, now those two things were gone and now replaced with pure evil. This was not the same woman I fell in love with.

"We need to talk." I says sternly.

The woman nodded her head and gestures for me to sit at a round glass table with her. She was acting oddly corruptive.

"Alone." I finished. The woman called the fire by so many people look up locking her enchanting orbs with mine. She sighs and looks back at her loyal members.

"Y'all can go. I'll be fine on my own." She says calmly. Everyone leaves the room except for Jon. He hesitates and looks at the gorgeous woman in front of me. She smiles kindly at him, "It's okay Mox." Jon looks at me one last time before leaving the room and closing the door right behind him.

I walk towards the table and sit down. I stare out through the big glass window. We were on the highest level of the building and I had a perfect view of New York City from afar. This building was the only luxury thing in this complex, everything else was absolute shit.

She clears her throats causing me to look at her as she places her hands on the table. "So what is it you wanted to talk about?" She adds with a smile. It was hard to believe that this was the same woman who abused me and left me alone with terrible people who did awful things to me.

"I want you to stop threatening April."

Her smile vanishes and she stares at me for a minute or too before finally speaking again. "Done. Anything else?" She says again with that irresistible smile.

"Whatever happens in my personal life stays out of your grasp, okay?"

She taps her finger on her chin, "Um how about no? Don't forget Nicole I still own you."

"You don't own shit."

"I kinda do." She laughs out loud by herself while I just sit there staring at her. "So tell me," she says after finally laughing for no reason. "How's the little brat in bed?"

I scrunch up my face, "I haven't done anything with her yet and I don't plan on it. She is more than a simple fuck, she matters to me. And even if I did do something with her that doesn't concern you."

Her names tap against the glass table, "Well I'm just saying that you won't get anything out of her. Maybe a simple head or something. Not a really relationship. Could she really make you happy Nicole? What does she even have to offer?" She leans forward slightly. "You need a real woman, someone like me." Her smile just got wider and wider.

I rolled my eyes, "By a real you mean someone who is a coward and constantly hurts people for her own enjoyment. How drugging her girlfriend and letting random strangers including her father rape her. Huh? You think that's what a real woman does? Abuses and takes advantage of her lover?"

She sighs, "Nicole don't start."

"Why not? Why can't I bring up the past?" I say getting a bit emotion. I needed to keep my cool but all of this was too much. "Are you shame of it? Do you regret it? I guess not. You're exactly the same person I knew when I left. You haven't changed a bit."

"You know I did those things for good. I was discovering new products. Nicole our hard work was paying off! I had to test it!" She exclaims.

"By drugging me and not telling me. You know Brianna was the one to tell me what you were doing for almost a year. She explained the unknown bruises and cuts I had. She explained all the diseases I had gotten. She explained it all." I pause for a little bit. All of this was hitting me hard like a thunder storm. "There's something funny about it and you're gonna really laugh at this one, you weren't in love with me. You were in love with my body. You were in love with my sister...but I guess you didn't love her enough because you were the one who killed her."

She stares at me emotionless. I know I had hit a nerve. Brianna was her everything. She was her glory and gore. She would of never hurt Brianna...well scratch that. She murder out of cold blood.

"Do you even realize that you killed my father?" She says bitterly.

"And do you even realize that he was gonna kill almost all the people I was helping to get a better life. I was the first to get hurt by him and Trinity was next. I would never let what he did to me happen to anyone else. So yeah I did kill him, but that doesn't give you the excuse to have murder Brianna."

She smirks evilly, "Well I guess it's a murder for a murder then."

That infuriates me so much. My body feels on fire. I could kill her if I wanted too. With my bear hands. I was only involved with her again just to kill her. That's it. I could do it right here, right now. But in my head I know that isn't smart. I needed to be patient.

She sighs and ran a hand through her fiery hair, "Why did you come back Nicole?"

This struck me. Lie, lie, lie. "B-Because I know that I can't never be far from you too long. Like it or not, I am still bond with you. Everything you tell me will stick in my head. You have gotten ahold of me again and if you let me go, I will always come back to you."

She sits back into the chair relaxing. I got her. "Seventy thousand."

"What?" I ask confused. What is she talking about.

"Seventy thousand of these bad boys." She says before pulling out a item in a shape of a rectangle covered with golden wrapping paper. It was tied together with a piece of paper. "Go ahead open it."

I undo the string and open up the paper. In it was four peaces of some type of substance in a solid form. It was white, pure white.

"Neglect, doleful, buoyant, and livid. Each one for a emotion. Pop this in you mouth and keep it in there, don't swallow. It will melt easily. Lay back and enjoy. It takes you to a place where you always hoped you were. It makes you completely numb and out of it. Has a forty-eight hour effect. It's the dream drug."

Chills hit my body. Some would think it sounded like a good idea but it just had a petrifying feeling to it. It didn't seem like a good idea.

"What happens if you get caught with this?" I ask.

She shrug her shoulders, "Not sure. It hasn't been produced yet, so no one has access to this. I have given to some of my army and they seem to enjoy. It lets them forget everything. The only one thing that people may need to cautious for is not taking all four at the same time. It results in brain dead."

"And you want me to take some of these with me on my next overseas trip to sell?"

"Excatly." She then places a hand over mine. Goosebumps appear on my body with the contact of her skin. "Nicole this is what we have been working for. This is all our hard work. This is what can launch our success. We could could be bigger than Pablo Escobar! We could have it all. Don't you want that? So are you in?"

I look down at the deadly substances. This could possibly end me. It could ruin everything. I could lose Bridiebee. I could end up miserable. I glance at her. Her evil eyes, her foul smile, her sinful soul. But I needed to have her blood in my hands...for Brianna. This was all for Brianna. A horrible feeling hit me as I made up my mind. This will not end up good.

"I'm in."


i really don't know how i feel about this chapter. I feel it was a bit rushed but yet I really do like it. I really wanted you to get some insight on the gang Nicole was involved with. I'm pretty sure y'all gonna like the next chapter a lot. What do you say? Is smut fine???????

xoxo sam

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