

I tapped my red painted nails on the steering wheel of my car impatiently waiting for any signs of the traffic moving. I groan and rests my head against the window. Today was Saturday, the only day of the week that Birdiebee was close. Some employees could still go and work on whatever they need to. I rather be working with my head distracted than sitting at home thinking. Thinking was a deadly drug for the mind.

The rain was beating hard on the earth's surface. Each rain drop held a purpose as it fell down from the sky. As most days I would be fond of the tears of the sky but all I wanted to do was get out if this mess.

All of a sudden my phone started ringing. I rolled my eyes thinking I knew who it was but I was wrong when I number I didn't recognized popped up on my screen. I picked up my phone from the passenger seat and click answer.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Hey..." My ears perked up when I realized who it was.


"In the flesh or in stereo... I don't know, but its me April."

"It's Nicole." I said stupidly.

I heard her chuckle on the other end, "I know it is, I have you as boss lady in my phone. I take that you don't have me saved as your favorite employee?"

"Yikes am I supposed to?" I say with a smile forming on my lips.

"Of course. I am the girl who makes your coffee every morning."

I groaned, "I haven't even had coffee."

She seemed like she hesitates what she says next but decided to fuck it and say it. "Then come over to my place and I'll make you a cup of coffee."

"Thanks for the invite but it seems like I'm stuck in traffic. It's going to be a while but if you can wait on me then I would love to join you for coffee."

"No that's fine, I literally just woke up."

A smirk played on my lips, "Dreaming about me sweetheart?"

There was silence on the other end for a second, ", I just wanted to check up on you."

"My sweet April." I said.

"Anyways I saw the rain and it looks like it won't be slowing down. I figured today would be a boring day so I thought I would call you."

I looked out the window to look ahead at the traffic, "Okay will I should be there in about an hour."

"Can't wait!"

"Wait April!" I exclaimed before she hung up.

"W-what's wrong?" She asked sounding spooked.

"You forgot to give me your address."

The sound of her giggles erupted from the other end, "Oh right, silly me. I forgot."I couldn't help but smile at her cuteness. "I live at the Sawayama apartments at the east wing, my apartment is 1024."

"Got it, see you in a bit."


I ended the call but just as I was about to throw my phone on the seat next to me, my phone rung again. I answered the call without looking at the number.

"Finally you answered your phone." I rolled my eyes at the tone of her voice.

"I've been busy."

"Busy with what? You're the boss of your own company, you literally do nothing."

"Unlike you who sits on their ass all day barking out orders and eating burger king, I actually do important work and care for my employees." I snapped back at her.

I heard her sigh on the other end, "God sometimes you can be so damn dramatic."

"And sometimes you can be so damn annoying." I sass back.

"Watch your tone with me." She said. If I was the old Nicole three years ago I would of been frighten to get home and find out what was in stored for me.

"Whatever, what have you been calling me about?"

"We've added new ingredients to the product and I need a couple of people to test it out. You know, just make sure it's safe..."

"If you're asking me to be one of the testers then you got to find yourself a new one." Finally the line started to move and before I new it I was out of the street I have been stuck at for twenty minutes.

"It seems like you found yourself a new friend. What's that darling's name? May? June?" My heart stopped when she mentioned April. How did she known about her? I haven't saw her in weeks.

"It's none of your business." I said harshly.

"Yikes, don't get your panties in a twist. I was just curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat."

"Cats have nine lives, but it wasn't curiosity that killed it. It was stupidity."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm over this conversation, I'll go over later to get the improve product and take it to someone I know who would enjoy it."

"Perfect!" She exclaimed, "I knew I can always count on you."

"Whatever. Bye."

"Bye bye Nicole, I love y-" I hunged up before I can hear the rest and tossed my phone on the seat.

"Sometimes I want to slam that damn phone." I mumbled to myself as I looked for April's apartment complex.

It doesn't take me long to find her apartments. I was around the area anyway. It was pretty and simple place, it fit her in a odd way. Before I knew it I was knocking on her door. She opened it with her still wet hair running down her back and a pair of glasses on.

"Oh hey!" She exclaims.

"Hi love." I greeted her.

She opened the door wide for me, "Come in, I just got out of the shower." My eyes scanned across the apartment. Posters with various of video games and bands were held up along the walls along with shelfs with books and little figurines. A small blush spread across her cheek when she notices me looking around. "You probably think I have a mind of a thirteen year old boy." She says gesturing to the style of her place.

I chuckle, "Not at all, it's you and I like it." I tell her sincerely.

She stares at me for a couple of minutes with a goofy smile on her face before she comes back to her senses, "You're coffee!" She says before she hurries in the direction of her kitchen. I couldn't help but laugh at her quirkiness. She's adorable.

"So explain to me why we're you still asleep at eleven?" I ask as I follow her into the kitchen. She shrugs as she presses some buttons on the coffee pot.

"I always wake up around that time on my days off. I go to bed early, I was never a fan of staying up late but it's hard for me to fall asleep sometimes." She pauses to pushes up her glasses that were on the tip of her nose. "Sometimes I lay in bed for hours, hell sometimes all night. Sleeping by myself just terrifies me."

"Aw man that really sucks." I say as I lean against the counter top.

She nods her head in agreement, "Yeah, that's why I like to pick up extra work because that gets me exhausted and I can fall asleep faster."

"Really? I just thought you were work thirsty?" I said with a playful smirk on my face.

She rolls her eyes, "That too. Anyways, how was work this morning?"

"Quiet, I was the only one in this morning."

She then said something familiar before she took a sip out of her water bottle.

"Silence is violent."

"Please tell me you're not interested in that band?"

"What? Twenty one pilots?" She asks.

I groan, "Ugh yes them."

She laughs softly, "You don't like them or something?"

"When I turn on the radio, I hear at least one of their songs. After hearing everyone sing the same generic songs from them from the past two years, I want to shove a knife in my eye just by someone mentioning them."

She laughs softly, "That's a little bit aggressive and sort of kinky."

I pretend to check my nails, "The two words that are used to describe me the most." I look up to find her mouth wide open. I chuckle at her puzzled state.

"Okay! I think you're coffee is ready." She says as she quickly turns around and gets a hug from the counter.

I watch everything she does. I was simple fascinated in her. She was an interesting person that I wanted to be around. That's kind of weird since I barley knew her for a couple of weeks.

My eyes scan her waist length hair and how it hug from her head like a silky curtain. She quietly hummed to herself as she poured me a cup of coffee. I couldn't help but stare at her bottom side. Her ass did look good in those little jeans shorts and her legs in those knee high blue stockings looked luscious. I quickly snapped out of my admiration as she turned to face me with a mug in her hand.

She placed the mug in front of me on the island. She turned back around and grabbed something out of the fridge. I soon realized it was a bowl of strawberries and a can of whipped cream.

She smiled at me sheepishly, "Sorry I haven't had something to eat and strawberries with whipped cream is my favorite food."

I grabbed the Mickey Mouse theme cup and took a sip. The familiar taste of coffee hit me. Excatly the way I liked it. I shrugged and said, "I never really had strawberries with whipped cream."

She looked at me with disbelief, "Well now you got to try it!" She exclaimed.

"Well if you insist."

She mumbled something about picking the best strawberry. She picked up one that was really red and shook the can of cream and placed some on the strawberry. April then held out her hand for me to grab the strawberry but suddenly a wicked idea popped into my head. I rise up on my toes and place my hand on her wrist and brought her hand with the strawberry closer to my plump lips. I wrapped my lips around the strawberry, my lips brushed her thumb and pointer finger as I lightly sucked on them. I looked up at her while doing this. All she could do was blush violently.

I pulled back with a tiny smirk on my face. I wiped off some of the extra whipped cream that was left on my cheek with my thumb and licked it off. "Yum. I announced to her still seeing she was staring at me.

She gave me a closed smile, "Glad you liked it."

We had moved our way to the coach ready to watch a movie. April had suggested we watch movie. I flipped through the new releases that Netflix had provided us. Suddenly I heard a gasp from next to me, "Aw they have Beauty and the Beast!" She cried.

"You want to watch it?" I ask noticing how happy she looked seeing that it was on Netflix.

She nodded her head frantically, "but only if you want too! I don't want to make you watch something that you don't want to watch!" I couldn't help but smile at her concern.

"Beauty and the Beast is fine with me sweetheart. It is you're house after all." I said and clicked on the movie.

To be completely honest, I didn't even pay attention to the movie half of the time. I mean how could you when you had this person who just makes life feel more effortlessly sitting next to you. April was curled up besides me with her snuggle. Her eyes were fixed on the television screen in front of her. She would make little noises whenever something interesting happened. I would feel her leg bouncing besides me as a song would come on. I enjoyed her presence.

It was something about having her next to me and being able to see her out of the work space that made me feel so connected to her. It was weird. I had just met her a couple of weeks ago and I could already feel myself connecting with her. It was just something about her that I just wanted to be constantly around with.

When the movie was over, April stood us and popped her back and moved over to the window seat that gave her a perfect view of the city and the rain. I followed behind her and sat down next to her.

"Don't you think it's engaging?" She says as she stares out of the window.

"What is?" I asked.

"The rain. I mean I think the rain makes everything much more prettier." She then looks at me and a small smile erupts on her face. "God I'm silly."

I stared at how her glasses made her much more alive. Her brown eyes were more alluring. Her hair framed her face with waves. She looked more fresh. I couldn't help but stare at her. She stared at me then said, "Is everything alright?"

"You should wear you're glasses more often." I said.

She looked down at her lap and played with her glasses. "I don't know...that doesn't really sound too flattering."

I frowned, "Why not?"

"Um most people don't really wear their glasses to work. I heard some talking about this girl down at the front desk who wears her glasses and how um unprofessional it looks."


She looked up at me, "It's unprofessional. I heard those girls, I'll just look funny with them on."

"Well for starters they were talking about someone and they probably didn't have the guts to tell her to her face. So their cowards. So what if it's "unprofessional" that's their terrible opinion. If you ask me, I find it quite attractive that you wear glasses and I know for sure many people would think the same thing."

"I used to get bullied a lot back in high school," she took a deep breath and started playing with on of the pillows that was on the window seat. "I was just that geek that was always left out and picked on for being little for my age. A lot of things happened in high school that still follows me to this very day. It was traumatizing for me. So I try not to draw too much attention to myself."

I felt a pang in my chest when she said all this. I couldn't image someone looking at April anything else. She was someone who I inspired to be. I could tell of this hurt her. She was too embarrassed to look at me. I placed my finger under her chin and forced her to look up at me.

"Listen to me now, we all have those moments where we let the past take advantage of us. Trust me, I have had my fair shares of feeling this huge weight from the past, but the past shouldn't affect us. Whatever happened in the past happened already. I don't want you feeling this way April. To me you are incredible. I've only known you for a couple of weeks but I have came to know that you are a sincere person and I admire that about you. Stop focusing on the past and start focusing on the present. People are going to talk and the one thing to make them silent is to just show kindness." For a second I get lost into her eyes. They were big and brown making me fell enchanted. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes." She answers. I brush a piece of hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear. We sat there in silence as the rain dropped down from the sky.

There was just something about her that made me draw in close. I wanted to protect her. She did not deserve any unfortunate acts. I went through hell a year and a half ago and I didn't want what I went through happen to her. April deserves so much more. In fact, she deserves the whole sky.


this was a freaking flop.
I'm sorry for my lack of updates for this book. Trust me this chapter has been unfinished for the longest time , I just didn't have any time to finish it.  I know this wasn't the most entertaining chapter but I tried. Sorry.

Xoxo, Sam

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