percabwth at good

(Published March 7th, 2018)

an: this is my first fanfix so pls dont hate. i dont own pjo ok; the god and skydaddy himself rickkie riordn does omg like pls notice moi daddy. i inly own the other highschiool characters and my ocs. im sorry if their are any mistakesd i mean nobody is perfect eCEPT FOR THE JSESU LORD HImSELF CAN I GET AN AMEN HALLEHUA PRAZE BE TO GoD

anyways i know they're are other storiesd like this on here but this is niot cliche i swear on the river six!!1!1!! pls comment&vote ok i wont update unless i get some reada and votes by next week o0k

thank u all suu much nd i love uuu

-percbwth5373 aka sammi ❤❤❤


Chapter 1

annabeth's poV

Omg i am sooooo sAD!111! sseaweedbrain left for gooode highscjool and now i misss him sooooooooo muchz! Its been forever sincwe i've seem him!

I got up out of bed and checked my hair in the ,mirior. My golden curls caskaded oveer my braod tan shouldrs as my grey eyes stare4d back at myself. Sudden;y, Malcome came into the room.

"aNNABETH,CHIRION HAS CAL;LED US FOR A CABIN METTIN!!!!" he screamed in his red underwear. I noded very sol;emnly. I left my cabin and followed maclom to the bIG hOUsE. I was nervoud. Chiron never caLLED a cabon leader meering unless something important and bad happened.

We walkede into the big house. Leo, piper, jason, thalia, nico, rachel, the stools, katie, clarisse, and chrois were sittin around the table laughin and stuff. i sat down next to nico.

"What's goin on?" i asked. nico shrugged.

"Heck if i knwo". he continued to paint his fingernails black as he listened to edgy emo 12 yr old music like imagine dragons and jay z.

"Quiet thee down, my little kin." Chrion called at the top of his horse lungs. "I have thy messages from the gods to thee."

We all were quiert. Just as chirom opened his mouth, haxzel and frank came in.

"Sorry were late chironm." hazel said with a gasp.

"yO WHADDUP MY NIGGAAAAAAAAAA!!!!1!!1!" chiron yelled at hazel, doin some weird handshake withn her. i dont know bevause im white lmao

"Anyways my little grasshoppers, the gods want to send Thee all to Goode highschool because they want thou art to get a good education, have friends, party, and experence a normal teenage life."

Leo gAsped in mexican "¡¡¡nOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Leo screamed at the top of his latino Santa elf lungs. "¿¿¿wHTA ABOUT MY TACO SHOP????? ¿¿¿POR QUE?????"

"YEAH WE CAN'T GO TO SCHOOL BECVAUSE HOW ARE WE GONNA PRANK PEOPLEW?????" travis and Connor said nsync like that one boy band.

"Dont worry ok the gods built u this dope mansion ok its totally lit. plus u'll have time on the weekends to hangout tho so it's all chill." Chirom pulled out a blunty of weed and begam to smoke it because he's been tryin to be #relatable "now get dafuq outta my face so i can get high af, my children"

We all left to go to pack outr bags so argus who new york. iM SO EXCITED BECAUSSE I GET TO SEE MY SEWAWEED BRAAAIIINNNNNNNNNNNzz!!1!!!!1!!!!!!

that nite i went to bed dreamin about percy. We were on a beautifuls beacj. He carefully caresed my face and we leaned in for a kiss. As his lips wer e about to brush mine...


uGh stupid alarm!

I got up and grabbes my bag and checked to make sure i have everythin. I had all my pants, shirts, panties, makeup, dresses, hair stuff, drachma, laptop, dagger (even tho chiron said the school had a monster barrier), and phone.

yay I'm ready!

***time lapse***

We all met by Argus. He drove us to a rEaLlY big mansion. It was huge!

"wow this house is so big!" Piper saids with aw

"¿yeah u know what else is big?" leo asked as he wiggled his eyebrows. "My..."

"Shut up Leo small things are a chooking hazard" thalia said.

"¡yOU DON'T KNOW ME THALIa EXCUSE ME BUT I HAVE A VERY" leo screamed with his sumbraro

"O.M.G. LEO SHUT UP BEFIOrE I PUND UR FACW INNNN!1!!!1" Clarisse listed her fist in a threateni maner.

"¡¡¡¡GIVE ME MORE SKITTLES POR FAVOR!!!!!1!" leo screamed as he jumped up amd down.

"i cant undestand u leo i dont speak mexican" katie said sadly. Leo screamed in mexican

"omg who gave him coffee" nico said.

The Stoll brothers cackles Evilly.

"whatever lets all go imside" rachel said as she saumtered inside.

Teh arxhietecture was soooooopretty! Like, im so jelly! The mansion was so huge on thw inside like

1sr florr: livivngroom kitchen diningroom garage spa

2 flloor: gorls rooms

3flooe: boyz rooms

4 floor: gym armory informy theater

5 florr: party room bowling ally and imdor pool

There was a beach in the baclyard, robot treehouses, a rollerclaster, and even a jacoozi!!!

I took teh elevator up to my room MY ROOM WAS RIGHT NEXT TO PERCY'S POMG I was amazed by the amazin decorations! The wallls were 50 shades of gray (no not that book but the book is grate) but like literaly there were gray polkadots that each was a different color! Owls fluttered across the wall and the bed was gray with stripes. There were white asthetic shandeleers hanging from the ceiling. I looekd in the closet and saw a whole bunch of clothes and a note from athena!

"dear annabeth,

Aphrodirte picked out your clothes!!! I hope theyre not too girly ew lmao



Omg mom was so sweet! I looked through the closet and pickes out thiz outfit for school tomorrow:

I was just so excited! I cant wait to see my seaweedbrain tomoorrow!!!

Piper's PoV

Omg my room was so pretty!!!! The walls were painted pink and purplw and my bed had hearts on it and tere where lots of mirrors so i could parctice mu makeup. I lookes in the closet and saw this outfit:

Oh wells guess I'm wearing this tomorrow lmao

I went downstairs to the livingroom where everyone was hanging out. Nici was sirting in the corner Death glaring at everyone as he paimted his nails black. Connor and tarvis werw cacklimg at each othee. Oh no i knwo what that means...

Clarise walked into thw livingroom and trippes over a rubber chicken! The stolls were laughing hard as they hi fived.

"Graet one Travis!" Connor cackled

"You to Connor omg!" Travis squealed.

"i aM GOING TO SO POUND UR FACES IN WJEN I'M DONE WITH YOUUUUUY" Clarisse svreamed. She lifted her fist when suddenly Zues showed up!!!!!!

"dEMIGODS" Zues yelled. "Hello, I have returned to great you in your new home"

Omg thays so kind of him!

"An yway, this mansion was built by Athena, food by Demita, internet by Hermes, clothes by Aphrotittie, armory by Ares, infirmary by Apollo, water by Posidon, and electricity by moi." Zues said sheepishly. "Plus it has a Monster barrier so no monsyer attacks yAAAASSSSSS!" He snapped his fiongers fabulously like the closet gay he is and disapperexd.

Annabeth ran into the room very excitedly. "Omg did you guys see your rooms!1!!"

"yES OMH THEY WERE SO PRETTYU" Katie said smilingly.

"They weere legit!" Said the Stolss

"Death." Nico said edgyly. "No."

"I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU" clarisse scremed

"It waz nice" Chris sighed dreamiuly

"Yeah bro cool" Jason the bae flexed his pecks omg so sexy

Leo pulled out a baby guitar and strummed a chord like them mexican bands/ "¡¡¡¡Si si amigos!!!!"

"slit ur wrists" thalia said because she's also edgy and depressed. "kill urself leo"

"¿¿I'm hungry can I make some burritos??" Leo asked while shaking his maracas

Katie hit Leo in the head as she rolled her eyes "omg leo again we dont speak mexican okay we speak american omg"

"Tell it to him babe," travis winked at katie. She blushed

"Aw d00d hOw come you get a girlfriend and I have to be single???" connor whined to travis


"seriOusly guys we should probably eat some burritos okay I'm starving" Annabeth said as she licked her lips. She lead us to thje kitchen where we opened the fridge and wOw there was so much food like 

Leo made us tacos and burritos and churos and other mexican food because he knows how to make mexican dfood. We all ate our food as we watched tv on our 108" tv screen.

"Omg I'm so stuffed" leo saids

"Shut up leo no one cares" nico said As he slit his wrists. Leo pouted.

"Okay guys we need to go to bed so we can ewake up tomorrow for our first day of school k yay!" Annabeth said very meloncholyly. She was so furtive.

We finished our food and went to sleep.


An: omg that chapter was so liong!

Anyway pls cvote&comment&follow me!!!!



Chaptyer 2

dISCLAIMER: i don't own pjo k daddy riordn does

Percy's pOV

I woke up this mmorning dreaded my life. Ugh i hate school so mcuh! It's so boring and long and stupid. I just wish i could see Annabeth. I miss her so much. All the girls at school are throwin tjemselves at me but i dont fuk with them lmao they hoes. I took a shower and threw on the first thing that i saw:

"Percy come down here and eat these blue waffles that I made you!" my mom called very exzcitedly. I raced down the stairs amnd looked at the blue waffles mom had sat on the table. Mmmmmm they look sooooo tastey. I shoved the blue waffles beffore i took out a dracma from my secret stash amd called Annabethj.

"hEY ANNABETH PICK UP THE IM" i screamed into the rainbow (no im not gay ew)

"sEAWEEDBRAIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE????" annabeth screamed has she held a towel over her body.She was so cutre

"I miss youuuuuuuuuu" i pouted. Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Sewadbrwain im naked" she said deliberately.

"o lmao really" I asked knavishly. "lol guess i am a seewedednrain. Anyway How are you???"

"Oh im gucci," Annabeth replied successfully. "wbu"

"sAME" I screeched judgementally. Annsbeth gufffawed

"Oh seeweadbrain your so sexy. love u bae" she boldly said as she blew a kiss at me. Then sje disappeared. Sudden depression washed over me liek a wave of depressed ocean spray.

"K mom im going to school; bye!" i give her a kiss on the cheek and then I left.

Annabeth's pOv

Omg percy is so cute. I gathered up the rest of the gajng as i got readyu for school. We had to surprise percy at school omg i was so excited!!!!

"Okay so stolls chris jason nico and leo you guys likr distract him" i began furtivekly. "Piper, ythalia, katie, calpysi you do somnething too and then i''ll do something k?"

"Ye" said jason

"Cool" said chriss

"i cant wait to punch prussy in the face!" clarisse said punching the wall.

"Si si" said leo

"Oh Leo you're so hot," calypso swooned

"lEo stahp speakin mexican" katie asked

"Kill urself" said thalia

Nico said "no." ugh he's so lame

"yay!" Piper exclaimed

The stolls cackles evilly.

"What about me??" hazwl asked

"Oh uhm just play trap music to get his attention" i said

"aight gucci my nigga" she said gheetoly

Ok great.

We ate a buffet for breakfast and then went out to the garage to our cars. I had a gray farrari omg!

Jason hAD A sky blue lamborgnini

Piper had a pink bmw

Thalia had a black farrari

The stolls had an yhelloe msutang

Clarisse and chris had a red camaro

Hazel had a purple camaro she stoll (geddit lmao im so punny) from Da Hood

Katie had a green farrari but she rode with the stolls

Leo and Calypso ha d a orange farraru

And Nico had a black motocycle

We all got in our cars and drove to school. Leo blasted mexiacn music really loud because he's mexican and mexiacmns do that,.

We got to the school and evwrytonw was staring at us. The boys were all staring at me butt i dont think so because im ugly so yah

Piper held jason's hamd and some boys winked at thalia but she kicked them where the son dont shine cept tuesdays lmao savage

Leo was flirting with the girls butw then he remembered that calypao was here lol oops u hoe

Anyway boys were licking their lips and biting there lips and smirking at me

"oh man she's hot"

"I'd tap that"

"look at that blonde bab"

I ignores them because i hace a bOyFriEmD hAhA

We sauntered into the front office and talkked to thw secretary. She gave us our skedules ans our locksrs.

"have a Goode day!" the secretary said knowledgably.

"aight bye bich" said hazel lmao shes so getto #thuglyfe. Then we alla left.

Our lockers were all right next to eacg other. But no one was next to me aw i cri i wishes percys locker was next to me oh well.

We all checke our skedules ans saw that we all had the same classea yayayayayayay!!1!1!

So yah heres our skedule:

Ancient grewk





Grekwk mythologu


Oh i hope percy had classes with me.

I opened up my locker when some chick ran into me. She had blonde hair and blue eyes and big boobies lmao and she was wearin a cheerleader outfit ew

"OMG who are u?" she asked.

I flipped my hair. "Uhm im annabeth who r u?"

"I'm Chastity and thats my boyfriends locker so u better leave" she replied bichly

"eXCUSE ME BICH WHO DO U THINK U IS???" hazel scremed while pattin her weeve "bItCh u better back dAfUq up" she played her trap music real louz like

"Uhm bye bonquesha" chastity said quizzically. "This isnt the end annabitch" chastitties walked away and then another girl came up.

"Hi I;m sorryb about her" the girl said excitedly. She had brown ahir and blue eyes and she was very skinny. "I'm Lola and that locker is not chasity's bf's locker ok he is the cutest boy in schools but heb woint date anyoen because he says he has a girlfrined back at a summer camp uGh sigh"

Oh i wonder who he is???? He soundxs familiar lolz

"Anyway are u new hjere?" Loola asked

"Yah I'm Annabeth and this is piper, jason, hazel, frank, rachel, thalia, leo, calypso, connor, travis, katie, clarisse, and chris."

"Ooh who's the cute emo kid whjpose slitting his wrists???" Lola questioned secretively

"Oh that's nico lmao" i said

"No" Niso said as he painted skulls on the wall witg his blood. Ew so emo

I turned around and thats when i saw him my beautiful black hair green eyed seewqaesedbrain perseus jackson...

Percy's Pov

So I was walkin in tyhe hallway with my friends Trey and Allen.

"Omg Percy did you hear that we got new students in the school?" Allen askeed.

"More cute girls and hot bods yaaaaaas" Trye said

"Sounda dfun" I sighed sadly.

"Percy why donm't you just get a girlfriend already i mean looko at all these sexy chicks thrownin themselves at u like dAm (geddtit) my nigga" trey said. o yah he's black lmao

"Because i ahvev a girlfriend" i said thoinking about annabeth with her princess giolden curls

"Boi u is a lie" trey said "she is way too sexy to exist like dam"

"ShUT uP u is a burnt piece of toast trey" i said faithfully.

"stfu wit yo wonderbrwead lookin azz" trey said thoughtfullu

Suddenly i heard trap music. Wait? I knwo that trap music anywhere....

"hAZELL???" i scremed. Hazel was twerkin to her trap msuic in the hallway. Suddenly all the guys in the gang tyackled me down and giving me bro pumps. The girls all hugged me. Everyomne was here. Well everyone was here except for analbeth. i felt depressed. Sudden;y, i squea;

"sEAWEDDBRAON I LOVE YUO!!!!!111!!" aNNAETH CAM,E TO ME IN THE HA;;WAY!!!!! She was so beautiful111A!!1

We kisses forevver. It was amazin.


An: omg i love them arebt they so cute??????

Plwase vote and comment and follow!!!



Chapter 3

Disclaimeer: I dont own pjo (i wish i did tho omg) daddy riordn does

Annabeth's poV

The kiss was absolutely amazin. We kidsed for likw ten minutes as all our feiends cheered around us. It was jusy like those romance movies where the boy ans the girlget tohether and get married and have 2.5 kids and own a bmw!!1!1!

I stoppes kissing him. "ok we ahve to go to class now"

"aw" percy said courageously. "But wisegurl I dont wanna go to class!!!"

"too bad seaweedbrain we have to go to class." i said ruthlessly lsmo im so savage.

"O.MG WHAT ARE U DOING HETRE KISSING ME BOYFIE U SLIIT!!!1!!" chastittty came runnin through the haLlway scremin. "lET HIM GO YOU HO"

"Uhhmmmm no" I said successfully "fite me"

"pERCY COME TIO MEEEEE!!!!!' Chastity screm. "She's stupid and regly and poor and her eyees are so creepy liek who ahs gray eyes amd she's so fat and she has a fake tan and she'sb actually a bruneette i mean look at her she looks liek alexandria dadaro the bitcg."

"eXcUse me but my hair real ok boo and look u probably have boob implants ok bitcj plus i am not five ok i wear a size zero k u act like ur from cali but ur actually from detroit k stfu and sit down slut" i said as a made out with percy

"tHIS ISN'T OVER ANABITCG I WILL HAVE PERVY!!!11!" she screanmed down the hallway before she disopeeerd.

"Ok we have t9o go to class now" piper said

We wrnt to our frist class which was ancienr greek. Our teacher ms. johnson was at the classroom talkin and studff.

"Heloo classa" she said boringnly. "These is our new students annabeth piper rachel thalia jason leo nico hazel frank connor travis katie clarisse chris and clayopse. Plesae welcome them with open armsw" sAID Mrs. Joinson.

We all sat diwn aand began to work. Mrs, johnson called me amd opercy up so we went up to speak ancient greeks it was fun k we surprised the whole class and even ms. jnohnson wass surprised.

After thsaat the beel rang and we went to lunchj. I was still traumatizwe over the fight with chastuity

"Percy im scared" i said to percy on the way tos the cafetEria.

"why Wisegirl???" he asked postively

"Because chastity maight come b ack and try to steal u from me" I said computingly.

"nah bitch i dont fuk with them heos only u" he said matteroffactly.

"Thabksd seaweedbrain" i smiledly said.;

"ok well its tiem to meet my friends" percy said derfiantely. We walked to the tabl;e with piper jason leo calypso hazel dfrank connor trAVIS Clarsiee chrus rachrl thalia and nico behind us.

"So these are my friwends trey allen and lola" pertcy said

"Hey yall" allen said

"Omg we ,=met this mornin" lola said

"Supppp" trey said

"Omg trey i cant understamd u i dont speak ghetto ok i only speak americam" katie said

"He said hi" hazel said wisely

"gracuas" leo saaid thopughtfully

"look bitrch was i talkin to u?" hazel asked trappily. "nah mofo get dafuq outta my face wit yo burrto lookinass"

"Slay my nigga" trey said doin soem handthing with hazel

"Anyway since we're all friwensds let's eat and chill" seaweedbrain said shovin blue jekllybeans in his mouth. Oh hes so sexyyy!1!

so yah we ate lunch.


An: omg was that cliffhang gwate or wat

Anyway yah pls vote comment and follow yayayayaya


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