How to Speak Fantasilian

Akaron (ahk-ahr-ohn)- a City in Avalora; mainly a mining city

Alkara (ahlk-ahr-ah)- a territory east of Penleth and north of Lanteglos; home of the Brownies

Avalora (ahv-ahl-ohr-ah) - a territory of the Earth Sprites located northeast of Lanteglos and north of Dwanzeig

Banshee- a fairy sub-race natives to Carleon and their synnavaim is necromancy

Beduliese (behd-ool-ees) - a twine worn by devout earth sprites to signify select values they have sworn to embody all their lives; a religious symbol

Brownie (no, it's not a dessert)- a Fairy sub-race native to Alkara; specializes in engineering and inventing; their synnavaim is vanishing and memory manipulation; they love the color Brown (duh)

Bultouine (boolt-oh-ween) - a type of ore popular in Umazure known for its high prices in the market; can be used as an alternative for versallis

Carleon (kar-leh-yon)- a Banshee territory, north of Cardina and west of Helinfirth

Criene (cree-yeen) - a type of ore mined in Avalora; characterized by its ability to change colors in reaction to different kinds of light it is exposed to

Crovalis (krov-ahl-ees) - Ancient title meaning "Crown Prince"

Daexis (dehks-ees)- the goddess of vows and marriage

Dagrine (dahg-reen) - a horse-like animal with shorter necks and typically longer legs; a native species of Cardina

Darcan Roth - a fictional character in children's stories; known to steal from the rich to give to the poor

Desara (dehs-ahr-ah)- the Water Sprite territory below Falklirta, southeast of Avalora, and northeast of Dwanzeig

Dwarf- a race in Fantasilia

Dwarven metal - a type of metal that inflicts wounds that couldn't be healed magically because of its properties belonging to another continent

Erulite (ehr-ool-AIt) - an ore known for its corrosive property; common to Avalora

Fairy - a race in Fantasilia

Falkirta (fahlk-eert-ah)- the floating City; home to the Air Sprites

Faltor (fahlt-ohr) - the Avaloran god of fire, earth, and the sea; mainly prominent in the earth sprite pantheon and nowhere else

Felze (fehlz) - a type of gum in Umazure; it has a fruity flavor

Fimrio (feem-ree-yoh) - a city in Avalora

Form - a part of the soul referring to the physical body

Fresda (frehs-dah) - a root crop native to Cardina characterized for its hard structure and long shelf-life

Frin (freen) - a honorific in the Avaloran dialect meaning "Miss" or "Madam"; usually attached to names to signify respect

Grena (grehn-ah) - a term meaning "cent"; a sub-currency after versallis

Helinfirth (hel-een-ferth) - a territory in Umazure that is northwest of Lanteglos, east of Carleon, south of Alkara, and west of Lanbridhr; territory of the shard fairies

Jehnasson (jehn-ahs-ohn) - a City in Avalora

Jirkeith (jeerk-eth) - a type of metal commonly found in Dwanzeig

Jyda (jAI-dah) - the first day of the week in the Umazuran calendar

Kastertrite (kahst-ehrt-AIt) - a type of ore common in Avalora; known for its golden sheen

Lanbridhr (lan-breed-eer) - a territory of the Fire Sprites; east of Alkara and north of Avalora

Land of Wonders (or Wonderland)- the afterlife

Lanteglos (lant-ehg-lohs)- Umazure's capital where the High Queen and the Imperial Fairies reside; the only neutral territory

Lesium (lees-yoom)- a mineral native to Helinfirth; has a violet sheen when processed and can block magic usage

Margest (marj-ehst) - a type of ore mined in Carleon; known for its brittle structure

Narura (nahr-oor-ah) - the Avaloran goddess of nature, bounty, and the hunt; mainly prominent in the earth sprite pantheon and nowhere else

Odian (ohd-yahn) - Umazuran gun powder

Oshella (osh-ehl-yah)- Umazure's version of marijuana (shh)

Otralo (oht-rahl-oh) - a city in Avalora that houses the nobles and the royal family

Otrite (oht-rAIt) - an ore mined in Zalgend that gives roads their blue glow when night comes

Ouros (ohw-rohs) - the Avaloran goddess of the sky, rain, and weather; mainly prominent in the earth sprite pantheon and nowhere else

Peltra (pelt-rah)- a territory south of Lanteglos where the Pixies live

Pergan (pehrg-ahn) - a type of ore known for its colorful faces; only found in Avalora

Pidmena (peed-mehn-ah)- the goddess of Death and the Land of Wonders

Pilzai (peelz-AI) - a garment similar to a chiton slung over one shoulder; common attire in Avalora

Pixie - a fairy sub-race known to bend light to their will

Qasmele (kahs-mehl) - a type of ore that can be pounded and turned into powder; famous for its narcotic effect

Qotril (koht-reel) - a type of chemical used in separating ores from hardened soil; a harmful substance known to cause alterations to the form upon prolonged exposure

Reshpe (reshp-eh) - the fourth day of the week in the Umazuran calendar

Rimonte (reem-ohnt) - a fictional land in children's stories where Darcan Roth and a plethora of fictional characters lived

Romerine (rohm-ehr-een) - a type of ore/gemstone mined only in Avalora; known for its transparent surface with bits of color inside

Rudik (rood-eek)- An Umazuran folklore figure that is immortalized in legends for his stupidity; his name later became a basis for expressions

Sacuda (sahk-ood-ah) - a species of beetles known for its metallic green exoskeleton; used in green dyes

Sentzite (sehnt-zAIt) - a type of ore mined in Zalgend; famous for its pale sheen and ability to conduct magic

Sprites- a fairy sub-race natives to four cities namely: Lanbridhr, Desara, Falkirta, and Avalora; this race focuses on the basic elements (Fire, Water, Earth, and Air) as their synnavaim

Stadian (steyd-ee-yahn) - a mineral mined in Alkara; famous for its dark and shiny surface

Stargold - an ore common in Avalora

Stavertine (stahv-ehrt-een) - a corrosive ore found in Avalora

Sylrite (seel-reet) - a type of soft ore mined in Carleon

Synnavaim (seen-ahv-ah-eem; pl. synnavaimis)- the innate ability of a person; consists of the specialty of the race; most often coined as Maxia of Fairies

Tamus (tahm-oos) - a distant cousin of the dagrine; characterized by the absence of fur and their mauve color

Teange (teenj) - a delicacy in Avalora

Terznite (tehrz-nAIt) - an ore that could store magic

Timeteller - a clock or a watch

Trail- a part of the soul in which details everything done with magic; the imprint left by a person

Umazure (oom-ahz-oor)- an island in the southwest of Fantasilia; inhabited by Fairies, Humans, and a couple of Fallen Races

Versallis (vers-ahl-ees)- the Fantasilian currency and is used in trades and other commerce; is divided into shapes (dryde, sigra, selme), color (nosa, fol, kalta), and size (small, mid-sized, and big)

Vhun (voon) - a honorific in the Avaloran dialect meaning "Mister"; usually attached to names to signify respect

Vulkraine (voolk-rah-een) - fowls that could mimic any kind of sound they hear; native to Cardina

Wimbill (weemb-eel) - a species of bird native to the forests of Avalora; characterized by its hollow sing-song call especially during the night

Xixora (see-sohr-ah) - a City in Helinfirth controlled by the Herkalyn clan

Xydaprioris (seed-ah-pree-yoh-rees) - a constellation that means "compass needle"

Xyndall (seen-dahl) - the Avaloran god of darkness and time; mainly prominent in the earth sprite pantheon and nowhere else

Yakhite (yahk-AIt) - an ore common in Helinfirth known for its deep blue sheen and fine surface

Ymil (eem-eel)- a fabric famous for its unique weaving patterns; exclusive to Avalora

Zagian (zahg-yahn) - an ore mined in Avalora; known for its coal-like properties and can be used for fuel

Zalgend (zahlg-ehnd) - a City in Alkara; the farmland of the Brownies

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