we destroy the fourth wall (^^)

wave; *wiping blood off hand* welp he had it coming........

scourge; not wrong there

wave; i may have to hide you cause umm your my friend but not to sonic, silver, blaze, knuckles, or shadow...........

scourge; yea..............well..........imma come over tomorrow cya *waves* 

wave; cya pal

*the next day*

wave; *snoring*

moon/blaze; stop snoring!!!!!!

wave; *still snoring*

moon; *bites waves head*

wave; *wakes up* IM AWAKE NOW LEMME GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

moon; *lets go* hmmm..............you were sleeping later than normal........


scourge; *knocks on door* hello?

sonic; *opens door* wrong house *slams door in face*

scourge; ..........oh well next one

sonic; *walking to kitchen* scourge was at the door i told him the wrong house and i told hum to buzz off!!!!!!

wave; ........*runs to door and grabs scourge* your at the right address *gasping for air*

scourge; ......*hugs wave*

wave; too much dude to much *pushes off and drags inside and hides*

paige; *sees wave and leans on wall* you done wave?

wave; *fake sleeps*

paige; *walks to wave* dude i watched you drag him in here!!!!!!!

wave; aww well at least dont kill em!!!!!1

paige; i wont........but sonic will

sonic; *runs and grabs chili  dog*

sonic; ............wave........tell me you killed him?

wave; nope

paige; *looking at dares and poofs everyone too rug* 

paige; we have dares and truths

wave; first one?

paige; sonic cant hurt scourge for this chapter and wave must be flirted with!!!!!!!!

moon; wtf type of dare is that??

wave; idk its people and commenters we never know 



fiona; *walks in* soo 2 of my favorite boys are in the same room together wow~

wave; wheres paiges guitar when you need it!!!!!!

paige; AWAY FROM YOU!!!

wave; useless *grabs sonics guitar* 

paige; .........umm........moving on.........

wave; *in background hitting fiona with guitar*

scourge; ............uhh *pulls fiona into a lake*

wave; *turns to fourth wall* this isnt abuse this is just...................payback for harming the squad 

sonic; YUP

wave; *helps drags her to the lake* 

scourge; *wiping hands* this was medium...........not hard not easy..........

fiona; *grabs waves tails pulls him in and makes out*

wave; *being kissed*

scourge; HIS LOSS

paige; next truth.......scourge who do you like?

scourge; sonia?

sonic; *eye twitches*

manic; *runs in* i heard someone liked my sissy who is it!!!!!!

paige/sonic; oop.......

manic; *eyes scourge* 

scourge; *wets self*

wave; *tryna move*

fiona; *holding on*

manic; .........ew

wave; *teleports too floor* get her off...........

moon; ..nah i think its better this way!!!!

wave; *rolls eyes* 

maria; *tries to pull her off him*

fiona; *makes-out with wave*

wave; *tryna push her off*

fiona; this is fun!!!

wave; not for me!!!!

everyone-wave,fiona; its fun to watch for us tho *chews popcorn*

wave; just move on to the next dare or truth pls!!!!!!

paige; wavona smut......

wave; *dies*

fiona; *gets up and drags him to a soundproof room* 

wave; *unconscious*

silver;...................*grabs book from blaze* how do you cook a red fox............................................how do you cook a red fox!!!!!!!

blaze; *helps silver*

moon; *walks over and puts ear to door*


fiona; *covers his mouth* 

moon; *in disgust*

blaze; found it!!!!!

silver; *grabs pot and put hot water in it and teleports fiona in it*

wave; *tired*

moon; *still disgusted*

burning blaze; *cooking fiona at very hot tempture*

wave; *faints*

paige;.................can we just kill fiona?

blaze; what do you think were doing?

paige; oh..........

scourge; *goes in waves room and grabs lava in a bucket* uhh wave told me he had a way to make his rocks soo.......heres something to kill her!!!

blaze; *gets burned* OW

silver; *confused* how did that burn you?

blaze; im fire thats lava not the same silver......only wave can touch it i guess?

silver; WAIT WHERES WAVE!:!?!?!?!?!?!?!

moon; passed out asleep on the floor...........

wave; *tramutized and tired*

paige; next dare........

cream; it says paige kill wave.........

paige; THATS MY LINE........

cream; welp your loss

paige;.......this is for nexzt chapter........*mumbles* but im still getting payback for my guitar!!!!1

wave; i may be hurt but i can hear you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paige; OH HUSH

wave; FINE

moon; ...............


knuckles; any other dares?

paige; tikal must kiss knuckles!!!!!!

cream; *looks in book* that isnt th-

paige; *covers creams mouth* go on!!!!!!

tikal; *kisses knuckles*

cream; *rolls eyes and bites her hand*

paige; OWW

cream; payback!!!!!

wave; *sleeps*

*after cooking fiona*

fiona; fine im sorry now can i sleep?

blaze; *changes baxk* fine

fiona; *goes to couch and sleeps*

blaze; how do we wake wave..........

paige; dont ask me......

moon; *pokes wave*

wave; *grabs her and hugs here*

moon; uhh

silver; *smirking*

blaze; *beating silver smirk off*

moon; .....are you ok?

wave; *shakes head*

paige/sonic; *peeps in* soo uhh what are you gonna do?

paige; not me im reading the dares your turn 

sonic; .........*grabs meat from cabinet and puts on plate infront of wave* prolly hungry.........

wave; *curled into a ball shivering*

maria; .......*huggs wave*

wave; *hugs back*

paige; im............done here.........

blaze; can we end this book already?


blaze; who are you talking to?


shadow; *kisses*

paige; -///-

shadow; good!!!!!

blaze; done here ust comment something !!!!!!!!!!!!

me; .....wow........thats just wow........

me; imma just..............bye........

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