...wave is nice for 24 hours


tails; ready for the dares and truths everyone?

wave; sure........im ready for anything!!!

tails; wave must be nice to everyone for 24 hours.....

wave; anything but that *runs out of door*

tails; starts tomorrow.....

wave; *walks back in* what happens if i don't wake up tomorrow?

tails; at 12:00am...........moon and paige will wake you,.........

paige/moon; WHAT

blaze; i hate to admit it but wave is most terrifying with no sleep or has none or barely any sleep...........his glares give me chills when he opens his eye.......

wave;  wow.............i thought i was just ugly when im sleepy and i open my eye..........not that im that horrifying.......am I?

all-wave; you are......

wave; ..........

silver; you have a attitude when your cranky or had no sleep........

blaze; you just called him old.....

wave; yea.....

silver; well i mean your mother is so.........i mean

blaze; *glares* keep going....

silver; .................

blaze; i thought so....

wave; im not that creepy........

blaze; tails why you send moon and paige?

tails; uhh it said hosts choice

wave; *rolls eyes* uh huh?

tails; go to bed....

wave; will do captain....*walks to room*

tails; why cant wave teleport?

blaze; uhh heh.......wave hasn't drunk, touched, or smelled water for a few days and his powers are a bit weak cause he hasn't ate.....

wave; *snores*

amy; also wave likes to sleep on blaze........ALOT

cream; he only fell asleep on me cause blaze had to get up and go somewhere so she gave him to me.....

shadow; do i snore?

all-shadow, wave; Y-

wave; *snores* 

all-wave,shadow; *whispers* yus

shadow; wow......

*at 12:am*

paige; why tails...........

moon; i hate to say this but......wave might kill us.....

wave; *up polishing katanas*

moon/paige; *walks in room* wave your awake?

wave; *points to alarm clock* 

paige; ohh

moon; i dont get it.....

wave; i set an alarm clock also *gives paige her katana* i made it clean and sharp.........

paige; how did...

wave; i have shurikens and 2 katanas........i practically live in a sharp object room

moon; .........*backs away*

wave; also i did you a solid because im not gonna be HERE

paige; where you going?

wave; i ask maria if i could do a sleepover at the ark

paige; you planned this is how much time?

wave; *checks watch* 13 minutes.....

moon; so your saying you time traveled, cleaned her sword, and is up by a clock we can't hear?

wave; yep

paige; *checks rules on dare* theres one thing ..........wave can't leave the house.......

wave; WHY............hold up *looks at writing* 

paige; whats wrong?

wave; this is tails handwriting.....

moon; kinda looks like a fox wrote it....

wave; thats animal racist....

moon; whatever

wave; *rolls eyes* well imma fix breakfast *walks to kitchen*

moon; ok you need your powers back.....

wave; this dare is harder for me cause its the month i suck blood so i want none of my powers right now cause that'll make it easier too kill my prey got it?

moon; yea......

paige; *creeped out* mhm...........

wave; *walks to tails and creams room and grabs tails* why did you right that note that i couldn't leave the house?

tails; cause i wanted to.........

wave; i was gonna avoid you but your note prevented me from doing so...........erase it.......

tails; no

wave; why?

tails; cause i said so....

wave; *thinks of a plan*

tails; and stop thinking!!!

wave; you must think to breath every few minutes in order to breathe.........

tails; true.....

moon/paige; *listening to fight*

wave; *sees them listening*

tails; *stops talking*

wave; *uses tail and talks to tails in a language* they are not nosy but curious....

tails; *does same as wave* yep girls

paige; what are they doing? *holds sonic dex*

dex; wave and tails are using animal sign language only foxes know, they also are smart and have a problem with being overprotective and winning in bets.

moon; where'd you get that?

paige; uhh


tails; here paige you kinda need this if your going to try to examine others powers and breed.....

paige; uhhhh............*in mind* this is a pokedex in the sonic verse...........i think this is copyright.......*out of mind* ok thanks........i guess.....

*end of flashback*

moon; oh...........use it wave then..

paige; ok *holds up and points at wave

 dex; wave the fox, a mystical 100 tailed fox is the youngest of the 4 older siblings and the amount of siblings is too many siblings for me to count

moon; wow wave has so many siblings dex can't count them all?...........i wonder how many kids blaze have......

dex;, can use tails to throw or hit opponent with them also can use them to grab weapons or grab things it needs, water angel and fire demon (warlock for short),  can summon shurikens and katanas when needed, when sleep don't wake it or it glares or throws you out the room, every 3 years in february it drinks blood cause it is part vampire but loses taste for it after month.

wave; *turns around* .........uhh what is that?

paige; ..........tails made it....

tails; snitch...

paige; well you didn't let him leave the house soo whatever....

moon; can it tell weaknessses?

wave; uhhh i have none *chuckles nervously* right?

tails; i got everyone in there but i.........didn't ask you......i asked blaze for your info cause.............everyone knows you hate talking about your powers and you wouldn't tell weaknesses....

wave; wow...harsh don't you think?

paige nope......weaknesses pls dex?

dex; wave the fox, weaknesses, electricty, when has enough energy electricity will not affect the fox but it weak enough will harm or kill it when being electrocuted, fire, if its in his water form it can use fire and be damage by fire, water, if in demon form can be damage by water, mo-

wave; *grabs dex and mutes it* uhh ignore that last one............heh heh

moon; .......

paige; what was it gonna say?

wave; nothing......*burns it*

tails; its wave proof........

wave; *goes in room and grabs katana* is it weapon proof?

tails; i'll make another one paige.....

wave; *throws it up and slices in 3rds* 

dex; *dead*

wave; it exposed me to much also i can make you another in a few seconds gimme 3 seconds ok.....*puts katana back*

paige; ...............

wave; *makes a new one* done.....

paige; mhm

wave; what.......*gives* i also made an extra but i dont think moon needs it....

moon; mhmmmm......................gimme!!!!! *grabs*

wave; ok i guess she does......

tails; *comes back* i ran out of products.........to make a new *sees new ones in there hands*

wave; dude all you need is a computer chip, a frame, a voice recognition, and the tabs i keep on everyone cause i go through time to make sure nothing changed.............

tails; *mumbles* time travel policemen.......

wave; not.....

cream; *turns over*

tails; well i got to go to bed

wave; *uses tail and puts him in bed*

tails; *wonders how to use tails like wave*

wave; now can i sleep?

paige; yes

wave; *goes to bed*


silver; *uses stick and pokes wave* wave wake up.....

wave; *opens eye*

silver; *jumps on blaze*

blaze; wimp.............how did we get married again?

silver; you was inlove with me at the time......

blaze; i still am........but you need to work better for me not to divorce you....

(im writing this whole thing btw)

wave; *goes back to sleep and tries to ignore the lovey dovey stuff happening in the doorway*


blaze; *shakes wave* wave wake up pls for me?

wave; *wakes up* yes mother?

blaze; you know you gotta cook us breakfast this time right?

wave; no i don't remember....

blaze; *thinks*....

wave; *turns over*

blaze; fix breakfast and then you can sleep in my lap cause i gotta do your tails AGAIN

wave; *sleeply* sounds like a deal just one thing..........if anything involves me leaving the house i can't cause of the dare....

blaze; ok thanks

wave; *gets out of bed and fixes breakfast*

cream; uhh..........*looks at wave asleep on the kitchen counter and food on the table cooked*............wave is sleep and the food is done.........

blaze; ...........for once i feel sorry for him.........he wakes up at 10am on a normal day.....except for that other dare we did....

nami; *wakes up* whats wave doing again?

blaze; sleep...

nami; whats todays dare?

blaze; wave be nice to everyone for the whole day.......

nami; ok......now heres what imma do......imma go back home and wait ti'll this is over......

paige; *holds dex to nami*

nami; *bubbles dex and drowns out sound* no i don't do electronics.....thats waves thing.....

moon; *points dex at nami without her noticing* dex say it quietly pls......

dex; *whispers* tsunami oceanic, the water dragon princess, the scales on her body make it more able to see when in the water when off it is hard for others to see and easy for her to eat her prey, the wings help her glide through the water and fly above water aswell, its big ears on its head help it hear through the water as far as possible just to hear its heir and locate them, it is also the sibling of wave oceanic, and ocean jr.

moon; not much different.......

wave; *wakes up* oh.................oh yea i forgot.........FOODS READY

blaze; wave is exhausted......


blaze; cmon wave go get the brush and comb you know i gotta brush and comb your fur weekly.....cause you won't.........

wave; *in fox form* nu huh............it hurts when you comb it.....

blaze; you can sleep through it?

wave; *sighs* fine i will get it.......*grabs comb and brush with tail*

blaze; now you can crawl and sleep.....

wave; *sleeps on blazes lap*

blaze; and your hard to deal with when you get no sleep.....

cream; wow it took you exactly 13 minutes to get him to agree to let you groom him.............thats a new record.........

blaze; what was my last one.....

cream; 2 hours.....

blaze; ............*brushes his tail* it takes me at least 2 hours to actually brush and comb him but then again he wasn't wrong about the part where the combing hurts.............it nicks so much........

cream; yea....

moon; what you girls doing?

paige; where are the boys?

*with the boys*

sonic; do you think we were a little cruel to leave wave alone.......with all the girls..........

silver; he deserves it........he killed me like millions of times....

shadow; and each time i didn't blame him cause he had a reason............and also its betterfor our ship.......*wink wink* 

sonilver; PLS NEVER WINK ITS CREEPY.......

shadow; awww

silver; well........if wave gets bored..........nami's there if he needs to talk to someone..........

sonic; shadow where are we going?

shadow; the store.............*shows list the girls made*

silver; thats a long list...

shadow; yea....

sonic; read it out to us pls.....

shadow; eggs, bacon, cheese, baking soda, soda, beef, hair care products, beer, wine, water, chicken, turkey, grapes, sausage, hot dogs, chili, spaghetti, cereal, milk, ham, popcorn, spice, lip gloss, cake, cup cakes and finally chaos swiss rolls........

silver; can't you use the power of chaos to just make your own?

sonic; yea...

shadow; i can but i didn't make this list......

sonic; yea they just asked if we wanted to add on to it.......

silver; yea

*with wave 10am*

wave; *sleep*

blaze; aww he looks so adorable sleep.......

paige; how is wave adorable?

nami; paige i am his sister im used to her being like this.......

paige; how?

blaze; cause i don't do it too wave normally.....more so nami.......

nami; yep she does it to me more.......

(sounds wrong but ok.......)

wave; *wakes up* blaze you done?

blaze; almost......now im done

wave; the only good thing about this is that its silky and softer when your done.....

blaze; ?..........it is?

wave; .............pls don't

blaze; *pets wave*

wave; *tortured*

*30 mins later*

wave; *purring*

blaze; *stops*

wave; yes

blaze; wow you actually purr ....

paige; i love how because i MAY get married to shadow that silvers wife is a cat and im a hedgecat and waves a fox...............a fox is nothing but a cross breed of a dog and a cat.......

wave; meh...

moon; i love how blaze is the only one wave is scared of here......

wave; not true.....

moon; it is your not scared of anyone else but blaze...

blaze; he's saying im not the only person he's scared of.....

moon; who else then...

wave; *not talking*

moon; wave answer pls

wave; *shakes head no*

moon; wow blaze any answers?

blaze; me, you, cream, and amy

moon; why me and cream?

wave; cause you chase me, wound me, harm me, and is just scary in general when you mad......

moon; *sighs* sometimes im not mad im annoyed......half of the time its from you......but that doesn't explain cream....

wave; ........uhh do you remember the other night?

moon; yes.....

wave; thats just like the 1st stage of anger she has compared to you......

moon; *backs away from cream slowly* cream your kind aren't you?

cream; wave isn't lying..........i can be very mean and very nice......but i admit........tails is a little itty bit crazy when he is mad......

paige; girls where the boys go?

girls; i dont remember them going away....

wave; i do.....

blaze; *rolls eyes* this is the best but horrible power you have.....

moon; ?

wave; how is being able to hear what people are talking about around me while i sleep......how do you think i open my eye when you come near......

blaze; ...

moon; you know that explains ALOT

wave; they went to the store..

paige; good......


wave; *playing with nami in the sea*

paige; i mean it did say he couldn't leave the house and i guess it means the house, yard, and driveway?

wave; *walks out and into house* uhh is your dex in a bubble?

paige; nami did it.....

wave; *pokes bubble with tail*


wave; what can i say...............im her brother.......i can stop some things she make....also your dex is fine its water proof....

tails; is it weapon proof?

wave; its tails and wave proof

moon; nothing is moon PROOF

wave; if i be honest...........i made it moon proof......

moon; .........

wave; what?

moon; wow........just wow........how did you do any proofing?

wave; *shows blood samples* i suck blood wolfie......thats how......

moon; *changes to wolf* how did you get my blood?

wave; easy you sleep so hard i just bit you and moved and put it in a canister.........

paige; how you get it from me.....?

wave; ok you was a challenge..........i had to go to the doctor after i got your blood cause your blood poisoned me........

paige;............good so now you won't suck mine again.........YES


team sss; WERE BACK

wave; lucky im being nice cause i would've asked why couldn't i come.....

silver; .....

sonic; wave shadow wanna know what everyones blood tastes like....

wave; uhhh........i can't tell you everyones blood type but i can tell you what it tastes like.......

shadow thanks *puts bags away*

everyone-wave, silver; *sits down on couch*

silver; *pushes wave*

wave; why?

silver; cause we all wanna know......

wave; *looks at clock* fine.......

silver; *pushes wave in front of the crew* 

wave; *mumbles* i hate you silver.......

shadow; *eating popcorn* go on...


wave; fine i will tell you what everyones blood tastes like .........

shadow; yes, and me and paige can make white blood~

wave; ew

paige; *blushing* shadow you are disgusting

wave; paige's blood is the only one i can't tell........it poisons me!!!!!

paige; good you will never drink it again......

wave; moon's sour................like her attitude....

moon; *growls* 

wave; really?

moon; really what?

wave; your proving my point........

silver; wow.....

wave; silver, amy, tails, and sonic's blood it has a little sugar............blaze.........she has actual hot blood.............cream.......has sweet enough blood to give me cavities.................

all; you have tasted everyones blood?

wave; no.........i haven't done nami's and because im part dragon i don't need to know her blood......


moon; *falls asleep on waves shoulder*

wave; *asleep in blazes lap* 

blaze; *asleep on silvers shoulder*

silver; *asleep in paiges lap*

paige; *asleep on shadows arm*

shadow; wow they are really sleepy aren't they sonic?

sonic; yes but amy is hurting my arm........she has her nails in so far in my arm.....

wave; *closes both of there mouth with tails asleep*

sonic; .....



wave; *sleeping in bed with tails covered*

moon; ......why does he not have covers?

blaze; cause after i do his fur its softer than his covers.......and he uses that as his covers alot.......

moon; but...................how does he not get cold?

wave; i can tell you if you let me sleep?

moon; sure.....

wave; its on your dex....

moon; wow......*holds it up and points at wave*

dex; wave the fox, uses tails on his back as covers, it can never get cold or hot because it has ice and fire powers.

moon; thanks 

dex; if you tried to kill it do it while it has no water or fire otherwise........good luck,

wave; *sleep*

moon; can we kill wave?

blaze; we have all.........tried.........alot of times.....


wave; *sleeps*

silver; hmm what can i do to wake up wave hmm

blaze; nothing....

silver; oh i know bring fiona!!!

shadow/blaze/cream; *slaps silver* HELL NO

silver; ow.....why not?

blaze; he divorced her why would he wanna wake up to that pshyco path?

silver; cause wave is a pshyco path?

blaze; *gets off bed bends down and grabs heels* care to say that again?

shadow; blaze this isn't a insult to you but if wave is pshyco path....wouldn't silver be one too?

blaze; true but wave isn't!!!.........right?

wave; *wakes up and walks to blazes room* i know im not suppose to be noisy but im not a pshyco path.................also baze.........why do you wear heels?

blaze; when you have kids you will know why.......

silver; i married a flat chested woman.........i think we know why she's super skinney....

wave; its official.....silver is a pervert......

blaze; *blushes and places hands on chest* SILVER

silver; hehe?

blaze; *picks up and places on couch* you sleep there tonight!!!

silver; *teleports paige on shadow and amy on sonic* 

paige/amy; couch.....

sonic/shadow; why it was silver!!!!!

silver; *fake sleeps*

amy; he's asleep!!!!

everyone-wave, silver,; *goes to room and goes to sleep*

wave; stop faking....

silver; fine....

wave; thanks

silver; *teleports moon on top of wave*

wave; *passes out from her falling on him*

moon; *still sleep*

wave; *sleeps puts tail over moon and wave*

silver; *proud of self*

wave; *slaps with tail*

blaze; *walks out to get water* for once im proud of silver for once *picks them up and places on couch* everyone is asleep.........*sips coffee* ..............comment more dares and we'll cya later BYE

wave; *in mind* scream it arurthor.......and we gonna have a problem......GOT IT?

me; im your creator you can't tell me what to do.........

wave; oh sh- *bleeb* aye ........we cool right?

me; promise not to try and stop me from ending it then yes..................

wave; good.......bye

me; *rolls eyes* bye


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