
silver; *brings wave and moon and lays them on the floor*

wave; *sleep on floor laying in fox form*

everyone-wave; WAVE WAKE UP

wave; hmm?

moon; hmm

wave; *blushes* why are you on mEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

moon; same question that i want an answer for

wave; *hisses*

moon; *growls*

silver; *pushes them closes together and holds them there* hehe

wave; i swear lemme go!!!!!!!!!

silver; or what?

wave; *looks at blaze* did he just ask me that?

blaze; ....uhhh.....umm....uhm.......yes?

wave; im not kissing not gonna do what were doing today....

tails; number one today cream has the book.....

cream; two use them manners i taught you!!!!

wave; *ears go down* sorry......

moon; *shocked that wave has manners*

blaze; *shocked that it took cream to telll wave to use his manners*

cream; now as a punishment.......for today you gotta use manners thats from me and the dare today is........ a and moon gotta not be evil or annoying first one too act evil or annoying loses

moon; if i win.......i kill silver


wave; right now i want her to win so you can always put me with either, under, beside, kissing, ontop, or making out everytime its because silver made us do so...............soo you lost my vote for you too win.....but if i win i get you a vasectomy.......

silver; no matter who wins im still gonna be hurt.....

wave/moon; you deserve it....

silver; i wanna see my ship sail.....

wave; i think each time you try that you push us apart...

moon; i agree

blaze; i agree more than you both....

cream; im starting to regret his punishment now cause of the dare it may make him win...

wave; *asleep*

moon; WAVE

wave; *jumps to ceiling* WHAT *shaking* i was sleep.....

moon; its.......4am

wave; exactly super early..

moon; not

wave;; your an wake up a assassin i sleep to whatevers best for me.....and thats 9pm to 10am

moon; no wonder you have no money

wave; i mean im a substitute for shadow when he can't finish his mission at g.u.n........

moon; so? i have a heart......your the one that doesn't.....

wave; *shock* and i want it back......

moon; if you have no heart how do you live, breath, bleed, and best of all LOVE

wave; easy.....i remember how it felt to be loved and love others.........

moon; well i guess no heart means you can kill i mean

*13mins later*

wave; well at least i didn't run away from my planet...

moon; at least i didn't lose my tails!!!!!

wave; *hurt* you know what......

moon; what?

wave; paige cover shadows ears pls?

paige; why?

wave; just do it

moon; what are you gonna do?

wave; at least my best friend didn't die infront of me.....

moon; *tears up*

wave; *flies away*

shadow; can you uncover my ears?

paige; oh sorry...

wave; *gets teleported*

paige; found him

wave; lemme go!!!!!

paige; nuu

wave; *gives up* i give up what do want from me?

paige; wow it takes that long did i teleport the real wave here?!

moon; *bites his legs*

wave; *feels nothing*

paige; how do you feel no pain?

wave; hmm oh i don't know....

moon; is this person emotionless?....did we get the wrong one? it wave?

wave; *ignores*

paige; how do we know this one real?

blaze; ask him something only wave knows.....

wave; *looking at moon*

paige; how many times have you lost too maria?

wave; 12 times

paige; *drops* he's real.....

moon; ?

paige; i went with him too ark and watched him do that...

moon; i still don't believe you ask another one..

paige; when you went to the past to deliver brownies.....who did you give them too?

wave; maria and cosmo.....

paige; real

moon; ok i believe him cause i remember this happening

wave; *walks to room*

cream; *looking at rules* would it count if he didn't come out?

blaze; nope.......

nami; *comes through roof and lands on moon* im here whats wrong!!!???

moon; *being crushed* your brother is depressed i think?

nami; who got him like that?

moon; will i die?

nami; your immortal aleast your lying.....

moon; im immortal but im talking about if i told you will i be in pain?

nami; maybe....

moon; i did....

nami; *gets off and picks her up in mouth and carries to room.................* you apologize....

moon; WHY ME??!?!?!?

wave; GO AWAY

silver; nope

wave; *glares at silver through door*

silver; *feels his glare* oh nvm

blaze; come out pls.....

wave; *opens door*

silver; so he wont come out when i ask him but will when you ask him......that messed up...

wave; whats messed up is me not having my tails....nor a heart......

silver; .......can we kill this one and make a new one blaze......this ones broken.........

blaze; paige.......get ready to revive silver......

wave; *throws star at brain* im surprised he had a brain!! *goes back inside room and closes door*

moon; you teeth hurt....

nami; *throws through door on wave laying on the bed* have fun and do da dare.....buh bye

wave; *runs for door* no pls no

moon; *runs to door* don't leave US here

wave; who said anything about us this a 1v1 we don't work together here this my room it would be different if it was the living room or bathroom it would be and us yes to break out but in a bedroom no pal its a free for all

moon; somehow i understood what you said and i agree..........somehow.....

wave; *understands what nami ment by have fun* 

moon; *tries to break down door*

wave; *blushes* moon i think they put a door on the other side......

moon; why and why are you blushing?

wave; *tries to hide it* because they knew we would break the door at some point and i understand why nami said "have fun"

moon; *blushes* you serious right now?

wave; welp im tired of this month and i don't care about it right now......*turns door to ice and breaks it*

moon; you could've done that the whole time?

wave; *teleports behind her and grabs dex and points to self*

dex; when fox is depressed or angered it can use ice or lava...

moon; *jumps and hovers* you can make lava?

wave; it said depressed r depressed right now soo i use ice.....

moon; *floats back down to ground* oh ok.....

wave; *points dex to moon* 

dex; moon the wolf,  moon is a wolf that can turn into any animal aswell her normal form is a wolf with purple and gray fur with dragon wings, aswell this creature is a princess and apart of the operation dr robotnik tested to freeze them in time. 

moon; how did you?

wave; im a time traveler.....i was there when maria died and i saw it also i work at gun for peeps sake i went throgh everyones files i always do..........*teleports file into her hand* here look through it....

moon; i mean...........i can burn this.......

wave; *places dex back into her hand*

moon; wait a minute the dex said if your depressed you can use your ice powers that means your depressed but on what?

wave; ........fine.....

moon; *raises eyebrow* im listening

wave; tomorrow is the day i lost my tails and my i decided to not talk about it......untill you said something about it then.....i left......

moon; ......fine im sorry.....

wave; imma say this.......WERE BOTH MURDERS

moon; not wrong there

silver; you know your bet is still going right?

both; yes!!!!!!! NOW LET US OUT!!!!

silver; *pushes them closes*

wave; why am i going closer to you?

moon; same thing im asking.....

silver; if you make out maybe i'll let you out.....

wave; *has headache* one more ship thing and i will go and tear you spikes out of you head and drop you from the moon onto a spike.....

silver; *ignores and continues to push them closer*

wave; *turns dark* 

sonic; *hears it and grabs amy and runs away*

paige; *playing guitar*

moon; ..........*backs away slowly*

silver; *stops*

blaze; *grabs cream and tails and pulls them to the sol dimenstion* 

marine; hey blaze?

blaze; hey marine were gonna stay here till my son leaves his dark form is that ok?

marine; of course it is *grabs cootie stick and points it at tails* im sorry sir my friend may be married to you but you could still have cooties pls go out my house *pokes him out with cootie stick* 

shadow; *teleports to a spa* aaaaaaaaahhh..........this that life.....

moon; *goes to corner of room*

wave; *teleports silver to the moon and drops him*

silver; ahhhhh *lands on spike on nuts first*

wave; *teleports back in room and kicks door down and passes out*

paige; *stops playing guitar and leaves room and sees wave passed out* uhhhhhhh did you....

moon; *scared* nu huh

paige; did yall do it?

moon; *glares* HELL NO

paige; awww

moon; *rolls eyes and hugs paige*

*3 hours later*

wave; sorry silver but you irritated me to dark form......soo in this case your karma.....

silver; ................I HAVE NO BALLS WAVE

paige; but you have your life back right?

silver; yes.....

moon; i won so i get to kill SILVER

wave; yea.........

moon; *hugs wave* im sorry for being mean *whispers* but this is a one time thing that will ever happen cause i will never hug you.......

wave; ok *hugs back* i will not annoy you or be evil........

moon; *lights silver on fire*

(this is my ending....^^^...)

(this is silvers version of his ending)

moon; im sorry i was mean to you *kisses on lips* 

wave; *kisses back* 

silver; *puts in bed and closes door and hears unholy noises*

blaze; your an awesome dad im glad i married you *kisses and goes in room*

shadow/sonic/tails; i wanna be a dad like him......

(*cringes* his ending *grabs bucket and pukes all internal organs out*)

(silver you disgusting)

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