alot of dates.........................................(PART 1)

wave; so im back with a dare......actually 2 dares the first one give it too shadow

shadow; thank you the second dare is for everyone too go on dates

wave; my date is my pillow too my head *walks away*

shadow; *grabs wave tail and pulls on floor and sits him down and rubs like a villan with a cat* not going anywhere till i tell everyone there dates!!

wave; aww i don't wanna go on a date....

shadow; first pair- silver and blaze

wave; oh no

shadow; next- tails and cream

wave; please no!!!!

shadow; next- me and paige

wave; phew

shadow; knuckles and tikal

wave; im done!!!!!! that list must be done? please tell me its done!!!!

shadow; last- wavoon....

wave; *digs grave*

shadow; what are you

wave; *glares*

shadow; oh never mind

blaze; wave be disrespectful to shadow i will have a talk

wave; sorry shadow

silver; how?...........what talk do you give him?

blaze; the talk on respect your elders

shadow; what is everyone gonna wear?

paige; this!!!!-

shadow; *nose bleeding* next?

blaze; im wearing THIS-

silver; im gonna see you in the room~

wave; oh no your not gonna make another one *hands shadows condom* use it i don't want anymore siblings got it?!

silver; yes..

wave; good!!

tikal; im wearing this!!!!--

knuckles; can we have kids?

tikal; hell no

amy; me next

sonic; *blushes and falls*

shadow; moon your next what are you wearing?

shade; if possible have kids........PLS

wave; you are our kids........why do you want-

shade; boy shush

moon; *shyly* mine is this-

shadow; i feel like that was on purpose cause wave is blue.......

wave; *falls blushing*

moon; i think i killed it *chuckles*

wave; who's the it? i am a person not a thing!!!

moon; its easy too wake you up 

wave; *wakes up the rest of the boys*

blaze; did all of them pass out?

wave; yes but i am the youngest tho so i have too find a suit *looks down* that works.........

silver; borrow my wedding suit *chuckles*

wave; *slaps him with tail* im not getting married dummy

cream; im not going i don't wanna leave the kids behind....

blaze/moon; we was gonna ask can you stay and take care of them..................

wave; if im getting married too that wolf.............imma have too be prepared for my mom and my wife too be close and the same...............

blaze; or you could be nice and say it too our faces...

wave; im out *runs*

moon; i got em *grabs wave's tail and pulls em* see?

blaze; yep!!

silver; hehe *pushes wave into moon and makes him fall on her*

wave; *accidentally kisses her*

moon; *kisses back*

wave; *uses tails and makes shadow fall and kiss paige*

shadow; *kisses*

paige; *pushes off* WAVE!!!!

wave; yes?

paige; your dead *chases*

wave; nope *teleports*

moon; *blushing* i may like him i don't know.......

blaze; are yall dating yet? 

moon; *blushing more* no.........why would you ask such a thing?

amy; because your blushing alot.........

moon; im not

wave; *teleports beside her* you are....

moon; *jumps* stop teleporting everywhere

paige; get here fox!!!

wave; fine....*walks too paige*

paige; *stops* thank you *slaps*

wave; didn't even hurt

paige; want me too slap you again?

wave; nope.........

shadow; lets just go ahead and get dressed........

(im not putting up the boys suits those are hard too find and it wouldn't be fair that shadow and sonic have theres and everyone else not sooo yea i skipped it :) )

boys execpt wave and tails; *blushing hard*

girls; why are yall blushing so hard were not that cute.......

tails; well im not blushing as hard because im watching the kids.........goodluck guys

wave; tails little tip while babysitting my kids watch for 2 things.............there tails and there claws.....................the teeth not so important they don't like certain tastes in there mouth

sonic/paige; while babysitting my kids just remember they are fast......

shadow; how did my kids become fast and only girls.............

wave; because i killed them many times because i don't want an uncle?

shadow; yea they is true

wave; also we will be going somewhere where there are no choices for beer or any alcoholic breaveges..........

shadow/sonic; aww man

amy; plus wave is coming along i feel like he's gonna need ice and a couple of hospitals on speed dial.........

moon; really? am i really that bad?

amy; sorry but i don't want my nephew dead you know.......

wave; *rolls eyes* im not your nephew im just close too you like that and blaze acts like your sister................

amy; put it like that yea..................but if paige gets married too shadow i will be your aunt because sonic her cousin!!!!!

wave; you would be my great cousin because shadow is my grandfather

amy; ok lets get going.......

wave; good

sonic; cya tails

tails; cya

wave; ..........are we driving?

shadow; yes everyone is driving there cars...............why you ask?

wave; *walks back in* tails is it ok if i take your car?

tails; how long?

wave; the date and back...

tails; you have a license?

wave; yes just not a car.....

tails; gonna be in fox or normal form?

wave; normal i can't drive in  fox form!!!!

tails; fine you passed my test heres the keys you crash it...........its your death...........*throws keys*

wave; *gulps* i hope you have miles and handling.........*walks back too the crew*

moon; who's car-

wave; tails.............if i do wrong or crash it i won't run this book also them kids will die.........

moon; he's gonna kill you if you crash it?

wave; bingo

moon; you are so......stupid

wave; well you arent driving

moon; yep and you better not get my killed...

wave; if your like shadow wouldn't you be immortal?

moon; good point

wave; *rolls eyes* yea yea *opens door too car* only for today.........

moon; *rolls eyes* you suppose to do it all the time its gentle manly

sonic; i agree

amy; you don't even do it how do you agree?!

sonic; because i can!

amy; my hammer can *pulls hammer out of purse


amy; magic and i have my ways now lets go!!!!!

wave; yesh im glad my date just uses a whip and her claws.......

moon; what was that?

wave; nothing *starts driving behind shadow* i would get my car but im still working on it.......

sonic; wave you drive like a grandma go faster!!!!!

wave; do you see who is infront of me im so close on there bumper they driving like a grandma..........i mean grandpa

shadow; i heard that joke wave..........not funny

paige; *laughing* no it was good i have too give it too him

silver; shadow move it!!!

shadow wave should be infront he knows where the place is..

wave; ok *gets infront and goes with them following*

*at the restaurant*

wave; were here!!!

shadow; i still think we should go too the club.......

paige; your breathe always smells like alcohol..........if imma kiss them lips i don't want to kiss alcoholic breathe.......

wave; got a point....

moon; wave you need to let me drive back...

wave; i don't go fast also sonic bumped me the entire way here........

moon; well he bumps me while i drive amy will hit him with the hammer

amy; already did for bumping wave 

sonic; im sorry but i can't help it........

wave; mhm

shadow; why did you girls bring your purses?

wave; shadow they have there weapons in it don't ask just try not too make them use it

paige; he's actually right.........

wave; i know i am because moon has her whip sticking out and she didn't know i knew 

moon; oh so you have the worst sense of seel but yet the best sight and hearing?

wave; yep but im serious hide it......

moon; fine

*all walk in and get a table*

wave; im nervous but also not surprised......

shadow; why can't it just be you wave?

wave; because its no fun also i wanted too attempt it ok attempt

shadow; ok no need to get mad over it.............but this will be my first date with paige so thanks in a way..........

wave; this is your first date? glad we went here and not the club..........

blaze; me too.......but ifi were you i would just do what silver does.............don't talk

(im sorry but this had to happen) *time skip to after the dates*

wave; *gives keys* here tails.....

tails; my car in great shape?

wave; would you killl the driver or the person who asked for the keys..........

tails; the driver

wave; *looks at moon then at tails* i crashed the car...........

tails; YOU WHAT!!!???

wave; *runs for the door*

tails; nah wave *grabs wave and pulls him back*

wave; *teleports*

tails; where he go?

wave; behind you *holds on to cream for dear life*

tails; huh?

wave; auntie cream pls save me

cream; fine only cause your claws are digging in my skin........

wave; sorry........

shadow; this fox holds on to people so tight that you can't move your blood.........

wave; well when a yellow fox is holding a machete and is super good with it.........

cream; ok tails put the knife down slowy

tails; *puts it down* now get off my wife soo i can tear you too pieces!!!!!!

wave; *squeezes tighter* no

cream; calm down also really calm down..........your spiting everywhere............

wave; i hate too hold on tighter because im scared but this boy has a knife and can fly behind me i don't wanna move............

cream; keep in mind the more you scare him the more tighter he holds on.....................

blaze; tails touch my kid and you lose alot of fur

tails; shut up!!

wave; *teleports and grabs tails*

tails; wha?..............ah!!

wave; *teleports tails underwater and back*

tails; *gasps for air*

wave; ready for another round?

tails; no!

wave; well too bad *does the same thing again*

tails; im sorry!!!!!

wave; for?

tails; trying too kill you!!

wave; and?

tails; thats it!!!!!

wave; *does it again* its not

tails; and for yelling at blaze!!!!11

wave; there we go!!!

blaze; i loved the date silv.......

silver; no problem

shadow; how was it paige?

paige it was fine

sonic; im the best person too date

amy; *hits sonic across the room with her hammer* if so try to date me for a change because you just stayed in the bathroom forever!!!!!

wave; there was a line amy............all of us boys were doing the pee pee dance we had too use it...........

amy; so he's fast he could've gone outside like you and shadow did.........

blaze; i agree.........

wave; i tried but sonic you messed up

sonic; yep i know *groans* i wish i was younger

shade; theres a faker here sonic doesn't admit too his age!!!!!

wave; no he lost his memory........she hit him in the head so hard..........

amy; i don't care he deserves it

moon; not my first date but not my last i have to say you did great..............

cream; blaze is wave the reason you have claw marks on yourself is it from wave being scared enough too latch on like that...............

blaze; yep

wave; my grip is strong but i forget to my claws but then again i keep them retracted so i don't use them.........

blaze; explains so much............

paige; welp im sleepy good night!!

shadow; *walks with*

wave; welp they sleeping.....

blaze; so are we

silver; and im getting some good stuff tonight......

blaze; no your catching zzzs and a kiss.......maybe.......

wave; silver don't push your luck........

moon; wave........why did you take my punishment for crashing his car?

wave; for paying for the food, not killing me for asking you too pay for the food, and as a treat for agreeing.......

moon; *blushing* i guess those are reasons....

paige; *teleports* this alsqo gives me my revenge for earlier............*pushes wave into moon*

silver; im so proud of my stepmom......

blaze; im so proud that she has more sense than your father...............

amy; yep better than her cousin...............hehe

shadow; *teleports* end it here pls cause i want beauty rest!!!!!!!

wave; *pushes paige into shadow* 

sonic; i guess wave is karmas son.........

amy; *hits sonic in the head* stop teasing my nephew

blaze; end it.............bye peeps comment dares and truths so wave doesn't have too deal with his teammate having a makeout sess with his grandfather..............bye!!!!


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