Unwanted Guest (Part 2)

After buying the ice cream, they both sat on the sidewalk and watched the cars go by.

"Amanhã temos que sair de novo (Tomorrow we have to go out again) " Richarlyson said.

"What? (¿Qué?) " Quackity looked at him.

"É divertido estar com você (It's fun to be with you) " he smiled.

"I think you're the first kid to say that to me (Creo que eres el primer niño que me dice eso) " he forced a smile.

"Porque? (Why?) "

"Well let's just say that I'm not the favorite of many people here in general, I wasn't even my own daughter's favorite (Pues digamos que no soy el favorito de muchas personas aquí en general, ni siquiera lo era de mi propia hija) " he murmured.

"Ouvi muito sobre ela através de Juana. Mas como ela era? (I have heard a lot about her from Juana, but what was she like?) "

"Tilin? She was a very cool girl. She always got good grades, she did her homework alone and... it was like that because I never helped her (¿Tilín? Era una niña bien chingona. Siempre sacaba buenas calificaciones, hacía sus tareas sola y... era así por que nunca la ayudaba) " he confessed embarrassed "You would have known her, she had the strongest character I have ever seen in a girl and she really liked taking care of her garden. Also, whenever she had a birthday, we gave her a gift with a red bow and she always had more fun with the ribbon and wrapped it around her head (La hubieras conocido, tenía el carácter más fuerte que he visto en una niña y le gustaba mucho cuidar su jardín. También, siempre que cumplía años, le dábamos su regalo con un moño rojo y ella siempre se entretenía más con el listón y lo enredaba en su cabeza) " he laughed "So, Luzu and I took care of getting a real bow to put on top of her gift so she wouldn't have to use ribbons that would break after five minutes (Entonces, Luzu y yo nos encargábamos de conseguir un moño de verdad para poner encima de su regalo y ya no tuviera que usar listones que se rompieran a los cinco minutos) "

"Parece alguém divertido (Sounds like someone fun) "

"She was (Lo era) " he sighed "And she was also very sweet; then she grew up and became more serious (Y también era muy dulce; luego creció y se volvió más seria) "

"Como todos (Like everyone) " he took another lick of his ice cream "Isso não precisa ser uma coisa ruim (That doesn't have to be a bad thing) "

"I know, but... (Lo sé, pero...

"Você não mudou? (You haven't changed?) "

"For bad (Para mal) " he snorted.

He laughed "Então faça certo da próxima vez (Then just do it right next time) " he smiled at him.

Quackity looked at him tenderly and shook his hair "Tomorrow where do you want to go? (¿Mañana a dónde quieres ir?) "

"Onde você quiser me levar (Wherever you want to take me) "

"Ok" he shrugged "But you get up early (Pero te levantas temprano) "

"A que horas? (What time?) "

"I'll pick you up at three in the afternoon (Te recojo a las tres de la tarde) "

"Isso não é cedo (That's not early) "

"It is for me (Para mí lo es) " he stood up.


–How nice children are when they're not screwing you, don't you think? (Que bien caen los niños cuando no te están chingando ¿No creen?) " says Quackity.


The next day, Waldo left early so he could do some quick shopping; thus leaving Don in Tallulah's care; Quackity was still asleep

The girl just looked at the older one with obvious fear of making any movement that might bother him.

"Staring is rude (Quedarse viendo es grosero) " the adult spoke suddenly.

"Sorry (Lo siento) " she looked down "Emm, is there anything you need that I can help you with? (Emm ¿Hay algo que necesites y te pueda ayudar?) " he whispered..

"I don't think so (No lo creo) " he snorted "What do you and your dad have to do with being on top of me? (¿Qué tienen tú y tu papá con estar encima de mí?) "

"Well, he says that we have to support the family and you are part of our family (Pues él dice que hay que apoyar a la familia y tú eres parte de nuestra familia) "

"Oh no, don't be confused, you and I are not family (Oh no, no te confundas, tú y yo no somos familia) " he looked at her.

"Maybe not yet, but when my dad marries Mr. Smiley Face, you're going to be my uncle (Tal vez aún no, pero cuando mi papá se case con el señor carita feliz tú vas a ser mi tío) "

"Sweetheart, that wedding is never going to happen, I can assure you. Even if they get engaged, I'm sure my brother would escape at the last minute (Linda, esa boda nunca va a pasar, puedo asegurartelo. Incluso si llegan a comprometerse, estoy seguro de que mi hermano escaparía a último minuto) "

"Why do you hate him so much? (¿Por qué lo odias tanto?) "

"Cause he's annoying (Por que es molesto) "

"Ok, and my dad? (Ok ¿Y mi papá?) "

"I don't hate your dad (No odio a tu papá) "

"Then why were you rude to him yesterday? You made him feel bad when he was just nice to you (¿Entonces por qué fuiste grosero con él ayer? Lo hiciste sentir mal cuando él solo fue amable contigo) "

"You will understand when you grow up (Lo entenderás cuando seas grande) "

"Understand what? That you're a son of a bitch? (¿Entender qué? ¿Que eres un hijo de puta?) " she blurted out and then covered her mouth "Sorry, I said a bad word (Perdón, dije un palabrota) "

Don felt for the first time that his perpetual smile was almost erased by surprise. But then he laughed.

"Who'd say? You have a certain character hidden under your good girl face (¿Quién lo diría? Tienes cierto carácter escondido bajo tu cara de niña buena) "

"I'm a good gir! (¡Soy una niña buena!) " she shouted.

"I do not deny it (No lo niego) " he laughed "Don't worry, I won't tell your dad (No te preocupes, no le diré a tu papá) "

"No, it's not right, my dad says those aren't lady words (No, no está bien, mi papá dice que esas no son palabras de señorita) "

"Well, I say your dad is an asshole (Pues yo digo que tu papá es un pendejo) " he responded and then looked at his nails "How horrible, one broke when I fainted (Que horror, una se rompió cuando me desmayé) " he made a face "Girl, give me my cell phone, I have to make an appointment with my manicurist (Niña, pásame mi celular, debo hacer cita con mi manicurista) "

Tallulah smiled and approached him "What if you let me try instead? I have watched several videos and have had my nails done several times already. Plus I've always wanted to practice with someone else, but my dad won't let me (¿Y si mejor me dejas intentarlo a mí? He visto varios videos y me he arreglado las uñas ya varias veces. Además siempre he querido practicar con alguien más, pero mi papá no se deja) "

"HA! Give me one valid reason to even let you touch me (¡JA! Dame una sola razón válida para tan siquiera permitirte tocarme) "

"If you don't let me, I'm going to throw a tantrum so unbearable that you'll even consider dragging yourself to the exit. Believe me, I have very strong lungs (Que si no me dejas te voy a hacer un berrinche tan insoportable que incluso vas a considerar arrastrarte a la salida. Créeme, tengo pulmones muy fuertes) "

"I respect blackmail (Respeto el chantaje) " he extended his hand "Ruin even the slightest and I swore I will sue your father until he is penniless (Arruina aunque sea lo más mínimo y juró que demandaré a tu padre hasta dejarlo sin ni un centavo) "

"Ok" she got excited.

After arranging her things, she began by filing the older one's nails. Don vented a little about how things were going in his campaign; Tallulah didn't understand most of what he said, but she tried to follow the conversation. During this time, the eldest noticed that the girl was constantly yawning.

"Didn't you sleep well? (¿No dormiste bien?) " he asked her.

"I've never been able to do it, don't worry. The night is very noisy and I have sensitive ears (Nunca he podido hacerlo, no te preocupes. La noche es muy ruidosa y yo tengo oídos sensibles) "

"Put a pillow on top (Ponte una almohada encima) "

"I've already tried (Ya lo he intentado) " she yawned again "I'm used to it anyway (Ya estoy acostumbrada de todas formas) " she rubbed her eyes.

"Doesn't that affect you? At school or something (¿Eso no te afecta? En la escuela o algo así) "

"I am the lowest average of the children, but that is also because I joined late. Also, I honestly don't think I'm intelligent, my dad and Uncle Luzu tried to explain the topics to me several times and I still didn't understand them well (Soy el promedio más bajo de los niños, pero eso es también por que me integré tarde. Además, sinceramente no creo ser inteligente, mi papá y el tío Luzu intentaron explicarme los temas varias veces y aún así no les entendía bien) " she explained "If I passed the year it is because Mr. Smiley Face wants to look good with my dad (Si aprobé el año es por que el señor carita feliz quiere quedar bien con mi papá) "

Before Don could answer him, they heard footsteps on the stairs.

"It's two in the afternoon. What the hell are you doing up until now? (Son las dos de la tarde ¿Qué chingados haces levantándote hasta ahorita?) " Don looked at his brother.

"It's vacation, don't be bothering (Son vacaciones, no estés chingando) " Quackity stretched "Have you had breakfast yet, Lullah? (¿Ya desayunaste, Lullah?) " he asked her.

"Five hours ago (Hace cinco horas) " she answered.

"Great! So you're not hungry (¡Genial! Entonces no tienes hambre) " "he smiled "I'm going out, I'll be back late (Voy a salir, regreso tarde) "

As soon as he left the house, he went to look for Richarlyson at the house next door.

"O que faz aqui? (What are you doing here?) " Pac blurted out when she saw him.

"I come to pick up Richas (Vengo a recoger a Richas) "

The boy looked out and ran to hug Quackity.

"Você chegou! (You're here!) " He started making small jumps. "Você vai me mostrar a cidade? (Are you going to show me the city?) "

"Of course (Claro que sí) " he shook his hair.

"Não, espere (Uhm, no, wait) " Pac pulled his son "Richas, já havíamos dito para você ter cuidado com esse homem (Richas, we had already told you to be careful with this man) "

"Mas não é instável como dizem os vizinhos (But he is not unstable as the neighbors say) " the boy responded with a pout.

"What do the neighbors say about me? (¿Qué los vecinos dicen qué de mí?) " he frowned.

"Por favor, pai, vou pegar meu celular para informar onde estou e vou me comportar (Please, dad, I'm going to take my cell phone to report where I am and I'm going to behave) " suplicó.

Pac made a face and ended up agreeing "Se acontecer alguma coisa ao Richarlyson, você morre (If something happens to Richarlyson, you're dead) "

"Ok" Quackity shrugged his shoulders and left with the boy.

They spent the afternoon outside the colony; The adult took the child to see the outside of the Karma studios facilities, however, they met Vegetta, who invited them to eat. Then they went to the mall and wasted time in an arcade while competing to see who could earn the most points.

In the end, Richarlyson was the winner and bought a stuffed bee.

"How strange, I didn't see you as a child who collects stuffed animals (Que raro, no te veía como un niño que colecciona peluches) " said Quackity as they walked back to the colony.

"Não é para mim, é para Juana. Ela disse que por ser alérgica a abelha nunca conseguiu ver uma de perto, então vou dar esta para ela ver quando quiser (It's not for me, it's for Juana. She said that since she is allergic to bees, she has never been able to see one up close, so I'm going to give her this one so she can see it whenever she wants) " he told him.

"Oh, well, that 's nice. Tallulah told me that you're always giving Juana things (Oh, bueno, eso es lindo. Tallulah me dijo que siempre le das cosas a Juana) "

"Bem, sim, ela é minha futura esposa (Obviously, she's my future wife) "

"Yeah, that makes sense... Wait, what? (Sí, eso tiene sentido... Espera ¿Qué?) " He stopped short "Why? (¿Por qué?) "

"Porque ela é bonita e tem sido boa comigo (Because she is pretty and has been good to me) " he looked at him.

–Well, she's my niece, so I can't deny what you said, but you can't marry her, you're like seven years old (Bueno, es mi sobrina, así que no puedo negar lo que dijiste, pero no puedes casarte con ella, tienes como siete años) "

"Eu tenho dez! (I'm ten!) " he shouted.

"No, you're not, don't lie (Claro que no, no seas mentiroso) "

"Claro, fiz aniversário em maio. (It's true, I had a birthday in May) "

"How are you going to have ten? You look so short (¿Cómo vas a tener diez? Tas bien chaparro) "

"E você me diz? (And you tell me?) " he arched an eyebrow.

"Touche," he snorted "Anyway, you're too young to be thinking about getting married. Listen to me, Richas, women are very annoying and men too. They are only there to give you orders and traumas (Como quiera, estás muy chiquito para andar pensando en casarte. Escúchame, Richas, las viejas son bien latosas y los viejos también. Namás están para darte órdenes y traumas)"

"E essa projeção? (And that projection?) "

"Hey, you're already overdoing it (Oye, ya te estás pasando de confianzudo) "

"Desculpe (Sorry) " he laughed.

"It's ok (Está bien) " he crouched down to his height "It's nice that someone wants to spend time with me for a change (Es lindo que alguien quiera pasar tiempo conmigo, para variar) "

"Porque você é engraçado! (Because you're funny!) " he smiled.

"Thank you (Gracias) " he stood up "And also thank you for these last two days, it was like fulfilling a fantasy of having a son (Y también gracias por estos últimos dos días, fue como cumplir una fantasía de tener un hijo varón) "

"Oh, bem, quando visitei a prisão, cinco pessoas me consideraram filho (Well, when I visited the prison, five people took me as their son) "

"Really? (¿De verdad?) "

He nodded "Então, eu já tive cinco pais (So, I already had five dads) "

"I see (Ya veo) " he murmured.

"Mas nunca tive um pai mexicano. (But I never had a mexican dad) "

The older one stayed still for a few seconds while he felt his eyes become moist; He turned to look at the minor, who only gave him a smile.


Waldo returned to the house around six in the afternoon; He was quite confused to find Tallulah accompanying Don in the living room, both wearing masks and watching a Friends marathon.

"Hi, dad! Hola, papá!) " The girl said when she noticed his presence.

"Hi," he said with insecurity.

"You're daughter is awesome (Tu hija es asombrosa) " Don looked at him out of the corner of his eye.

"How did this happen? (¿Cómo pasó esto?) " the Scotsman pointed out to them.

"Let's just say we had a moment of bonding (Digamos que tuvimos un momento de conexión) "

"Uncle Don is amazing, I finally got to have my spa day (El tío Don es asombroso, al fin pude tener mi día de spa) " Tallulah said excitedly.

"Uhm, cool, I guess (Emm, genial, supongo) " said her father.

Then an alarm sounded. Don sat up to take off his mask and then help the girl with hers.

"Ok, sweetheart, now I'm going to talk to your dad for a while. Can you leave us alone, please? (Ok, linda, ahora voy a hablar un rato con tu papá ¿Nos puedes dejar solos, por favor?) " Don said to Tallulah.

She nodded and went up to her room.

When they heard her door closing, both adults exchanged glances.

"If you did something to my daughter... (Si le hiciste algo a mi hija...

"Calm down, stress will give you wrinkles and make you uglier (Tranquilízate, el estrés te dará arrugas y te volverá más feo) " he answered "Anyway, I wanted to apologize for yesterday. (Como sea, quería disculparme por lo de ayer) "

"What? (¿Qué?) "

"I was thinking about it overnight and it's actually good for me that you're dating my brother (Lo estuve pensando durante la noche y, de hecho, me conviene que estés saliendo con mi hermano) " he told him. "That gives me more room to get what I want (Eso me da más espacio a mí para conseguir lo que yo quiero) "

"You mean Luzu (O sea Luzu) "

"Who'd say? You're not that stupid (¿Quién lo diría? No eres tan tonto) " he widened his smile "Anyway, how much money do you want so you don't break up with him? (Como sea ¿Cuánto dinero quieres para no terminar con él?) "

"I don't want your money (No quiero tu dinero) " he said annoyed "As I told you yesterday, I love him (Como te dije ayer, yo lo amo) "

"Better for me (Mejor para mí) " he shrugged "And, if you allow me to give you some advice, take therapy often, with him it will be necessary. He likes avocado toast, make him some from time to time to make him happy. He also loves any small detail given to him; I recommend that you do not touch near the scar on his wings and take him out to drink at least twice a month (Y, si me permites darte un consejo, toma terapia seguido, con él será necesario. Le gustan las tostadas de aguacate, hazle unas cuantas de vez en cuando para ponerlo feliz. También se chifla con cualquier detalle pequeño que le den; te recomiendo no tocar cerca de la cicatriz de sus alas y sacarlo a beber mínimo dos veces al mes) " he listed "I'm going to leave you my phone number in case you ever need advice on dealing with him (Te voy a dejar mi número de teléfono por si en algún momento necesitas consejo para lidiar con él) " he gave him one of his business cards.

"Thanks (Gracias) " he murmured "I also want to apologize for how I reacted yesterday, I have never taken direct attacks well, but you are somewhat right; I'm a bit egomaniacal (También quiero disculparme por como reaccioné ayer, nunca me he tomado bien los ataques directos, pero tienes algo de razón; soy un poco egomaniaco) "

"I know, I'm always right (Lo sé, siempre tengo razón) " he laughed.

"You are quite narcissistic (Tú eres bastante narcisista) " he sat next to him.

"And how can I not be when I have a face like this? (¿Y cómo no serlo cuando tengo un rostro como este?) " he mocked.

He giggled "I hate that I can't disagree with you on that, you're identical to my boyfriend (Odio no poder llevarte la contraria en eso, eres idéntico a mi novio) "

"Don't offend me like that, you chose the ugly twin (No me ofendas así, tú elegiste al gemelo feo) " he feigned indignation.

"And how was I supposed to choose the cute one if I didn't know you yet? (¿Y cómo se supone que iba a elegir al lindo si aúnno te conocía?) "

"What you're saying is, if you had the chance, you would have chosen me (O sea, que si hubieras tenido la oportunidad, me hubieras elegido a mí) " he formed a mocking smile.

"Not even if you were the last man on earth (Ni aunque fueras el último hombre sobre la tierra) " he imitated the gesture.

"I can say the same about you (Puedo decir lo mismo de ti) " he looked at him from head to toe.

The door opened again and Richarlyson entered along with Quackity. The boy watched as the adults on the couch kept looking at each other.

"Você vai beijar? (Are you going to kiss?) " Richarlyson asked suddenly.

Both Don and Waldo broke away suddenly and crossed their arms.

"He would like to (Ya quisiera él) " they said in unison.

Quackity rolled his eyes and approached his partner.

"Dinner is ready? (¿Ya está la cena?) " he kissed him.

"Not yet, I'm going to prepare it (Aún no, voy a prepararla) " he stood up.

"I'll help you (Yo te ayudo) " fthey went to the kitchen.

The next day was much calmer for everyone; However, at mealtime, frantic knocking was heard at the front door.

Quackity grabbed his bat again and raised it as he opened.

"Golpeame luego, en estos momentos estoy desesperado (Hit me later, right now I'm desperate) " Rubius entered. "De pura casualidad ¿Sabes dónde carajos se metió tu hermano? Lleva tres días desaparecido (By pure chance, do you know where the hell your brother went? He's been missing for three days) "

"Está acabando de comer (He is finishing eating) " he responded while pointing to him on the couch.

"Uh?" he looked at him. "¿Qué haces aquí? (What are you doing here?) "

"Mi hermano intentó matarme y me dejó inmovil (My brother tried to kill me and left me immobile) " Don answered.

"No intenté matarlo, no esta vez (I didn't try to kill him, not this time) " the younger one said.

"Realmente no me importa, hay que irnos ya. Tienes una junta en tres horas y debes visitar el nuevo orfanato por que faltaste a su inauguración ayer (I really don't care, we have to go now. You have a meeting in three hours and you have to visit the new orphanage because you missed its opening yesterday) "

"Ok," he stood up. "Por cierto, espero no verlos en un largo rato (By the way, I hope not to see you for a long time) " he said as he walked to the door "Espera (Wait) " he took out some earplugs from his bag. "Tallulah," he threw them at her "I also have sensitive ears. When I return I hope to see you on the honor roll (También tengo oídos sensibles. Cuando vuelva espero verte en el cuadro de hoor) " he winked at her.

"Thank you, Mr. pretty smile (Gracias, señor sonrisa linda) " she hugged him.

The older one stroked her hair "Waldo," he looked at the Scotsman "Do not ruin it (No lo arruines) "

"Don't come back (No vuelvas) " he responded.

He laughed "By the way, you're not that ugly (Por cierto, no eres tan feo) "

He left together with Rubius.

"Espero que te hayas comportado (I hope you behaved) " the Spaniard told him.

"Resérvame un vuelo a España para la próxima semana (Book me a flight to Spain for next week) " he ordered.

"¿Por? (Why?) "

"Hay algo que quiero allá (There's something I want there) " His smile widened.

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