An Inconvenient Neighbor (Part 1)

"Ok" Foolish smiled "I see you are spaniard. Oh! My boyfriend is from Spain too (Veo que eres español ¡Oh! Mi novio es de España también) " he got excited "You have a small criminal record, although we have worse residents. But, I would like to know why do you want to live here? It 's rare that someone wants to be here of their own free will. (Tienes un pequeño récord criminal, aunque tenemos a residentes peores. Pero, me gustaría saber ¿Por qué quieres vivir aquí? Es raro que alguien quiera estar aquí por voluntad propia) " he looked at him.

"La verdad es que tengo varias razones, pero la principal es que estoy buscando a mi hijo. Escuché que podría estar aquí y tenemos un asunto pendiente (The truth is that I have several reasons, but the main one is that I am looking for my son. I heard he might be here and we have unfinished business) " Rubius replied while looking around him "Mientras más rápido pueda mudarme sería mejor. No tengo mucho dinero, pero haré trabajo dentro la colonia. Puedes considerarme como un ángel de la guarda (The faster I can move the better. I don't have a lot of money, but I will do work in the colony. You can consider me as a guardian angel) "

"Oh, I have no problem with that; but you haven't even read the contract and I haven't told you about the reality show that 's going on... (Oh, no tengo problema con eso; pero ni siquiera has leído el contrato y tampoco te he comentado del reality show que se está gra... "

"No es necesario, viviré aquí (No need, I' ll live here) "

"I see that you are determined (Veo que estás decidido) " Foolish mumbled "I like it, the down payment is... (Me agrada, el pago inicial es... "

"De hecho, estoy teniendo problemas monetarios ahora. Tú sabes, con todo eso de estar viajando en una búsqueda desesperada por mi hijo (Actually, I'm having money problems right now. You know, with all that traveling on a desperate search for my son) " he feigned a pout.

"Oh, sorry to hear (Oh, lamento escucharlo) " he bit his lip "I also have a daughter, and if I lost her I would do everything possible to get her back. My boyfriend won't like it, but you can stay in our temporary house; it's not as big as ours, but I think you'll be comfortable. If someone asks, just say you're the gardener (Yo también tengo una hija, y si la perdiera haría hasta lo imposible por recuperarla. A mi novio no le va a gustar, pero puedes quedarte en nuestra casa provisional, no es tan grande como la nuestra, pero creo que podrás estar a gusto. Si alguien pregunta, solo di que eres el jardinero) " he smiled "I can start paying your rent (Yo puedo empezar pagando tu renta) "

"Tienes un alma tan pura (You have such a pure soul) " he dramatized.

"Hey, between parents we must support each other (Ey, entre padres debemos ayudarnos) " he got up "You can come with me, I'll show you your new home (Puedes acompañarme, te enseñaré tu nuevo hogar) "

The other one followed him with an arrogant smile.

As they walked, Foolish took the time to explain a bit about how things worked inside the place; more than anything the rules of reality:

Don't damage cameras and/or equipment.Don't attack production.The cameras will follow you whenever they want and wherever they want except for the bathroom. However, their withdrawal can be negotiated when seeking sexual intimacy.Children may not be touched or attacked.Production can help you sometimes, but not all the time. If we find out that you are bothering an employee too much, you will be ignored for life.You cannot run away from the show unless you have fulfilled a twelve-year contract (Contracts can be renewed if QSMP Entertainment so wishes)You cannot leave the colony for more than a weekAny doubt or complaint can be discussed with Cucurucho. In case he is busy, he will take care of answering you as soon as possible.

"¿Cucurucho?" Rubius asked.

"He is the producer of the show. Nobody knows what he really is like, because he always presents himself through a projection and wears a mask. (Es el productor del programa. Nadie sabe cómo es realmente, pues siempre se presenta a través de una proyección y usa una máscara) " Foolish explained "We also think that his name is false (También pensamos que su nombre es falso) "

9. You are not our bosses,

10. Enjoy the show.

"¿No son algo agresivos? (Aren't they kind of aggressive?) " the Spaniard looked at him.

"Maybe a little, but don't worry. They've been here for a few months now and they haven't done anything wrong (Tal vez un poco,pero no te preocupes. Llevan aquí ya unos meses y no han hecho nada malo) " he replied with a smile "We're here (Llegamos) " they stopped in front of a huge building.

It was a mansion made of marble and windows with light purple and green tones. From the way it was built, it looked like it was aiming to be more of a castle or Victorian-style house.

With a button, Foolish opened a gate that blocked his path. They walked down a beautiful stone path that led to the entrance. There were small bushes on the sides to decorate.

Rubius leaned to the right side of him and saw a small wooden house.

"Supongo que ahí viviré yo (I guess I'll live there) " he looked at it.

"Huh? Why would you live in a bathroom? (¿Uh? ¿Por qué vivirías en un baño?) " Foolish looked at him confused "Your house is this (Tu casa es esta) " he pointed to the mansion.

The Spaniard was stunned for a few seconds.

"¿¡Esta es tu casa provisional!? (Is this your temporary home!?) "

"You don't like it? (¿No te gusta?) " he worried.

"No es eso, solo que... ¿Sabes qué? No discutiré por esto (It 's not that, it's just... you know what? I won't argue about this) " laughed and then let out a whistle "Es un lugar bastante chulo (It's a pretty cool place) "

"I'm glad you like it! My boyfriend and I designed it for a summer vacation. There is a pool in the back (¡Me alegra que te guste! Mi novio y yo la diseñamos para unas vacaciones de verano. Hay una piscina en la parte trasera) " he smiled "I'll go get the keys, wait here (Iré por las llaves, espera aquí) " he left.

Rubius put on a smug smile and took a quick tour of the property. He never thought that someone like him could be so lucky, even with the salesman's ingenuity.

For a few moments he could swear that he had arrived in paradise. However, nothing in life is perfect.

He felt a pair of eyes rest on him, and his surprise at finding the person behind him was indescribable.

"¿Rubius?" he frowned.

"¿Missa?" He imitated the action.

"¿¡Qué haces aquí!? (What are you doing here!?) " they shouted in unison.

"¡Missa!" a third voice interrupted "Que bueno que te encuentro ¿Me puedes creer que papá me dejó plantado? Literalmente solo me soltó a Leo, comió y se fue (It 's good that I found you. Can you believe that dad stood me up? He literally just dropped Leo on me, ate and left) " Roier complained –Ahorita dejé a los niños con Jaiden, la neta si me enojé (Right now I left the children with Jaiden, honestly I got angry) " he crossed his arms. His brother didn't answer "Oh ¿Ahora tú también vas a ignorarme? (Oh, are you going to ignore me now too?) "

The black-haired man rolled his eyes and directed the younger's head towards the blond.

"¿¡RUBIUS!?" he yelled "¿Desde cuándo dejan entrar a gatas rompehogares aquí? (Since when do they let homebreakers in here?) " he pouted.

"Un gusto verte también, Roier (Nice to see you too, Roier) " he replied reluctantly "Y voy a vivir aquí ahora, si eso responde su pregunta (And I'm going to live here now, if that answers your question.) "

"¿¡QUÉ!? (WHAT!?) " the brothers shouted.

"No digas mamadas, sácate a la chingada mejor (Don't say bullshit, get the fuck out) " Roier released.

"Miren, a mí tampoco me fascina vivir aquí sabiendo que están ustedes dos, pero tengo unos asuntos que debo resolver (Look, I don't love living here knowing you two are here either, but I have some issues I need to take care of) "

"¿Y esos asuntos no se llamarán Vegetta por pura casualidad? (And those issues will not be called Vegetta by pure chance?) " Missa arched an eyebrow.

"I'm back! (¡Volví!) " Foolish appeared before the other one could respond "Oh, you're already meeting the neighbors (Oh, ya estás conociendo a los vecinos) "

"Ya los conocía (I already knew them) " Rubius growled.

"Really!? Good luck to you, they can show you around the neighborhood later (¿¡De verdad!? Que buena suerte tienes, ellos pueden enseñarte el vecindario más tarde) "

"Foolish" Missa pulled him by the arm "Creo que no entiendes quién es él (I think you don't understand who he is) "

"Is he famous? I'm really bad at remembering faces (¿Es famoso? Soy muy malo recordando rostros) " he asked in a whisper.

"Ya quisiera ese tipo tener fama. Foolish, él es la razón por la que nuestros padres... (This guy would like to be famous. Foolish, he's the reason our parents... "

"¡He vuelto! (I'm back!) " they heard Vegetta's voice in the distance "Lamento tardar tanto, los de producción no dejaba de insistir por una nueva temporada y tuve que callarlos uno por uno (I'm sorry it took so long, the production kept insisting on a new season and I had to shut them up one by one) " it didn't take long for him to realize the tension in the environment "¿Estáis todos bien? (Everyone is fine?) " he frowned "Tú debes ser el nuevo residente, déjame presentarme (You must be the new resident, let me introduce myself) " he turned the dyed-haired man by the shoulders. However, he could feel how his blood ran cold at the sight of his face "¿Rubius?" he mumbled.

"Hola, Vege (Hi, Vege) " he forced an awkward laugh.

"Do you know him too!? But how small is the world! (¿¡También lo conoces a él!? ¡Pero qué pequeño es el mundo!) " Foolish got excited.


"Lo quiero fuera de mi colonia ¡YA! (I want him out of my neighborhood NOW!) " Vegetta yells.

"He can't, he already signed the twelve-year contract (No se puede, ya firmó el contrato de doce años) " responds production.

"¿Es que sois bobos o qué? Ese hombre no puede estar aquí (Are you stupid or what? That man can't be here) "


"Entonces ¿Esto es como un confesionario o algo así? (So is this like a confessional or something?) " asks Rubius.

"Basically (Básicamente) "

"Genial (Cool) " he blurted out –¿Y qué tengo que hacer? ¿Qué digo o qué? (And what do I have to do? What do I say or what?) "

"¿De dónde conoces a Vegetta? (Where do you know Vegeta from?) "

"Oh, bueno, es una historia graciosa (Oh, well, it's funny story) " he forces a smile "Puede que yo tenga algo que ver en su divorcio con Willy (I may have something to do with his divorce with Willy) "


Vegetta had summoned Missa, Roier and Rubius to his office; he was grateful that none of this struck Foolish as suspicious.

"De acuerdo, no podemos echarte por culpa del programa (Okay, we can't kick you out because of the show) " the older one began to recap "Y lograste engañar a Foolish y su buen corazón para quedarte a vivir en nuestra casa provisional (And you managed to trick Foolish and his good heart into staying in our temporary house) "

"No puedes culparme del todo ¿Cómo pones a un idiota a hacer la entresvistas? (You can't blame everything on me. How do you get an idiot to do the interview?) " replied Rubius.

"Ese idiota tiene nombre, es Foolish y es MI idiota ¿De acuerdo? (That idiot has a name, it 's Foolish and he's MY idiot, okay?) " he frowned.

"Espera ¿¡Qué!? ¿Estás saliendo con ese sujeto? Vege, puedes conseguir algo mucho mejor (Wait what!? Are you dating that guy? Vege, you can get much better) "

"¿Cómo qué? ¿Tú? Te lo digo desde ahora, no te metas con él, ni con mi familia (Like what? You? I'm telling you from now on, don't mess with him or my family) " he looked at him "Y ni se te ocurra mencionarle... ya sabes (And don't even think about mentioning him... you know) "

"¿Qué? ¿Qué le pusiste los cuernos a papá con él? (What? That you cheat on dad with him?) " Roier entered.

"Es mucho más complicado que eso (It 's much more complicated than that) " Vegetta answered.

"Eso no decía el acta de divorcio (That 's not what the divorce certificate said) " said Missa.

"No voy a discutir ese asunto otra vez (I will not discuss that matter again) " he silenced them with a movement of his hands "No te quedarás aquí de a gratis (You won't stay here for free) " he returned his gaze to Rubius.

"¿Quieres que sea tu asistente de nuevo? (Do you want me to be your assistant again?) " he gave him a flirtatious look.

"¡Ey! Cuidadito con lo que dices (Hey! Be careful with what you say) " Missa hit him"Si por tu culpa Leo pasa por lo mismo que nosotros... (If because of you Leo goes through the same thing as us... "

"¿Quién carajos es Leo? (Who the fuck is Leo?) "

"Mi hija (My daughter) " Vegetta growled.

"¿Tuviste otro? ¿No te cansas, eh? (You have another? Don't you get tired, huh?) " he laughed.

"No puedes acercarte a ella (You can't get close to her) " he ignored him "Serás nuestro jardinero y no obtendrás paga hasta que termines de pagar la casa que te ofreció Foolish (You will be our gardener and you will not get paid until you finish paying pay for the house that Foolish offered you)"

"Pero eso me tomará años (But that would take me years) "

"Debiste pensarlo mejor antes de venir a molestarnos (You should have thought better of it before you came to bother us) " he got up "Fin de la discusión (End of the discussion) "

"¿Crees que vine aquí por ustedes? Ni siquiera sabía que vivías aquí (Do you think I came here for you? I didn't even know you lived here) " he followed him "Yo solo estoy buscando a mi hijo (I'm just looking for my son) "

He stopped short "¿Tu hijo? (Your son?) " turned around.

"Sí, su nombre es Spreen. Se fue de casa a sus dieciocho y he estado buscándolo desde entonces (Yes, his name is Spreen. He left home at eighteen and I've been looking for him ever since) " Rubius explained.

"¿¡SPREEN!?" they yelled in unison.

"Sí ¿Lo conocen? (Yes, you know him?) "

Both Missa and Vegetta looked at Roier.

"No sé dónde está (I don't know where he is) " he hastened to say "Solo viene a mí cuando tiene hambre (He only comes to me when he's hungry) "

"Es su ex novio (He' s his ex) " Missa pointed out.

"Ya veo de dónde sacó lo cretino (I see where he got the idiot from) " Vegetta crossed his arms "Siempre lo dije, ese chico nunca me dio buena espina (I always said it, that boy never gave me a good feeling) "

"Pa (Dad) " Roier growled "No puedes comparar a mi ex con su padre solo porque también es tu ex (You can't compare my ex to his dad just because he's your ex too) " he blurted out "Dios, que horrible sonó eso (God, how horrible that sounded)"

"Pues tú ya deberías superar al hombre que tuvo un hijo solo para alejarse de ti (Well, you should get over the man who had a child just to get away from you) " replied his father.

"¡No fue así! (It wasn't like that!) "

"¿Hijo? ¿Soy abuelo? (Son? Am I grandpa?) " Rubius spoke.

"Knock knock (Toc toc) " the door opened suddenly "Hi Vegetta, Dapper and I made cupcakes and wanted to spread them out around the neighborhood. And I thought 'Hey, why don't we start with Vegetta? He 's always a nice guy to look at. I mean, nice to be around.' (Hola, Vegetta, Dapper y yo hicimos cupcakes y queríamos repartirlos por el vecindario. Y pensé "Oye ¿Por qué no empezamos con Vegetta? Siempre es alguien guapo de ver. Quiero decir, lindo de estar con él") " he quickly corrected .

"No es buen momento para que vengas a intentar ligar, Bad (This is not a good time for you to come and try to flirt, Bad) " said Roier.

"¿Puedo tomar uno? (May I take one?) " asked Missa.

"I'm not trying to flirt! (¡No intento coquetear!) " he blushed "Y claro, toma uno (And of course, take one) "

Dapper walked over and picked up the basket.

"We have with chocolate chips, with raisins and natural (Tenemos con chispas, pasas y naturales) " said the boy.

"Tomaré dos de chispas y uno natural (I'll take two of chocolate chips and one natural) "

"It would be thirteen dollars (Serían trece dólares) "

"¿Qué? Pensé que serían gratis (What? I thought they were free) "

"No, my dad said free only to Uncle Vegetta (No, mi papá dijo que gratis solo al tío Vegetta) " he replied.

"Que amable, Bad (How nice, Bad) " the aforementioned smiled at him "Pero Roier tiene razón, es un mal momento (But Roier is right, it's a bad time) "

"Oh" the demon muttered. Then he noticed Rubius 's presence "Hey, you're new (Ey, tú eres nuevo) " he approached him.

"Rubius" he introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Bad (Un placer, yo soy Bad) " he smiled "I feel the tense atmosphere (Siento el ambiente tenso) " he mentioned "Roier and Missa are upset, Vegetta is uncomfortable... (Roier y Missa se ven molestos, Vegetta está incómodo...) " he analyzed "Oh, are you his ex? (Oh ¿Eres su ex novio?) "

"¿¡Cómo concluiste eso tan rápido!? (How did you conclude that so quickly!?) " Rubius released with fear.

"No empieces de chismoso (Don't start gossiping) " spoke Roier "Surely that's the only reason you came; and to flirt with my dad (De seguro sólo por eso viniste; y para coquetearle a mi papá) " he crossed his arms.

"I didn't come to flirt with Vegetta (No vine a coquetearle a Vegetta) " he insisted.

"Oh ¿Entonces viniste por mí? (Oh, so you came for me?) " he began to bother him.

"NO, I don't, you muffinhead (NO, no lo hice, cabeza de muffin) "

"Oigan, disculpen que los interrumpa, pero ¿Podéis salir todos de mi oficina? (Hey, sorry to interrupt, but can you all get out of my office?) " Vegetta yelled.

They all agreed, some in a better mood than others.

In the end, the black-haired man just dropped into his chair and took out his cell phone.

"¿Y ese milagro de que su alteza me habla? (And that miracle that your highness calls me?)" laughed a white haired man after Vegetta had started a video call.

"Hola, Willy (Hi, Willy) " Vegetta snorted "No tienes idea del día que acabo de tener (You have no idea the day I just had) "

"No, pero supongo que vas a contarme (No, but I guess you're going to tell me)" he rolled his eyes.

"¿Qué con esa cara? (What 's up with that face?) " he frowned "Espera ¿Dónde estás? (Wait, where are you?) " He tried to peek into the background.

"En la playa, disfrutando mi vida de soltero sin hijos (On the beach, enjoying my single life without children)" he smiled as he sipped a pina colada.

"No te quito mucho tiempo entonces. Rubius regresó (I don't take much time then. Rubius returned) "

"¿¡QUÉ!? (WHAT!?)"

"Y ahora vive en el vecindario por culpa de Foolish (And now he lives in the neighborhood thanks to Foolish)"

"¿Por qué no lo echas y ya? (Why don't you kick him out?)"

"No puedo hacerlo, Foolish me preguntaría por qué (I can't do it, Foolish would ask me why) "

"¿Aún no le dices por qué nos divorciamos? (Still haven't told him why we got divorced?)" he laughed "¿Cuánto tiempo llevan juntos? ¿14 años? ¿Más? (How long have you been together? 14 years? More?)"

"No es tan sencillo (It's not that easy) "

"Tú lo haces complicado (You make it difficult)" he mocked.

"¡Eres mi ex! ¿No podrías al menos actuar como si estuvieras molesto? (You're my ex! Couldn't you at least act like you're upset?) "

"¿Enserio quieres que te hable como tu ex esposo? Porque con eso viene una larga lista de insultos y no serían exactamente para Rubius (Do you really want me to talk to you like your ex-husband? Because with that comes a long list of insults and they wouldn't exactly be for Rubius.)"

"Olvídalo, mejor quédate en el papel de mejor amigo (Forget it, stay better in the best friend part) "

"De acuerdo, entonces ¿¡Cómo se atreve ese idiota a regresar!? Deberías explotarle la casa (Okay, so how dare that idiot come back!? You should blow up his house)"

"Ni siquiera eso puedo hacer, logró engañar a Foolish para quedarse a vivir en nuestra casita provisional (I can't even do that, he managed to trick Foolish so he could live in our temporary little house) "

"Pones muchos peros (You put a lot of buts)" Willy snorted.

"¿Puedes apoyarme? (Can you support me?) "

"Lo intento, pero la pones difícil (I'm trying, but you're making it to hard)"

The door opened suddenly.


"¿Ahora qué quieren? (What do you want now?) " Vegetta yelled.

"Uhm, bad timing? (Uhm ¿Mal momento?) " Foolish asked.

"Oh, sorry" he suddenly changed his attitude "Hello, my beautiful boyfriend (Hola, mi hermoso novio) " he formed a flirtatious smile.

The younger one laughed nervously and approached to kiss him.

"Oh, hi, Willy (Oh, hola, Willy) " he looked at the cell phone.

"Hola, Foolish (Hello, Foolish)" he smiled at him "¿Cómo está Leo? (How is Leo?)"

"Growing up too fast (Creciendo muy rápido) " he replied "But she's fine. How are you doing in Spain? (Pero está bien ¿Cómo te está yendo en España?) "

"Asombroso, sabes que son bienvenidos cuando quieran (Great, you know you're welcome whenever you want)"

"Thank you (Gracias) "

"¿Pasó algo, cariño? ¿Qué haces aquí? (Did something happened, honey? What are you doing here?) " Vegetta spoke.

"Oh right, Leo wants to see a movie. Do you want to come? (Oh cierto, Leo quiere ver una película ¿Quieres venir?) "

"Claro (Of course) " he replied "Hablamos luego, Willy (We'll talk later, Willy)"

"Está bien. Y, Vege, debes relajarte, todo estará bien (Ok, And, Vege, you need to relax. Everything 's gonna be okay)" he said

The black-haired man forced a smile and hung up.

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