Its all fun and games...

Applejack:Hey Alexa are you almost ready Where waiting for you!

Me:I'm almost done just hold on a minute!

Me:okay I'm here

Casey: geez what took you so long

Me:I was getting ready to do truth or dare

Raph:Why they can't even see you

Me:Just incase 😏

Leo:can we just continue with the truth or dare

Me:yeah anyway so welcome back to truth or dare and the first dare is from MelodySongs26899 and it's actually a two part dare the first part is she dares Leo to make twilight blush.

Twilight:yeah good luck with that Leo now that I know that you are trying to make me blush I'm not going to blush

Leo:we'll se about that 😏

Leo:Oh twilight by the way I lost my virginity can I have yours 😏

Twilight:W-what 😳

Leo:haha got ya

Twilight:😒 whatever

Raph:Leo I didn't know you had the nerve to say something like that

Leo:I have my moments

Raph:anyway I'll be right back I have to use the bathroom

Me:ok anyway the next part of the dare is that she dare sunset to kiss Casey on the cheek


Me:well you need do do it a dare is a dare

Sunset:ugg fine

(At that time raph walks in)


Casey:R-Raph I-it's not what it l-looks l-like 😰

Raph:I'm giving you 5 Seconds To RUN Casey Jones 😡😡

(Casey starts running with raph close behind him)

Sunset:oh my god shouldn't we stop this

Me:are you kidding I want to see how this plays out

(Raph tackles Casey to the floor and starts cursing at him and is about to punch him)

Me:okay now we stop them 😐

(Leo and Donnie hold back raph)

Sunset:hey raph calm down it was a just dare

Casey:yeah what she said 😰

Raph:it was

(Sunset nods head)

Raph:okay then but still get away sunset okay

Casey:yeah I won't 😨

Me:hehe you where jelly 😏

Raph:Shut up Alexa!

Me:oh Oh ok...rude 😒

Applejack:I'm still mad at you Casey

Casey:I didn't do anything!

Applejack:you let Sunset kiss you

Casey:it was a dare!

Applejack:Whatever 😒

Me:Now this time s**t did go down 😏

Leo:aren't you a little to young to be swearing Alexa 😑

Me:aren't you a little to old to be watching space heroes 😏

Leo:hey!!I let you know that that show is not just for little kids! 😠

Me:anyway 😒the next dare is from filbertalvaro and he dares the main 7 to sing "legend of a mermaid" from melody mermaid.

Main 7:okay no problem

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(I hope this is the right song 😅)

"Everyone clapping "

Slash:Wow I didn't know you girls could sing in that language

Rainbow dash:well what can I say we're just full of surprises 😉😏

Me:well the next one is also from filbertalvaro and he Wants to ask twilight if she has ever saved Leo from any danger

Leo:of course not I'm supposed to save twilight from danger 😏

Twilight:wait yeah I have have remember when we were on the rooftops and some purple dragons came out and they cornered you so I punched them and knocked them out for you

All of us except Leo and twilight:😏

Leo:s**t! 😐

Me:oh now look who's swearing 😏

Leo:shut up Alexa your only 11!😠

Me:why is everyone so rude to me today?!😑

Me:anyway the next on is also from filbertalvaro and he wants to ask Leo if he know that twilight has a older brother who's super over protective of her named shining armor

Leo:y-you do😐

Twilight:yeah he's SUPER over protective over me look at what he did to flash when he broke my heart


Twilight:and this picture of when I thought I was pregnant and flash was the dad


Rainbow dash:Looks like you have a lot of pressure to not break twilights heart on top of the on we're putting on you


Pinkie:yeah you break twilights heart were break your face

Sunset:yeah don't break our best friends heart

Me:okay moving on before someone else gets hurt the next dare is from KnightPhoenixPrime and he dares all the girls to wear something that will make the boys noise bleed 😏

All the girls:😳

All the boys:😏

Me:all right go on

The girl:ugg fine 😑

"30 minutes later"

Fluttershy:o-okay were ready

(All the boys noise bleed)

Me:wow That's a lot of blood can I get some napkins over here!

(Hands over napkins to the boys)

The boys:thank you Alexa

Me:no problem anyway you girls could go change now before the boys lose more blood

The boys:Now don't change-

The girls:what?!!!! 😳

The boys:we mean nothing😅

Me:You little nastys 😒

(10 minutes later)

Applejack:okay where back And FULLY CLOTHED😒

Casey:aww come on

Me:yeah any way the next dare is from TMNTMLPfan and she dares us to meet the tmnt street punk

Donnie:who are they-


All of us look around

(Me internally screaming and fangirling)

The main 4:oh my gosh 😛

The turtles:😒

Swift:Hey cutie how you doing 😏

Twilight:oh a I'm good how are you 😉

Leo:yeah and she also has a boyfriend so you can go now

Swift:😒😑 talk to u later cuteness 😏

Rebel:Hey hot stuff 😏

Sunset:o-oh hey how you doing

Rebel:I'm good how dout we go hang out some where you know fun 😉

Raph:Um no she's not going anywhere with you so go along now 😒

Rebel:ugh whatever see you later hottie 😏

Raph:I will punch you in the face try me 😠😡

Ghosts:Hey rarity is it ha I got to say you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen 😏

Rarity:Oh thanks darling that's very kind of you to say😅

Donnie:Yeah but I'm the only one who can call her that so you can stop bothering her now

Ghosts:sheesh 😒

M.C:Hey pinks I heard you like to have fun so how bout we go and have some fun in my bed room 😏

Pinkie:o-oh umm..😳

Mikey:umm no she MY girlfriend and the only one who can have fun is me okay 😠

M.C:okay my god no need to get crazy

(The turtles put there arms around the girls)

Swift:well you guys are boring so we'll just leave

Rebel:yeah see you later

Me:wait don't go 😢😥

Me:you girls where so lucky to have them hit on you anyway the next dare it also from TMNTMLPfan and she dares Leo and twilight sing "anything you can do I can do better


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Me:good job guys


Twilight:and I can do anything better than you Leo

Leo:No you can't

Twilight:yes I can

Leo:no you can-

Me:okay guys we're not doing this again stop


Me:Anyway the last one is for me and it's from Hamsterjoanna716 and she wants to know what mlp and tmnt couple I ship the most

All the couples:Well!

Me:ah well I ship all of you guys but...

All the couples:Who..


Everyone except Casey and applejack:WHAT!?

Casey and applejack:haha were better than you

Me:don't kill me 😅😰

Raph:You are so dead Alexa!!!😡

Me:umm got to go

(Started to run away while raphs behind me)

Applejack:so umm anyway that's all for today and No Alexa dose not own Tmnt or Mlp or any of the music in this truth or dare

Me:bye guys see you later-ahhhh raph I'm sorry

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