Ch. 31: My Little Cowboy (An Applejack Chapter W/ Other POV's)


December 5, 2014/9:57am

Hey, my Rainbows!!! X3

So Dashie'll reveal what Silver Tongue did in THIS chappy (for realz this time). I just needed to figure out how to put that scene in the story. So prepare to read about Dashie albeit nervously telling her friends about a horrible experience. :)

Also: Prepare for my OC, Barn Keeper, who becomes a certain someone's love interest! XD


(12-7-14/10:08am) Good morning! ^^ I just thought that, since I have nothing else to do, I'd work on this chappy for a bit! While enjoying a Rice Krispies Treat... #WeirdA[beep]Breakfast

WARNING: (12-7-14/11:00am) This chappy'll be kinda long, like chapter 21 (that was 10 chappies ago, lol! I've come so far! X3).


Onward! XD


||Applejack's POV: So Annoyed That I'm Ready To KILL Apple Bloom To Relieve My Pain... O_O||

{Wednesday, October 1, 2014/6:45am, Apple Bloom's Bedroom}

      I have never been more annoyed in my life. I got up early to get ready for school, then I walked into Apple Bloom's room to wake her up. The little - what's a nice way to say she's rude? My point: Apple Bloom is refusing to wake up. She kept tellin' me to "go away" and at one point she flipped me off. That sent me over the edge. I lift the bottom of her blanket and grab her skinny little ankles.

"You are not gonna make me late for school!," I say, pulling her out of her bed by her ankles, "Now. Get. Up!"

"You ain't the boss o' me!," Apple Bloom tells me angrily, tryna get outta my grip (good luck with that, Abby; I'm stronger than most men, lol).

"As of right now," I say, still tryna pull her, "I am the boss o' you! I have to take care o' you! I don't know if it's 'cause Babs came to stay with us, but you're actin' different! What in Ponyville is wrong with you, girl?! Get up so that I can get us to school on time!"

"Why would I want to go to school?," Apple Bloom asks me as I nearly pull her off her bed.

      She suddenly smacks the right side of my face with the back of her left hand. She hurries back into bed and buries herself in her blanket. My cheek burns. That's it! I'm gonna kill her! After more tuggin', I finally get the crazy girl outta bed. She angrily walks to the bathroom and slams the door. After she gets out of the bathroom, Big Mac goes in there. Babs, who came to stay with us to be with her cousin, went in the bathroom after Mac. Since I was drivin' Apple Bloom and Babs to school, I grab my red backpack and head out to my truck. I throw my bag inside and hop in. It's a good ten minutes before Apple Bloom angrily opens my truck's passenger door. She throws her pink backpack into the back seat and slams the door shut. Babs climbs into the backseat, pushin' Abby's backpack over.

"What's your problem this mornin'?!," I ask Apple Bloom angrily, startin' the ignition.

"I don't wanna go ta school!," Apple Bloom says, with a scared look on her face, "I get bullied every five seconds!"

      I'm startin' to drive, so I can't really get a good look at her face anymore, but she sounds terrified. I say,

"That don't mean ya gotta take it out on me. People ain't exactly kind to me either, sugar cube."

"Sorry, A.J.," Apple Bloom says, "I shouldn't have hit you. Uh oh. Your face!"

"What about it?," I ask, slightly panicking (I guess that's the girl in me 'cause I ain't never been one for vanity).

"It's swellin' a bit!," Apple Bloom says, her voice still scared, "I-I'm so s-sorry, A.J.! God, I'm the worst!"

      I look over at her for a few seconds. She's got her face in her hands. I look back at the road.

"It's all right, sugar cube," I say with a smile, "It was just a little accident. No harm done."

"No harm done?!," Apple Bloom says in a panicky tone, "I bruised your pretty face!"

      I feel my cheeks heat up. I'm... pretty? Eh, I never really cared how I looked. I glance at my reflection in the rear-view mirror. I guess I am sorta pretty. And, judgin' by that stupid "Who's Hotter" post on Wondercolts Social, a lot of other people think I'm pretty too.

"Abby," I say, smilin', "Calm yourself. My (*I make air quotes with my fingers*) 'pretty face' will heal."

      I glance over at Apple Bloom again and she smiles. My goodness, that girl drives me insane sometimes, but we're sisters. We ain't never gonna fight for long. Drivin' to school and takin' the train are obviously two, very different things. After what feels like forever, I finally pull into a parkin' space in Canterlot High's parkin' lot. I pull the keys from the ignition as Abby and Babs get outta the truck. After gettin' outta the truck myself, I grab my bag, shut the door, and run over to my friends, who are standin' in front of the school. Rainbow Dash looks at me, her face frowned up. I look around and make sure my white, oxford shirt is neatly tucked into my blue jean shorts.

"What?," I ask, smilin'.

"Da fuck happened to your cheek?," Dash asks, makin' me nervous, "It's turning purple."

"What?!," I ask, freakin' out.

      Abby, who had followed me over here, says sadly,

"I got mad at her this mornin' and slapped her. That's why her face is bruised."

"Oh," Dash replies, but she doesn't have much of a reaction.


[Time Passes]

{2:57pm, Near The Lockers Of The "Main 6"}

      Twi, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Dash, and I decided to meet by our lockers in the little 5 minutes we had between the end of 6th period and the beginnin' of 7th period. Earlier this mornin', Twilight, who noticed my purple cheek, offered to heal my cheek. The spell worked. I didn't know she could do that. I guess she's gettin' stronger. Anyway, Pinkie and I tell the others about our classes together, Dash and Fluttershy tell about theirs, Dash talks about her classes with Twilight, and Twilight tells us about her classes with Beauty Queen... I mean Rarity.

"See ya around, babe," we hear a voice say.

      Silver Tongue waves at some unseen chick, but freezes up when he looks at Dash. The funny thing is, he and Dash are wearin' the same "I'm scared of you" expression. Why does Dash keep lookin' like she's seen a ghost or somethin' every time she sees him? I can see him bein' scared of her, with all the spikes on her goggles, bracelet, and leather jacket and her personality (she's got the temper of about 10, angry Rottweilers). Her bein' scared of him? I don't get it.

"Dashie," Fluttershy says, concerned, "You have that look on your face again."


||Rainbow Dash's POV: Telling My Secret||

"Dashie," I hear Flutters' voice say as I stare at Silver Tongue like he's a terrifying serial killer or something, "You have that look on your face again."

"Wh-what look?," I say, smiling and stuttering like a goof as I try to hide my emotions... AGAIN.

"The freakin' 'I've seen a ghost' look," Twilight says angrily, "Come on, spit it out. Why do you keep looking at Silver like that?"

      At this point, Silver Tongue silently creeps away from us. That jerk! I look at my 5 closest friends, who are all looking at me expectantly. I sigh, feeling as if I lost a soccer game against Cloudsdale High (that would definitely peeve me - seriously).

"Uh...," I say nervously, trying to find a way to tell them what happened last Saturday, "Silver... He, uh, tried to..."

"Dashie?," Flutters asks, "What did he do?"

"Hellooo, ladies," Spike says as he approaches us, trying to sound cool, "And Rainbow Dash."

"Real funny," I say as the other girls laugh, "Two can play that game, jerk. You're sixteen, yet you still can't grow facial hair."

"BUUURRRN!," Pinkie yells out, laughing with the others as Spike looks at the floor.

      I smirk, knowing I hit home. Spike wants a moustache for some reason. Puberty does not like him, lol! But the laughter stops. Soarin', Cheese, and our boyfriends followed Spike over here, and they're confused as to why we stopped laughing.

"What's going on over here?," Flash Sentry asks, smiling, "Besides Dash roasting Spike alive."

      We laugh again, but Egghead ruins everything by asking,

"Dash, weren't you telling us something?"

"Uh...," I say, dreading the moment when I'd have to tell them the truth, "Silver Tongue, um..."

"What about Silver?," Soarin' asks angrily, making the girls jump a bit, "Sorry, girls."

"Dashie has a terrified expression every time she sees him, dear," Rarity tells Soarin', who nearly killed Silver Tongue trying to save me, remember?

"I want to tell them about Saturday, Soar," I tell Soarin', hugging him, "But I can't! It feels weird!"

"Want me to tell them?," Soarin' asks me softly, holding me tightly (I wonder if the spikes on my clothes are bothering him? Apparently not, lol!).

      I nod and bury my face into his neck, my head resting on his left shoulder. His gray, cotton shirt feels so soft. And he smells good - like soap. He just smells... clean. I love it. Then I realize something: I'm the daring, cool Rainbow Dash. I shouldn't be afraid of telling them what happened! I straighten up. I tell my friends everything that happened Saturday, including the part where Soarin' lost his temper!

"Yeah, I kinda lost it for a minute," Soarin' says with a nervous smile, scratching the back of his head with his left hand.

"Kinda?," I ask Soarin' jokingly, laughing, "That's an understatement. (*Smiling*) Everything's all good, though. I feel much better now. (*Devious smile*) Now where's Silver so that I can knock the silver out of his hair?!"

"Dash," Twilight says, laughing, "I think Soarin' hurt him enough. Don't you agree?"

"I guess," I say, seeing her point (but why's Egghead bein' such a buzz-kill?).

"Um, guys?," Fluttershy asks in her sweet, quiet, little voice, "The bell rang already."

"WHAT?!," Twilight asks like the scared little egghead she is, "I can't be late for class! I've never been -"

"I thought you were aiming to be more like me?," I ask with a smirk (all my smiles come out as smirks - guess that's why people think I'm devious... which I am, so... hey >:3), "Or was that just a phase?"

"Oh, shut up," Egghead says as we walk our separate ways.

      We laugh, but we're sad again as we split up. At least I'll have Flutters and Soarin' with me.


[Time Passes]

||Barn Keeper's POV: The Apple Of My Eye (I know it sounds corny, but it fits ^^)||

{3:38pm, CHS' Upperclassmen Student Lounge On The 3rd Floor}

      Howdy, folks. I'm Barn Keeper, but please just call me "Barney". I'd appreciate it. I'm 16 (nearly 17) and new to Canterlot High. I felt so... alone at my last high school. I wasn't treated with respect. Anyway, upon enterin' CHS' Student Lounge, I was greeted by a few o' my classmates from earlier in the day. One of 'em, Spike, has green, spiky hair. The other one, Cheese Sandwich, has brown, curly hair. They introduced me to their friends, Flash Sentry and Soarin'. They're all real nice. Suddenly, I hear a very loud, feminine, pretty, throaty laugh followed by a loud, raspy one that's feminine too. A gorgeous, tanned blonde just falls to her bare knees (she's wearin' shorts) in the lounge's doorway, laughin' so hard that there's no sound comin' out of her mouth. Her cowgirl hat falls off of her head, but she catches it right before it hits the floor. She looks at the other guys and I, still laughin'.

"I don't know why I'm laughin' so hard," she says with a southern accent, barely breathin', "This girl ain't got no sense."

      She's pointin' to a pretty, tanned girl with wild hair the color of the full spectrum and spiked goggles sittin' on top of her head. She and the blonde are beautiful.

"I never said I was sane, Applewack," the rainbow-haired girl tells the blonde in a raspy voice, a devious, adorably dimpled smirk on her face (if smirks can be pretty, hers sure is).

"Whatever, Rainbow Crash," the blonde says, laughing as she stands up.

      I didn't expect her to be as tall as she is! My mouth is, embarrassingly, hanging open. The rainbow-haired girl smirks and points at me, askin',

"Who's the new guy? And why's he starin' at A.J.?"

      I snap out of my trance and Spike suddenly appears next to me. Spike says,

"Barney, meet the 'Main Six'. The blonde cowgirl you're drooling over? That's Applejack, but we call her 'A.J.'!"

"Sorry, Ms. Applejack," I tell the beautiful blonde, "I didn't mean to stare at ya like that."

"Oh it's all right, sugar cube," Applejack tells me with a pretty smile as she puts her hat back on her head, her green eyes lookin' up at me.

      She holds out her right hand for me to shake it. I just noticed she got little freckles on her cheeks and nose. Her buttery-blonde hair is a bit disheveled, but it looks so pretty draped over her right shoulder like that. She also got little red apple earrings danglin' from her ears.

"Try not to break his hand, okay, A.J.?," the rainbow beauty tells Applejack with a smirk, makin' Applejack glare at her (this only makes the rainbow girl laugh more).

"Thanks for the advice," Applejack tells her sarcastically, "(To me) Ignore her."

      I nod and we laugh, shaking hands. The rainbow girl told Applejack not to break my hand, and now I know why. Applejack isn't just some thin, doll-like girl - she has the grip of about 20 men. I wince and the pretty rainbow girl, who's also very tall, laughs, leanin' casually on the door frame of the lounge with her arms folded.

"Told ya not to hurt him," she tells Applejack, still smirkin'.

      Applejack blushes and Spike continues,

"The loud, obnoxious one with the rainbow-y hair? Yeah, that's Rainbow Dash."

"The one and only," Rainbow Dash replies, her face serious as she flips Spike with her long, right middle finger, "(To Spike) And you wonder why I hate you so much. Hmm. Maybe you shouldn't insult me! Have ya thought of that, jerk?"

      Spike looks at the floor. I ask,

"Who're are the others?"

"Hi, Barney," says a pretty girl that has indigo hair with pink and purple streaks on the left side, "I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"*Cough* Egghead *Cough*," Rainbow Dash says, makin' us laugh.

"Thank you, Rainbow Dash," Twilight says sarcastically, smiling.

"You're Flash's girlfriend, right?," I ask Twilight.

"Yes I am," Twilight replies, smilin' and wavin' at Flash, who waves back.

"Hello, Barney dear," says a very pretty, pale girl whose purple hair is in beautiful curls, "I am Rarity."

"Spike's girlfriend," I say.

"Yes!," Rarity replies, hugging Spike, who's still looking like he's depressed (Rainbow Dash must've really hurt him).

"HI!," says this pretty, hyper girl with wild, curly hair in 2 shades of pink (light on top, dark on bottom) with blue and yellow streaks throughout the darker pink, "I'M PINKIE PIE! YOU NEED TO PLAN A PARTY? I'M YOUR GIRL! MY BOYFRIEND CHEESE'LL HELP TOO!"

"Jeeze, Pinks," Rainbow Dash tells Pinkie Pie, coverin' her ears, "I'm sure he can hear you if you talk normal!"

"Really?," Applejack asks in a jokin' manner, chuckling, "I reckon he can't hear at all anymore."

      We laugh, and she shrugs. Pinkie laughs more than all of us.

"Nah, darlin'," I say to Applejack in the same jokin' manner, makin' her freckled, defined cheeks turn pink (I swear), "I can hear just fine. (To Pinkie) And now I know who Cheese was talkin' about when he said, 'My girlfriend, Pinkie, and I are very outgoing people'."

"Yeah, we are!," Pinkie says happily, huggin' and kissin' Cheese's lips.

"Pinkie and Cheese are epic," Rainbow Dash says, "(To Pinkie and Cheese) Now get a room!"

"As long as it has a disco ball and snacks," Pinkie says dreamily after she stops makin' out with Cheese, makin' us laugh.

"And frosting?," Rainbow Dash asks, smirking.

"I loooove frosting," Pinkie says happily, in some sort of frosting land in her head, "You soooo get me, Dashie."

      I can't help but laugh with everyone; these new friends of mine are hilarious. And Ms. Applejack is just too pretty for words. I find myself starin' at her again.


||Applejack's POV: My Little Cowboy (Wait. Whaaaa -?)||

{4:10pm, Still In CHS' Upperclassmen Student Lounge}

      The new guy is starin' at me again. Strangely, I ain't creeped out. Remember when I said I was "just like ma"? Apparently, we both have a thing for cowboys, too. Da hell ya think me, Abby, and Big Mac got here? God, I hope I don't make the same mistake my mama and papa did. My parents were 24 when they died, but Mac was already 6. You do the math. Granny said my mama nearly had Mac when she and papa were 16! I can't end up bein' exactly like mama (not if that includes nearly bein' a 16-year-old mother... O_O)! Can I? Ugh, I hate my life (I'm just jokin' :P). Barney is attractive, though. Did I just... No! I ain't got time for boys! I have to... well, shit, I already am a 16-year-old mother! I have to take care of everything! You know, 'cause Granny ain't all there no more - no offense, Granny Smith. Big Mac walks in with his left arm around Apple Bloom. I feel my cheeks heat up for the 3rd time today.

"A.J.?," Big Mac asks, his face sad.

      It's a wonder the boy can fit through the doorway. I look at Apple Bloom and Babs' sad faces.

"What happened?," I ask Abby in a panicky tone, half-wonderin' if Barney's still givin' me the "I dig you, cowgirl" look, "Did Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon pick on you and Babs again?"

"Yeah!," Babs says angrily in her Manhattan accent, rollin' her green eyes (much like mine), "I thought I was gettin' away from bullies! They just came outta nowhea! Called me a traita for hangin' out with Red, Scoots, Onyx, and Belle. (*Smilin'*) Big Red told 'em off though."

"Well I had to!," Apple Bloom says angrily, huggin' me tightly, "See what I was talkin' about, A.J.? They just come outta the blue, ready ta bully Babs, Scoots, Sweetie, Onyx, and I 'til we crack. Scoots looks like she gon' crack sooner than later."

"What?," Rainbow Dash asks, her face worried (ain't that sweet?), "Where is she?"

"She's right here," Scootaloo says, running to Dash, "I'm so tired of those snobs."

      Dash hugs her and Sweetie Belle runs over to Rarity. Tender - I mean Onyx Wings walks over to his big sister, Fluttershy, who looks at him with concern.

"Hey, Flutters," Onyx says, lookin' at the floor, "Now I know how you felt in Cloudsdale."

      Fluttershy smiles sadly. She's 5'8'' already, so it's hard to believe Onyx, who's only 14, and has been short forever, is an inch taller than she is. Abby looks over at Barney.

"Who's the cute cowboy?," Apple Bloom asks, smirkin' like Dash (oh no), "And why's he eyein' A.J. like she's the prettiest girl he's ever seen?"

      My cheeks heat up again. Big Mac looks at Barney, studyin' him. Now Barney is gonna get grilled by my overprotective brother. Greeeaaat. This day can't possibly get any weirder. I sigh and smack my forehead with my right hand, my eyes squeezed shut. I nearly knock my hat off in the process.

"Hey, I seen you before," Barney tells Big Mac (I stand corrected - this day just got weirder).

"I remember you too now," Big Mac replies with a smile, "That's why I was lookin' at you. I was tryin' to remember where I saw you last."

"My papa gets his cider from Sweet Apple Acres," Barney says, "He sends me to get the cases. Now that I think about it, wasn't Ms. Applejack the one who handed me the cases? I ain't never seen a girl that strong in my life!"

      Now I remember. Big Mac got mad at me 'cause I had on nothin' but shorts and an oxford shirt tied around my belly. Like I was supposed to know we had a guest.

"Small world," Dash says, smirkin' (as always).

"Dash!," I say, ready to kill her, "Don't you have soccer practice or somethin'?"

"No," Dash replies, "Why? Ohhh... I get it! You're just trying to shut me up! Not gonna happen!"

      This girl drives me insane too. But she's like my sister. My crazy, Cloudsdalian, colorful, Greek sister. I chuckle at the thought. Dash stops laughin', raisin' her left eyebrow at me.

"Sorry, sugar cube," I tell her, "I'm just laughin' about how crazy you are."

      Dash and I laugh together. Barney looks at me again, makin' Big Mac squint his eyes at him. Now the over-protectiveness begins.

"BarneyJack!," Apple Bloom yells out suddenly, grinning, makin' us all look at her like she's insane, "What? I ship A.J. and Barney like FedEx!"

"Apple Bloom!," I say angrily, my cheeks burning.

      My friends laugh, my sister shrugs as her friends laugh, Barney's blushin', I wanna strangle Apple Bloom for sayin' that, and my brother... let's just say he don't "ship" me with any boy at all. I don't even want to describe the look on Mac's face. Fuck. My. Life. I wanna scream! Then the thought of Barney bein' my boyfriend creeps into my mind. I can't... fuck it. I'm 16. I deserve to have a life instead of bein' shut up on the farm all the damn time! Barney? My little cowboy? Maybe. We'll see.



December 8, 2014/1:00pm

Did ya like that chappy? I hope ya did. XD

Should A.J. let herself fall in love? Tell me in the comments. Abby, I ship BarneyJack like FedEx too. :3

I'll see ya in the next chappy! Bye, my Rainbows! ^^


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