Ch. 20: My Little Revolution (Part 3): The Party, Part 1
||Pinkie Pie's POV: The Shout Outs||
My phone vibrates again, so I check the screen, but with hesitation. I just don't feel happy. That is, until I look at my Wondercolts Social notifications. I have several, heart-warming shout outs from my friends (and others whom I made smile):
@Soarin'sAngel14: Everyone, pay attention. We need to cheer @PinkamenaDPie up... NOW. In the comments section, tag her, send her a message, and put #LifesAParty in your comment! X3 Laters, #haters! ;) Also: Let's have a #MomentOfSilence for 9-11.
=DASH 14= 9-11-14/4:48pm, via MS Surface Pro 3 from Cloudsdale, Equestria
@VSPon-3: Yo, @PinkamenaDPie, don't go all dead on me. #LifesAParty, P!nkz, life's a freakin' party (and I'm the DJ X3)!!! XD And man, you have 1 heck of a friend in @Soarin'sAngel14 (hiya, Dashie)!
^^Vinyl^^ 9-11-14/6:10pm, via iPhone 5 from Ponyville, Equestria
@Soarin'sAngel14: Hey, @VSPon-3. And it's called LOYALTY (Try it sometime :P). #ElementsOfHarmony :)
=DASH 14= 9-11-14/6:11pm, via iPhone 6 from Cloudsdale, Equestria
@PrincessTwilyMagic: Hi, @PinkamenaDPie! ^^ Please come back to us! Be @CrayCray4Partiez again, because #LifesAParty to you, P!nk!e! X3 And @TwiSentry says hi (he <3's you too, Pinkie ;3). Lol, @Soarin'sAngel14, what's with the elements hashtag?
~TS~ 9-11-14/6:12pm, via iPhone from Cafe Zen, Canterlot, Equestria
@Soarin'sAngel14: Lol, @PrincessTwilyMagic, what's with your boyfriend's username? :P
=DASH 14= 9-11-14/6:12pm, via iPhone 6 from Cloudsdale, Equestria
@PrincessTwilyMagic: Ha, ha, @Soarin'sAngel14.
~TS~ 9-11-14/6:12pm, via iPhone from Cafe Zen, Canterlot, Equestria
@The_Party_Guy: @PinkamenaDPie, I love you. Plz reply. #LifesAParty
-Cheese- 9-11-14/6:14pm, from Cafe Zen, Canterlot, Equestria
@PrincessTwilyMagic: Flash and I can see you across the room, @The_Party_Guy! Hi! ^^
~TS~ 9-11-14/6:14pm, via iPhone from Cafe Zen, Canterlot, Equestria
@SparityIsLove: Hi @PinkamenaDPie! :) #LifesAParty, and I <3 u, darling! XD
~I Am Rarity!~ 9-11-14/6:17pm, from Ponyville, Equestria
@AJandDash: Howdy, @PinkamenaDPie. ^^ @BigMacApple, @ApplePrettyBloom (ha, ha), and I just wanna say, #LifesAParty! We <3 u, sugar cube. And @Soarin'sAngel14, u r a couple o' apples short of a bushel, but ur sweet 4 this. ^^
{Applejack} 9-11-14/6:20pm, from Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville, Equestria
@Soarin'sAngel14: Ha. Ha. @AJandDash *sticks tongue out* And I <3 our username! X3
=DASH 14= 9-11-14/6:20pm, via iPhone 6 from Cloudsdale, Equestria
There are so many more comments; I can't go through them all! *Squee* Suddenly, by the miracle of my BFF's showing me so much love, I feel a familiar tug at my scalp, and then WHAM! My perky, bouncy, pink happy-curls pop up! I suddenly change my Wondercolts Social username and post:
@CrayCrayP!nk!ePartiez: I'm baaaack! Come on, everybody, let's PAAARRRTAAAY!!! *Squee* *Squee* X3 Thanks, @Soarin'sAngel14. Vinyl was right: u r 1 heck of a BFF! XD #ElementOfLoyalty And AWWW!, @The_Party_Guy, I <3 u 2! *Kisses u*
!!CrayP!nkzPartiez!! 9-11-14/6:23pm, via iPhone 5 from Sugarcube Corner, Ponyville, Equestria
I am officially back in action! Gooodbyyye, depression, and hello, new-and-improved, sassy, party-girl P!nk!e! #LifesAParty, and it starts... NOW! XD
||Rainbow Dash's POV: Rainbow Dash, Party Planner?||
AHHHHHHHH! I scream in the dark as I sit up quickly. I feel warm, muscular arms wrap around me. I almost scream again until I realize Soarin' owned these arms. Again, your peverted minds are misleading you. WE. DIDN'T. DO. ANYTHING. I swear. Soarin' says, worried,
"Babe, you okay?"
"No, Soarin'," I say sarcastically, annoyed, "I screamed because I'm happy. Of course I'm not okay! I just had the worst nightmare I've ever had!"
"Calm down, Dash," Soarin' says quietly, kissing my right shoulder (perverts: be gone!) and resting his head on it, "What was the nightmare about?"
"My theory about Суровые," I reply, somewhat shaking, "She wasn't real."
"Whadoya mean by "she wasn't real"?," Soarin' asks.
I use my magic to light the room slightly so that I can see his face. He had sat up and his eyes are wider than dinner plates (exaggeration I read in a story once).
"She was a Changeling, Soarin'," I say sadly, "She wasn't even freakin' real."
"Whoa," he replies, laying on my shoulder again.
"Yeah," I say, resting my head on his, "The funny thing is: it felt more like a vision."
"I thought that was Pinkie's thing," Soarin' says, laughing.
"That's why it's so weird!," I say.
Maybe I should tell him about the convo I had with Celestia, the one where she said, "While Twilight's magic is very strong and Rarity's magical talent helps her add a touch of glamour to anything, I believe your magical talent, Rainbow, is absorbing everyone else's". So maybe I am having visions, all because I unintentionally absorbed Pinkie's powers. Who the heck knows?
"Babe," Soarin' says, smiling, "It's like, four-thirty, and we've got school in a few hours. Maybe you should try to get some sleep so that you don't fall asleep in class. Again."
"Soarin'," I say, grinning, "Get a clue; I don't fall asleep in class 'cause I'm sleepy, I fall asleep 'cause it's fucking boring as hell."
We laugh and then a few seconds later, we're asleep again. The creepy Суровые dream never comes back.
It's freakin' Monday (Sept. 15). I hate Mondays! Time passes, and I arrive at CHS at 8:55am - I'm almost late. Not that I care, really; with the recent changes to CHS, I hate school even more than I already did! Speaking of the new rules: my anti-uniform petition got 30 signatures in one night alone! My phone, which has been programmed to give me an alert at different intervals (did I just use the word "intervals"?), to let me know how many people signed the petition, suddenly gives another alert. The alerts are completely different for each interval (I'm still not sure if that's the word I'm looking for *looks up word in dictionary* yeah, it's the word I'm looking for, lol): at 20 signatures, my phone just gave a beeping sound; at 40 signatures, it's supposed to play "Cameo Lover" by Kimbra (I just picked songs I like at random); at 60 signatures, my phone is supposed to play "Numb" by Linkin Park (just because that song is awesome); at 80 signatures, my phone's gonna play "Blackout" by Breathe Carolina ('cause the petition will be close to 100 signatures and the revolution "won't stop 'til I say so"! The song just effing fits!); at 100 signatures, the winning number, my phone'll play "All I Do Is Win" by DJ Khaled (and a whole bunch of rappers; this song's chorus fits 'cause we students will "win". Also: I win at everything I do, so this song is my song! X3). Anyway, my phone suddenly plays "Cameo Lover"! The signatures are increasing! I walk to my painted locker, and something catches my eye as I hug my friends: Pinkie, who is reinstalling her disco ball and rigging her locker door to her mini party canon so that, when she opens the doors (our lockers have double doors), confetti and glitter will pop out into her face. But that's not what caught my attention. What caught my attention was the fact that her hair was curly again, but it had been dyed. The top of her hair is light-pink, then her original hot-pink, and there are blue streaks, that match the blue balloons of her cutie mark, throughout her hot-pink strands of hair. She looks at me and giggles. Hugging me, she says,
"Thanks for helping me find my joy again, Dashie!"
"You're, uh, welcome," I say back, dumbfounded.
She smiles and bounces back to her locker. I smile, happy that I did something to help her. I sigh as the bell rings. First, I have math with Twilight and Rarity. I hug Applejack tightly (we're closest), sad that I wouldn't see her until school was over.
"Awww, sugar cube, don't you fret," Applejack says as she hugs me back, "We still got after school! What if we all just hang out at Sugarcube Corner again?"
"Yeah, sure," I say with a smile.
"Coolsies!," Pinkie Pie says, still bouncing.
"Sounds great!," Twilight says, grabbing her books from her locker.
"Of course, Darling," Rarity replies with a toothy smile, grabbing her math book from her purple locker, "I'll be there!"
"Yay!," Fluttershy says softly (will this girl ever talk loud enough?).
"All rightie, then," Applejack says, smiling, as she puts her hand on top of her head to adjust her tan cowgirl hat; her face saddens as she realizes it isn't there.
After school, the girls and I go home to change clothes (stupid uniforms), and then we meet up at Sugarcube Corner at 4:00pm. I have an announcement to make.
"Guys," I begin with a huge grin on my face, "You'll never guess what happened today!"
"Wha' ha'ened?," Applejack says, her mouth full of apple.
"Applejack!," Rarity says as A.J. swallows.
"What?!," Applejack says, frowning.
"Uh, guys?," I say.
"Sorry, Dash," Applejack says to me, frowning at Rarity, "(Pointing to rarity) But Ms. Upity over there is one more comment away from gettin' them pretty curls knocked out of her damn head."
We all look at Applejack, surprised that she lost her temper. I can see why she lost it though, 'cause, like me, she's fed up with Rarity's comments about her. I smile as I continue my announcement,
"By Tuesday, that uniform rule'll be history."
"What?," Applejack asks, her white smile returning, "How many signatures you got?"
"What is wrong with the uniforms?," Twilight asks, frowning, "I just don't see the problem."
"Sugar cube," Applejack says, trying not to laugh, "That's 'cause you are as nerdy as I am country. You'll never get it."
"Ugh," Rarity begins, making Applejack look at her, "Twilight, darling, you have to understand that all of us aren't like you -"
"HA!," Applejack says flatly, talking to Rarity as she stands up, her hands on the table, "Look at the pot callin' the kettle black. You are such a -"
"A.J.!," I say, my eyes wide as I try to calm her down, "You're the too-cool-for-this-group, laid-back one! You never lose your temper!"
"Well," Applejack replies, her green eyes in a narrow squint, "I just lost it, Dash. (Pointing at Rarity again) That girl is getting on my last nerve!"
"A.J.," I say, placing my left hand on her right shoulder, "Stop. This isn't you."
"No offense, but you don't know who I am underneath this 'too-cool-for-this-group' demeanor, Dash," Applejack says angrily, looking at me, "I'll tell you. Underneath it all... Dammit! I'm an angry teenager who still hasn't gotten over her parents' death to this very day. I don't care if my parents died when I was only four. It still hurts."
Applejack looks at all of us, and then walks out of Sugarcube Corner, finishing her red apple, her left hand in her blue jeans' pocket. I just look at the entrance doorway, shocked and sad. We've been so busy thinking about ourselves that we didn't see that Applejack was hurting inside. I feel so freakin' bad right now.
"Oh my Celestia!," Rarity says, tears in her eyes, "I'm just... I'm horrible! I didn't know..."
The rest of Rarity's sentence is lost in sobs. I just roll my eyes. Pinkie Pie, also on the verge of tears, says,
"We have to do something! I was planning a comeback party, but it's gonna have to be a comeback party for both me and A.J.!"
"Uh, Pinkie," says Twilight, "I know this isn't a good time, but it's 'A.J. and I', not 'me and A.J.'."
"Well if you knew this wasn't a good time," I begin angrily, "Then why'd you open your big, egghead mouth?!"
There is silence. I glare at Egghead and Pinkie looks at us both, worried. Pinkie says happily,
"I say we all plan this epic party together, so we can just have fun and stop fighting! Weee just need to get A.J. back!"
"Me? A party planner?," I ask Pinkie, who nods, "But that's your thing, babe, not mine."
"Awww, come on Dashie!," Pinkie says, "With any luck, there'll be apple cider!"
I perk up at the sound of "apple cider". My one weakness, besides losing, that is. What? I like to win! Speaking of winning, I never got to tell A.J. how many signatures the petition got! My phone played "All I Do Is Win" at lunchtime earlier...
I walked into the cafeteria, sad that I'd be separated from my closest friend, Applejack. We were often told we were joined at the hip, lol. I laugh to myself, getting my lunch from Granny Smith, who makes me even sadder because she's A.J.'s grandmother. I sighed as I sat at a table with Fluttershy, Derpy, Bulk Biceps, and my awesome boyfriend, Soarin', who hugged me as I sat down, to his left. After a few moments of eating, my phone suddenly vibrates. I forgot to turn the volume back up. As I turn up the volume, "Blackout" by Breathe Carolina plays, signaling that my petition had 80 signatures. I smile and eat a little more of my lunch. Suddenly, "All I Do Is Win" plays. My petition reached its 100-signature mark! The other students looked over to our table, wondering why I was squealing. I pointed to my phone as I tried to tell Soarin' the good news.
"My petition... one hundred signatures... I did it...," I said, panting and gasping.
"You want me to tell everyone?," Soarin' asked, a worried expression on his gorgeous face (he's so freakin' hot).
"No," I replied with another gasp, "Let... Суровые make... announce-"
Then I fainted with a smile, only hearing a few gasps and feeling warm arms wrap around me before blacking out. I woke up in the nurse's office, on some little bed that my legs were too long for (lol! X3). Soarin' pushed some of my hair from my face.
"Hey, you," he said softly as I looked up at him.
"Hey," I said, sitting up, "What happened while I was sleep?"
"Your phone wouldn't shut up," Soarin' said, smiling, "You're gonna love this: when I checked how many signatures your petition got, it said you had one hundred, thirty-two signatures!"
I smiled and hugged him tight. The best. Day. Ever! X3 *Squee* Soarin' and I made out until the nurse came back.
||Flashback Over||
I smile, considering the possibility of planning an epic party rather than just making an appearance at one (I am pretty popular; I'm invited to every party). I agree to help plan the party, making Pinkie bounce around and hug me. She hugs the others as they agree to help, and then we head out to get Applejack back.
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