It is officially Monday. It is surprisingly sunny and the "Main 6" are whole again. However, none of the students are aware of the news they are about to get. A harsh voice, nowhere near close to Princess/Principal Celestia's, bursts out of Canterlot High's outdoor intercom speakers.
"All you lolly-gaggers outside," says the harsh, somewhat Russian-accented, female voice, making students stare at the speakers with wide eyes, "Come into the school now! We are having assembly in auditorium!"
The students all look at each other with confusion, for they are used to the soft, sweet voice of Princess Celestia, or the calm voice of her sister, Princess/Vice Principal Luna. The freshmen hurry into the school, frightened, and the sophomores slowly follow suit; however, upperclassmen, such as the "Main 6", hang around outside a little longer. Twilight, who is not one to break rules of any kind, hurries into the school with the freshmen.
"What an egghead!," Rainbow Dash says, laughing as she rolled her eyes behind her mirrored Ray-Bans, "I've never seen a chick more excited about school than her!"
Rainbow Dash then bites the rest of her chocolate Tootsie Pop off of the stick and throws the white stick to the ground. Applejack laughs and says,
"Dash, you may hate school, but that don't mean everyone else has to."
"Do you like school?," Rainbow Dash asks Applejack, smirking because she already knows the answer.
"No," Applejack says matter-of-factly.
"That's what I thought," Rainbow Dash says, a smug grin gracing her pretty face.
The remaining 5 of the "Main 6" enter the school with caution, when Rainbow Dash suddenly sneezes while hovering above her friends.
"Are you okay, sugar cube?," Applejack asks her colorful friend, her concern obvious.
"Remember that joke I made freshman year about being allergic to school?," Rainbow Dash asks her friends.
"Yeah!," says Pinkie Pie, a huge grin on her face, "How could we forget, Dashie?! That was one of the funniest jokes ever made to a teacher's face! By the way, what did you have to do when you got detention?"
"I had to clean trophies," Rainbow Dash says with a smirk, "Ms. Uptight got mad at me 'cause one of the trophies I was cleaning just happened to have my name on it! (Laughing) Fucking classic. Anyway, the reason I even brought that up is to ask: is it possible to be allergic to school or insufferable boredom?"
"No, sugar cube," Applejack replies, laughing, "I don't think that's possible."
"I was just asking," Rainbow Dash says, shrugging, "Curiosity's a bitch, isn't it?"
The girls laugh as the harsh, Russian-accented voice blares from the speakers again. The Russian woman says,
"All students report to auditorium now, or risk detention!"
Rainbow Dash groans as they make their way towards the auditorium. Upon entering the large theater/auditorium, the girls see that no one is sitting down, but are lined up near the stage. A very unattractive, stout woman steps onto the stage, her appearance making Rarity gasp.
"Oh my stars!," begins Rarity, her dark-blue eyes giving the new woman a once-over, "That pantsuit is beyond unflattering! The sleek bun in her hair is the only thing she's got going for her."
"That bun seems to be the only thing that's holding her face together!," Rainbow Dash says, laughing as she eyes the woman's many wrinkles.
"Ahh, ahhh!," Rarity screams, noticing the wrinkles too, "Has she ever heard of Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair?! Her wrinkles would clear up quickly, I'm sure."
"Personally, I don't think she looks a day over eight hundred," Rainbow Dash says sarcastically, smirking as the surrounding students snicker at her joke.
The wrinkled, Russian woman barks into the microphone,
"BE QUIET, IMMATURE CHILDREN! I am about to address you. Good morning, delinquents, I am Ms. Суровые. My name is pronounced, 'sur-oh-way'. It means 'harsh' in Russian. Your beloved princess, Celestia, felt that she could no longer take on responsibility of running both Equestria and Canterlot High, so she and her sister agreed to make me new principal of Canterlot High."
Shocked, Canterlot High's entire student body gasps. The "Main 6" look at each other, their eyes equally as wide as the other girl's.
"Celestia's gone?," asks one girl, nearly in tears.
"But we love Celestia and Luna too much! They can't leave!," says another girl.
"What about my Magic Tutoring lessons with her?," asks Twilight.
"Da fuck?!," Rainbow Dash asks herself quietly, looking down at the dark carpet that covers the floor, "(To her friends) She's kidding right? Celestia wouldn't leave us with this cranky dinosaur."
"Rainbow!," Twilight says to Rainbow Dash angrily, "That wasn't very nice!"
"She's not exactly being nice to us either, Twilight," Rainbow Dash counters.
"QUIIIIEEET!," Ms. Суровые shouts, "(Once the auditorium is quiet) Now. I've been told that this school is quite diverse. There are flying students -"
Cheers erupt from Rainbow Dash and all the students that could fly. Bulk Biceps suddenly yells, "YEAH!". Ms. Суровые continues,
"There are magical students -"
More cheers erupt from Rainbow Dash and students like Trixie, who all possesed magic. Twilight smiles, silently cheering for her wings and magic, as Ms. Суровые rambles on, saying,
"And there are those who lack magic and wings, but are talented in other ways. You are all very different, so I made some seating arrangements. From this moment forward, every time you enter this auditorium for plays and assemblies, you will sit in the seats in your designated group's area of the auditorium. Do I make myself clear?!"
Quite frankly, the aged woman did not make herself clear, for the students looked at each other with confused expressions.
"How do I put this?," Ms. Суровые asks herself, "Ahh, yes. I almost forgot: your designated areas of the auditorium are marked with signs. The flyers will sit high up, in the balcony area. The magical students will sit on my left. The non-magical and wingless will sit to my right."
"Whoa. Whoa. WHOA!," Rainbow Dash says angrily, "You're dividing us? We've never been freakin' divided!"
The other students begin to protest, but Ms. Суровые doesn't care. She tells them,
"What I say is law! Now go to your designated seats and behave!"
"Oh, crap," Applejack says to her friends, a worried expression on her freckled face, "We gon' be separated!"
"I know, darling," Rarity replies, "This doesn't look good."
"Okay," Rainbow Dash says, hating what she was about to suggest, "I'll sit up in the balcony with Flutters so that she's got a person strong enough to knock the hell out of whoever messes with her. Twi, you'll sit with Rarity because you had magic before you had wings, which automatically puts you in the 'magical student' category. And of course, Pinkie and A.J. will sit together."
Pinkie Pie's pink curls deflate slightly as sadness overpowers her bubbly excitement. Rainbow Dash looks at the floor again as Pinkie says,
"My Pinkie senses are tingling and they feel a disaster coming on."
The other girls pull Pinkie into a group-hug, feeling as sad as she did. The girls split up into pairs and sit in their pre-assigned seats, with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy having to fly to the balcony with the other Pega-Sapiens. As the students reluctantly take their new seats, Ms. Суровые says,
"Good. Ev'ry one is now seated. I can now tell you the other news I have for you: Starting on Wednesday, no one will be allowed to wear street clothes -"
There is an uproar as angry students complain about her ridiculous rules. Ms. Суровые barks in to the microphone again, shouting,
"You delinquents have no power here! I do! Be quiet! Tomorrow, your uniforms will be mailed to your homes. This is to ensure that no one, and I mean no one, can get around my strict dress code! You are dismissed!"
Later that afternoon, at 4:50pm, the "Main 6", and many of their schoolmates, gather at Sugarcube Corner, eager to discuss what happened at Canterlot High earlier. By this time, Pinkie Pie's curls were non-existent, and her sad expression angers the most outspoken girl at their table, Rainbow Dash.
"Now she's crossed a line!," Rainbow Dash says angrily, slamming her left fist on the table and startling the sweet-yet-timid Fluttershy, "Sorry, Flutters."
"Darling, I know how you feel!," says Rarity, deep-purple eyebrows creasing her forehead as she frowns, "I can't even begin to imagine what horrid color choices Ms... What's-her-face has made for our uniforms!"
"Well, in that case, you have no clue how I feel!," Rainbow Dash tells Rarity angrily, wondering why Rarity thinks she cares about fashion, "Color choices aren't a priorty, Rar. At least, not in my world. Any way, something doesn't smell right."
"Sorry," some random boy sitting behind Rainbow Dash says sheepishly.
"Ewww," Rainbow Dash says, not really talking to anyone as she holds her nose, "That's so not what I meant! I meant that something's up with that Суровые woman! Pinkie said she felt a disaster coming. Does anyone else think that Суровые is as evil as she looks and is gonna do something evil?"
"Oh come on, Rainbow," begins Twilight, frowning, "You're only saying this because the thought of rules of any kind make you cringe! (Smiling) Personally, I don't see a problem with the new dress code!"
"Easy for you to say," Rainbow Dash says, smirking, "You dress like some preppy, egghead school girl every day!"
"Twilight," Rarity says, "How can you like the idea of uniforms? What if they make us look like n-nuns, or something?!"
Twilight shakes her head, choosing to ignore the question. Rainbow Dash was right: she dressed in preppy outfits all the time. Why would uniforms be a bad thing? Rainbow Dash sighs, saying,
"Our freedom is DEAD, and its murderer is hideous."
The girls, even Pinkie and Twilight, couldn't help but laugh at Rainbow Dash's statement. And on top of everything, it was true.
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