Chapter 10

***Hello, my loyal readers. Here is another emotional update for you. Please, vote, comment, and follow for more. Thanks to all of you who remain with me. Sending love, MMF***

Marinette was surprised when she saw Luka standing before her. The bluenette locked her gaze on her man, who chuckled. She was perplexed as to why Luka had shown up after she had assured him she would see him on Monday. Marinette took a deep breath and swallowed. She had promised Adrien a Luka-free weekend so they could concentrate on Alya and Nino, but yet here he was.

"Well, when my lovely girlfriend informed me she was at the park with her friends, I couldn't help but come find her," Luka explained in response to her previous question, making sure he stared straight at Adrien as he pronounced the word friends. Adrien clenched his jaw in anger due to Luka's action. Did he have to rub it in his face? It was clear enough already. Must he continue torturing him?

 As Luka finished speaking, he pulled Marinette in for a hug, placing a kiss on her cheek close to her mouth. Feeling slightly uncomfortable at the moment, Marinette discretely leaned away from Luka and turned around to look at Adrien. He probably thought the worse of her now. All thanks to Luka.

The moment her eyes landed on the blonde, her heart broke. Adrien was silently staring at the ground, seeking to cover his face, but it was clear that he was in pain. He was more than hurt; he was enraged, broken, and completely ruined. Marinette was sure that he believed she had broken her promise, although this was not the case.

Adrien felt as if he'd been stabbed in the chest with a knife. He felt misled, manipulated, betrayed, and completely useless. Marinette had promised that this weekend would be theirs alone. With no  Luka, no work, and nothing to obstruct their time together. Yet here  Luka was. Who was making sure to remind the blonde that he was just a friend! 

But what was worse was the fact that his presence here meant that Marinette had texted him only moments after kissing him. Adrien could have sworn the kiss meant something, at least to him, but it seemed to have meant nothing to her.

"Hey, guys. Long time no see. How have you been?" Luka spoke, turning to look at both Nino and Alya. The couple hugged and faked smiled as Alya responded, "Great, just missed my bestie here so much we decided to come back for a visit."

"That's great," Luka responded, with a fake smile of his own. He was well aware that the pair had hoped Marinette and Adrien would marry. In fact, Luka had not failed to see the exciting look they had when the teens were hugging moments ago. Now he understood why Marinette had not invited him to the hangout. He honestly couldn't wait till they part on Sunday. Not that the guitarist would ever admit that to his girlfriend. As much as he hated it, he had to pretend to love them for the sake of his relationship.

Luka and the teens fell into a conversation about everything going on during their time gone. Luka was sure to brag about dating Marinette once or twice.

Noticing the teens lost in conversation, Marinette took the time to make eye contact with Adrien, but what she saw made her shiver. Not only was it evident Adrien was hurt, but Marinette saw anger. Anger Adrien made sure to show as he looked at her. Clenching his jaw, he shook his head to show his disappointment.

Marinette wanted to run to him and explain. It was clear to the bluenette that Adrien felt betrayed. Marinette yearned to hug him and beg him to believe she didn't invite Luka, but she knew she couldn't do it now. It was not the time or place to explain things.

It also didn't help that Luka made sure to keep his hold on her. As he spoke to her friends, he had somehow managed to place himself behind her and wrap his arms around her waist, hugging her from behind as if they were the world's best couple.

Adrien struggled to remain calm as he tried to make sense of the events. She had just kissed him. How could she stand here hugging Luka as if it didn't matter?

An hour ago, Adrien was sure that he could be okay with being her friend even if she chose to be with Luka, but now he wasn't very confident that could happen. Can he really be alright with the massive pain he will experience every time he sees them together? Can he handle knowing she could never love him again?

Marinette stood in Luka's arms, but her eyes never left Adrien's. She could see his expression go from hurt to angry to sadness. The bluenette noticed his eyes beginning to fill with tears, and it broke her. It was all her fault! Why did Luka have to show up now?

Failing to hold back tears for much longer, Adrien stood up, whispering a quick "excuse me" before walking away quickly.

Luka smirked slightly at Adrien's actions, but it did not go unnoticed by the blonde's best friend, who slightly elbowed his girlfriend, subtly signaling her to look. Alya was angry. She never expected Luka to be that type of guy. She always thought he wasn't the one for her friend, but now she was one hundred percent certain of it. If only Marinette would notice soon.

Marinette, on the other hand, wanted to run after Adrien. She wished to stop him, hold him, and assure him that it was not what it looked like, but with Luka here, there was no way she could be able to do it. Marinette was struggling with her heart. She was not sure what she was feeling. Did she want to be with Luka, or did she want to be with Adrien? Why was it so difficult to decide? The bluenette was confused about everything but one thing, and that was that it was best to remain quiet until she did.

Sensing her best friend's dilemma and not caring for Luka's attitude, Alya stood up, pulling her boyfriend up with her. "Well, ut has been fun, it was so good to see you, Luka, but we should really get going. You ready, Mari?"

Marinette smiled gratefully at her friend. "Yeah, of course. I'll call you later, Luka," Marinette said as she began to remove his arms and walk away.

"Marinette, wait," Luka called out, running to her side. Marinette stopped but looked towards Alya with pleading eyes. Alya bit her lip and shrugged, not sure of what else to do. "Can we talk for a quick second?" Luka said, holding on to her hand. He then hesitated a bit before adding, " in private." Luka then looked towards Alya, who took it upon herself to walk away.

Marinette smiled weakly at Luka and followed him towards the benches. She was not sure what Luka needed to speak to her about, but she hoped it was quick and hopefully not something to add more pressure to her at the moment. Sadly, she didn't know she would be wrong.

Luka stared at Marinette in silence as she looked everywhere else but him. If she was honest, Marinette did not want to be there right now. Her mind was too busy worried about Adrien. Marinette bit her lip as she remembered the look the blonde gave her before walking away. He had made it clear that he was upset with her, and now all she wanted was to fix things between them.

Marinette felt guilty here she was sitting by the boy she called her boyfriend, but with her best friend in mind. The same best friend who she had kissed hours before. Marinette felt ashamed of herself. She knew she had been making poor decisions as of late, but it was as if she was having a hard time thinking. She never realized what she was doing until after she had done them. Now, the guilt was eating her up inside.

Marinette was not ready to talk to either one of them, and she knew it.

Deciding to break the silence, Marinette was the first to speak. "I- I can't stay long, my friends are waiting, and Adrien is going through some things, and I really should help look for him." Marinette was nervous, but luckily Luka didn't notice. His mind went blank the second his girlfriend mentioned the blonde.

Luka sighed, feeling extremely annoyed. There it was again, his girlfriend placing the blonde first again. That was the main reason he wanted to talk to her right now. The second Luka saw their little romantic scene, his blood boiled, and the guitarist knew he had to put an end to it.

Luka was sick and tierd of Adrien. Tired of his presence and definitely tired of him coming in between him and his girlfriend. Luka had had enough.

"This again? Are you serious? Marinette, you can't keep doing this to us!" Luka let out, showing his annoyance.

Confused at her boyfriend's reaction, Marinette asked, "What? Again? What do you mean again? What am I doing?"

"I mean, you blowing me off to be with Agreste. I am tired of this, Marinette. Tired of having to deal with him just because he is your friend. I feel as if I have to compete with him for your time and attention. My own girlfriend and I have to compete, and somehow I keep losing. It shouldn't be this way. I shouldn't have to beg you to spend time with you," Luka confessed in anger.

"I should be the one waking you up in the morning and walking you to school. I should be the one you want to spend your weekends with. The one who spends time with your family. The one you hug in the park. I should be the one you call first, not him! At this point, it feels as if you rather date him instead of me," Luka continued arguing in frustration.

Marinette was surprised at Luka's actions. She never knew he felt this way. He was jealous and hurt, but this was never her intention. She never pictured Luka as the jealous type. He had never said anything before. In fact, this was the first time he spoke to her this way. He was so angry, almost yelling. It honestly scared her a bit, but that wouldn't stop her from defending herself.

"Luka, that is not true, and you know it. Adrien is just my friend, my best friend," Marinette responded, angrily crossing her arms. She felt as if Luka was intentionally trying to make her feel guilty. If this is how he felt, then he should have spoken to her about it like grownups. But instead, he yelled at her in the middle of a public park.

Part of her did feel guilty because now more than ever, she was second-guessing her feelings for him. Just like she was wondering what type of feelings she had for the blonde.

"Your best friend? You sure that's it?" Luka asked, not showing the slightest hint of backing down.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Marinette yelled out angrily.

"It means I am starting to believe you were never over him, Marinette!" He yelled back.

"I," Marinette hesitated. She knew he was right. Deep inside, she had a feeling she was never over Adrien. She just believed she was for a while. But after that kiss, she was sure she was not over the blonde. Marinette was simply confused, but she couldn't confess that right now. Therefore, Marinette was going to do what she did when she felt under pressure.

"Luka, you know that is not true. I am with you now. I chose to be with you. I lo-"

"Don't," Luka interrupted. He was not dumb. Luka knew that if she said the words, there was no taking them back. It was not that he didn't want to hear her say them. In fact, Luka had dreamt of hearing her say the words to him since the day he met her, but the guitarist doubted they were truthful at the moment. They would be a lie. He could see it in her eyes.

"Don't say it. Don't say the words unless you truly mean them. Don't say them until you are one hundred percent sure that it is how you feel." Luka shed a tear as he whispered the words. He couldn't lie. The entire situation hurt. Especially since he had said the words to her before. He truly loved her.

Marinette bit her lip in guilt. He was right but watching him hurt this way killed her.

"What if it is?" she asked quietly.

"Is it?" He asked, feeling hopeful, but frowned the second he noticed her hesitate.

"Is not," he continued sadly. "If it was. You wouldn't allow Adrien to come between us."

"But he's not," she responded.

"But he is!" Luka responded once again, feeling angry. How could she not see that the model was in the way of their happiness?

"Can't you see it? It's always can I call you later? Adrien and I are going to do homework. Can I take a raincheck on the band practice? Adrien had a fencing tournament. I can't go to the movies tonight. Adrien asked me to fill in for one of the models. I am sorry, but I can't make it later. My parents invited Adrien over for dinner. Adrien already walks me to school every morning. I am sorry I couldn't answer. I was on the phone with Adrien. It's always him! When will it be me?"

Marinette widened her eyes in surprise. Was this really how things went? No, that can't be right.

"Luka I-"

"Don't, Marinette. I can't keep doing this. I can't keep hurting every time you chose him over me. I love you, Marinette, and you know that, but I can't keep waiting for the day you chose me."

Marinette took a deep, shaky breath. Was Luka breaking up with her?

"Are- are you breaking up with me?" Marinette asked, feeling hurt and confused.

Luka's eyes met hers as she said the words. He could see she was hurt. It pained her to think he was breaking up with her. It was clear she did care for him, but that doesn't mean she didn't feel the same for Adrien.

Luka shook his head, signaling a no. "I am in love with you, Marinette, but I can't keep dealing with Adrien."

"So, what are you saying?" Marinette asked, confused.

"I am saying that you have to choose. It's either him or me." 

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