XXXIII. Oh My Goodness
🔥heads up: a lot of smoochy smooching in this chap
*wink ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) wonk* (sorry not sorry)🔥
"Woahhhh!" Jinyoung said and picked up a piece of my hair, when we 'happened' to bump into each other on the halls during practice. "It's blue!!"
I nodded. "I wanted to dye it for the final." I dyed my whole head a navy blue yesterday.
"You're so pretty." Jinyoung said, while staring dreamily at me.
I squirmed and covered my cheeks. "Thanks."
Jinyoung brightly grinned at me, walking close until I was forced to back up and bump into a wall.
"Jinyoung, what are you doing?"
"Oneeee kiss." He said.
I huffed. "Do we always have to--"
I was rudely cut off when Jinyoung pressed his lips against mine, his hand making it's way up to my cheek.
Then, I realized our tongues had met. (You can imagine the rest :)
I had no choice (I actually did, but whatever) but to return his actions. Honestly, how Jinyoung has the ability to change from being a bright little kid to this scary dude is quite amazing.
When I was running out of my precious oxygen, I pulled back since he didn't seem like he was gonna anytime soon. He probably could've done that allllll day long.
My chest rose and fell heavily as we initiated in a staring showdown. Embarrassment and fluster-ness was slowly crawling up my body from my toes to my face.
"Jinyoung..." I breathed. "You are terrifying."
"What? Why?" He asked innocently, while his face was still centimeters away from mine, and his hand still resting on my cheek.
"Because one minute you're a sweet little kid and then the next you're-you're doing that!" I said.
He smirked. "I have sooo many more tricks up my sleeve than just that."
"You know what..." I started.
"You watch too many romance movies." I said.
"I do not." He stuck his tongue out at me and licked my nose.
I scowled and wiped it. "I'm really embarrassed right now, so I'm just gonna go--"
"Whyyyyy?" He asked. "It was good!"
"Yeah it was--WASN'T." I corrected myself.
Jinyoung chuckled. "It was."
I rolled my eyes. "I should get back to practice, so see you later."
"Bye Jihyunieeee--let's do those things more often!"
"How could you just say those things while sounding so innocent?!?!"
Practice was over, and I was at Jinyoung's house lounging around because I was lonely and Ryujin was probably out with Hangyeom or something.
"I'm hungry." I said.
"I don't have food for youuuu."
"I'll just eat you then." I said, leaning onto him.
Jinyoung snickered and started tickling me.
"AHAHAHA STOP--AHAHAHA--" I yanked on Jinyoung's ear and he immediately stopped, sticking out his bottom lip and rubbing his ear.
I laid my head in his lap and yawned. "I will sleep now. Goodnight. Goodbye." I said in English.
"No, you cannot sleep." Jinyoung said in English back and leaned down, kissing me on the lips.
I bit down hard on his lip.
"Youch!!" Jinyoung whined. "Why are you so meaaaan~"
"I'm sorry~" I patted his face.
I closed my eyes, not realizing how sleep-deprived I was, and soon fell asleep afterwards.
I woke up, and the sun was setting. I somehow fell asleep in Jinyoung's lap, and he somehow fell asleep sitting. He looked so cute and peaceful.
I got up as quietly as I could so I wouldn't wake him up, and went to the kitchen looking for something to eat.
That liar, I thought. He does have food!
"Why did you leave me..." Jinyoung said drowsily behind me, resting his face in the crook of my neck.
"Because I was getting bored of watching you sleep." I said plainly. "Jinyoung?"
Jinyoung stayed silent.
Did he fall asleep or something?
The thought was proven wrong when he started placing kisses on my neck.
"Can we eat now?" I asked.
"Did you only come here for food~~?"
"Looks like I'm caught." I said jokingly.
"Liar, you came here for me." He said, suddenly licking a spot in my neck.
"Jinyoung!" I growled and yanked on his ear. "Why did you lick me?!"
Jinyoung shrugged. "Because I'm hungry too. Okay, we should probably eat."
We finished dinner soon after, eating the leftovers from Jinyoung's refrigerator.
"This is my favorite couch." I said, laying on Jinyoung's couch in front of the tv.
Jinyoung went to sit down, but I stretched out to take up the entire couch space.
I snickered. "This is my spot now."
"No it's my couch." Jinyoung said. "Move your legs!"
I stuck my tongue out at him. "No."
Jinyoung snickered and suddenly climbed on top of me.
"Okay fine I'll give you room!!" I said. "Get offffff."
"No." Jinyoung said, leaning down and kissing me.
"Jinyoung--" I managed to say when he started running his tongue over my lips.
He pulled back in ten seconds. "Yes?"
"Get off before I knee you in the balls." I warned.
He got off me with a nervous chuckle and sat down next to me, staring straight through me.
I glanced at him. "What are you looking at?"
"Why don't you loveeee meeee~" He sang, running his hands through my hair.
The moment Jinyoung and I had that first kiss his touchy-touchy-ness has climbed up to level 2000.
"I doooo." I muttered.
"Good." He said.
Jinyoung swiftly leaned in again and stole a kiss from me. I swear, every kiss from him gets more intense by the one.
He was biting and sucking on my lips and I knew that by the end of it, they would be the size of Jupiter.
I let out a small noise unconsciously, and internally hit myself for it because I knew Jinyoung heard it.
Now he was using his tongue.
And I totally zoned out for the rest of the time.
My soul was returned to me when he pulled back, and I went back to my senses. "JINYOUNG!!!"
"I hate you." I said.
"I know you don't." He said. "I couldn't helppp it~"
I madly blushed and covered hid under the blanket. "What is wrong with you..."
"I know you enjoyed it."
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