How to Repair a Twisted Friendship! Here come the Weldos!

(A/N- A small warning- This chapter is lightly based on the fears and effects that are brought onto a person by being stalked by someone, as well as being in a toxic relationship, so that, alongside some body horror for everyone's favorite Electroid, swearing, and the very untimely demise of this chapter's Digimon of the Week, will make this Chapter rather intense for younger readers, which ultimately means that viewer discretion is heavily advised for this chapter. Enjoy the show, folks.)

'Holograms, a famous form of technology that is widely renowned far and wide in the city of Santa Monica. In the year 2024, all kinds of paranormal phenomenon occur all over the city. The humans who dwell within this lively city had then begun to refer to them as... Hologram Ghosts.'


A few days had passed by since the night of the Nixel Armada's attempt to recruit Digimon to their cause of bringing upon the full power of Gulus and distorting it for evil by using Morphomon, a rookie-level butterfly Digimon whose scales were causing Digimon to attack any human or Mixel they could find. To make matters worse, Jellymon and Angoramon fell victim to the scales, turning them against the Chosen Ones and everymixel else, whereas Gammamon was saved from the effects of the scales with help from Crimson Shinobi and the Nindjas, causing a remainder of the Chosen Ones and their Mixel Partners to team up with the oriental quartet, Clockmon, and Mummymon to break the spell the scales were carrying as they all amassed onto a space satellite that , While Teslo, Henry, Gammamon, and the Infernite Cousins went to find A girl named Cassiopeia Spade, who knew everything about Space and everything that dwelled within the vast cosmos. And while Cassiopeia (Or Cassie, as she told Henry that she prefers to be called) struggled from having very little social interaction with others aside from her loved ones, she and her Mixel Partners, the Orbitons, and her fellow Chosen ones succeeded in saving Morphomon. But now, Casey and the others had a new challenge to overcome- One challenge that was far more serious than any previous one that she and her friends could ever attempt to comprehend, yet it wouldn't end so sweetly as any of the Chosen Ones and their Partners would think, similarly to their encounters with Callous, Murderous Digimon, such as either Arukenimon or even Sealsdramon, that required the intervention of Gulus...


"YOU BOTH WANNA TRY AND RUN THAT BY ME AGAIN, SHIMA AND LITTLE MISS LIGHTNING?!" Casey heard someone angrily shout as she slowly began to make her way home from school with Henry and Gammamon. Turning the corner, the Siblings saw a girl a bit older than Henry with Short, wavy black hair, a yellow leather jacket with a black t-shirt reading 'Crash and Build' in large white letters along the top of it and a small drill pin on her jacket, with a pair of earrings on her, the one on her left ear a chainsaw, and the one on the right being a black wrecking ball. Her shoes seemed to be striped hi-tops, and she also wore some jeans with holes in the knees. From the looks of things, she seemed to be talking with... Kiyoshiro and Maya?

"L-Look, we've both tried to help some of the other Kids at both Angelwood Middle school and Cosmic Field Academy understand the truth during the talent show a while back, but they're just too scared to even believe that you've changed from how you used to be!" Kiyo nervously tried to explain, as the girl walked away with a soft scoff, clutching onto a hardhat-shaped pin that was on the collar of her leather jacket's vest. "Hey, Kiyo, Maya? Who on earth was that?" Henry asked, as Maya sighed. "That... Was Jacqueline Qiang, but she goes by Jackie. She's from Cosmic Field academy, not to mention that she can be pretty athletic, but as you can see, she's pretty rough around the edges to the point where almost nobody who attends the two schools wants to get anywhere near her, earning her the Nickname of 'The Heartless Angel from Space'." Maya explained as she pushed up her glasses. "Well, she doesn't seem too bad. Maybe she's misunderstood by the people who call her that?" Casey theorized, as Gammamon nodded. "Yeah. Jakkie seems like... Like my Inner Demons." Gammamon muttered under his breath softly enough for nobody else to hear him but himself. "I-I mean, yeah, she used to be less harsh towards others, and was actually a nice person despite her looking like a punk from the early 2000s in terms of her clothes and all... I just wish I knew what was making her act colder and distant compared to how she used to be..." Kiyo admitted, watching as Jackie kept walking off into the distance, who was completely unaware of a set of glowing pale-yellow eyes watching her from each alleyway that she passed by during her walk, seeming like whomever was watching her was furious...

Later, When Jackie arrived back home, she went right into her room, putting her leather jacket on a coat rack and set her shoes over by her bedroom door. "Freaking hell, it's not like I want to be seen as some freak..." She said as she fell onto her bed back first, looking over at a small robot that looked like a tiny forklift, who rolled over to her bedside, trying to check on her. "CB-01..." She lightly smiled, patting it on the head with her fingertip, as she then looked at a photo on the wall of her and someone else, but there was a dart covering up the other person's face. "... I swear, you crash and build once, and everyone is suddenly scared of you, all because you're trying to prevent something from happening a second time." Jackie grumbled, as she turned the light in her bedroom off.


The next day, back at Casey and Henry's house, Casey was in her bedroom, simply looking at videos on her phone, before seeing something that caught her attention as she was scrolling through YouTube- A notification from the Phantom's Den about a new sighting of a Hologram Ghost. Tapping on the notification, Casey read the headline, titled, 'From Man to Vine', as the Infernites and Gammamon went over to her, knowing that there was something up just by looking at her body language, as her body had briefly tensed up upon seeing this new update from the school newsletter. "'Ever since the red moon incident last Friday, there have been sightings around various locales of Santa Monica of people whose ligaments, such as their arms or legs, had been turned into a large mass of dark green vines. Nobody knows how or why this is happening, but people do suspect that it has to do with a Hologram Ghost. Until more information can be retrieved on the matter, everyone in the city is required to be on high alert, being careful to not wander too far from their friends should people head out together'." Casey read, her voice slowly seeming to fade from its usual cheerful self, growing to seem more frightened than usual. Normally, updates involving Hologram Ghost sightings weren't so bad, but something about this left a really bad taste in her mouth. Casey just quickly got up on her feet, and then, with her fingers rapidly tapping on her phone's keyboard as fast as bullets, had sent a message to the others on the team about the newest update on the digital news forum that unknowingly covered Digimon's actions around town, and for them to meet up somewhere in town to try and gather as much info as they could, and ultimately stop whoever was behind this new paranormal phenomenon. 

"So, there might be somebody that's attacking people and turning their Limbs into large masses of vines?" Coraline asked Casey and the Infernites as she and the other Chosen Ones had agreed to meet up at Clover Park. "Yep. And we're gonna try and find what we can to bring whoever's responsible for this to justice." Casey told the rest of the humans, Mixels, and Digimon present, as Kiyo just seemed a bit unsure. "I mean, yeah, but if it's not like we're the police. We can't do much about this..." Kiyo muttered, but Maya shook her head. "If there's anything we CAN do, though, Kii, we can clearly tell that this is something done by either a Mixel or Digimon." She explained, before Kraw spoke up. "Maya, that's the thing- To our knowledge, there's no known Mixel tribe with control over Plants." The Flexer told her, as Maya then nodded. "O-kaaay, Then it's a Digimon." She responded, before thinking it through. "But we still need to make it seem like we're not the police..." That is when Alya and Amber both got an idea. "Okay, this may sound crazy, but bear with me- How many of you guys remember that show called Ghost Hunter from 2004?" Amber asked the humans in the group, as a few of them raised their hands, knowing exactly what Amber was talking about, yet Casey seemed confused, yet Scorpi knew what she was getting at. "W-Wait, are you saying we need to form a team of Paranormal investigators to find the Digimon responsible?" The small Spikel leader asked, before quickly shaking his head. "N-No, thanks. I-I mean, sure, I'm able to handle everything else we've been through since me, Hoogi, and Footi met Rose and the rest of you, but I've had it with scary stuff. Last Halloween back home, Tes, Volts, and Zaps did a Haunted house sort of thing, and let's just say it wasn't pretty..." He explained, shuddering at the thought of a more sinister version of the Mountain city, the Electroid Tribe's Homeland, before Teslo's voice snapped him back to reality. "It wazn't even real, Zcorpi." He tried to tell him, as Hannah gently patted the Spikel leader on the head. "And even then, Scorpi, you won't be going through this alone- Remember, We're stronger when we're together." She told him, as a scoff could be heard from the sidelines. Turning around, the Kids looked over to see who scoffed, and it was none other than Jackie.

"Being stronger together? Puh-lease. That just leads to false security, and then more pain." She told them, as Rose just went over to the Punky young adult. "Well, maybe it does, but there's no false security here. We each know each other really well, so our friendships are pretty sturdy." The young girl tried to tell her, ignoring the fact Jackie was The Heartless Angel from Space. Jackie just ignored her, and just turned her back. "Believe what you will about the way of the world. All I know is that there's really just no use in trying to be your true self when you've been through the worst things imaginable." She said, as she walked away, before looking back at the group. "And the sooner you and those little Holograms get it through your thick skulls, the better." Jackie then walked away, as Shuff glared back at her. "Me skull no thick!" He tried to tell her, as Jellymon's eyes widened. "Pebble, shut up for a second. She just said, 'You and those little holograms'." She explained, as Flain realized what she meant. "Wait just a mixel- she can see us?" Flain asked, as Jellymon nodded. "Obviously, Flame-Brain. Nobody needs a pendit to see Digimon, but you and everymixel else, as we know, is way more than a whole 'nother can of worms." Casey just watched as Jackie walked off, feeling like something was there that she just couldn't help but take notice of. "You alright, Hermana?" Henry asked her, as Casey nodded. "I'm fine, Hen. I just got this feeling inside of me saying that Jackie might be an important piece in the puzzle of how we're gonna figure out what Digimon is turning people's body parts into Vines..." She admitted. "Any-ways, back on topic of the whole Ghost hunter thing- Well, Scorpi was right about the whole 'forming a team of Paranormal investigators to find the Digimon responsible' thing. We just need a name for ourselves..." Amber thought, before Alya came up with the perfect name. "How about, 'the Mixed-Up Paranormal Investigation Team'! Or M.U.P.I.T for short." Alya cheerfully beamed upon sharing her idea for the team's name, whereas Zorch just looked over at her, completely unamused. "... Really? Sorry, Alya, but there's no fusing way that we're calling ourselves that." The crimson speedster said, unamused, as Casey stared at him. "Any reason as to why, Zorch?" "N-No, Case. I'm afraid I made a mistake of some kind." He then admitted, feeling like Casey was Glaring daggers at him. "Anyways, I'm kinda thirsty. Luckily, there's a vending machine not too far from here, so I shouldn't be gone for too long." Rose calmly told the others, as she ran off to the vending machine. Little did she know of the horrors that awaited her once she got there...


Reaching the Vending Machine, Rose looked through her options on the vending machine, before one choice caught her attention. "Well, nothing better than a nice, cold sprite." She told herself, as she got the sprite, but she suddenly heard what sounded like plants rustling against each other, albeit there were no plants anywhere nearby, aside from the trees, and their leaves swaying in the gentle breeze. Looking behind her, Rose saw 2 large vines swoop around her- one curling up around her mouth, and the other around her waist, both vines hoisting her up into the air as she dropped her can of soda, her frightened muffles being carried along with the calm breeze, as it quickly turned harsh.

Scorpi then saw a monarch butterfly flutter on by in front of him, and he was about to chase it, that is, until his left ear suddenly flicked, hearing something in the distance, as the Spikel leader quickly tensed up. "Scorpi? You alright, little buddy?" Torts asked him, as Scorpi dashed off in the direction where the vending machine was located. "It's Rose! She's in danger!" He explained as he quickly scuttled away faster than an Australian Tiger beetle. "Zorch, go with Scorpi." Casey told him, knowing Rose needed someone to rescue her- Or two someones, in this case, as Zorch quickly dashed over to Scorpi, and picked him up in his arms as he was still running. "Ok, this may end up hurting a lot, but this is for Rose... Neither one of us can fail her!"  Zorch told himself while Scorpi nodded in agreement to the crimson Infernite's statement, as when the duo of Infernite and Spikel arrived at the younger Chosen One's location, they both saw Rose's body constricted by the vines, with 4 smaller vines holding her mouth open, and a wooden, brown hand putting a thorn above her tongue, as a small, purple liquid began to slowly form along it. "2 minutes..." A calm, quiet, and menacing voice said, before Zorch looked down at Scorpi, who nodded, as the Speedy Infernite chucked the Spikel at the vines, freeing Rose from their grasp, as Zorch caught her while Scorpi came crashing back down. "You alright, Rose?" Zorch asked her, while the young girl caught Scorpi in her arms. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for the save, you two." She lightly smiled, as she looked up at whatever was the source of the vines that held her body up, only to see that whatever it was had disappeared. But looking down, she saw the purple liquid drip on the ground, creating lime-green data rings that changed a small bit of the ground into vines. "We need to get to Casey and the others, right now." Scorpi told the duo, as the trio scrambled to meet back up with them.

"R-Rose was attacked by the Digimon?!" Kiyo fearfully shouted, terrified that someone he knew on the team had been attacked. "And it had a wooden arm, and it used it to hold a thorn with purple liquid against my tongue- the liquid was probably some weird type of venom of some kind, if you ask me, I don't personally know what it was- And it tried to use it to turn some part of me into more vines!" She whimpered, clutching onto Maya fearfully. At this point, Casey instantly KNEW what needed to be done at this point in time. "... We need to find Jackie. NOW." She told the others, as Most of the group seemed confused. "But Casey, Kiyo and Maya said she's the Heartless Angel from Space...!" Gammamon whimpered. "I know, Gammamon, but there's something telling me she might be the key to helping us to understand what's been happening around Town. And back home in Spain, when it came to these gut feelings, my instincts have never steered me in the wrong direction before." She admitted. Kiyo glanced over at Casey, before sighing. "Yeah. And as her best friend, I know where she lives. C'mon, you guys." The class representative told them, as Kiyoshiro Shima and Casey Almenera lead the rest of the group to Jackie's home, hoping to try and confront her in an attempt to get to Jackie Qiang, and figure out whatever it was that she had to do with the newest paranormal Phenomenon. However, from the shade of a tree in the distance, a set of 4 grey, glowing eyes watched the group.


Approaching the house that Jackie lived in, Casey momentarily looked at the front door, then back at her friends, before the girl from Spain took a breath in while Gammamon gave her a reassuring, adorable smile and a clawed thumb-up. "Well, here goes... Pretty much everything..." Casey said under her breath, as she stepped up to the front door, and knocked on it, strangely hearing some clattering on the other side of the door, as something that didn't appear to be human opened the door- Specifically, a Mixel. "Beep!" The Mixel kindly smiled as he opened the door for Casey and all of the other Chosen Ones. This Mixel in question appeared to be mostly yellow in color. It had a hunched over appearance, with its body sporting a black stripe and grey stripe running through it, and a red light located on its lower backside. Its head seemed to be yellow on the top, and points back. It had two small, bucked teeth that point downwards. There also appeared to be what seemed like two grey bumps on the top of its head, which appeared like it was made to resemble a comb-over. It had an eye on each side, with thick grey eyebrows. A steering wheel-like shape seemed to be on the side of its face as well. Its bottom jaw, in contrast to any other Mixel, was large and grey with a rocky texture. Its arms were long and yellow, and then seemed to widen at the edges. They also had a grey section in their fronts, and grey pincer hands connecting them, with its left pincer-hand tightly holding onto a grey chain. Its legs were short, grey, and also bowed forwards. It also had semicircle-shaped feet that were black in both the front and the bottom.

"What th- Forx? What the zhnix are you doing here?" Teslo asked him, as Forx responded with nothing but "Beep! Beep! Beep-Beep!", resulting in everyone else looking at Casey almost expectantly. "Hey, don't look at me, guys. I might be a master when it comes down to charades, but I don't even know the first thing about morse code." She explained nervously, as Jackie's voice cut through the short-lived Silence. "He said that I've given them permission to stay here during their time on Earth. Now, what are you all doing here?" Jackie asked bitterly, frightening most of the kids and the Mixels, as Casey kept herself calm. "We need to talk." She told the Heartless Angel from Space, as Jackie just looked away. "... I don't have any kind of reason as to why I need to talk to any single one of you people. Besides, Once I start chatting with you guys, I'm gonna just end up getting attached, which is just gonna lead to me feeling more pain at one point." She coldly said to Casey as Gammamon flew over to Jackie. "Just hear us out, Ms. Jackie... Please?" The triceratopsian Digimon gently asked her. Judging from how Gammamon's voice sounded to her, Jackie could tell that Gammamon was probably a Hologram with an IQ matching that of a child. A small, gentle sigh escaped her mouth as she then said a few words- "... Fine, come in. But once our conversation is done and over with, I want you all out of my house. Especially you and Little Miss Lightning, Shima." She begrudgingly agreed to the offer, as Casey and the others walked inside. Walking inside, Casey and the others could see that there were a few dusty spots along a small bit of furniture. "Dang it, I thought we actually dusted off the shelf earlier this morning..." A voice thought aloud to himself as he walked into the room, revealing it to have belonged to another Mixel. This one, like Forx, appeared to be mostly yellow in color. Both its face and body appeared to be an angular shape. Its nose extended out farther, and also seemed to resemble a chainsaw with grey blades, and it was also rimmed with small bits of black around the edges. The Mixel also appeared to have four flat teeth on its bottom jaw that all pointed upwards. It had a large eye on each side of its head, with grey eyelids and a singular floating yellow eyebrow. It had long black arms, with black pincer hands and small, red highlights. Its legs were long, grey, and bowed. Finally, the Mixel's feet appeared to seem long and black, with grill-like toes.

"Don't worry, Jackie, I'm on it." The Mixel told her, causing a faint smile to form on Jackie's face. "Thanks, Wuzzo." She answered him while she sat down in one of the chairs. "Well, seeing as how you have Mixel partners, you clearly know just as well as we do regarding the fact that they aren't holograms." Angoramon explained calmly to which Jackie had scoffed. "Let's get one thing straight here, Peter Cottontail- They're just my friends. I don't even know them as well as you think I do to consider them partners." She told him, starting to lose the angry tone in her voice. "Well, do you know anything about the Hologram Ghost going around town turning people's body parts into vines?" Casey asked, before seeing Jackie freeze up momentarily, before regaining her calm demeanor. "I... I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about, Newbie. I don't even follow any bit of news covering the Hologram Ghosts. They honestly just don't interest me." She admitted, her voice slowly growing faint. This is where Casey believed she was beginning to break through. All she needed was to keep trying to get her to open up.

[Cue Musical Number- 'For the First time in Forever {Reprise}', As sung by Casey Almenera (CV; Andrea Libman) and Jackie Qiang (CV; Celina Jade) ft. Kiyoshiro 'Kiyo' Shima (CV; Joe Keery), originally performed by Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel]

[Everyone else confusedly stares at Casey as she begins to make her way over to the Heartless Angel from Space, as the girl from Spain begins to speak to Jackie, which soon becomes full-on singing.]

"You don't have to reject me, I'm not afraid!

Please don't shut the world out,

Please don't slam the door,

You don't have to keep severing bonds anymore!

'Cause for the first time in forever,

I want to understand!

For the first time in forever,

We can fix this- Hand in hand,

We can face this head on, together!

You don't have to live in fear,

'Cause for the first time in forever,

We'll all be right here!"

[Jackie gets up from her chair, trying to keep her distance from Casey as Jackie begins to sing.]

"Kid, just go back home,

Leave me alone!

I think we're done,

Go play in the sun!"

[Casey reaches her hand out towards Jackie.]

"Yeah, but you know-"

[Jackie just lets Casey's words go out one ear and out the other as she simply heads over to Gammamon's side, resting her hand atop his head as she pets him.]

"You mean well,

But leave me be.

Yes, I'm alone, but I'm alone and free,

Just stay away and you'll all be safe from me!"

[Casey looks down at the ground, a bit discouraged while Jackie turns to leave the room, but suddenly, to everyone's shock, Kiyo decides to get himself involved, as he tightens one of his fists, going over to his best friend, beginning to sing.]

"Actually, we're not!"

[Jackie side-eyes Kiyo, slowly turning around.]

"What do you mean, you're not?"

[Casey Joins in, seeing Kiyo being brave enough to talk to his friend again being more than enough to help her find her second wind to try and convince Jackie to open up- Or better yet, try and explain to her about what has been happening across Santa Monica ever since the chaos Morphomon had inadvertently caused.]

"I get the feeling you don't know!"

[Jackie angrily glances over at Casey.]

Didn't I tell you to go?

[Casey then spills the beans. Now or never, as a wise man once said...]

"There's a monster hurting everyone you know."

[Jackie's angry gaze falls apart, as she looks at both Kiyo and Casey, shaken up.]

"You mentioned..."

[Kiyo then nods, as he then speaks with her.]

"Something is watching you, going after people you interact with-"

[Jackie then scoffs, turning away from him and the others.]

"Like I care?"

[ Casey runs in front of Jackie, a positive smile on her face.]

"It's okay, Jackie! We're here to help-"

[Jackie turns away, trying to escape and not have to see Casey's face.]

"No... No! Just get out of my hair!"

[Kiyo then stood in front of her, taking her by surprise.]

"Jackie, I know you don't like talking about it, but the truth needs to come out!"

[Casey and Kiyo sing together, as Jackie just gets down on the ground, hugging her knees, softly singing, seeming more... Afraid.]

"'Cause for the first time in forever

(Oh, I'm such a fool, I can't be free!)

You don't have to be afraid!

(No escape from the pain they've caused me,)

We can work this out together,

(I can't control the curse!)

We'll reverse the storm you've made,

(Oh, please, you'll only make it worse!)

Don't panic-

(There's so much fear...)

You'll make the sunshine brighter!"

(You're all not safe...)

[Casey then begins to sing on her own again, as Jackie slowly got up on her feet.]

"We can face the odds together,

[Kiyo watches as Casey walks over to Jackie, thinking things may turn out to end well.]

We can start to mix up the entire status quo together,

[Casey then reaches her hand out towards Jackie one last time, as Jackie's eyes now widen in fear, as her vision changes from seeing Casey to somebody else... Somebody who ruined her life in the worst way imaginable.]

And everything will be alri-"

[Kiyo tries to stop Casey, aware of what Jackie's been through, but he's much too late as the Girl from Spain gently rested her hand on Jackie's shoulder, unintentionally repeating an action that traumatized her so badly in the first place, thus instantly putting Jackie in fight-or-flight mode as Jackie screams one thing as the music suddenly stops-]



(Musical Number End)

The sharp sound of skin hitting skin cut through the air, as a shaking Jackie got her breath back, repressing the memories she despised so much. Casey was left reeling in pain, holding the side of her face as it turned pink, and then red. Henry glared at Jackie, beyond furious that she had hit his sister. "Alright, you may not know it, Ma'am, but anyone who messes with my little sister messes with me!" Henry angrily told her, before Forx grabbed ahold of Henry, trying to protect Jackie in any way that he could. "Woah, Kid, chill! Believe me, Jackie didn't mean to hurt her, I swear!" Wuzzo worriedly told Henry, as among the chaos that was currently taking place, Jackie was trying to get away, tears in her eyes. Zorch then glanced over at Volectro. "Alright, that tears it. Volts, you're the good cop, I'll be the bad cop. I might not like humans as much as everymixel else on the team, but it doesn't matter what was going through Jackie's head just now. Nobody- And I mean nobody, messes with Casey like that." The crimson Infernite said as he quickly grabbed ahold of Volectro's wrist, and dashed off after Jackie, the scatterbrained Electroid screaming as he was dragged off at such high speeds.

Jackie had run all the way back into her bedroom, hyperventilating as she hid her face in one of her pillows. "Why...? Why is it every time that when anyone comes into my life, the trauma from what happened back then always has to come back again and haunt me?!" She vented to herself, before a certain laugh caught her off-guard. "Hello, Jackie!" She looked up from the pillow she was crying in, only to see Zorch was the one had just been talking to her, with Volectro curiously looking around the bedroom. Jackie nearly felt her pulse run cold as ice. "No... No, no, no, no, no, I need to be alone right now!" she teared up, as she ran out the door, before she saw a blur of multiple shades of red rush in front of her, with Zorch standing in front of her once it died down. "You see, I know you, but you don't know me; The name's Zorch, the fastest Infernite on Planet Mixel. Run away all you want to, Jackie- You can't escape me." He then snarkily told her as the Crimson Infernite had crossed his arms. Jackie sighed as she walked back into her room, Zorch not too far behind her, as she sat down at her Desk, playing with CB-01. Volectro just glared at the tiny robot, before looking at Jackie, who seemed intent on ignoring the two Mixels. "Umm... I, uh, juzt wanna say that I'm zorry about Zorch. He's like thiz to everyone..." The frizzy-haired mixel admitted. "O-oh, right- I'm Volectro. Nice to meet you, Jackie...!" He then introduced himself to her, but was only greeted with her silence, and CB-01's chirping and trilling. 'There'z zomething about that thing I juzt don't like...' Volectro mentally admitted as he glared at the small robot. All of a sudden, Zorch just spun her chair around, turning her around to face the two mixels. "Quit giving us the cold shoulder! What do you know about the whole thing with people's arms and legs becoming vines?! Shnix, why the fusing heck did you slap Casey, My human partner, across the face?!" He angrily asked her, his rage boiling over like magma in a volcano. At this point, Jackie couldn't take it. "Well, maybe it's because I carry the pain and trauma of something that happened to me in my past- Something that I'm absolutely sure you Pseudo-Holograms just wouldn't be able to even understand!" She angrily shouted back at the Infernite, as Volectro just nervously watched the duo, as did CB-01. "Zorch, Calm down! You're only making thingz worse!" He angrily told the Infernite, as Zorch just shrugged. "C'mon, Voltz, that's just what the Bad cop does! I get to push her off the edges a little bit, and you get to be nice to her after I'm done with my bit." He explained, as Volectro lightly growled. "Yeah, but she's not gonna be nice to us if you tick her off thiz much!" He angrily told Zorch, causing their team-up to get answers out of the Heartless Angel from Space to devolve into an argument between the two. As they continued arguing back and forth, Jackie could feel a laugh bubbling up in her chest. First, the fiery one had been gutsy enough to actually stand up to her- the first one to do that since she'd rebuilt herself to keep the world at bay. Then, the yellow one was trying to be some amalgamation of a good cop, and a defensive one, which sparked the argument.

A laugh had managed to escape her mouth.

Then another.

And another.

Soon, Volectro and Zorch were stopped in their tracks by the sound of Jackie's laughing. The two looked at each other in confusion, before looking back at Jackie.

"Hey, uh, Jackie, are you okay?" Volectro asked her anxiously.

Jackie was just barely able to speak between her own laughter. "Y-you guys are hilarious! Haha! The good cop, bad cop routine, arguing about it, and chili pepper over here being the first dude to stand up to me! You know what, I can vibe, we're cool." She took a breath, and for the first time since they'd met the girl, she gave them a genuine smile. Zorch snickered, seeing Jackie genuinely smile at him and Volectro. "Well, wha'ddya know? All we needed to do was just be ourselves to get you to open up!" He smirked, as from the corner of his eye, Zorch saw CB-01's eyes light up a minty green, as a pair of large vines jutted out from the eyes of the small Cozmo toy as they tried to ensnare Jackie, but Zorch had quickly pushed her out of the way, as Volectro was tangled up in the vines instead. "I won't allow anyone to get close to my precious angel..." The tiny robot said as Volectro's screams painted the silence as Casey and the other Chosen ones who heard his screams ran up into Jackie's bedroom, to see who- or what had ensnared Volectro- and the answer was a new Digimon. The Digimon in question was nothing short of a jungle warrior in the most literal of terms. While most of its body was mostly green in color, save for the red that colored its hands and clawed feet, the only non-green colors on it were the armor and clothes that protected it. Its face was hidden by a circular tan mask, edged by white spikes, and an arcing crown of feathers that faded from yellow, to orange, and became red at the tips. Its neck was entirely obscured by a double wrapping of thick, spiky vines, much like a scarf. On its shoulders, it was protected by tan armor, decorated with painted white spikes and tied tassels, along with a pair of exceedingly thick vines. Its arms were nothing, but more spiked vines braided together to create the appearance of a powerful physical build. Its forearms were built up with stronger vines, melded together with multiple small, dark green thorns jutting out of it. Both of its clawed hands held a weapon for combat, a sickle in its right hand, and a long shield tied to its left, the latter clearly being a morbid trophy of some poor creature that it had once hunted, now its skull being used to protect the very thing that killed it. Around its waist, there was a brown belt with leaves poking out on either side. And while its thighs were hidden by lime green pants, its lower legs gave it a somewhat digitigrade shape, the tops ridged similarly to the veins that could be found on a leaf.

"Ajatarmon..."  Angoramon grumbled, as the Plant-like Digimon, now known as Ajatarmon, glanced over at the Rabbit Digimon and the other Mixels, Digimon, and Humans. "Oh, I see how it is- You're all after my sweet little Angel, too?" He calmly snarled, raising his other weapon, an axe-like hatchet, to attack them, before dragging it closer to Volectro's face. "Well, it's either you all leave this house so I can continue to be with my loved one, or Spunky here gets it." He said as he pulled out a thorn, about to do something to Volectro, causing Tes to get really angry with this walking, talking weed. "Oh, you lay as much as a zingle leaf on my little brother, and you're gonna end up being reduced to nothing but  Zchnixing digital tea leavez!" He shouted angrily, the Electroid leader's tail creating the sounds of booming thunder as it rapidly swished back and forth. Jackie seemed frightened, unsure of what to do, before she had sighed, clenching one of her hands into a fist while she was looking over at Zorch. "And THIS is exactly why I don't get attached to people..." She admitted, as she saw Casey and the others get ready to fight the Plant Digimon, before the Heartless Angel from Space held her arm out, stopping the Chosen Ones dead in their tracks. "If it's me you're after, you screwed-up Bellsprout, then fine- Do your worst. Just leave the goofball alone." She then told him, as Ajatarmon silently considered it, before tightly grasping her with his other Vines, as he smirked maliciously at her. "...I can excuse the other ones, however... Do you really think I'd release someone who literally just tried to take you away from me, my sweet Angel...?!" He furiously asked her, keeping his calm demure despite his rage, as he then broke through the window next to Jackie's bed, bounding from rooftop to Rooftop, before fading into the distance with both the human and the Electroid ensnared in his vines.

Teslo fell down on his legs, tears beginning to form in his eye. "V... Voltz..." He whimpered in-between sobs as Casey clenched her fists. "We gotta save Jackie and Volectro." She said, as Aquad spoke up. "Yeah, but there's just one problem, kid- None of us even remotely know where Ajatarmon even took them." The fire plane-esque Mixel said, as Gammamon looked bummed. "So, we're back at square one again...?" Gammamon sadly squeaked, as a sudden voice had then cut through the silence that the Chosen Ones, Forx, and Wuzzo were using to try and find an answer. "Well, luckily for each and every one of you kids, I know exactly where in town that the Masked plant is headed towards." A voice with a New York accent explained as he walked into the room, revealing the source of the voice being none other than a third Mixel. Similarly to Forx and Wuzzo, this one was mostly yellow in color. Its body was apparently shaped like a slightly tall semicircle, while a grey mustache-like semicircle could be seen above it. The Mixel also had a single, cycloptic eye at the top of its head, with a yellow hardhat atop its head. A black stripe could be seen going along its body near the bottom. It also had a square-shaped yellow jaw at the bottom, with a very large mouth, fashioned with six pointy teeth overall- Three on the top, and three along the bottom. Its feet appeared to be rather large and also rounded, being colored grey with a black-and-yellow stripe on the top of them. Its left hand appeared to be fairly large, seeming like it was a peculiar black square with three yellow fingers attached to a long grey arm, making him somewhat similar to Krader in that regard. Its right arm appeared to be shorter, while its right hand was not a normal hand, but rather, in place of a hand was actually a yellow and black drill with a grey drill-bit at the end that could work as either a Drill or Jackhammer. Lastly, both of its arms were decorated with small red highlighted parts on both upper ligaments.

"Boss! Where the heck have you been?!" Wuzzo asked him, still a bit shocked over what he, Forx and the others had to endure after witnessing Ajatarmon make his escape with Volectro and Jackie. "Just had to do some things around town. By the time I walked through the front door, I heard the window break, and-" Kramm began, before Casey intervened. She hated to be mean to someone, especially a Mixel, but she, like everyone else on her team at this point, all deserved answers to some questions that had been burning up inside ever since their encounter with Jackie at Clover Park. "I really hate to interrupt you, Kramm, believe me, but right now, there's two things on my mind- Where is Ajatarmon taking Jackie and Volectro..." She began, as she then glanced over at Kiyo, who was simply just looking down at the ground, upset. "And Kiyo, don't think I forgot anything about what you told Jackie earlier- What did you mean by 'I know you don't like talking about it, but the truth needs to come out'?" She asked the class Representative of Angelwood Middle School, who only sighed. Like it or not, his earlier statement was true- The truth DID, in fact, need to come out. "... Alright, fine. But fair warning- What I'm about to share with each and every one of you guys isn't going to be pretty in the slightest." He cautiously warned them, as Jellymon simply smirked. "Oh snap, Darling's actually gonna give us some Scuttlebutt!" Jellymon excitedly cheered, as everyone else just glanced over at her, a bit unamused as she cleared her throat. "S-Sorry. Go ahead, Darling." She mumbled, as Kiyo just inhaled, then exhaled, getting his thoughts together.

[Cue insert theme- 'Sis Puella Magica!' Composed by Yuki Kajiura, from Puella Magi Madoka Magica]

"Back when Jackie and I were still close friends with one another, She had a love interest who wasn't exactly the best person, but she didn't really see how awful he really was. Every chance he could get, He'd stalk Jackie whenever she'd end up making the decision to head outside, or constantly get mad whenever he'd send her messages and she'd end up ignoring him. Any signs of a toxic individual, He'd show them with no remorse. So, one day, when Jackie and I were at Doheny Mansion to spend time together after school due to it being her favorite place to go when she wanted to go look at flowers, her stalker ended up following us, and he threatened me in front of her. He tried to tell her that he was 'Sorry' and that he's not normally so 'aggressive towards others'. As if!" Kiyo grumbled, before calming down. "And while he was trying to prove he did nothing wrong, all it took for Jackie to realize she chose the wrong person as her boyfriend was what he had done to me. And when he tried to put his hand on her shoulder, she roundhouse kicked him before he could even get the chance to do what he tried to do. I wanted to talk to Jackie after he was taken into custody, but before I could get anything out of my mouth, she just ran off. I overheard her mumbling 'Crash and Build' before I tried to talk to her, though..." He then admitted, as Henry then remembered something he'd noticed about her yesterday. "That reminds me- Jackie wore a black T-Shirt that said the same thing the other day." He admitted. "Now that just leaves us with only one question to ask ourselves- What does Crash and Build even mean?" Bianca pondered, as Kramm only sighed, making it evident that he knew the answer. "That's... Well, you see, Jackie started saying that as a bit of a reminder of what she had been through- It's more or less her own unique coping mechanism." Kramm began, leaving everyone a bit confused, especially Angoramon. "A reminder of her being stalked and being with her toxic ex? That makes barely any sense at all! If it hurt her so badly, wouldn't she better off forgetting it ever happened?" The rabbit Digimon exclaimed, a bit confused and concerned. "Just wait a sec, big guy, she said it as a reminder that the world can be pretty rough, so she's gotta be rougher to survive. She wanted to take what that shnixing fuser destroyed in her, and then rebuild herself so nothing like that would ever happen again. And in doing so..." Kramm then added, as the pieces had all finally clicked together in Casey's mind. "That's why she's changed so much..." She mumbled, before remembering what Kiyo said about Doheny Mansion. "... And if what Kiyo said is anything to go off of, Ajatarmon must've taken Volectro and Jackie to her favorite place- Doheny mansion!" The girl from Spain realized, as Kramm nodded, resulting in the group's resolve to grow stronger than ever- They HAD to go to Doheny Mansion, and save Volectro and Jackie from Ajatarmon's clutches.


(End Insert theme)

Later that evening, Casey and the others had arrived in front of Doheny Mansion, but noticed one thing- or rather, 3 grey things, that could possibly endanger their rescue mission to save Jackie and Volectro from Ajatarmon. "Dang it, the Glowkies are guarding the front door!" Ren mumbled under his breath. Casey just narrowed her eyes, focusing on the sight in front of her and the others. "Alright, so all we need is a distraction to get past them in order to get in there, kick Ajatarmon's leafy keister, and save Jackie and Volectro." Casey thought aloud. "Then we're going to need to figure out how to lure them away from the entrance somehow..." Henry then agreed. Having just recently watched The Lion King movie with Katie and Sadie, Gobba and Kraw threw each other a sly look, knowing precisely what they could do to help out. However, the only thing they needed now was one extra Mixel to make their plan actually succeed. "Psst, Burnard, Kraw and I got an idea!" Gobba whispered to the Chameleon-esque Mixel, who seemed to be more than interested in the plan. "Hehe, I'll bite. What'cha guys have in mind?" Burnard excitedly asked the Bobcat-esque Mixel with a laugh, as Kraw responded with a smirk, and only two words- "Live bait." Upon hearing her partner, Katie's eyes widened in panic, knowing what it was that Kraw and Gobba were plotting. "Guys, NO. I know we need to create a diversion, but you guys are NOT doing what I think you're thinking of doing-" Katie began, as Henry's eyes just narrowed, watching the trio of Mixels headed off (With Jellymon not too far behind the Flexer leader, the second-mixel-in command of the Fang Gang, and the insane Infernite). "Aaand they're doing it anyway." Casey's older brother spoke up, as One word could escape Katie's Mouth as she saw the Pendits belonging to herself and her Twin beginning to change to be orange and brown, thus resembling a pair of Flexer and Fang Gang cubits, while Kraw and Gobba's bodies both glowed with light dyed in their tribe's respective colors- "... Crapbaskets." When the light surrounding the two Mixels had finally died down, What the group of Chosen Ones saw in front of them (And to an extent, the Glowkies) was something that was rather... Really peculiar, even for a Mix. This Mix in question appeared to have the legs and head of Gobba, with additional long eyelashes, as well as Kraw's tentacles that now appeared to act as arms. It also wore a tall fruit hat, an orange dress with a brown coconut bra over its chest area, and a teal feather boa around its neck.

[Cue Really short Musical number- 'Hawaiian War Chant' from the Lion King movie, performed by Kraw/Gobba Mix 3 (CV; Billy West), ft. Burnard (CV; Jess Harnell), Originally performed by Nathan Lane & Ernie Sabella, lasts until 0:27.]

[Jellymon zips in front of the Glowkies, standing in front of the front door of Doheny Mansion. The Nixed tribe of Mixels just confusedly stared at the Mollusk Digimon as they treaded closer to her, about to bite into her neck, before she started playing the bongos with her tentacles, and then starts strumming a ukulele as the Mix between Kraw and Gobba runs in.]


[The Mix then begins singing while doing its signature dance, as Burnard can be seen sitting on one of the steps in front of the door, just vibing to the music Jellymon is creating.]

"If you're looking 'round here for a quick bite,

Yeah, my buddy Burnard here is just right!

Here's your invitation, for some rad party time,

All you've gotta do is get in line!

Don't that sound nice?"

[Cut to Burnard, who is still vibing to the music that Jellymon is making.]

"Yup yup yup!"

[Cut back to the Mix, who is still doing its signature dance.]

"A sacrifice!"

[Burnard's eyes widen in fear upon hearing the word 'Sacrifice'.]

"Hehe, yeah..."

[Cut back to the Mix, as he rests a tentacle-arm on Burnard's shoulder, before flashing a grin at the vampiric, Nixed Mixels.]

"So, if you've got no fear-

Get this little gremlin here!"


[End Musical number]

"Hey!!" Burnard somewhat angrily snapped at the Mix between the Flexer and Fang Gang Mixels, but this conflict was quickly dropped in a matter of mere seconds as a set of three sharp hisses sounded out throughout the darkness of the cold and lonely night. The three Glowkies leapt for the Mixels and Jellymon, and not wanting to stick around, they screeched in panic and bolted from the mansion grounds. "That's one way to do it... I guess. Will they-" Katie began, seeming a bit concerned about the Mix and the Infernite, before her twin, Sadie, cut her off. "They'll be fine, don't worry. For now, we just gotta get in there and save Jackie!" "And Volectro!" Teslo agreed, as the Chosen Ones, the remaining Mixels and Digimon, and the Weldos all began to head inside the Doheny Mansion to rescue their friends from the plant-like digital creep that was none other than Ajatarmon, as Casey said one thing-

"Whatever lies beyond the front door of the mansion, be prepared for anything."


Light, Darkness, and then light again.

All that Jackie could remember seeing was Ajatarmon grabbing her and Volectro by the waists, then everything went Dark, and only just now was she able to see her surroundings once more. "Where... What..." Jackie tiredly mumbled, looking around her surroundings in drowsy confusion. From what she could see, Jackie could tell she was probably in some sort of basement... But with stone pillars? "Jackie! You're finally awake!" Volectro's voice called out to her. Looking to her left, the Heartless Angel from Space could see that Volectro was tied up to one of the Stone pillars with nothing more than a large number of Vines wrapped around his body, and the pillar. "G... Goofball...!" Jackie worriedly called, as seeing her newest friend being in a large amount of peril was enough to help her wake up, and tried to get over to the Electroid, but as much as she tried to move her own two feet, Jackie wasn't able to move anywhere close to Volectro, as she had then noticed that, like the Electroid, she was tied up to a stone pillar with vines constricting around her body and the aforementioned pillar. "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, my sweet Angel." Ajatarmon said as he walked over to the girl and Mixel, holding a singular thorn in one of his hands that slowly began to drip with a light purple liquid. "Why are you doing this?! Let me and my friend go...!" Jackie fearfully asked the plant-like Digimon, as Ajatarmon simply picked up what looked like a mint green CB-01. "You just don't get it, do you?" He began, as he pushed a button on the side of the small robot's head, as one of its eyes lit up, before showing holographic photographs of Jackie interacting with the version of CB-01 back at her house. "Wait a zecond, those are photoz of Jackie, aren't they?" Volectro asked, growing a bit confused.

[Cue insert theme- 'Signum Malum', composed by Yuki Kajiura]

"I've always been close to my Angel, ever since she had realized the truth about that other guy being incompatible with her." Ajatarmon said, as Jackie felt the fear inside of her begin to slowly sink deeper and deeper into her chest. "When I first arrived here on Earth, I felt like, no matter what I did, most humans couldn't see me." He calmly began with a gentle sigh, as he scrolled on the holographic image that was currently being shown, before showing one of him inhabiting the CB-01 back in Jackie's room, with her on her bed, gently holding the toy robot. "... But Jackie had always talked to me when she was feeling blue, making me feel like I had at least someone on this turquoise sphere to acknowledge the fact that I existed." Ajatarmon then explained, as Jackie's eyes widened more- Not only in fear, but also realization of what her Digimon Captor was saying. "Y-You're CB-01, aren't you...?" The Heartless Angel from Space fearfully asked the Floral Freak that was Ajatarmon, who slowly nodded, causing the Heartless Angel from Space to mentally question what she had been through the past few months, starting with her breakup with her 'Ex-Boyfriend' and buying CB-01 from a toy store, and ending up to right now. "N-No... You can't be CB-01!" Jackie sobbed. "CB-01 was the only friend I had to talk and interact with after the trauma! YOU'RE NOTHING MORE THAN A CONTINUATION OF THE TRAUMA THAT I'VE TRIED SO DAMN HARD TO AVOID!" She shouted amidst her tears, yet Ajatarmon didn't stop to even listen to her. "I learned that an emotion known as Love exists here on Earth." He then admitted, as Volectro just glanced at the Putrid Pollen Source, unamused. "Yeeeah, I know what you're getting at, and I really don't think Jackie'z your type..." He said flatly to the Digimon, who ignored the Electroid's words (Or so he and Jackie thought). "I constantly had to keep your words from the day we met on replay regarding my endeavor for us to be together- 'To overcome any struggle in front of me, I need to be able to Crash and Build as many times as Necessary'. Crash and Build... as many times as Necessary!" He then shouted, using his scythe to cut a smaller stone pillar in half. "At the moment you told me that, I finally understood what love really was. It made me feel whole, and-" "Again, you're not her type! What'z more, that isn't even true love-" Volectro interrupted Ajatarmon's tangent, before he, himself, was interrupted by the Horrible Herbage. "I never want to stop feeling this way! So, in order for us to be together forever, Jackie... You must become like me. I'll turn you into an Ajatarmon." The Vile Vegetable began, treading closer with the thorn in one of his vines, before a fireball whizzed by his head, scorching one of the feathers on his head down to a crisp, and causing him to drop the thorn.

"Let them go right now, Ajatarmon!" Betel Gammamon shouted as he, Symbare Angoramon, and the Mixels (save for the Weldos) all charged into battle against the Digimon that held Jackie and Volectro hostage. "Everyone, remember- Ajatarmon's an Ultimate-level, Vaccine attribute, Plant-type Digimon. They might usually be found in Jungles back in the Digital World, but they're also good at Hunting, meaning that even one of them could still take us all out." The champion level form of Angoramon explained, as Ajatarmon seemed shocked, nonetheless. "What th- How long have you been waiting behind me for you all to get the chance to attack me?!" He angrily asked the other Digimon and all the other Mixels, as Chomly just smirked. "We've been here for nearly 5 minutes! Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice us during your whole evil Monologue..." Chomly began, before pausing to take out what appeared to be a rotten Hamlogna sandwich. "NOW EAT THIS, SUCKER!" The insane fang gang mixel laughed, about to pop the sandwich in his mouth, before Betel Gammamon burnt it to a crisp. "Nope. None of that. SHAME. ON. YOU." Betel growled angrily. Ajatarmon only smirked, as he picked up his hatchet, and attacked Chomly and Betel Gammamon with it, forcibly causing Betel to turn back into Gammamon. Symbare Angoramon, however, attempted to use Jive in tandem with Zorch's Hundred-Hit Combo attack to try and hit Ajatarmon. "Listen, buddy, Humans can't become Ajatarmon, and that thing you tried to do with Rose back at Clover Park doesn't work! And regarding your track record, I doubt she'd even WANT to be like you!" Zorch told the Digimon, who remained silent, and used his Vines to grab the rabbit and Infernite, and throw them into the other Mixels, resulting in Symbare Angoramon degenerating back to the rookie-level.

"It works, it does! I'll show you!" Ajatarmon insisted, half crazed to prove that he and Jackie could be together. He extracted a thorn from his back using a single vine, and four others to hold open Volectro's mouth. As the Electroid struggled to close his mouth, or turn his head, the needle end shone with a purple poison. The eldest Electroid sibling's pupil became a livid slit of white. "Don't you fuzing DARE-" Teslo snarled furiously, but Maya grabbed him before he could do anything. "Don't do anything rash, Tes! He might try to use the poison on Jackie, or you!" She held him back. "But Maya-" He growled, ready to argue (or even thrash or shock) himself free, when a yelp cut them both off. The poison worked quickly on Volectro, as data rings of green circled almost his whole entire body. The only thing that remained untouched was his left arm. Nothing else was spared. Teslo could feel his heart tearing apart at the seams, as he and everyone else couldn't do a single thing while his little brother was changed before his eye. Volectro let out a shrill, agonized scream. Unlike the vines that overtook humans, the vines that formed from Volectro were vastly different, being yellow and orange, with long, light blue spikes resting against them. Much of his skin became covered in some kind of soft, strand-like petals, with dots of blueish-purple sparking at the ends. Even Volectro's hair was changing, the top becoming a dark blue, the mid-section being a lighter blue, and the very base remaining yellow. Lightning bolt shaped leaves grew from the vines on his limbs and down his back, dark blue around the edges, and light blue in the center. Teslo quickly realized that this plant that his brother was melding with was familiar to him- An EverStrike Rose. It was a plant back on Planet Mixel, the only flower able to grow and thrive near the peaks of the Mountain City. Much like the Bonflowers native to the Magma Wastelands, it had three forms when it would grow stronger, the first form being quite adorable, while growing more hostile looking with each evolution. Its final form was the one that Volectro was taking after the most, with spikes all over, two light blue fangs jutting up from his lower jaw, and his front two fangs becoming lightning bolt shaped. By the time the poison finished, fresh tears were still pouring down Volectro's face, the pain just starting to fade away. "Hmm, not an Ajatarmon... However, the process is nearly perfected! Now that I know I was nearly there, this next elixir, this shall be the one!" He rejoiced. Not caring about the pain he was inflicting on the Electroid, Ajatarmon turned to look at Jackie as he walked closer to the Heartless Angel from Space, more than confident that she'd be proud of him to see how much of a success this was. In contrast to his delusions, all that the demonic plant Digimon saw was a look of horror on her face, watching one of the few living, sentient things she trusted being forcibly and painfully transformed into a half-plant, half-Mixel hybrid.

[End insert theme]

"You're not gonna lay a hand on her! Wuzzo, you know what to do." Kramm looked over to the Chainsaw-Esque Mixel, as Wuzzo silently nodded, and used the chainsaw blade on his face to free Jackie. "You really think I'm not that bright to realize everything that you've done to me from the start, did you, you Villainous Verdure?" Jackie angrily asked Ajatarmon. "Well, guess what? I've been playing coy long enough to lower your guard to make you think I was unaware of your stalking me and hunting my friends! Hell, my having rebuilt myself may have hidden it too well..." She mumbled the last bit, as her drill pin began to glow. "Point in case, you're gonna pay. How much, you ask...? YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR MESSING WITH THE PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT, AS I CRASH AND BUILD MYSELF ENOUGH TO KICK YOUR ASS, THAT'S HOW MUCH!" She loudly shouted, as her pin glowed brighter, and reshaped itself into a yellow and grey pendit- A Weldo Pendit. "What th- JACKIE'S ACTUALLY A CHOSEN ONE?!" Flamzer asked, clearly shocked, while Meltus' jaw silently dropped to the floor. "Heh, guess this officially makes the four of us Partners now, huh?" Jackie asked the Weldos with a smirk, as the 3 Mixels had only nodded. "Good. Then let's get to work."

[Cue insert theme- 'Ichiival, the Magic Bow', performed by Chris Yukine (CV; Ayahi Takagaki), From Senki Zesshou Symphogear]

"How dare you, Jacqueline Qiang... I will end this relationship, AND the lives of you and your friends with my own hands and vines-!" Ajatarmon angrily began, before he had been interrupted by the leader of the two differing Infernite tribes. "YOU AND JACKIE NEVER WERE IN A RELATIONSHIP TO BEGIN WITH!" Flain shouted at the plant Digimon from across the room, as Jackie saw a brand-new word flow into her mind as Ajatarmon charged toward her and the others all while Kramm ran towards the attacking Digimon.


"TREMOR KICK!" Jackie commanded, as Kramm had gained enough speed to then use his boulder-like feet to deal brutal damage to Ajatarmon via a powerful kick attack. "I was there for you when you needed a shoulder to cry on, Jackie, you can't just throw me away! I'm not some toy! ASSAULT HATCHET!" Ajatarmon screamed with venom dripping from his Voice, as he then used his weapon to try and attack Jackie, before a familiar voice called out from high above the group-

"Darling, you and the others better look out below!" Jellymon shouted, as she, Burnard, Kraw, & Gobba all fell on top of Ajatarmon. "Sorry to crash the party, guys!" Kraw laughed at his own pun, as Burnard confusedly stared at the Flexer leader. "I... I don't get it..." He admitted, as Jellymon looked down, seeing Ajatarmon was right beneath her feet. "Oh... Riiiight. We still need to take care of this Sappy Stalker." Jellymon began, as she had quickly digivolved into Tesla Jellymon, While Jackie walked over to Kiyo's side. "Hope you're ready, Shima, Cuz- Wait, what was it the little kid said at Clover Park? Oh, yeah- 'We're stronger together'." Jackie smiled at her old friend, as Kiyo nodded. "Yeah! Ms. Frost, you and the 2015 Frosticons need to follow me, The 2014 Frosticons, the Weldos, Tesla Jellymon's, and Jackie's lead!" He told his homeroom teacher, as the Class representative saw a brand-new word flow into his mind as Lunk charged in, looking like he was about to sneeze.


"FREEZE SNEEZE!" Kiyo commanded, as Lunk unleashed an artic and icy blast onto Ajatarmon's left arm and the vines on his left side, freezing them all solid. "I think I'm starting to actually get the gist behind your plan, Kiyoshiro. Ajatarmon's reliant on his vines to hit multiple foes, so if we get rid of his ability to use his vines and arms to attack, we'll have our shot. Snoof, think you and Chilbo can help out with that?" She asked the two Frosticon Cousins, as Snoof nodded. "Leave it to us, Bianca!" Chilbo agreed, as he hopped onto Snoof's back, resulting in Bianca seeing a brand-new word swiftly flow into her mind as Ajatarmon attempted to use the Vines on the right side of his body in an attempt to trip the duo of blue Mixels up.


"BLIZZARD BOOST!" The teacher exclaimed, as Snoof had then used his own two exhaust pipes to thrust himself and Chilbo forward, causing Ajatarmon's vines originating from the right side of his body to not only miss, but also to freeze up in their own icy prisons. "Chilbo, get ready!" Snoof told his brother, as Chilbo nodded. "When aren't I ready, lil' bro?" Chilbo then told him with a bit of a small smirk while he jumped into the air as Ajatarmon prepared to unfurl the vines that made up his right arm and throw the sloth/cat-esque Frosticon around like a Ragdoll, and he was very close to actually grabbing Chilbo with them, too, but right when his arm-vines were mere inches from Chilbo, he landed on one of them and ran along the top of one of them, and when he tried to use the other ones to squish Chilbo like a pancake, before another new word had revealed itself in Bianca's mind.


"COLD CLAWS!" She shouted, as Chilbo coated his two, snow white claws that he had on each of his hands in blue ice, which increased his striking power, ending up with the other Vines getting knocked to far distances, and, with a swift jump into the air and a frigid palm strike, similar to the ones Tesla Jellymon would dish out when using Fizzle Fist, resulting on the vine he was standing on top of to be forced down to the ground with a loud THUD, and, much like his other arm vines, froze up in a large blanket of ice. "D-Damn you... Jacqueline, how can you let them do this to me?! Don't you understand that I love you?!" Ajatarmon furiously asked her. "You may say that, but regarding the way you're acting right now, you're no better than my ex!" Jackie answered him, as it was now time for the Heartless Angel of Space to reveal the full extent of her and Kiyoshiro's plan. "Tesla Jellymon, hold Kramm in your arms, and use any move that can allow the both of you to ram into Ajatarmon at full power!" Jackie told her, as the Champion level Mollusk Digimon nodded. "You got it, Forewoman Qiang! Lucky for you, I got just the move!" Tesla Jellymon grinned, as she scooped the Weldos leader up into her arms, and used Volt Sprite, spinning round and round in the air with Kramm held out in front of her, while Jackie saw some final new words flow into her mind, but these were not only in her native tongue of Chinese, but it was also something that she just couldn't recognize. 


"ULTIMATE COMBO: THUNDER TORNADO DRILL!" She shouted as loudly as her lungs would remotely enable her to, as the volts of electricity from the Volt Sprite attack began to cover not only Tesla Jellymon's entire body, but now Kramm's whole body as well, as the drill on his right hand had begun to spin faster and faster with each and every single spin that Tesla Jellymon did, as the duo of Champion-level Digimon and Weldo Mixel had finally hit Ajatarmon in the core with their combined attack, not only breaking the ice that had formed on his arms and extra vines, and also sending him flying into the back of the stone Pillar that Volectro had been tied to, setting him free at long last.

[End Insert theme]

With the pillar having finally fallen apart, Volectro fell off the wall and would have hit the ground if not for Teslo, bolting into action and catching him at the last second. "T-Tes!" Volectro whimpered out, tears running down his face, still feeling the pain of the forced transformation. "I've got you, Volts, I've got you." Teslo reassured his younger brother. He skidded to a stop a few feet from the destroyed pillar, and slowly lowered himself and Volectro to the ground, as both of his younger brothers' legs had become vines. He put his arms around Volectro, trying to comfort his little brother as best he could, not caring if the spikes scratched him. "I-it hurts, it hurts, so much...!" Volectro was just barely able to whimper out, his left-hand clinging as tightly as it could to his big brother. "I know, I know, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything to ztop it, Volts..." Teslo choked back tears as he wrapped his tail around his little brother. At this point, Teslo didn't care about the battle. He just wanted his little brother to not be in pain, and if he couldn't do that in the moment, he wanted Volectro to feel safer. "I... I don't understand..." Ajatarmon wheezed as he had slowly arisen from the countless amounts of stony rubble. "I thought you loved me, my sweet Angel... If you truly love me, Jacqueline, then why...? Why are we fighting...?" Ajatarmon weakly questioned her.

"This isn't love!! The little goofball said it, the firebird said it, and now I'm telling you, this is not real love!" Jackie shouted, now at her wit's end dealing with Ajatarmon. "You'll understand, Jackie, after you are like me, and we're together through the power of love, you'll see the real truth!" He pleaded, still trying to make his point. He began walking back towards her, which was the last straw for the Weldos new human partner. "I CAN'T BECOME AN AJATARMON LIKE YOU, AND I NEVER WILL!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, having had more than enough of this obsessive overgrown houseplant. The echoes of her shout silenced the Digimon, who finally seemed to be contemplating what was being said to him. "... I see. I think I finally understand the real truth of it all now." Ajatarmon nodded sagely. Casey let out a sigh of relief, happy that Jackie had finally gotten through to the Digimon's common sense. "Dios Mio... So, now we can start to work on a solution of getting you back home to the Digital World, and-"

His next words made her heart sink.

"In order for us to be together, it is I who must change." He raised a lone vine towards his back, and then extracted a singular bright pink needle. The entire group tensed at the sight of the item, some shielding themselves or each other in anticipation of an attack. Yet, none of them could have prepared them for whom the target of the needle would really be. The point sunk into Ajatarmon's chest, the green of his body wasting away with each passing second. "I must... I will become a human! For you, the romance we are destined to share, my sweet Angel!" He declared, as the vines that made up his body began to wilt away, eventually growing so weak, they tore off his form and fell to the floor. "This means I won't need this, or that, not these-" He feverishly muttered, taking off his armor, his shield, and throwing aside his Hatchet. The group could only watch on in morbid horror as the last few pieces of Ajatarmon fell away, even his mask clattering to the floor. The once great green plumage that made up his head was now a scraggly brownish green mess, some uncanny attempt at turning plants into human hair. Even his limbs were muddied shadows of their once vibrant green selves, each wrapped around each other, desperately trying to mimic human arms and muscles. He grinned up at Jackie with yellow eyes, both wide with madness and insanity. "See, I've done it! I crashed, I failed, and tore down the weaknesses of my very existence, and now, I am rebuilt! I am like you! We can finally be together forever, bound by the miracle of the strongest kind of bond- The bond forged by love!" He held his trembling arms out wide, expecting Jackie to run into his open embrace. Even as he slowly made his approach, thinking a joyful life lay ahead, as his body had continued to give way and fall apart, the poison he'd given himself still rampaging through his systems. His fragile facade of humanity was sloughing off with every dying vine and leaf that fell limply to the ground around him. He was too blinded by his own delusional lovesickness to even remotely care that his own form was dying around him. All that the Heartless Angel from Space could do was just stare at the decomposing digital monster in fear and disgust, her stomach seemingly left churning after witnessing this far too literal form of the phrase that had slowly ended up evolving into her coping mechanism. Each heavy breath from his slowly rotting mouth echoed through the abandoned mansion as he waited for the moment that his true love, his Angel, would finally be his, and nobody else's! Not a single human, Digimon or Mixel intervened, terrified of what lengths this literal definition of a Digital Monster was willing to go to, and that meant nothing- no, nobody, would dare get in his way! ...That is, all but one member of the group.

'He'll never stop. He'll just keep hurting people no matter what, he'll keep on pursuing Jackie til the very end of her life, his obsession is too deep-rooted for him to break it, and now, he's just about to kneel over... No one else on the team is gonna want to do this besides Gulus, and I'm not taking any chances of letting that guy out.' As the moments passed by, second after second, and no one had moved an inch, the decaying Digimon had refused to give in, starting to lumber his way over to Jackie, the latter of which was trying to think of what to do. With the state he was in, should she walk away, push him away- But before she could answer that however, someone else answered it for her. A pair of blue bolts tore through the tattered chest of the wilting Ajatarmon, causing the whole group to freeze in shock. Moments later, Ajatarmon was no more than blue data particles, disappearing into the air. Teslo stood in place, his tail having not moved since he'd used it to put the delusional Digimon out of his misery. Only after the blue particles had floated away did the Electroid leader pull his tail back behind him, shaking off any digital residue. Without anyone else able to deliver such a line, Bianca turned to look at the Electroid leader. "... Teslo, what the genuine fuck??"

There was a bit of a glare in Teslo's eye, denoting a more serious mindset had taken ahold of the Electroid leader. "You guys all saw what he'd done to himself... What he attempted to do to Rose... And you guys all especially saw what he had done to Volectro. You can't tell me he was gonna make it due to his poison slowly turning him into a corpse, or that he could've ended up changing to have been a decent Digimon. He was never gonna stop, and he would've done anything to keep Jackie isolated, all for himself. Anything. Zo my whole reason of doing what I've just done to him as he became nothing more than a spoiled sprout was a fuzing mercy kill." He angrily told everyone, still holding bitter resentment for what the night had held in store for them. "Either way..." Jackie began as she had then embraced the Electroid Leader in a hug with a smile, calming Teslo down from his rampage. "... Thanks for saving me, and also helping me deal with that Despicable Digimon... All of you guys." The heartless Angel from Space beamed a bright and cheerful smile directed at her, showing that, maybe- Just Maybe- That Jacqueline Qiang really did have it in herself to slowly find her true self, one step at a time, with help from her friends, and while all the chosen ones and their partners began to make their way back home, Angoramon began to recite a new Haiku as he slowly moved behind everyone else. "Is love a flower or not? Will it Blossom Beautifully or tragically fall? Unable to choose its own path, while those hurt by the thorns gain a second chance."



~Location; Casey and Henry's house~

"C'mon, Frizzles, Mummymon made this antidote for you and all the others that were hurt by that demonic dandelion!" Jellymon insisted, trying to give Volectro the cure that would get rid of all the plant bits. This would have been leagues easier if Volectro didn't hate needles, and if he wasn't using his one good arm to hold Jellymon's hand with said needle at bay. It wasn't a true phobia, but he did hold a great disdain for the medical equipment. Knowing this about his brother, and that Jelly's method would get them nowhere, Teslo stepped in to help. He placed a gentle hand on Volectro's unaffected shoulder, causing the frizzy haired Electroid to look over at him. "I know, needlez aren't fun, Volts, but this'll turn you back to normal! No more vines, or huge fangs, or plant fuzz, it'll all go away." Teslo gently reassured his younger brother. Volectro despised needles, and this was no exception. But, looking at the vines that took the place of his limbs, he knew he'd have to relent eventually and get the injection. He sighed a bit, and turned his head away so he wouldn't have to see it. "Well done, Electro-Einstein, I honestly wasn't sure you could do it!" Jellymon told him as she used the Needle on Volectro, and gave him the shot, as Henry just watched this with a slight smile on his face. Meanwhile, over in the Backyard, Gammamon was playing around in the yard, before he saw what looked like a gray hand retreating into the shadows after leaving a little trinket behind underneath a lone tree...

"Casey, Flain, you both gotta look at this!" Gammamon wagged his tail as he toddled up to the duo of the Human girl and the leader of the Infernites, catching both Vulk and Zorch's attention as well. "What'cha got there, little buddy?" Flain asked, closely examining whatever the Digimon had brought over. "From what I can tell, it's some weird-looking black and white box." Casey lightly smiled as the Infernite leader's two younger siblings peered around Flain's shoulders to look at Gammamon's peculiar find. "Heh, cute." Zorch commented with. Staring for long enough, something about the little device struck Flain as familiar somehow. He just didn't know how or why. "You know, it kinda looks like-" Vulk started, before the firebird suddenly realized what this contraption actually was. The sudden presence of a clicking sound made his whole being tense in panic.

[Cue credits theme- 'Despairity: A Hero's Treatment', Performed by soraru, composed by suzumu]

"Gammamon, move out of the way!!" Flain shouted, clearly panicked as he had then ended up shoving the little Digimon out of the way, as the object Gammamon had found underneath the tree had soon let out a kitchen timer 'ding!' as soon as he was pushed away from the Infernite leader, his two younger siblings, and the Girl from Spain. The box suddenly popped open, unfolding into a black and white safe, ensnaring Casey and the three Infernites within it. "Casey! Flain! Vulk, Zorch!!" Gammamon worriedly screeched, scrambling up from the ground and bolting over to the safe, pounding on the door as hard as his little clawed fists could. "Henry, Bun'rar, Mel'us, anyone! Help!!" He yelled, hoping anyone would hear him. A familiar and sinister chanting reached the dinosaur Digimon's ears as the only answers to his prayers for someone to help.

"Nix-nix-nix-nix-nix-nix!" The shrill voices the triceratopsian Digimon had heard just shouted it over and over again, drawing quickly closer to the safe and Gammamon. The Nixel swarm came charging into view, though, they seemed to pay the dinosaur no mind, and were beelining for the safe. "No, no, no, no!! Leave Casey and my Compadres alone!" Gammamon tried as hard as he could to not only keep Gulus reigned in, but to also pull the safe out of the way, then trying to push it. It was far too heavy for him to move, and even when it did start moving, it was only for the wrong reason, and the wrong reason alone. The Nixels had begun to carry the safe off. Realizing that he couldn't do anything else to save his human partner and the first trio of Mixels that he had met since arriving on Earth, the little Digimon ran off to get help, hoping he could find someone in time. "Henry...! Henry!!" He yelled, hoping the eldest Almenera sibling would hear him. "Woah, woah, Gammamon, Calm down! Now, what's wrong?" Henry ran from the living room into the front hall to meet Gammamon, kneeling down to see and understand whatever could have gotten the little Digimon so upset. "Casey, Flain, Vulk and Zorch all got kidnapped by the Nixels!! I did everything I could to try and save the four of 'em, but I just couldn't stop 'em all by myself! There were bunches and bunches of those Black and White Bullies!" The white Digimon sadly and fearfully told him with tears in his eyes that rained down as hard as waterfalls. "QUE?!" Henry leapt up onto his feet, bolting towards the backyard where Gammamon had come from. By the time the pair had gotten there, there was nothing to be seen. Gammamon looked around before weakly muttering only one thing to himself, unaware of the fact that Henry was angrily tightening his hands into fists, and gritting his teeth, knowing fully well that not only the Armada, but also Aleena, were responsible for this happening to his younger sister-

"T-They're all gone..."

[End of Credits theme]

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