Prologue- Creeping Confusion, Through the Door the Vampire Digimon Goes...
It was a few weeks ago, longer now than it originally seems, in a tale spun on both the internet and in your dreams. For the crossover story you are about to read or be told, connected our own world to the Holiday Worlds of old. Now, some of you may still be wondering just where the concept of 'holidays' come from. In case you haven't- much like this tale's shining star- I'd say it's time you begun.
Our tale begins proper on October 16th, nearly two weeks before Halloween, in the not-so-usually quiet city of Santa Monica in California. The denizens of the town were each getting ready for the Holiday, Humans, Mixels, and Digimon all preparing for ghoulish fun. That is, all of them, but one...
"Come on, Dracmon, you can't stay cooped up in Aleena's bedroom all month long!" Globert called from the other side of the locked door, as Dracmon was just chilling in a small hammock that his Human partner set up for him. "Yes, I can, Globert! Besides, I hate Halloween!" Dracmon muttered almost angrily, as he then heard a knock on the door, courtesy of his human partner, Aleena Blackwood. "Well, do you at least want to go to Shawn's Pumpkin Patch with me and the others? I promise, you won't have to exactly do anything Halloween-related when we get there. Besides, me and everyone else planned to hold a big party over at Cafe Luxxe to celebrate the Halloween season..." His human partner explained, as Dracmon then kept his silence, considering the offer. On one hand, the imp-like Digimon didn't want to go, due to his disdain for the holiday that he has carried for years, but on the other hand, he didn't want to leave Aleena going someplace without her Digimon partner- Himself. "... Well, alright, but don't expect me to be near pumpkins, jumping into leaf piles, or anything like that." The imp-like Digimon told her as he hopped out of the hammock and walked out the door, the disdain for the seasonal holiday barely in his voice anymore at this point, as he, his human partner, and Globert (The trio soon being accompanied by Vampos and Boogly) all had begun making their way to the pumpkin patch. However, none of the quintet were even remotely aware of the events that were about to transpire when they got there, nor the adventure that one of them was about to undertake all by themselves...
Meanwhile, in a world not so far away (and also quite a bit different) from our own corner of reality, there was a domain dedicated to making each and every Halloween more chilling and Spine-tingling than the last. And even with only 15 days left until the big holiday, there was still quite a lot of prep work to be done, as the town full of Monsters (Well, what else would you, the reader, expect from a world that gives us the Halloween season as we know it to be inhabited with, Mice and Ducks?) were all hard at work, doing everything they could to make this year's Hallow's Eve a truly unforgettable one. However, near the outskirts of this town within this peculiar world, a set of glowing red eyes stared deep into the crowd of Creeps and Ghouls, setting their sights upon one lone individual, all while the town's denizens all broke into Song as they kept working.
[Cue Musical Number- 'Making Halloween', Based on 'Making Christmas' From the Nightmare Before Christmas movie, performed by the citizens of Halloweentown (CV; Various), Jack Skellington (SV; Danny Elfman) FT. Blue Will-o-wisps (CV; Tom Waits)]
[All the citizens of Halloween town are cheerfully singing, working hard to perfect their skills and scares.]
"This time...
This time...
Making Halloween,
Making Halloween,
Making Halloween!
Making Halloween is so fine!
It's time to Shine,
And won't Humankind be surprised?
It's time to Shine,
Making Halloween,
Making Halloween,
Making Halloween!
Time to give them something fun,
They'll talk about for years to come!
Let's have a cheer from everyone-
It's time to party!
Making Halloween,
Making Halloween!
Snakes and mice roam earthen grounds,
Spider webs spun, and howling hounds!
It's time to Shine!
Altogether, that and this-
With all our tricks,
We're making Hallow's Eve!"
[A Werewolf looks over to the distance, seeing a trail of blue will-o-wisps, sticking close to the side of a rather important figure... At least, to this World.]
"Here comes Jack and his Partner!"
Walking down from a set of stairs and through a gate that seemed to protect a peculiar house that, upon closer inspection, seemed more akin to a tower, there was a strange human who was overlooking everything that these monsters were up to with the assistance of the Will-O-Wisps by his side. But if someone were to take just a moment to get a true, proper glance at this 'human', one would be able to see that it wasn't such a being, but rather, a tall and extremely slender white skeleton with a skull sporting a cross-stitch mouth and bony fingers instead. It also seemed to sport a black-and-white, pinstripe formal tuxedo with a bat-themed bowtie on its neck. This was none other than the ruler of this Halloween town, and the creature in charge of making Halloween as we know it- A master of fright, and a demon of Light. This... Was Jack Skellington- The Pumpkin King.
[The blue will-o-wisps energetically spiral around the Pumpkin King, as he then begins to sing.]
"They won't believe what they're going to see...
Our hopes, Our dreams, A reality~!"
[Walking along the streets of the town square, Jack can't help but giddily laugh to himself, all while the trail of Will-O-Wisps deviates from Jack, going over to check on a demon, who seems to be demonstrating a routine that he had fully planned out to catch trick-or-treaters off-guard.]
"Won't they be startled; I am a genius!
See how I plan to leap from the shadows,
And greet 'em with some bone-chilling growls!"
[The Will-o-Wisps form into a small face as they move towards the demon- A face with two black eyes and 2 faint blue irises, a cross-stitch mouth much like Jack's, and a head composed of the blue flames that gave the will-o-wisps their form originally.]
"Rightly sincere compliments, from me to you,
On this, a most intriguing fright!
Consider, though, new audial repertoire-
Instead of growls, a fearsome roar!"
[Jack smiles as he looks over at the Face in the Will-O-Wisps, knowing that he's taught him well over all the time he's spent with him, before he notices a man with a melting face gently holding a scorpion in his hands, as the Pumpkin king goes over to this Melting man, and then sings again.]
"No, no, no, now that's all wrong,
This thing will never scare a child-
It's been alive for much too long!
Try something mangled, something wild!
Try again, don't give up!"
[All of the denizens of Halloween town sing together, now accompanied by Jack and the will-o-wisps.]
"Altogether, that and this-
With all our tricks,
We're making Hallow's Eve!
This time, this time (we'll shine!),
Making Halloween,
Making Halloween, la, la, la!
It's nearly here, and we can't wait!
So, ring the bells, and celebrate!
'Cause when the full moon starts to climb,
We'll all sing out-"
[End Musical number]
Suddenly, the singing and preparations in honor of the upcoming frightening festivity were immediately and abruptly cut short by a figure instantly appearing out of nowhere above the heads of all the townsfolk, and then landing atop of a cyclops statue located in the fountain the dead center of the town square, as the glowing green light from the fountain's water illuminated the silhouette. This peculiar and strange creature that stood high atop the statue with most of the denizens of this town of Halloween below its feet seemed more human-like than any of the ghouls and goblins any of them had seen before. Despite this being looking more human-like than the town's leader, it still seemed rather... Bone-Chilling. This creature's body seemed to be clad in black and gold armor, a few reddish spheres located on several parts of its body- one on the center of its chest, two on its shoulder pads, but they seemed to resemble narrowed eyes reflecting anger, while the shoulder pads themselves resembled hounds baring their fangs. A tail could be seen angrily flicking side to side underneath a cape that was tattered and had several holes burnt into its ends. and on several other parts of the humanoid being's body were smaller mouths with ground-sharp teeth- Even on its tail. Gazing down upon every last one of the citizens of this Hallow's Eve realm, before it finally spoke up, uttering eight words, and eight words alone-
"Which one of you is the Pumpkin King?" It asked, as Jack looked over at the blue Will-O-Wisps. "Is this one a friend of yours?" The Pumpkin King asked the face within the blue pyre, as its eyes widened in fear. "Him? A FRIEND? Boss, that Digimon is anything but a friend...!" The blue flames nervously warned Jack while the strange black Digimon jumped down from the statue. "I'm afraid I wasn't heard the first time, so I'll ask again, but only once more- Which one of you is the Pumpkin King?" The armor-clad Digimon asked again with a horrifyingly menacing tone, as everyone else in the town of Halloween pointed at none other than Jack Skellington himself.
"You know, I'm actually surprised you convinced Dracmon to come with you and the Glowkies, Aleena." Casey told her as she and the other Chosen Ones went through the pumpkin patch together while Scorpi hopped from the tops of one pumpkin to another, pretending that the ground was lava. "Yeah, I mean, Drakkie has been known to get all kinds of fussy during October. Besides, don't you guys remember how he didn't exactly want to help with the fight against Witchmon last year?" Jellymon brought up, while Dracmon scoffed, straying away from a small amount of the pumpkins in the patch. "Firstly, Jellymon, don't call me that, you know just as well as I do that I hate being called 'Drakkie' due to how demeaning it sounds. Secondly- and most importantly, might I add- I really helped you guys find a good way for Magnifo to settle the whole Witchmon situation by telling you guys what I knew about the magical hick. I just didn't want to fight her. While I made it into a bit of a bargain when I fought Alya, her Attack Rabbit, and those other guys, I've come to learn during my time with you all that not every single situation has to be handled with brute force. Sometimes, a bit of a reasonable mind and spoken words can prove to be just as powerful as a sharpened blade." He defended his case, occasionally tapping a good amount the orange gourds he had passed by with the tip of his red claws. Everyone on this team he had become a part of since the first full-on attack against the armada when Gammamon first achieved the Ultimate level actually thought that the Imp-like Digimon was either really fussy during October, or he truly hated Halloween? Well, they barely understood knew the real truth of the situation, let alone how he really felt about the holiday. Soon enough, Dracmon had made the decision to go and walk off on his own, heading his way into the nearby woods to clear his head for a bit. Little did he know, was that his troubles were just about to get started, and he'd end up going beyond the veils of his known reality...
"That would be me, Sir. I'm Jack. Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King-" Jack properly introduced himself to the Digimon in black armor, before it swiftly and suddenly swiped its tail, the maw along it opened wide, trying to get a bite of the living skeleton, who managed to avoid it with a swift backflip. Now, normally, most people who'd be attacked by something like this Digimon would be scared right out of their pants. Jack, on the other hand, was not like most people- Both figuratively and literally. "Why, the mouths on your body and your pinpoint accuracy are absolutely spine-tingling! With your assistance, we can make this year's Halloween far more horrible than last year! Although, we may have to tone down the violence. Hurting others isn't my exact vision of a good Halloween, after all..." He offered a bony hand to the Digimon, a skeleton grin plastered onto the Pumpkin King's skull, before the Digital monster clad in Black armor slapped his hand away, glaring at the sharply dressed skeleton. "Why in Yggdrasil's name would I, Plutomon, the Dark Prosecutor, ally myself with a criminal?"
Upon hearing Plutomon's question, the denizens of this Halloween Town began to confusedly talk amongst themselves, while Jack narrowed his eye sockets, seeming a bit confused.
"I-I'm sorry... Me? A criminal? Plutomon, you must be sorely mistaken, I-" The Pumpkin King tried to explain, as Plutomon hopped onto the side of the fountain, quickly wrapping his tail around Jack's jaw, silencing the ruler of this Holiday, leaving the Blue Will-O-Wisps and all of the other citizens of this town in genuine horror and silence. "Don't you fucking dare try to even play dumb with me, Skellington- Almost 31 years ago, you kidnapped and impersonated Santa Claus in a half-baked scheme to ruin Christmas with a majority of this world's denizens helping you out, and you all got off the hook with nothing more than you, the one who caused the Christmas calamity of '93, ended up getting a metaphorical slap on the wrist. You all deserve more than that, considering how many children you traumatized back then who are well into their early thirties as of now. The time has come for retribution." Plutomon growled, as 2 spheres of black and dark purple flames burst out of Plutomon's two shoulder pads before those 2 spheres became one and blocked out the light of the sunlight, replacing its glow with a blackened shine. However, before any more harm could befall the Pumpkin King, the Blue Will-o-Wisps quickly retreated into the tower-like home of Jack Skellington, looking for something until it came upon some sort of green slime encased in a glass Jar, and quickly came flying out with the jar in its grasp.
"Alright, Plutomon, you know just as well as I do that you've chosen the worst day possible for this 'retribution' of yours to be carried out against all of this town, AND the Boss! Besides, Halloween's in 15 days from now, and the two of us aren't gonna let you keep any of us from doing what's necessary for the sake of the real world!" The will-o-wisps shouted as it chucked the jar at the Skeleton caught in Plutomon's grasp, who successfully caught the jar, and upon opening the lid, the green slime quickly crawled out of the jar, tore Plutomon's tail away from Jack's jaw, and squirmed into place around his wrist. "Thanks for getting the Soul Robber for me, Ghostmon!" The Pumpkin King looked back at the Will-O-Wisps as they all congregated together to form a small Digimon with a body made entirely of blue flames, with a violet-blue fluff around its neck, and a skeletal face similar to Jack's, with a burning magician's hat adorned atop of it, as the flaming Digital Monster, now known as Ghostmon, spiraled around his Skeletal partner, floating right by his side.
"No problem, Boss!" Ghostmon smirked, as Plutomon just growled at the duo. "It only makes a lick of sense that the Pumpkin King would have a bodyguard of sorts after what happened back then. But an ally to the Criminal- and a town full of the criminal's assistants- Won't stop me from seeking retribution!" The Dark Prosecutor shouted, as loud rock music seemed to grow louder and far fiercer, as all the denizens of this Halloween town immediately took for cover, each of them worried about the fate the Pumpkin King was about to be faced with.
[Cue Musical Number- 'Justice Shall Prevail', Based on 'Nerdy Prudes must Die', from the Team Starkid Musical of the same name, performed by Plutomon (CV; Peter Cullen) FT. Jack Skellington (SV; Danny Elfman), Ghostmon (CV; Tom Waits), Citizens of Halloweentown (CVs; Various), originally performed by Will Branner and Jon Matteson.]
"Plutomon, just listen to me, I'm not a criminal! Besides, it was thirty-one years ago; I didn't know any better compared to back then-"
[Plutomon scoffs, not being fooled by Jack's response.]
"Not knowing any better isn't an excuse, Skellington. Like it or not, retribution and restitution await."
[Plutomon walks over to Jack's side, as he began to sing.]
"Did you miss the feeling of fear?
Did you really think you'd get away?
For as long as I'm near, I'll find a way to break you!"
[Plutomon looks over at Ghostmon, a menacing glare in his eyes.]
"Halloween will never be the same,
That ain't good news for your Boney Boss!
'Cause it's the start of the game, and he'll suffer the loss!
[Plutomon takes to the air.]
"Did you enjoy flying in the sky?
You better get ready to die, a second time!"
[From an instantaneous flash of blue and purple light as the Dark Prosecutor lands on the ground, a strange sword with sharp fangs instead of steel appears in Plutomon's grasp, as he uses it to clash with Jack, who is using the Soul Robber to defend himself.]
"Justice shall prevail, Justice shall prevail!
Jury of the Black, watch that Jack be reduced to dust!
Again, the past shall rise, bones will be my prize!
Skellington, soon you'll be, pushin' up daisies-
The Prosecutor never loses!"
[The soul robber and the toothy blade are still clashing as Plutomon continues singing.]
"Although I seek out equity,
I could give two shits 'bout the excuses you give me,
Whatever the choice'll be- You'll pay for all your crimes!"
[Soon enough, the blade Plutomon has in his grip finally cuts through the blade that the Soul Robber had shapeshifted into, leaving a small part to land over on the ground by Jack's right side, while the rest of it starts wrapping itself back around Jack's left wrist again.]
"Thus starts my own crusade!
Halloween got off easy for how it behaved,
During Christmas Eve,
The Hallow's have no need for a damn reprieve!"
[Using his Tail, Plutomon manages to knock Jack off-guard, tripping him to the ground to boot.]
"Justice shall prevail, justice shall prevail!
Jury of the Black, watch the guilty meet his demise;
The Claus-napper shall pay, it's finally judgement day!
Skellington, it's far too late, to change your ways,
No matter what anyone says...!"
[Plutomon points both the tip of his tail and his fanged blade at Jack. One wrong move, and one of the Pumpkin King's bones would either have a dent in them from the blade's sharpness or get bitten in half.]
"Now, repeat after me, Skellington."
[Being backed into a Corner by the Dark Prosecutor, the Pumpkin King is left with no other option...]
"Alright, then...?"
[... And thus, it begins, until Plutomon says one thing, and one thing alone for his third verse-]
"Will you pray for me, (Will you pray for me,)
When I'm gone? (When I'm gone?)
Or until another Hallow Lord arrives?"
[Jack immediately tenses up the moment he heard the mention of 'Hallow Lord' from Plutomon, a genuine look of fear and confusion beginning to form in his eye sockets. He hasn't heard that term since... The incident...]
"C-can you repeat that, please?"
[The maws decorated around several parts of Plutomon's body start opening up, each one glowing with a blue, purple, yellow, pink and green light, small spirit-like hands, claws, and a tentacle slowly reaching out to grab Jack.]
"Will you pray for me, when I'm gone?
[For the first time ever, Jack, Ghostmon, and the other Denizens of this Halloween Town who are caught in the crossfire of Plutomon's rage feel genuine horror, the citizens softly adding their own vocals.]
Who will pray for you- (Who will pray for me,) (Do-Or-Die,)
When your remains are gone? (When my remains are gone?) (Say Goodbye;)
[Amidst everyone else's singing, Fiery blue tears begin to sting Ghostmon's eye sockets. He had to do something! But what COULD he do?!]
This is the ultimate penance for what you have caused~-" (Jack, Stand right back up!)
[Ghostmon feels his body moving on his own, as he immediately loses control of his own vocal cords as he leaps towards the bearer of the Skeleton grin, and sings four words-]
[End of Musical Number]
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST FUCKING SAY TO ME, YOU GODDAMN FIRE PUPPET?!" Plutomon snarled angrily at the rookie-level Digimon, about to attack Ghostmon, but before he could even swipe at either the fiery digital monster or the Pumpkin King with either tail or blade, the small glob of the Soul Robber that had been sliced off from Jack's left wrist slowly wrapped around his right, before turning a navy blue, and shapeshifting into a functioning D-Vigor, as a set of two words suddenly began buzzing around in Jack's Skull...
"JACK RAID!" The Pumpkin King shouted, as Ghostmon spiraled around Jack, bits of blue fire trailing around the two of them, before the duo went invisible, and left the town Square without as much of a trace- not even a set of the Pumpkin King's footprints were left behind. All the Denizens of the town watched, horrified to see that their Holiday Leader had disappeared without a sign as to where he had gone with his Digimon partner. Plutomon, on the other hand, closed the mouths on his body, the colorful ghostly limbs retracting back into the maws. "Well, they'll be back, whether they like it or not. Until then, the denizens of the Real World shall suffer what it almost fully went through nearly Thirty-One years ago with Christmas..." The Dark Prosecutor growled as he walked in front of the town fountain, where just a single pumpkin rested where Jack and Ghostmon once were, now replaced by a crushed pumpkin and its guts, as Plutomon said three words- Three words, that, now being uttered by the Digimon who had more or less bested the Pumpkin King, and thus taking his crown, would have disastrous consequences on the real world (And mistakenly paint another Digimon there as the quote-unquote 'Digimon responsible');
Dracmon had been resting atop a tree branch, as his 'attempt to clear his thoughts' turned into a full-blown nap. The red and green eyes embedded on the palms of his left and right hands began to slowly open, as he was soon stirring from his Slumber due to hearing something- Or rather, Someone- calling his name...
"... Dracmon...."
"DRACMON!" He heard Aleena call his name sternly. With the imp-like Digital Monster being taken off guard by the sudden shout, Dracmon fell off of the treebranch. "Jeez, Aleena, don't scream so loudly! I would've come down if you or the others just called my name without having to scare me- W-which I wasn't of course, I-!" Dracmon nervously covered up his fears, but he was immediately met with a crowd of Humans, Mixels, and Digimon showcasing both angry glares and concerned faces, with some of his friends being covered in pumpkin guts from head to toe (Or tail, in some of the Mixels' cases). "... What?"
"What...? WHAT?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, MAKING HALF OF THE PUMPKINS IN THE PATCH EXPLODE?!" Amber shouted at him, resulting in the Virus Digimon flinching as he stepped back from the group of humans, Mixels, and Digimon, his back against the very tree he was resting in. "H-hang on, Rockette! I didn't do anything! Besides, I was gone for 30 whole minutes! Plus, HOW- And why, might I add- IN MAXIMUM MIXEL'S NAME WOULD I ACTUALLY TRY TO DESTROY PUMPKINS?!" He then screamed back at her, as Zorch immediately pulled out a tape recorder, pressed a button on it, and played back some audio- Specifically, audio of something Dracmon had said earlier-
"I hate Halloween!"
"... Firstly, damn it Zorch, were you spying on me earlier? Secondly, okay, I admit that I actually said that stuff, but I'd NEVER go as far to ruin Halloween for everyone else- Especially you guys! Besides, you're my friends!" He immediately defended himself, before Angoramon spoke up. "Well, that may be true, but let's not forget the whole Red scribble fiasco you caused- Which, may I add, was a plot made by one of the last few remaining members of the Twilight Six before the two them who didn't die redeemed." The rabbit-like Digimon admitted. "Plus, if there's one thing a majority of us have learned from Jellymon before zhe stopped her harmful business ventures altogether, 'Once a troublemaker, alwayz a troublemaker'..." Teslo admitted, as Dracmon looked down at the ground, tightening his fists, seeing a majority of the Chosen Ones and their partners agree with the Electroid leader. His own friends were calling him out for things he tried so hard to let go of in the past... Why did they have to recall how he had originally been used by Quartzmon as a tool for his own whim before the former Puppet Master of the Twilight Six...? Why did they call have to recall his past tendency to cause mischief...? WHY DID THEY-
"S-STOP ACCUSING HIM!" One young voice meekly called out as loudly as it could, as Dracmon could see movement in the center of the crowd, and the one coming to his defense, and shielding him from everyone else was none other than the one he hurt on day one- Alya Roarke. "A-Alya, are you crazy? He wrecked almost all of the pumpkins in the patch!" Kiyo worried, before the youngest person on the team with a Digimon partner shook her head. "Maybe I am, but I know he didn't do it! Besides, there's a reason I personally chose to trust him when we met up with him the night that we saved Aleena and the Glowkies from the Nixels' influence- Because without light, like the kind we saw from Canoweissmon when Gammamon first gained his ability to Super Digivolve, there'd only be darkness- Like what Regulusmon wanted before he betrayed the Nixels and aimed for Universal Destruction! And that night, Dracmon became our own team's shadow- A guide to help us find Canoweissmon's light!" She explained, as she reached into a bag that she brought, and placed something around the imp-like Digimon's neck-
Alya's own camera, attached to a lanyard with bats and wolves printed on it.
"Alya...?" Dracmon confusedly looked up at her, as she patted him on the head. "I believe in you. But you've gotta find a way to prove your innocence to everyone else. I may be little, but I know the smallest people can be the biggest heroes. And it's time for you to showcase it just like I did back when Ren, Ms. Kaitlyn and I had to take on Ancient Sphinxmon." She told Dracmon with a kind and bright smile, as the Virus Digimon then nodded, and began to rapidly make his way deeper and deeper into the forest, not even sparing a glance back at his friends. Alya was more than right. "She may not be my partner, but I have to do it for her sake... I'll prove my innocence and be the biggest hero that my friends need by saving their Halloween!" He told himself as he kept running and running.
And then... As he eventually found the need to catch his breath, Dracmon finally saw it.
Resting before him was a gallery of strange trees with doors etched into them, each door a peculiar shape. One a heart, the other a turkey, and several other doors depicting a Four-leaved clover, an egg, a firecracker, and a Christmas tree. But what caught his eyes the most was the door in front of him- One that resembled a jack-o-lantern. He recalled something like these trees in a dream he'd seen... That, or something he had seen with two friends from his days back in the Digital World, he couldn't exactly remember which, but after simply a few seconds of seeing the one door that he somehow just couldn't take his eyes off of...
"Aw, Damn, not again..." The virus Digimon sighed, showcasing some form of irritation. Recently, he had occasional dreams where he heard a pair of voices calling his name, but as much as he searched, he could never find who was in need of him. But now, those voices were seeping their way into reality.
[Dracmon's just looking nervous, as he hears a second voice chiming in with the first, as they both begin to sing.]
"Ah-ah, oh-oh
Ah-ah, oh-oh
Ah-ah, oh-oh-oh-oh..."
[Dracmon sighs as he turns his back from the strange door and then sings, the two voices occasionally joining in.]
"I hear you both, but I won't.
Some look for trouble,
While others don't!
There's a million reasons,
I should go about my choice-
And ignore your whispers,
Which I wish would fade like a soft voice, oh, oh-oh...
(Ah-ah, oh-oh)
(Ah-ah, oh-oh)
[Dracmon immediately turns around, not about to take it anymore at this point.]
You're not voices!
Rather, messages in my ear!
And if I heard you, which I don't,
I'm spoken for, I fear.
Everyone I've ever loved has their backs turned from me
So, sorry, secret sirens, what use could I prove to be?
I'm nothing more than trouble, a self I thought I dropped!
I'm 'fraid of who I'm hurting if I ever stopped
Beyond the Door,
Beyond the Door,
Beyond the Door!
(Ah-ah, oh-oh)
(Ah-ah, oh-oh-oh)
[Dracmon just taps his foot along the ground, growing paranoid.]
What do you want?
'Cause you're just keeping me paranoid!
Are you here to distract me,
So I seem like a freakazoid?
[He immediately takes a breather, thinking about How everyone else acted towards him earlier.]
Or are you someone out there
Who's in the same boat as I?
Who knows deep down,
They're trapped under darkened sky?
It all seems a little harder,
The one I hurt chose to believe!
Don't you know there's part of me,
That longs to see,
Beyond the Door?
Beyond the Door
Beyond the Door, (ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah)
Oh, oh, oh!"
[Dracmon focuses on the door.]
"Someone's out there? Do they know me?
Can they feel me? Can they show me~?"
[Dracmon begins to slowly walk towards the tree with the Jack-O-Lantern door on it.]
"Ah-ah, ah-ah (ah-ah, ah-ah)
Ah-ah, ah-ah (ah-ah, ah-ah)
[With each small step and vocalization, Dracmon sees something new appear and disappear in a flash within his vision; A blue, fiery Ghost...]
Ah-ah, ah-ah (ah-ah, ah-ah)
[... A being similar to a little purple devil with a red bandanna...]
Ah-ah, ah-ah (ah-ah, ah-ah)
[... A tall, slender, and sharply dressed Skeleton...]
Ah-ah, ah-ah (ah-ah, ah-ah)
[... A seemingly sentient Burlap Sack standing on two legs...]
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah (ah-ah, ah-ah) ...!"
[... And finally, something that seems like him, but more beastly, as the voices he heard begin to fade away as he stands in front of the door.]
"Where are you going?
I won't be staying!
[Dracmon seems a bit scared at first, before he looks down at the Camera that Alya lent him, remembering her words before he had run off, as Dracmon grabs the handle of the Jack-O-Lantern Door, turns it, opens it...]
I'll go and find my cure-
[... And then finally jumps through it, as the door closes behind him.]
Beyond the Door~!"
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