Chapter 2- Plutomon's New Little Henchmen
[A/N- Yep, still working on this baby, because even though Halloween and Spooky Month are over, a temporal roadblock isn't gonna be enough to stop this train from rolling! From what most of you could gather, in the last chapter, Dracmon gained a brand new Digivolution in the shape and form of Sangloupmon, and Ghostmon was a little bit envious of this, due to the fact that he had never managed to Digivolve even once. However, it seems that Plutomon has allied himself with Halloween's finest Trick-or-treaters; Lock, Shock, and Barrel- To not only take down the 'guilty Pumpkin King', but also, so that he can manage to sink his fangs into Jack's Soul Robber. Who knows what's going to happen next- aside from the pain of a jealousy-induced outburst, a few syringes, and a rather intense scene later on, which may be a little bit too much for some younger readers- But let's find out the rest of what lies up ahead together!]
He might claim to be fearless, but even the mere consideration of that god-awful possibility still scared him senseless.
The thought of being seen as unneeded by Jack always seemed to make all the flames that made up Ghostmon's body seemingly lower in intensity; Heck, there was a reason the other citizens of Halloweentown occasionally referred to him as 'The Pumpkin Prince'- All due to the well-known fact that wherever the town's beloved Pumpkin King was going to be, Ghostmon was never usually too far behind him, be it whether he was going to be scaring somebody alongside the Pumpkin King, or if he was striving to help him and the Mayor of the beloved town of frights plan out a few new thing for next year's Halloween festivities. No matter what was ahead of him, or what the Halloween Realm threw his way, Ghostmon always found a means to keep up and help everyone in town out as best as he could. But ever since he and Jack had met with Dracmon the other day- Especially during the fight against Skull Baluchimon- And found out that he had the power to Digivolve had only just slowly made the fiery phantom-like Digimon begin to worry that his worst fear was slowly beginning to seep its way into reality.
He had been resting over by the balcony of Jack's house, before a sigh escaped his mouth, as he then floated down to the grounds of the city Halloweentown to visit the Witch's shop, as he had the good intent to go and get himself and Dracmon some snacks. "I'm not saying I'm ungrateful for Dracmon's help the other day, it's just..." He mumbled, as he looked down at one of his blazing hands, tightening it ever so angrily, before hitting a nearby pole with it. "WHY?! WHY CAN HE DIGIVOLVE, BUT EVEN AFTER ALL THE TIME I'VE SPENT FLOATING CLOSE TO JACK'S SIDE, I'M STILL UNABLE TO DIGIVOLVE?!" He shouted furiously, before he felt the presence of someone nearby- Or rather, two someones he knew as friends from the Digital World who occasionally visited from the outskirts of Halloweentown. One of them, who was standing atop a nearby lamppost, seemed more imp-like compared to Dracmon, and was also the size of a young child. Its entire body is purple, save for its white face, emerald-green eyes, the yellow smiley face on its stomach and the white claws on its feet, as it also bore a pair of red gloves on its clawed hands, and a red neckerchief around its neck like a bandanna.
The other one, standing close to the lamppost, seemed like a smaller version of Bouldergeist from Mario Galaxy, but smaller (and actually had legs, unlike the boss from the video game made by Nintendo)- Overall, a humanoid creature that appeared to have a body made entirely out of nothing more than just gray rocks, and gray rocks alone. It had a pair of two yellow eyes and two rocks on its head that seemingly resembled bear ears upon closer inspection. It also appeared to have three fingers on each hand, and a triad of three toes on each foot.
"Aww, is some-mon still upset about how they still haven't attained a frightfully awesome Digivolution~?" The demon-like creature teased with a laugh, as Ghostmon just sighed, not even bothering with turning around to face whoever was talking to him. "... Hey there, Impmon. I can see that you even brought Gotsumon with you this time around. Planning on playing yet another prank on the Boss again, or are you scrounging some more stuff together for that little 'secret project' you keep muttering endlessly about whenever you come by Halloweentown?" The phantom-like Digimon halfway angrily asked the other two Digital monsters, side-eyeing them both as they soon began to make their way over to him. "Oh, C'mon, Ghostie! Me and Gotchy here are only in town for the same reason as you are- Getting ourselves some grub from the Witch's shop- Which, of course, we've already done." Impmon smirked, as she left with Gotsumon, who shyly followed her, while Ghostmon just scoffed. "I'm not able to Digivolve, but I just can't afford to be seen as useless by him..." The fiery phantom-like Digimon mumbled to himself, as he continued to float his way to the Witch's shop, but just as he was about to move an inch further, Ghostmon ended up finding a packet of jelly brain gummies beneath him, with a note attached to it, that read as followed;
'Continue to get in the way of the Master, and you, the guilty party, and your friend who came all the way from the Real World to this world will all be biting off more than any of you can chew. That being said, why not treat yourself and your so-called friend to something sweet in the meantime? It's not like the one you see as your Boss will need you around for long with Dracmon in the picture...'
"So you and Ghostmon have both been together for THAT long, huh, Jack?" Dracmon asked curiously as he looked through a small scrapbook of photos that showcased some Halloweens that the Pumpkin King and the Data-attributed Digital monster have spent together. "Yeah, we met not long after I, erm... Did something I'm not particularly proud of when I was much younger..." Jack admitted, softly speaking aloud when it came to revealing the next part of his sentence just as Ghostmon returned from his outing, ignoring the fact that Jack and Dracmon were interacting with one another. "I'm back. I didn't end up going to the Witch's Shop to get Dracster and I some snacks like I initially planned, but I found a packet of Gummies along the way there, so I guess that counts for something..." The spirit-like Digimon said as he chucked the gummies over to Dracmon. "Ghostie? You alright?" Dracmon asked him as he opened up the packet of jelly brain gummies, showcasing some concern for his friend, who just kept his silence for a few moments. "... It's nothing, Dracster. Think nothing of it..." Ghostmon said almost monotonously, looking away from the duo so as to not incur more negative emotions that were welling up inside of him then there already was.
"Still, it felt out of the ordinary, just Digivolving on my own..." Dracmon muttered as he looked at one of his clawed hands that held a small number of Gummies in it as he poured them out of the packet, and then proceeded to pop one into his mouth, chew it, and then swallowed. "Normally, I'd have to synchronize the digital energy inside of my code with Aleena through her D-Vigor- Kinda like the one that's your wrist, Jack- In order for me to Digivolve normally, but if I did nothing against Skull Baluchimon the other day and just let myself die when I was launched into that fire... I'd never be able to forgive myself. I mean, my friends and I did some incredible things back home in the Real World, since we ended up fighting against many other Digimon, and also someone who tried to devour the entirety of the whole known universe and everything... I really wouldn't be able to actually call myself a 'hero of prophetic legend' if I lost my life to something like THAT, now, can I?" Dracmon asked with a smirk, as Jack nodded in understanding. Irritated at Dracmon unintentionally pointing out his inability to Digivolve once again, Ghostmon couldn't help but whisper to himself, "Thanks for the reminder, old friend." The phantom-esque Digital monster made certain that, even though he was whispering, to spit out the ending of his enraged statement with as much sarcasm possible at the given moment, while being cautious enough as to make sure not to raise his voice should his friends end up hearing him.
However, Ghostmon greatly underestimated Jack's hearing (despite Skeletons not even having ears), as the Pumpkin King had managed to pick up on Ghostmon's voice, despite being unable to clearly make out what he had said due to not paying enough attention. "Ghostmon, are you sure that you're alright? You sounded a little bit upset..." The Data-attributed Digimon's tall and Skeletal partner tried to ask him, but Ghostmon quickly turned his head around, a clear look of repressed irritation plastered onto his blazing blue face, as he then swiftly said one set of words-
"I'm fine, boss."
... Was all that he had chosen to remotely say in front of them before he had floated upstairs, going through the ceiling in order to do so. Jack, however, noticed how quickly and swiftly the fiery blue Digimon had responded, making him begin to suspect that his phantom-like Digimon partner was doing nothing but lying to him in order to reassure him that there was nothing wrong, yet he just couldn't put a bony finger onto the exact reason why that was the case...
The duo of Impmon and Gotsumon both had kept walking through the streets of the Halloween themed town as day was slowly changing into night, while the small she-devil Digimon had soon begun to slowly walk alongside the top of a nearby stone-built fence while looking down at a basket that was held gently yet also with a tight grip within her gloved claws, filled with multiple types of cloth & fabrics made from burlap and some soft materials, a spare sewing needle that she had gone and 'borrowed' from someone in town, and, of course- a few treats for herself, and the rocky rookie level Digimon to share between themselves. "So, all those times before, you were coming here to get several things to not only help yourself survive on your own, but also help your partner?" Gotsumon asked Impmon kindly, which snapped the tiny dark Digimon out of her own thoughts that she had been thinking about. "Y-Yeah. The last scuffle he got himself into with the dumb-kin King a long while after the Christmas calamity of '93 had left his original body damaged beyond repair, so I've made the decision to take it all into my own hands to make a new vessel for him made from the best stuff I can find from the stores around Halloweentown's shopping district in order to put it all together... Of course, I had to steal a sewing needle from the doctor's Ragdoll of a first creation- And yeah, I get it, stealing's not exactly the right thing to do, but when you've been associated with the wrong crowd for a little bit less than half a century, there's not much else you can do- Especially when you're trying to get stuff from any of the Dumb-kin King's friends. It's also why I've been rarely seen here within Halloweentown, and why I've been sticking to the outskirts for all this time." She admitted, before a triad composed of mischievous laughs and snicker chimed in from the darkened streets as the light from the streetlamps had all begun to flicker and fade.
"And by sticking to the town's Outskirts, you're only just hiding what you're really like." The voice of a young boy added to Impmon's statement, as the pitter patter of feet against the pavement of the roads of Halloweentown began to be heard, and as soon as the streetlamps regained their radiance within the nightly visage of the Halloween Realm, a trio of what appeared to be three human children (Or probably at the very best, human-esque children, since it was somewhat evidently apparent that only monsters really existed within the Halloween Realm) could be seen standing before the two Digimon. The first one on the right appeared to be the one who had spoken to Impmon- A young boy dressed as a devil, wearing a plain, long-sleeved, long red shirt, and pants of the same color. His brown shoes have pointed toes that curl upward. His skin is an unhealthy grayish-white color, his eyes are an eerie yellow and his lips are sky blue. His upper eyelids are a pink color, while the lower one was periwinkle. His chin seemed to look rather large, with the top of his own head being rather quite flat. His ears are set rather low on his head, and his eyebrows are the same shade of red as his clothes, while the rest of his hair is a darker red-brown color. He styles his hair in such a way that he has two "horns" in the front. His nose appeared to be pointed, but not nearly as large as one of his other allies' own. His mask appeared to be that of a faded red devil's face with horns that curved upward much more than his own hair. The mask's mouth was curled into a ghastly and chilling smile, showing a set of sharp teeth. It's also rather noteworthy to mention that this child also wore a pair of two salmon-colored gloves.
The second child of the trio, in the middle between the other two boys, seemed to be the only girl of the group, and was also the tallest of the three, being only slightly taller than the boy on the right, and as well as the thinnest out of the three. She was clearly dressed up as a witch, wearing a pale purple witch's hat that is about the same height (perhaps even taller) than herself. Her hair was wiry and blue, the same color as the makeup that she wore around her eyes. She has pale blue lips and deathly gray-white skin. Her face and neck were both quite long, and her nose was also enormous and pointed, taking up almost all of her face. The young girl's mask was a plain green one that sported the very same large nose as her own face, and its mouth was set in a deep frown. She wore a pale purple dress complete with a dark purple hem, as well as black boots. She also wore a set of gray gloves.
The third and final child, standing over by the left side of the girl, seemed to look like he was the shortest and chubbiest of the trio, sporting the very same gray-white skin as his friends, along with forest green lips. His head was somewhat spherical in comparison to an actual Human, and he has short, pale green hair. His nose is very small when compared to the ones belonging to the other two members of the group, and unlike theirs, was upturned. His bloodshot eyes seemed to be quite close together and appeared sunken in, though it could just be an illusion created by the dark makeup that was applied around them. The boy seemed dresses up like a skeleton, wearing gray pants and a like-colored shirt. Both of these pieces of clothing had clearly been decorated with bones that were each roughly corresponding to their locations within the human body's anatomy. His feet seemed to be oddly shaped, with three toes instead of a normal human's five, each one of this boy's three toes being of the same length. His mask seemed perfectly paired with the costume he was wearing, as it appeared to be that of a skull; a simple, round and circular white mask with the mouth being nothing more than just bare teeth set into the form of a wide grin, reflecting the fact that the boy could usually be seen grinning amongst his two peers.
"Great, the three migraines are here again in order to taunt me for not moving on from him after the Holiday King Hustle of... And shut up, Barrel, I'm absolutely fine with the kind of 'mon that I am now compared to all the way back then!" Impmon sarcastically began, before glaring at the boy wearing the skeleton mask, as he and the somewhat tall boy with the red devil mask both just scoffed at her response. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Impsy. Don't take what we're all about to do personally, but the three of us aren't here for you, and we definitely don't need you with us anymore." The girl dressed as a witch, Shock, had then admitted, as she then grabbed a somewhat large pebble from near the side of the road the quintet had been standing on, as she then chucked it at Impmon's head, knocking her down from the fence. "Ow, that hurt! The heck was that for?!" The small she-devil Digimon angrily shouted as she then attempted to try and get back up on her feet, before Lock had immediately pulled out a plunger (as he was a child, and honestly, giving someone like Lock a sharp weapon like a pitchfork was an exceedingly horrible idea for every single sensible reason), which he then used to hit Impmon's back and knock her back down. Gotsumon just fearfully stood on the sidelines, watching in fear as the triad of trick-or-treaters continued to harm the she-devil digital monster.
"Stop it..." Gotsumon pleaded, tears beginning to stain his yellow and black eyes, but neither Lock, Shock, nor Barrel paid any mind, as a foggy black and purple mist slowly started to form around the rocky Digimon's body, swirling around him with blackened data cubes as the triad of Halloween Realm Children continued to beat down Impmon, before the gentle rookie-level Digimon that she had as her companion just couldn't take it anymore. "... Stop it, stop it, STOP IT, STOP IIIIIIIIIT!" The Rocky Digital Monster screamed nearly at the top of his lungs, his own tears now dripping down from his face and onto the ground as the mist grew thicker, and the data cubes forged into data particles while his voice devolved into screeches, all while his shadow began to change shape. Impmon stared at the mist as it cleared up in horror, as the fading murkiness revealed a terrifying Digimon that stood where Gotsumon once was. Whatever he had Digivolved- No, Dark Digivolved- into... It didn't seem like he was himself anymore, both figuratively and literally.
"Wh-What did you guys just make Gotchy do...?!" Impmon panicked as she weakly got herself up from the ground as the terrible trio of trick-or-treaters all cackled. "We got what we really came here for from him, Impmon. And with this new Digimon on our side, Gotsumon is no more! Meaning we more or less got ourselves a Partner Digimon!" Lock told her, as the triple tag team of children began to go on their way, before a tub with a set of four stubby legs came out of the alleyway nearby, as the troublemaking trio had then hopped inside it, the Digimon formerly known as Gotsumon following them, as the she-devil Digimon looked down at her claws as they left, before sighing and sparing a glance at her basket of items. "... Damn... I should've taken the chance to bring him back instead of wasting so much time..."
[Cue Musical Number- 'End the Reign of Skellington', based on 'Kidnap the Sandy Claws' from The Nightmare Before Christmas, Performed by Lock (CV; Paul Reubens), Shock (CV; Catherine O'Hara), & Barrel (CV; Danny Elfman).]
[The trio of trick-or-treaters continue to make their way thru the streets of Halloweentown, the new Digimon following the children riding in the moving bathtub.]
"Take Down Jack Skellington?"
"I wanna do it!"
"Let's draw straws!"
[Shock watches the two boys as they propose which of them gets to do it with their, before rolling her eyes, and knocking Lock and Barrel's heads into one another.]
"Plutomon said 'any means neccesary'!"
[Barrel and Shock each get a verse, before all three sing together.]
"No restrictions-"
"No stoppin' us here!"
"Our turn to cause Fear!
[The tub tromps through the streets as the Digimon tagging along with the trio starts slashing the streetlamps in half with his claws, as well as causing other forms of property damage.]
La, la, la, la, la
la, la, la, la, la!
La, la, la, la, la
la, la, la, la, la!
End the Reign of Skellington, cease the Hallow's night,
Bring forth the endless dark as we
Put up a real fight!"
[Shock pulls out a sketchbook, draws something in it, before showing Barrel and Lock a sketch of Dracmon, Ghostmon, and Jack trapped inside a cage.]
"First, we're going to set some bait
Inside a nasty trap and wait,
When they come a-sniffing, we will
Snap the trap and close the gate!"
[Lock shakes his head, and thus pulls out a small marionette that looks eerily similar to Jack.]
"Wait! I've got a better plan
To kill the one and only Pumpkin King-
Let's use him like a tool, a puppet,
And toy with him by his own strings!"
[Lock tosses the puppet into the air as the new Digimon slices the puppet in half with his claws, strings and all, as the trio of trick-or-treaters all sing together again.]
"End the Reign of Skellington,
Throw him in a box
Bury him for ninety years,
Then see if he talks!
Then Prosecutor Plutomon-
Will feast 'pon the Soul Robber then!
He'll be pleased as punch, I do declare;
The worlds beyond best beware!
[Cut to Plutomon's castle as he gazes down at the town, all of his fanged mouths smirking down at the town, before we cut back to the trio, as Lock begins singing again.]
"I say that we take a trebuchet,
Aim it at his door and then;
Knock three times and when he answers,
Skeleton Jack will be no more!"
[Shock then proceeds to smack Lock upside the head.]
"You're so stupid, think now!
If we tear him down to nothingness,
We may lose the Robber,
And the new Boss'll beat us black and blue!"
[All three of them start singing together again as the new Digimon continues to cause more property Damage. Unbeknownst to them, Impmon is tailing them from the shadows, making sure none of them even catch the smallest glimpse of her from the darkness.]
"End the Reign of Skellington,
break him into bits!
Toss him in a coffin,
Then see if he throws a fit!
Because Plutomon is the toughest Digimon around,
If I were even on his on list, I'd run far from this town~!"
[Barrel begins singing, watching a few of the shops pass him and the others by as the bathtub continued moving. The New Digimon flies down to the group, its mouth salivating at some of the treats in the window, before Lock yanks it away from the window. Even after committing a harmful atrocity in front of him and onto his friend when he was still Gotsumon, he couldn't catch a break from this terrible trio...]
"He'll be so pleased by our success-
That he'll reward us too, I'll bet!"
[The other two members of the trio sing alongside Barrel.]
"I wonder what it's going to be?
We cannot wait to see!
We're his little henchmen,
And we take our job with pride-
We try our best to please him,
And stay on his good side!"
[Shock goes to the front of their moving tub, scouring ahead, as she glances at the other two boys via side-eying them.]
"I wish my cohorts weren't so dumb-"
[Upon hearing this, Barrel and Lock are not amused, leading to Shock and Lock ending up in a small fight.]
"I'm not the dumb one!"
"You're no fun!"
"Shut up!"
"Make me!"
[And Shock does just that- She uses her hand to cover up Lock's mouth, thus silencing him.]
"I've got something, listen now-
This one's real good, you'll see!
We'll cause a ruckus somewhere in town,
And someone else will bear the news to him-
[The tub stops in front of a small school, before heading in, each of them laying tricks and traps in some of the halls as they go deeper in, as the new Digimon goes into each of the classrooms, destroying everything it can slice his claws thru, before we cut back to the trio singing together.]
Now, in the schoolgrounds, we'll wait and hide,
Until his unbeating heart
Entice his crew to set things right,
Then we'll have them all-"
"One, two, three!
End the Reign of Skellington, beat him with a stick-
Lock him up for ten whole years, see what makes him tick-
End the Reign of Skellington, He's in for a surprise;
Prosecutor Plutomon is bound to get his prize!
End the Reign of Skellington, Jack will never win!
This fight against our Digimon will no doubt do him in~!"
[End of Musical Number]
A small and faint dark blue glow radiated from the faucet of the quadrupedal tub, as a singular cobalt blue bubble made of strange goo (A/N- To those of you who wish to understand the implied reference, go and watch the Starkid Musical titled 'The Guy who Didn't like Musicals'. Either that one, or Nightmare Time 2; Yellowjacket. Either one of them will do.) slowly flowed outwards from the faucet, Plutomon's face imbedded inside of it. "Alright, you three. Any updates on the current situation?" The Dark Prosecutor asked the trio, as Lock just smirked. "Well, we've already got a plan thought out on how we're gonna be taking Jack down- Especially since we caused that worst possible outcome thing you told us about last night!" He explained. "Yeah, and it looks like some kind of Gremlin with wings, so even if that Dracmon guy Digivolves into his Champion level form, he won't really be able to match our new friend here in terms of Speed!" Shock added, as Barrel then nodded in agreement. "Yeah! The faster the new guy lands his hits, the harder he'll be able to hit Dracmon, and take down Jack and Ghostmon, too!" Upon hearing the words of his lackeys, Plutomon looked up at the new Digital monster that they snagged as an Ally, recognizing which one this was almost instantly. "Ahh, a Vilemon. They aren't usually known for getting into direct combat, but rather, being cowards that torment those weaker than it. Yet, despite Vilemon being a champion-level Digimon who picks on Digimon who are weaker than itself, it still despises losing to opponents by any necessary means, making this one you've made Dark Digivolve from its previous form into the perfect kind of Digital Monster that won't easily lose to either Dracmon or Skellington- ESPECIALLY Ghostmon." The dark Prosecutor then cackled evilly, as the cobalt bubble immediately popped, not leaving any trace of goo behind in its wake, as Plutomon had finished carrying out his message. From the shadows not too far away from the troublemaking group, however, Impmon had heard everything as she then simply looked down at her gloved claws, before tightening them, while watching the trio and the now-named Vilemon begin to wreak utter and absolute havoc and chaos upon and within the eerie and hauntingly macabre schoolgrounds, as she quickly began to sneak her way off of the campus grounds.
'I may not be exactly like him by any conventional or unconventional means, but I've just got to warn those guys... I may be the one who's playing into straight their hands by carrying their awful warning to the Dumb-kin King, Ghostie, and that 'Dracmon' guy- Who somehow sounds vaguely familiar to me- But I won't let anyone else cause chaos in this town!'
Impmon rushed thru the streets of Halloweentown after making her undetected escape from the schoolgrounds (And to an extent, Lock, Shock, Barrel, & Vilemon), the moon lighting her path as she kept on hoping to find the ones she was desperately looking for. And through the darkened night she continued running, until she reached and saw the exact building that she was searching for- A black, tower-like building that stood still behind a tall gate. "Hopefully, the Dumb-kin King doesn't hate me for all those tricks I pulled on him in the past... But considering what those troublesome triplets are planning, this may be one risk that's worth taking..." The she-devil Digimon muttered to herself as she immediately climbed over the gate, before running up the stairs, thus having made her way to the front door. Impmon then nervously exhaled, still a bit worried, before slowly reaching up towards the pullable doorbell, and yanking it down, the duet of a shrill bell ringing and a woman screaming could be heard from even a mile away. "Just a minute!" Jack's voice called from just behind the door, as the sound of his footsteps were heard drawing closer and closer towards the door, the she-devil Digimon's nervous heart beating with every second, before the door slowly opened itself up, simply leaving little Impmon face-to-face with none other than the Pumpkin King himself.
"Oh, Impmon! I've been meaning to talk with you for the past few days!" Jack told her with a kind smile plastered onto his skull, as she immediately flinched the second that he begun to sit down on the doorstep right next to her side. Was she about to get scolded for her countless mean-spirited stunts that she had pulled on the Pumpkin King ever since the start of October? She didn't exactly need that right now! What she needed to do was to try and warn him, the Pumpkin Prince, and that other guy about what those kids were doing, even if it meant she was playing into the trio's hands! She didn't even remotely have the time on her hands needed to face the consequences of her actions when there was a do or die situation to be dealt with-
"I'm actually somewhat impressed with the pranks you've been pulling on me recently, so I've made the decision to bestow upon you the chance to be an honorary trick-or-treater for this year's Halloween!"
... Wait, what did he just say?
"Y... You're kidding me, right, Jacky? Even after that one trick of mine where I swapped that Snowglobe of yours that you got back in '93 with a disembodied head? You legitimately mean to say that you seriously want to allow ME, of all the Digimon in this whole entire Realm, to actually be a part of this year's Halloween?" Impmon asked in total disbelief, as she didn't even remotely have a chance to predict an interaction with the Pumpkin King to actually end up coming to a rather surprising conclusion like this in the slightest! "But of course! You may have been Oogie's right-hand assistant for what I can only attempt to assume is the same exact amount of time that I've known Ghostmon, but at the same time, I'm much too aware of the pain you must've felt in regards to how a large majority of Halloweentown's residents have each been ostracizing you for all these years, but I want to do everything that I can as the Pumpkin King in order to give you a chance to be seen as an equal in their eyes, and not as some kind of mean-spirited trickster like those three..." Jack explained to her, showing some slight sense of bitter resentment towards whomever the three he mentioned was. Well, all of the niceties aside, Impmon still intended to carry out her goal- No matter what. "Th-that actually reminds me, Jacky! Lock, Shock, and Barrel have all done something to my friend Gotchy that made him Digivolve and then go crazy, and now all four of them are causing wanton anarchy across the campus of Gorevard University!"
Jack remained silent upon hearing what she had to say, seemingly startled by the she-devil Digimon's news. Then again, he was well-aware of all the schemes that trio pulled, especially when they brought a certain bag of bugs back to life back at the end of September roughly twenty-something years ago. And messing with a Digimon whom he actually took pity on, and a friend of hers, to boot... "... Leave it to us, Impmon. We'll go take care of the situation." The Pumpkin King told her, as Impmon then nodded, before making her leave. Dracmon, hearing this from the living room, immediately went to Jack's side. "From what she mentioned seems like 'Gotchy'- Whom I can only assume is a Gotsumon- Managed to not just Digivolve on his own, but actually Dark Digivolved... That's really bad..." The Imp-like Digimon told him, a nervous look on his face. "Sure, Digivolution with the aid of someone with a Digivice is normal, but without that factor, Digivolving can, and usually WILL end up having disastrous consequences on a Digimon's mental psyche, and on rare occasions, their physical appearance, all caused by the rush of power that Digivolution creates. And a Dark Digivolution can occasionally end up tearing a Digimon's mind down into shreds due to how the negative emotions that make it happen in the first place create a bigger amount of power than your standard Digivolution. Combine the two, and you've got yourself a Digimon with a beyond shattered mentality, almost unbelievable strength, and a disfigured form. Point in case, we better hurry. Jack, Ghostie, let's... Go...?" Dracmon slowly said the last part of his sentence as he turned his head to look inside of the Pumpkin King's home in order for the imp-like Digimon to face his best friend, but to his (and Jack's) surprise...
He wasn't inside at all.
"Where the hell did Ghostmon go?!" Dracmon begun to nervously panic a small amount, as Jack then immediately got right back up on his feet. "I don't think it's anything much too worrisome, Dracmon. For all that the two of us may know, he could simply just already be well on his way to Gorevard to take care of the situation. And if you ask me, we should hurry, too. Take it from me; Lock, Shock, & Barrel each aren't to be taken lightly by any means!" The Pumpkin King told him, as the duo quickly went on their way towards the school, both of them unaware of the danger that the blue phantom-like Digimon was truly in as of right now...
A streak of dark blue and bright cyan flames dashed alongside the misty battlefield that the Courtyard of Gorevard University had now managed to become, as Ghostmon soon found himself quickly evading one supersonic wave and any other thrown projectile after another, Vilemon and the trio of trick-or-treaters all hot on his spectral tail. "Alright, Ghostie, you just gotta lure them away from a good chunk of the building as to avoid a majority of the campus getting destroyed. Maybe it's not entirely simple as you initially thought it'd be, but it's the only chance that you've got left to take in order for you to prove to the Boss that you're irreplaceable- GAH!" He kept zipping along in the air, avoiding whatever was headed his way, before he saw what appeared to look somewhat like a syringe-shaped construct made of several corrupted dark energies that was flying straight towards the phantom-like Digimon's body at near breakneck speeds, and it would've pierced through his left hand if it weren't for a familiar green slimy thing- The Soul Robber, no doubt- grabbing ahold of the construct, and then slammed it down onto the ground, causing it to break apart and dissipate, and as Ghostmon begun to hyperventilate, two familiar voices called out his name-
And running into the fray was none other than the Pumpkin King himself, Jack Skellington, who was riding on the back of... Sangloupmon. Quickly getting down from the lupine Digimon's back, the skeletal Pumpkin King ran over to the blue spectral Digimon, who felt a bit lightheaded from the swift floating and dodging he had been doing when it came to Vilemon and the trick-or-treating trio, slowly gone to hide behind a tree close by, all while Sangloupmon immediately engaged the Small Devil Digimon in combat. "Ghostmon, are you okay?" Jack asked him as he knelt down to be at eye level with the spectral Digital monster, who looked away from his Skeletal partner. "I told you once before, and I'll say it again; I'm fine, Boss!" He retorted with a bit of irritation in his voice, making it clear to the Pumpkin King that there was something utterly wrong with his partner. "Ghostmon, please don't lie to me. I can tell something's wrong. You're clearly not fine-"Jack tried to explain to him, until the duo of the Pumpkin King and Ghostmon both heard the sound of a sudden and loud thud impacting the ground. Looking over to see what the cause of the noise was, and they were greeted to the sight of Sangloupmon falling to the ground before the same lavender light began to form on his body, resulting in the lupine Digimon turning back into Dracmon yet again, as Ghostmon's best friend was now currently angrily staring at the trio of trick or treaters, who were watching the fight from a distance from upon a bench. "Oh, come on! Using a few yoyos with built-in sickles to tie my hands and legs up is not only painful, but it's also outright unfair!" Dracmon weakly complained as faint, yet small streams of blue and crimson data particles were slowly flowing out of the injuries that the imp-like Digimon had attained from the blades attached to the toys almost eerily similar to blood, as Barrel had simply just shrugged at the virus-attributed Digimon's pain.
"Life's unfair, Dracmon. It can't be helped." The green haired little boy told him, as not only he, but also both Lock and Shock all stood up on the Bench, and pointed at Dracmon, giving one singular command composed of three words to their new Digimon 'friend-
"Get him, Vilemon!"
Knowing the imminent danger that he was in as the small devil Digimon swiftly flew his way, Dracmon immediately used his Undead Fang attack to snap the yoyo string that tied his clawed hands together in half, followed with him quickly using his ruby red claws to slice the thread that had his legs ensnared, before he then rapidly avoided Vilemon's incoming attacks, each one quicker than the last, all as the imp-like Digimon soon leapt into action, using a flurry of claw slashes to deal some lasting damage on his champion-level opponent. "You got this, Dracmon!" Jack cheered on the rookie-level virus Digimon, trying his best to be supportive of the Digital Monster that hailed from the Real World.
The Pumpkin King's attempt to boost Dracmon's morale, however, proved to be a horrible mistake- and not in the good way, as anyone who came from the Halloween Realm would initially believe.
Hearing Jack praise his rival rather than himself for his charging ahead and the plan he made before the two of them arrived at Gorevard finally managed to break the dam that had been holding back Ghostmon's feelings of weakness, envy, and anger. And the flow came at him- quite fittingly enough- Like a tsunami, as he found himself unable to restrain himself from letting his true emotions loose in the worst way humanly (Or monstrously, depends on whom you choose to ask) possible.
"Why...? Why in Yggdrasil's name do you both even believe that you guys can emotionally and psychologically torment me like this?! I actually have a purpose all of my own in this Realm as the one and only Pumpkin Prince- The most trusted assistant to the Grand and Mighty Pumpkin King- MY OWN BOSS, JACK SKELLINGTON! But ever since Plutomon tried to get him to pay for his crimes a few days ago, and ever since you showed off your power to Digivolve, Dracmon, Boss been looking to you as someone that he can rely on- MORESO THAN ME, ALL BECAUSE I CAN'T DIGIVOLVE AT ALL! NO MATTER WHATEVER IT IS THAT I ATTEMPT DO TO IN ORDER TO TRY AND PROVE MYSELF AND MY WORTH TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE, JACK, I JUST SEEM MORE LIKE A 'MON WITH A BROKEN CODE IN YOUR EYES, AND THAT'S ALL I'M EVER CAPABLE OF BEING TO YOU OR ANY OTHER MONSTER WHO LIVES HERE IN HALLOWEENTOWN, ISN'T IT?!? ISN'T IT?!?!"
As soon as the little Pumpkin Prince had finished his emotional verbal onslaught, his wave of anger was immediately replaced by the aftermath of the tsunami made from the data-attributed Digimon's own problematic emotions- As nothing but guilt and regret was all that remained after the storm of his own negative emotions, his lurking feeling of jealousy towards his best friend as the catalyst of it all. Vilemon, on the other hand, simply smirked at this scenario, as he quickly realized that Dracmon had been shocked stiff thanks to Ghostmon's outburst and was paying no clear attention to the Small Devil Digimon. That all changed, of course, the very moment that a Digimon most vile (pun unintended) loudly screeched, resulting in an attack that was composed of quick slashing combo with his claws, before a swift jab coated in countless dark energies that'd spell Dracmon's doom, as he went careening towards the tree that both Jack and Ghostmon were standing by, before the imp-like Digimon crashed into the trunk of the tree, and despite his strenuous effort to get back up and fight, he couldn't find any strength left inside of him, and fell to the ground. While Dracmon groaned on the ground in pain, Jack still stood in place, his eye sockets wandering around the battlefield, unsure and puzzled of how the situation had gotten so awful in just a short period of time. "What just happened?" The Pumpkin King asked in genuine confusion and curiosity, as Shock just facepalmed at his question. "Wow, Jack, I know you're a Skeleton, but despite that, you're such a bonehead." She groaned as she lifted her hand from her forehead, looking angrily at him.
"I mean, seriously- All this time, and you never even noticed? We haven't been near the little guy for that long, and even the three of US can tell what's going on through his empty and burning head!" Lock told him, as Jack slightly tilted his head in confusion. "... What are you all getting at...?" Jack asked the trio as he narrowed his eye sockets at the triad of trick or treaters, as Barrell scoffed. "I'm gonna try and put this in a way that's easy for your thick skull to process: That little spiritual waste of space knows just that- He's got no amount of self-worth to give whatsoever, and he's simply better off just disappearing forever." The shortest member of the trio explained, as Jack's eyes slowly changed from their narrowed gaze into a widened stare. "And like most scum, he doesn't want to accept that harsh reality, and therefore despises the cruel truth that he's got nothing useful to offer you, and it doesn't help that his ankle-biter of a best friend's constantly reminding him of who's actually the useful one out of the two of them." Lock then added, as Shock laughed a bit. "I mean, seriously! What good use can a Digimon serve if they're stuck in just one form, even despite having a partner like you for such a long period of time?" She asked the Pumpkin King. "Hang on! Before Dracmon came along, I didn't even know that-" Jack tried to explain his viewpoint, but Lock immediately cut him off.
"Let's just forget the fact that it's YOU we're talking about for a moment, and even then, it still hurts! You've been partnered up with that pyrokinetic pest for a whole millennium, and yet you've made zero progress on Digivolving, all because you didn't know that it was remotely possible?! Give me a break!" He told the Pumpkin King as the bearer of the red devil mask had then used his plunger to point at the Pumpkin Prince. "Meanwhile, little Casper here has been wallowing in misery and sorrow, all because he had been wasting both his breath and time on a worthless, pathetic bag of bones like you instead of any of the other monsters in Halloweentown who actually showed any care towards him- Especially from that Ragdoll of the Doctor's whom you're so skull over heels in love with!" Jack opened his mouth, about to say something, but the trio of trick or treaters beat him to the punch, all three of them saying one thing that hit the Pumpkin King hard, and finally helped him see what his actions had wrought-
"Let's all face it- The two of you are far better off becoming dust in the wind, so that way all the other Monsters in this town that they call home won't ever have to suffer through your useless and washed-up Bullshit ever again!"
[End of Background music, Cue Musical Number- 'Poor Jack', based on the song of the same name from the Nightmare before Christmas movie, performed by Jack Skellington (SV; Danny Elfman) FT. Ghostmon (CV; Tom Waits).]
[Jack sadly looks over at Ghostmon, who looks at him for a few seconds before turning away, and the triad of Lock, Shock, & Barrel all laugh at the sight, with Vilemon laughing alongside them, as Jack then begins to sing.]
"What have I done?
What have I done?
How could I be so blind?
All was lost, where was I?
Spoiled all, spoiled all...
Everything's been all wrong...
What have I done?
What have I done?
Blinded by the joyous wonder,
Has created my biggest blunder!
If only I could just go back,
And change the outcome for the friends of Poor, Old, Jack..."
[Jack walks over to Ghostmon, who's still looking away from the Pumpkin King, as he then kneels down to match his height.]
"But I never intended the anguish and pain, never!
I never really knew what I know now back then, well, how could I?
All I ever wanted was to prove Plutomon's Judgement wasn't true or real!
Why can I never see what others feel?"
[Jack, now understanding how Ghostmon feels, understands this isn't the time for self-pity, or to feel bad for his partner- What Ghostmon needs most is encouragement from his Boss- Or rather, his Partner.]
"Well, what the heck! Go and give it your best!
And, by God, we'll put your fears and doubts to rest!
And 'til the end, why, I'll remain by your side!
And I know we can fix this if we both just try- You and I!
And for the first time since I can't remember when,
I know I'm not entirely on my own again...
And you, Ghostmon, the Pumpkin Prince...!"
[Pause Musical Number]
Ghostmon lightly turned his head to somewhat barely fixate his gaze upon the Pumpkin King, his mood lightly brightened due to the encouragement he gained from what he heard from his boss. But hearing Jack refer to him with his title lit up his spirits-both figuratively and literally. "You... You really mean me, Jack?" The phantom-like Digimon asked, as Jack nodded. "But of course! You ARE the Pumpkin Prince, after all!" He told him, as Ghostmon nodded, his spirits fully restored thanks to Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King. And now, the Pumpkin Prince was back, and not once before in the past Millenia had he felt such happiness- And incredible power, apparently- Flowing inside of him.
[Resume musical number]
[Ghostmon then flies around Jack, a smile a mile wide on his face as Ghostmon begins to sing.]
"Y'know, I can't wait until this year's Halloween,
'Cause together, you and me,
We both make the perfect team!
And just know, I'm really gonna give it all my might!
[Ghostmon then stops, as he then glances at Jack for a moment, and then looks right at the trio of trick or treaters and Vilemon, a strange glow beginning to emanate from the D-Vigor on Jack's right wrist as the data-attributed Digimon narrowed his black eyes at his opponents.]
Although, I know there's time to set the record straight..."
[End of Musical number]
The mysterious light shining from the D-Vigor had quickly caught Jack's attention, as he then perplexedly gazed down upon it. "What's this?" The Pumpkin King asked himself, as he then saw a white ring on the D-vigor's screen beginning to fill up with a yellow meter. And once it had finished filling up, the flames that made up Ghostmon's body immediately grew in intensity, as he then looked back at Jack to say one thing before the inevitable occurrence that was about to happen, as the flames' light began to cover the Phantom-like Digital Monster's body-
"Thaks for believing in me again... Boss."
[Cue Insert Theme- 'Avant', the opening theme for the Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade Mobile Game, performed by Eve]
"GHOSTMON, DIGIVOLVE TO...!" He shouted as black and white DNA helixes began to cover up and then absorb into his fiery body, before a dome of light quickly covered up his body, and the moment the dome had exploded with bits of ice and lightning scattered along the ground and the breeze, and before long, everyone present was bearing witness to a new Digimon that none of them had seen before standing where Ghostmon once was. In place of the phantom-like Digital Monster was a new humanoid Digimon. It wore a pair of brown shoes with crescent moons on the ankles and matching brown gloves, a yellow and red full-body suit with functioning 'mouths' that seemed like they could be opened and closed with the usage of zippers, a red vest, an indigo cape with randomly arranged inscriptions on the inside, and a pointed indigo hat with a skull atop its head. Its face also appeared obscured by the collar of its cape and its hat, as only its light green eyes and blonde hair could be seen, and then, with only a snap of its fingers, a strange wand-like staff suddenly appeared within the grasp of the new Digimon's hands from only just a small burst of blue flames. After all this time, Ghostmon had finally done it- He Digivolved. Ghostmon had finally Digivolved into a Data-Attributed, Demon Man-type Digimon of the Champion-level. Ghostmon was now...
"N-No way!" All three of the trick or treaters shouted in a blend of both fear and disbelief, as the newly-digivolved Wizardmon pointed his staff at Vilemon. "No longer shall I be held back by my doubts or my anxiety-wrought negativity. I shall show you all my unparalleled might as the one & only Pumpkin Prince!" The Magician-looking Digimon shouted while Vilemon immediately swooped towards Wizardmon as a faint glow came from the tips of his staff before eventually a light blue aura began swirling around the top of the staff, during which Jack had then immediately felt a new word flowing its way into his skull.
[ ブリンク・ブリーズ.]
"BLINK BREEZE!" The Pumpkin King directed as a powerful blast of wind erupted from Wizardmon's staff, knocking Vilemon off-course of his initial attack, all before the small devil Digimon shot some more syringe constructs at him, resulting in Wizardmon spinning his staff to reflect the projectiles and ultimately render them useless. "I know you're in there somewhere, Gotsumon. I don't want to have to..." He began, before Wizardmon saw a familiar set of emerald-green eyes shining brightly, cutting through the darkness in the far distance from the corner of his vision, almost as if the saddened gaze from those dark green optics were trying to tell him something without the use of words, as a soft and gentle sigh had then managed to escape Wizardmon's lips. But it wasn't a sigh of disappointment, mind you- It was the sigh of someone realizing what truly needed to be done, despite their personal wishes. "... I understand. As much as I personally don't want to fully commit to this deed, your true, former self has been consumed and devoured by the darkness of your own negative emotions. Much like the Pumpkin King himself, I prefer to not solve issues through Violence unless the situation desperately calls for it. However, looking at the current situation with my own two eyes, what definitely needs to be done all goes without saying." He then added while leaping to the sky, as yet another word flowed into the skull of Wizardmon's partner.
"MAGIC GAME!" Jack commanded, resulting in the magician-like Digimon using his staff to summon a fair number of cards and then proceeded to send them flying down towards Vilemon, as those cards had then pinned and ensnared the Small Devil Digimon against the ground, rendering his opponent incapable of movement. "Acrobatics was the first thing Jack had ever taught me when we first met a million years ago- Even though I didn't have legs in my prior form. And for my final trick-" Wizardmon began, before he started uttering something under his breath as he descended from the air, a look of fear on Vilemon's face before it had changed to a smile with closed eyes, as the smallest remains of Gotsumon shown thru for his last moments, knowing what needed to be done, as while The Pumpkin king felt a new word entering his skull and the trio of trick or treaters were in the midst of beginning to retreat, Wizardmon's voice cut through the tense silence from behind his opponent, as he then said one last thing-
"No More Vilemon."
"THUNDER CLOUD!" Jack shouted, as seven small electrical bolts began crackling along the seven tips of Wizardmon's staff, before those electrical bolts became a hebdomad of lightning strikes piercing through Vilemon's body, resulting in the small devil Digimon being electrocuted into blue data particles that were soon absorbed into Wizardmon's body, before the demon-man Digimon began to glow with a faded grey light covering his body, shrinking down in size, until Ghostmon was floating where Wizardmon had initially been standing. "And THAT'S my show, Boys and Girls!" Ghostmon cheered triumphantly as he floated over to Jack, both the Pumpkin King and Prince smiling at one another.
[End of insert theme]
"This is far from over, Jack!" Lock called from the distance, all while The Pumpkin King carefully picked up Dracmon in his arms. "Yeah, one way or another, Plutomon's gonna get rid of you, and sink his fangs into the Soul Robber!" Shock added, as Ghostmon narrowed his eyes at the escaping trio, watching them head into the distance. "Yeah, and it's not like the one who got rid of the Hallow Lord will be able to beat our new boss!" Barrel finished during the time which the trio retreated into the dark of the night while riding in their walking tub. Hearing the snide remark before the trio had left just left Jack silenced as he simply lowered his head, seemingly discouraged. "... Boss? Are you okay?" Ghostmon asked him, as the Pumpkin King looked over at his partner. "I... I don't really want to talk about it, Ghostmon. However, I'm actually glad that you managed to Digivolve, yet we may need to get back home. Dracmon's going to need some rest in order to recover from the fight he had against Vilemon. By the way, you saw Impmon during your fight with him, didn't you?" Jack then asked, as Ghostmon nodded. "I did. You seriously want to give her a shot at being a part of this year's Halloween, though?" The phantom-like Digimon questioned. "Besides, she's been with you-know-who for years..." He then added, as the bearer of the Skeleton grin looked at Ghostmon with a gentle and reassuring smile. "I'm absolutely certain of my choice. Besides, I know that she has the strength inside to amend her past mischievousness. And if she can do that, odds are she can help anyone move on past their... Less-than-ideal mistakes." Jack explained as he and Ghostmon made their way back home with Dracmon being carried in the arms of the Pumpkin King. From afar, Impmon watched as they left, a smile on her face- The kind of smile that could tell anyone that someone had a plan in mind...
Walking her way into the secret cavern leading to her old partner's lair, Impmon silently looked around. Chains, robotic cowboys wielding pistols covered, and on a decrepit old table was a dusty pair of dice, the pips on them reading a total of eleven. "Well, it's not exactly like many things in here have changed from the way that they were nearly thirty-one years ago during the Christmas calamity of '93..." She told herself, looking back at it all... Helping him hold Santa hostage... Assisting those three no-good kids with kidnapping Chris Kringle... But Jack himself had said earlier back at Gorevard that he knew she had the potential to change her ways for the better, as well as assisting other monsters with amending their past issues. "Well, that Dumb-kin King isn't as dumb as I initially thought, but if he really believes I can help anyone redeem their ways for the better, as well as myself, then I'm gonna put those possibilities to the ultimate test." Impmon muttered as she glanced over at her basket, and she then sighed.
It was time to bring the Boogie Man himself back to life.
[Cue Closing Musical Number- 'Angelic Imp', Based on the song 'Hurricane' from Death Note; The Musical, Performed by Impmon (CV; Lucia Lucas).]
[Impmon walks over to her basket, and picks up the sewing needle, some spare thread, and the cloth she gathered earlier, as she begins to sing while working. Now or never, as they say...]
"Does he really believe it?
He chose to admit;
Can I be the one to redeem those whose lives have gone astray?
Righting their mistakes,
Views change from Black to White
If my actions are guns, then following through's how I Aim!
Could this be my moment?
A chance to be Noticed?
In this town of Halloween!
[Impmon starts to use the sewing needle and thread to sew the pieces of cloth together. Though, the outcome isn't for any accessories and the sort...]
The storm will rage,
A 'mon uncaged,
Becomes the most Angelic Imp
The Insect stains
And Monstrous sins,
Blown away!
The realms will shake,
The air will scream!
Once they know the power of the Angelic Imp!
[The Cloth had now been sewn together into the shape of some strange bag-like husk of a body]
Finally, a Reason-
A good cause to Boogie!
There's nowhere to run once the Bag has been filled!
Fortune has now blessed me,
Everyone will soon see-
Though I prank, new paths for others are what I choose to build!
Elegant solution
Flawless decision
On the path towards some reformation!
[Impmon then begins to cut out a set of eyes and a mouth into the baggy husk]
I'll bring the hope
And never mope
I am the one Angelic Imp
The Insect stains
And Monstrous sins,
Blown away!
I'll bring the light
Shinin' tonight;
I will show the power of the Angelic Imp!
[Bugs begin to fill up the bag-like husk, as glowing green lines begin to form along the ground.]
If the Pumpkin King truly believes That I can change my ways;
Then He and I can have a chance at better days~!
[The glowing green lines connect to form a pulsating circular ring surrounding the baggy husk]
The storm will rage,
A 'mon uncaged,
Becomes the most Angelic Imp!
The Insect stains
And Monstrous sins,
Blown away!
[The green circular ring around the husk erupts into a column of dark green light, some of it even flowing into it, causing the eyes and mouth to glow.]
The storm will rage,
A 'mon uncaged,
Becomes the most Angelic Imp
The Insect stains
And Monstrous sins,
Blown away!
The realms will shake,
The air will scream!
Once they know the power of the Angelic Imp!"
[End of closing musical number]
Impmon just watched in silenced awe as the green light had dimmed from the lines and ring, and right as the column disappeared, everything around her had gone absolutely and completely dark. However, she had heard just one voice, and saw three lights, as the voice Shouted out, taking her by surprise while saying-
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