Chapter 4
Here is a list of people I hate on here! Ooh, a hate list! How *air quotes* "fun"! Jasmine! Soviet Connection! Element07! Promise Nottingham! Blue Thorns Of Terror! And a few other people. If your name was on that list you should go away because you are stupid and mean!! That's what the block button is for... Anyhow I wrote this chapter in a hurry the other day and I am putting it up now because I may have to be gone for a few days. Do not miss me too much!!
The next night was a full moon! The stars sparkled in the air, and reassured cats that StarClan was guiding them still! It was time to go to the gathering at the Glitterstones! The what? The Glitterstones were four giant gemstones, Sapphire, Ruby, Diamond, and Emerald for all the clans! *crying* but such large gemstones can't exist...!
"I am a bad leader! Nowhere as good as Moonpaw will be! But I will choose cats for the gathering! Mockingbirdheart, Talonclaw, Braveheart, Shadowseeker, Moonpaw, Lilypaw, Tranquilpaw, Sunsetshine, Didn't Sunsetshine die? Lilypaw ate her... and Oddpelt will go." Vanillastar announced.
Moonpaw was very excited! It was her first gathering and she would get to make friends with cats from other clans. Maybe she could show Lilypaw how great friendship was so he would stop being mean to everyone! She would meet so many new cats. Lilypaw was also excited, for a different reason. He could find other cats to kill and eat! He liked eating other cats, because they were much better than fresh-kill!
They all went to the gathering place. Moonpaw was amazed by what she saw! Four giant gemstones that glowed in the full moon! It was so beautiful, and the glow hit Moonpaw's pelt and made her more beautiful. It made Shadowseeker fall in love with her! Of course we had a love at first sight trope... wouldn't be a cliche Mary Sue Trollfic without it!
"Moonpaw. I love you! I am only a new warrior, and I am still young!" Shadowseeker meowed. Really? Shadowseeker was listed as a warrior in the allegiances when Moonpaw was just born, which means there's at the absolute least an... *counts on fingers* 18 moon age gap between them, if I calculated correctly.
"Sorry, but I will wait until I find my soulmate! I can not flirt with you because it is bad! Since when is flirting bad? You can also platonically and/or jokingly flirt! I do it all the time! When I find the one right for me we will fall in love." Shadowseeker slunk off disappointed. He decided to flirt with Sunsetshine instead.
Lilypaw looked around at the other cats, they all looked so yummy. But he could not eat them yet! Suddenly, a cat mewed to him! He hated it when cats mewed at him, because he hated other cats except for food. It was a DiamondClan apprentice! He was brown with green eyes!
"Hi! I am Gaypaw. My mommy named me that because I am always happy! You look sad, so I decided to come over and cheer you up!" Protect Gaypaw at all costs.
"Grrr! I hate other cats! Get away from me!"
"Why! What is your name?" Gaypaw mewed.
"Lilypaw! Now go away!"
"Lilypaw! I love you, lets be best friends. Wow, what a sentence. "I love you" followed by "can we be best friends"? Can we meet in secret at the Glitterstones at midnight? I will do anything for you!"
"Fine!" But Lilypaw was only thinking of eating Gaypaw. Love was stupid and gross, Hate to break it to you, but even evil people can love someone. especially with a cat like Gaypaw! Gaypaw was just an annoying cat.
"We will begin the gathering!" Nebulastar said. "I have an announcement! Crocodiles from the river are attacking DiamondClan! Hammerclaw died last night!" *more crying* CROCODILES?!
Murmurs came from DiamondClan. "Hammerclaw was so great!"
"She Wasn't Hammerclaw a tom? was a great warrior, and StarClan will honor him!" So, Hammerclaw has an ambiguous gender...?
Lilypaw resisted laughing! Crocodiles? How weak was DiamondClan anyway! Crocodiles were so easy to beat! They are not. Then he wondered if crocodiles tasted good, he never ate a crocodile before.
Moonpaw mewed. "Oh, no! We will have to save them!"
"You are right." Tranquilpaw said. "Lets go and help them tonight!"
Dragonstar began to speak. "I also have an announcement. EmeraldClan are doing fine!"
Rainbowstar spoke up "And RubyClan is doing fine! Except SapphireClan beat us in a fight! Our medicine cat is healing cats that are hurt from the fight!"
Vanillastar announced. "The previous leader has died! I am only leader until Moonpaw grows up! Then she will be leader! I am not a good leader!" WE GET IT!!!
"That concludes the gathering!" Dragonstar said. And all the clans left the Glitterstones.
That night, Tranquilpaw, Moonpaw, and Screepaw snuck out to help DiamondClan! Lilypaw also snuck out to kill Gaypaw. This fanfic keeps taking dark turns...
"You are here!" Gaypaw mewed happy, bouncing up and down.
"Yes! Now I will kill you!"
"Please don't! I love you and you are my bestest friend in the entire world and I will do anything for you!" Okay, that's a bit much... Gayaw whined extremely loudly!
"Then die!" Lilypaw yowled, claws outstretched to the tom who was now sobbing. Gaypaw tried to fight back! But Lilypaw was much bigger, and Gaypaw was good at hunting but not fighting! Lilypaw pinned Gaypaw down! He took his claws and put it to Gaypaw's throat! Dots of blood appeared where the claws gripped into. "Any last words? Gaypaw?"
"Please, let me go! Lilypaw! Don't kill me! I don't like you anymore! You are too mean!"
Suddenly Moonpaw, Screepaw, and Tranquilpaw jumped out of the pushes and Moonpaw knocked Lilypaw off of Gaypaw! "Don't kill him! Killing is a bad thing!"
"I do not care! I am the meanest cat to walk the earth! I will be Lilystar! Lilystar? I thought you would change your name... Leader of the forest!"
"Not now though! Go back to camp or I will tell Vanillastar you are being mean!" Lilypaw went away into the bushes, hissing bad words, and nasty ideas. "Bleed, Moonpaw, bleed! You are going to die soon!" She probably won't, because she has plot armor.
"Thank you! You all saved me." Gaypaw mewed shaking off the blood on his beautiful coat.
"No problem! We love to help other cats!" Moonpaw meowed.
"Hey, can you tell us about the Crocodiles?" Screepaw asked.
"Yes, there is a river at the edge of our territory. The river has three Crocodiles in it now, but we need the river to catch fish and drink water! Hammerclaw died trying to get a drink!"
"How about we team up and drive the Crocodiles away? We can save the whole clan! Then we will be rewarded! But the rewards aren't the only reason we want to do it! We love helping out!" That sounds like a lie. Tranquilpaw suggested.
"Yes! That is a great idea! Come on! I will lead the way!" Gaypaw meowed happily.
The cats went into the swampy territory, and the ground sunk under their paws! It got Moonpaw's pelt dirty, but she hated to be vain, because being vain was bad. They reached the river where there was two sleeping Crocodiles! One was huge! All crocodiles are huge.
"Great StarClan!" Tranquilpaw whispered.
"We should take them on one at a time!" Screepaw suggested. The other three cats agreed with the plan and surrounded the smaller crocodile. It woke up, and started moving towards Gaypaw! It opened its mouth displaying rows of sparkly white teeth that were sharp! Moonpaw jumped on the crocodile's head and made it close its mouth and bite its own tongue! Then she scratched it in the eye! It was now blinded and couldn't see anything! And Screepaw jumped on it and bit its throat! It swam away slowly due to the injuries, from the four cats, who were cheering and mewing happily! It shouldn't be this easy to defeat a crocodile, especially considering you are young cats, one of whom is training to be a medicine cat. You barely know any fighting skills.
"Now let us attack the bigger one!" Tranquilpaw said happily, pointing at the huge green beast. Its mouth was slightly open, showing off its huge sharp yellow teeth.
All the cats got on top of the bigger one who opened its piercing yellow eyes and started growling! It was so big! It turned over and shook the cats off. Then it grabbed Screepaw's leg, which made a cracking noise under the pressure of the green monster! Grabbed Screepaw's leg with what? Its mouth? Its legs which cannot anatomically grab a cat?
"OUCH!" He mewed, "SAVE ME!" he squirmed under the beast's firm grip, which only put a worse strain on his crushed leg.
Tranquilpaw began to cry, she didn't want her love to die again! Moonpaw did something very brave! She put a paw inside the crocodile's jaws and scratched the inside of the Crocodile's mouth so it let go of Screepaw's leg, which was now broken and bleeding! Moonpaw's claws shouldn't be fully developed, so it should cause barely (if any) pain at all.
Gaypaw bit the crocodile's soft stomach, It wouldn't be soft, it would be scaly. and Moonpaw scratched its throat so it bled into the river, making it crimson with blood. Moonpaw needs to decide if she's against killing or not! The crocodile bled so much, it died! The apprentices were so happy. They had killed the crocodiles, Somehow. and saved DiamondClan! They would be the hero's of their clans for being so good and helping a clan in need! They had also found out a way to kill crocodiles if they ever came back into the clan! It was so great. No, it's not. It's really not...
But Screepaw's leg was broken, so he couldn't move at all! Shouldn't he at least be able to drag himself across the ground? It would be painful, but he could still move... Moonpaw was so sad that Screepaw always had to suffer so much pain! He didn't do anything wrong, but he was unlucky! Tranquilpaw went over to investigate because she was a medicine cat. She began to feel this power rise into her, and she started glowing pale green, and her eyes turned white! She used the energy on Screepaw's leg, and it healed completely, as if it had never been broken in the first place! It was great!! Great, now Tranquilpaw has special powers? Oh no...
"You are the best medicine cat ever!" Moonpaw exclaimed! "You are so nice to everyone, and have great healing powers that StarClan must have given you."
"Do you really think so?" Tranquilpaw asked.
"Of course!" Gaypaw said. "Now you three have to leave! Sorry, but this is DiamondClan territory after all!" "That's great! Now you guys suck, get out of my face!"
"Okay! Bye!" Everyone mewed, and the three trotted back onto their territory, and Gaypaw went back to her Wasn't Gaypaw a tom? den to sleep.
But little did they know that Lilypaw watched the whole fight. He went up to the dead crocodile's corpse and started eating it! He thought that cats tasted better, but he liked the odd watery taste of the animal. He did not eat it all, or else he would get fat, but he ate the delicious parts of it. Which are... what?
The next day, Lilypaw decided that Moonpaw had to die. You only decided that now? I doubt it... He imagined her warm throat in his mouth, and biting down to taste fresh delicious blood. He hid in the bushes when she was hunting a mouse. He purposely made a loud noise with his tail so the mouse would run away! She got angry! "What? I never missed a mouse before! But I guess everyone makes mistakes!"
"Moonpaw." Lilypaw said simply. "You have one chance to change your ways before I kill you!"
"What? I will never change who I am! I want to be myself!"
"Become mean, and I will not kill you! Do you want to die?"
"I want to die myself, not someone else who is mean!" That went on for far too long and I'm tired...
Lilypaw pounced on Moonpaw, who immediately used her hind legs to shove him off! He hit a tree, but went back to bite her, and she countered perfectly. Moonpaw bit him and made Lilypaw bleed! Lilypaw licked his own blood off, and then scratched Moonpaw in the stomach. Moonpaw then scratched Lilypaw's nose, which poured blood on the ground. Lilypaw then reached Moonpaw's neck and bit it. He left her on the ground, knowing that wound would kill her. He waited for her to die.
Moonpaw felt dizzy and then had a vision. She was at the glitterstones, and there was stars in the air. She saw a golden cat, and instantly felt safe.
"I am Daydreamheart, your mother!" Wasn't Daydreamheart a white cat?
"Am I dead?"
"You are in StarClan, but it isn't your time to die yet, my darling!" Because of course it isn't.
"That is good, because nobody else would stop Lilypaw from being mean! Thanks mommy!"
"Moonpaw, do you remember the prophecy?"
"Yes, it is: one will follow five, thus six will come anew. When four fall down, left will be two. The rest shall destroy all else on the landing. Until only one cat is left standing." How did you remember that? Even I didn't remember... oh wait, Moonpaw is special and knows everything, blah blah blah, throw the comfetti, roll the credits... can I go home now?
"Correct! Remember the prophecy! It will affect your destiny. Will it really? You must keep the prophecy in mind! I can not say anything more, sorry dear! Now it is your time to go back to SapphireClan without me. Oh, take this!" Daydreamheart said, handing Moonpaw a necklace. Quickly! Confiscate it before it has any relevant part in whatever plot this story has! "This has a Sapphire on it! It will help you! Now you must go! Say hi to your sister for me! I wish I could raise you all!"
Moonpaw put the necklace on, and felt proud! StarClan honored her. She suddenly opened her eyes to find Lilypaw biting into her! "Let go!" She yowled.
"Moonpaw! How are you alive? My exact reaction. And what is that collar?"
"StarClan said I was not supposed to die yet! They gave me this as a help to me! I don't know what it does, but it proves being nice is better than being mean!"
So Moonpaw went back to the clan, and decided to talk to Vanillastar to banish Lilypaw! He was too mean to stay in the clan, and he deserved to be exiled! Mean cats had to leave the clan! And Vanillastar will likely believe Moonpaw because she has the entire clan under her paw.
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