"Hello, again Louis." Niall welcomes as he notices the brunette boy who had taken his eye during stage one of interviews return. The Irishman thinks Louis could be a great friend!

Today was the day.

Harry would be using most of his work day to sit down with the ten intern candidates individually for an interview. Zayn, of course, would pop in and out when he can, but the latter had a very busy day full of meetings with clients. 

Harry expected the interviewees to turn up on time, dressed to impress, a portfolio of graphic design work ready to be presented.

"Wow Mr Horan, I'm surprised you remember me. Well, I guess they do say you never forget a pretty face, and I'm very pretty." Louis sassed, like what he was saying was the most evident thing ever.

The lilac haired man rolled his eyes laughing at his confidence. "Take a seat, Louis. Mr Styles has ten interviews to get through. He is up to number six. You are lucky last. Mr Malik might be in the interview, might not."

The brunette-haired man pouted, "but Niall. I already know I am going to get the job – we should probably get better aquatinted. After all, I will be seeing a lot more of you. We can be besties." Louis giggled softly, raising his hand to his mouth, covering the adorable laugh.

The lilac-haired man rolled his eyes.

"Well, Louis. You see I do already work here. Subsequently, I do have work to do."

The eighteen-year-old pouted, "can you at least take me to the staff room. I tried to sneak in to get myself a cup of tea. However, I discovered you need a key card."

The Irish secretary rolled his eyes, "you're crazy. Come on."

With that Niall was giving into the candidates request.


Let's just say Harry wasn't impressed. He didn't tolerate people who weren't punctual. He had had a long and tiresome day, so when he called in the next interviewee, interviewee number ten, and the said person wasn't in the waiting room.

Well. To put it lightly. Harry wasn't a happy chappy.

Groaning he unbuttoned the top few buttons on his white button-up, revealing his chest tattoos before walking out of his luxury office.

(imagine this twice as large with two chairs)

"Horan?" The short haired CEO called groaning when he heard the purple-haired man's laugh coming from the staff room. The man rolled his eyes as he walked slowly, yet intimidatingly towards the said room. With a swipe of his key-card, he was staring at what could be mistaken as tea party.

There was Niall and an unfamiliar brunette boy. His presence became apparent when Niall locked eyes with him, immediately standing up.

"Oh um. Sorry, Mr Styles. I-I was just showing um Louis here the tea-room."

The curly haired man pursed his lips almost too calm, "and why is that? Was he dying of thirst?"

The lilac-haired man bit his lip as he shook his head, "no sir..."

The co-CEO rolled his eyes, "don't let it happen again, Mr Horan."

With that the Irish man was rushing out of the room dejectedly muttering a simple, "I have set up a meeting with the recent client... and um this is Louis Tomlinson, your tenth interview."

"Niall.... get Zayn." Harry called out before the secretary had left the room, receiving a nod in reply.

Just like that Louis was left staring at one of the CEO's of the company, alone in a room with him. The boss stared at the caramel haired boy taking in his attire. He was dressed casually compared to Harry's outfit.

"I expected someone.... More professional." Harry speaks with no emotion as he leans against the wall watching as the confident, but seemingly short boy sips his tea. Not yet moving from his seat at a table.

"And I expected the CEO to not dress like a laundry basket," Louis replies with a small mocking smile.

The chief executive officer's eyes widen. Nobody has ever had the audacity to say anything like that to him.

"What's going on here?" Harry turned to the door, their stood Zayn looking as gorgeous as ever, black hair messy and a faint tint to his cheeks. Zayn walked over towards Harry as he wrapped a hand around the man's face.

Harry, of course, explained the situation ending his explanation with, "Louis here isn't impressing me with his application so far." Harry's husband hummed as he took in the small boy's appearance.

He was extremely cute.

"Well. I don't even know if we should waste our time interviewing you in our office. By the sounds of it you were not punctual. You are severely under dressed. Made yourself at home.... This entire building is ours not yours Louis." Zayn raises an accusing eyebrow as he speaks.

Louis licks his lips as Harry walks closer until he is sitting on the table Louis is sat at. He glances back at Zayn who is a mere few meters away. Both men are so intimidatingly dominant. The latter stares up at the emerald eyed man from his position on the chair.

It is then that the small boy giggles softly, little hand coming to cover his thin pink lips. Harry and Zayn lock eyes, both frowning, because how can one so sassy sound so innocent. Zayn looks into Harry's emerald eyes and he know the he too feels fond for this sassy boy.

It Is then that Louis rises from his seat on the chair, and for the first-time Zayn and Harry realise how short Louis is. Even when Harry is sitting on the table, Louis is still shorter than him. The CEOs can only imagine the height difference if they were to stand next to the boy.

Harry and Zayn are both 6'3.

The brunette boy carries his now empty cup over to the sink, again, like he owns the place. Zayn can't help but admire his confidence, while Harry can see through the twink. Louis is shaking internally, he can just tell.

"Well, Mister Styles Mister Malik. If you can't interview me in your office. You can interview me here." Louis turns around and flutters his eyelashes, while scrubbing the tea mug.

The CEOs both raise an eyebrow watching as Louis walks towards them, standing a pace away from the two. Harry stands at that point, both he and Zayn striding forth untill they are but a foot away from the tiny twink.

Just to intimidate the boy. They watch as the latter licks his lips. He is literally staring up he is that short.

"Well, Louis. I assume you have a portfolio of work then?" Harry's face features an expectant look.

"What? Of course, I do. Why would you ever doubt me?" Louis chuckles softly, blush dusting his cheeks. "I just might have just forgotten it."

The CEOs laugh humourlessly, "Oh I'm sure that's the case darling. Have you ever even used Photoshop before Louis?" Zayn questions.

"No no. Can't say I have."

The curly-haired man raises a single eyebrow, "Well then why do you want to work-" The CEO was cut across by an excited Louis.

"Actually. Now that I think about it. I have used Photoshop before. To make my ass look bigger."

Harry and Zayn share a look before the latter comments with a smirk, "well you evidently don't need to do that anymore."

There is silence, Louis' blush filling his tan cheeks with colour.

"All you need to know Misters is that I'll be your boss in a few years."

"We're the boss. And you better not forgot that sweetheart." Harry paused, Zayn took that as the perfect opportunity to say something, "Oh and Louis. Don't ever interrupt us."


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