Chapter 22
Dimitri dropped me off at Adrian's door, leaving before he could even get a glimpse of Adrian's face. It would only end with a bleeding nose and a bloodied hand. I got into the elevator and pressed the button for floor five, just as he had told me to.
Number Six, he had said, and again, I did as he said. I went to door six and knocked on the door, waiting in the corridor, pacing as if it were my lifeline. When the door opened, Adrian revealed himself- he was dressed in a neat suit and tie and I was glad to see that I had come appropriately dress.
'You look beautiful, little doughnut.' He slurred. It was my worst nightmare because in that moment I realised that he was drunk, very drunk. I groaned but smiled at him, wanting this night to go by quickly.
A distraction, this was a distraction. I had told myself that, had I not? It would be a good one too if it weren't for me wishing to be home again. If it were not for me wishing I was it was Dimitri's arm around my waist and not the silhouette of the man next to me who had wine on his breath and a slur in his speech.
Adrian led me outside, 'I ordered a taxi, little doughnut.' He slurred, leaning in for a kiss to which I ran out of his arms and kept a metre radius around me that he would not be allowed to enter.
'Stop calling me that.' I ordered, folding my arms, an angered look passing across my face.
'What's wrong, little doughnut?' He asked, eyeing how far I was away from him- or just my body, there was no way to tell when he was in this state.
'Don't come near me. Let's just get in.' I murmured as the taxi rolled up. I immediately got into my seat, buckled in and scooted as far away as I could from Adrian who was trying to place his hand on thigh.
I felt the nerves kick in and my hands began to tremble. I wasn't nervous about the date anymore; I was nervous about what he was going to do. Of course, I could protect myself. I could throw a good punch when I needed to but I didn't want to punch a friend- if you could even call him that.
I was sure, somewhere in me, that Adrian would not take it that far but fear got the best of me as I trembled in the seat, ready to throw up there and then.
'You okay, little doughnut?' I heard a distant slur as my mind was dragged back to the present and I was suddenly too aware of how close he was to me. I nodded, swallowing heavily, and as soon as the taxi stopped, I rushed out, heaving air into my lungs.
Adrian paid and met me outside, seeming to think that I had just left the car because I felt sick- for different reasons than what it was. I had never been affected by car sickness but I wasn't about to as he grabbed my hands and I couldn't find it within me to pull away again.
I was led by pity and in my heart, I knew I only had to go through the day and then I could just tell him that we should just be friends and none of this would have to continue.
The restaurant was beautiful, I had to admit to that, and I went through the night doing my best to not stare at the numbers beside the dishes labelling the price. I knew Adrian would pay; even if he was drunk, he was always the gentleman.
I soon decided to let Adrian choose for me, knowing that I would barely eat with my appetite anyway. I didn't want him to spend too much money on me but he declined when I asked for the cheapest thing on the menu so I simply allowed him to continue the night on his orders.
I sat and listened to his drunken stories and found myself drifting in and out of consciousness. I found, throughout the night, he had made any attempts to flirt. Whether it was through nicknames or touching, I didn't want it- not at all.
I was afraid of him and I felt out of control. It was the worst feeling to know that there was nothing you could do to stop this.
But, there was. I could walk out of the door right then and never look back but I was afraid. I was a coward. 'Rose?' That was the first time Adrian had said my name that whole night. I had zoned out for too long this time and I knew there was a question hanging in the air.
'Oh, sorry, I was just...admiring your beauty.' I smirked, covering my fear with the only thing I could think of- flirting.
He smiled a devilish quirk to the lips and ran a hand through his hair, making it messier than before. 'I asked if you wanted to come back to mine?' My eyes widened and I tried to cover it with a sneeze that could only be classed as fake but it seemed he was too intoxicated to notice.
'I'm sorry, Adrian. I can't just give this beauty to everyone.' I smirked again, my hands clasped together to stop the shaking and my foot bouncing busily against the floor to let out the anxiety I was feeling.
I hadn't had to do this in a long time. I reminded me of all those men that talked to me in the bar whilst I was completely and utterly off my head but this was worse, this was someone I knew.
'Here.' I slammed a tenner down on the table and found the courage to leave. 'I really need to go.' My lips couldn't manage to form a smile again so I just hurried up and took out my phone.
Dimitri picked up immediately, telling me he would come with the car now whilst I hid in an alleyway near the entrance, hiding from Adrian's onslaughts. When the car rolled up, I felt the first tear fall. Adrian was long gone by now and I couldn't hold it in any longer.
Dimitri rushed out and scooped me into his arms, hushing soothing words into my ear and bringing me to the car.
We sat away from each other now and the tears were still slipping from my eyes but I couldn't find the energy to let out a sob. 'I'm going to kill that...' Dimitri groaned not finding a word bad enough for this man. This man that was his cousin. He couldn't believe that someone related to him could be so vile to get a girl to cry- to get me to cry.
We drove home in silence, only interrupted by a sob every few minutes. Dimitri's eyes were filled with pain and I could see him yearn to comfort me but he would have to wait until we were back home and in private.
When we finally entered the apartment, everything fell apart. The sobs came out louder and I couldn't even explain what was wrong. The drink withdrawal was sending me on an emotional rollercoaster and I couldn't believe that I had let Dimitri on with me.
Now, we were both stuck in this. We were both stuck in a state of constant depression and only when we worked so hard did the light begin to appear.
Neither of us had the energy anymore to work that hard. So, we were stuck in the dark. We had each other but another person isn't enough to bring light. Especially when that person isn't allowed to.
In that moment I couldn't have wanted Dimitri but we had promised ourselves, we couldn't do this anymore. Our feelings were to be kept for ourselves. I could find comfort in him but not in the way I wanted.
Not now, not ever.
I couldn't see a future with him anymore. I could only see me drag him down with me and I wouldn't let myself do that. That was cruel and despite me selfishness, I wasn't cruel unless it was necessary.
I kept to myself that night. I let Dimitri wrap his arms around me and comfort me but never did I talk to him, never did I console in him. I let this stay a mystery to him. If I didn't tell him, he would give up soon enough, I had hoped.
Little did I know just how much he cared.
word count: 1419
published: 17.02.17
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