Chapter Twenty Four: Play Pirate... Treasure?

The day went on faster than expected. I explored the four walls of the room and read 'Beyond Enemy Lines' Clinton came by the afternoon informing me not to isolate myself. He had made so much change to the house in which he wanted me to see. I made friends with the three helpers and four guard. All the bedrooms upstairs, four in total. All except mine untouched. 

I ate a special dinner with Clinton with roses and candles. I feel sorry for both of us, honestly. More for myself. I have to go through all this, so traumatizing! And, his love is not given to thee one but the one. 

Moring is here and the door creaks open. I put my book aside awaiting no other than Clinton. He enters like yesterday with a tray of food. I could get use to this, if it was Christopher! 

"Good morning mi amor. Did you sleep well?", 

"Si mi amor, I slept well"

He places my food on the desk caught a glimpse of my book. He sits on the bed beside me, I make way for him. 

"¿Qué estás leyendo?" his sexy Mexican accent is heard. What, he sounds hot when he speaks in Spanish. I wonder if Christopher knows Spanish. Shut up and answer!

"Beyond Enemy Lines," I reply. I show him the book, smiling. I secretly thanking Vaughns mother. Nancy taught me Spanish she was half English and Spanish herself. 

"Oh, you love to read so much. You had so many books in here I had to throw some out," he says slipping behind me. His strong arms massage my tense shoulder, for a moment I feel relaxed. Then I remember the situation I'm in. Life!

"You remember that case you're working on before," Clinton says breaking the silence.  "I'm going to sell it to another organization. A team from F@X tried to get it about a year ago, after you went missing, however they failed. They got into our system though, that's why I had to seal it away in the safe"

He stops massaging and spins me around on the bed, so my feet hang off. He stops in front of me holding my hands, while looking me in the eyes

 "I don't want you ever working on that case again. You nearly got killed because of it. If Damian is doing something illegal someone will catch him soon. However, I don't want you to leave me again," He whispers the last part. I almost felt touched, he cares about me. Well, my character. 

 I nod my head; he smiles in response. 

"Is it on a computer or thumb drive?", I ask out of the blues. I've heard about this case so much time, plus he did say F@X tried to get it, that's us. 


"When are you going to sell it"

"5 days from now. When I come back from overseas, after my mission in 2 days' time. Why," I have limited time that's why. I need to get those now.

"It's nothing! I just wanted to know; you know how hard I worked on it. Where did you put it again?"

"Oh, darling nothing stays forever. It's in the office safe, don't try talking me out of this. I already made up my mind," He responds then kiss my hand. I smile then pout. 

 "It will be fine. Plus, you'll stay at HQ during the three days I'm gone. Cleo and Hope will keep you company," he continues. Oh only if you knew how I hate them. Anything darling as long as I'm back to my people.  I smile.

"Te amo mi amor he grins," He grins as his phone rings. He gives me a loving smile, stands, takes the phone from his pocket and gets the call. 

"Hola mi amigo, ¿qué tal?"

"Eat it before it gets cold," he says pointing at the tray as he goes through the door.

So, the treasure is in the house, eh? I'm ready to play pirate!  Aye Aye!

The day rolls on like yesterday just a bit more exploring, not the rooms though. I spend most of my time with Clinton it's not like he would allow me to search his house if I told him I'm working against him. 

A next day arrives Clinton drops of my breakfast as usual and spend quality time with me. I watch him go into the room just across from mine, there he spends most of his time if he's not with me. That's not his room though. His room is beside it. What's in there?  I had a glimpse of what the room entails, it looks like a mini office. Cool, right? Jackpot! I'm the best pirate. 

I put my cup down from which I just drank my chocolate tea from. It's amazing how Clinton greets me with breakfast every morning. I wish it was Christopher, though! I put a pink page on the sheet I last read and close the book.  I then pick up my tray and head out. I turn left and down the stairs. 

I look on both sides of the wall, examining each and every painting. It looks like a mini art gallery. Clinton has really good taste in art.

My foot hits the last staircase as my eyes land on beautiful sofas, the same ones I slept on. A combination of many beautiful pigments, its main white. Flowers and tree branches styled on it, emitting a calm feeling from my insides. I enter the kitchen, where Mary washes the dishes. 

She's Clinton's cook, has always been. She could be my grandmother and speaks only a little English. At first, when she saw me, she thought I was Amelia, like others. However, this woman notices all. Lia has an industrial piercing, and I don't. 

"Buenos días chica Linda," Mary says with a thick Mexican.

"Buenos días Mary. ¿Donde estás Clinton?" I haven't seen him since he gave me breakfast, quite unusual.  He's really clingy. 

"No él está en carretera, ¿tú necesitas algo?

"No, no I need nothing Mary," I respond, then tap her on the shoulder. If he isn't here that's great, I need to continue with the adventure. I can't keep the anchor in the sea any longer. Time to find our treasure.  

I run up the stairs, and a singing pain attack me with a voice saying "Radam dat is it!" 

"Damn," I mutter then start to walk like I should have.  

I enter the office. Two bookshelves, a long desk, office chair (stationery fills half the table other half empty) Behind the chair sit fantastic paintings of different sceneries. On the left of the room, photos of different people, mostly Amelia are sticked on the wall.

I step over examining the pictures: Damian, Clinton, Stewart, Cleopatra, and Christopher. How on earth do Chris look so old? His dad... More photos of people, dressed in fancy clothing, that I don't know. I continue looking at the pictures like searching for something. I spot it again!

The necklace... and a ring. My mom wore that ring. I remember. The day she died she left it at home, and I made a necklace with it. Who am I kidding? Amelia? She's, my mother. Amelia Brown... Avagay Brown. How could I not notice her smile. Our similar facial features. That dress, how could I not. 

"Have fun at school honey, I'll be back to pick you up at two" Those were her last words. She was wearing that same dress when she left me. The necklace. It was a valentine gift from dad, I helped him pick it out. How could I forget?

"You look just like her for real!"

"Nose, eyes, lips. Everything the same!!!"

"You have the upper hand here. You is how you get it"

Everything finally makes sense. All of this was on purpose. We weren't executed because we had purpose, because I had purpose. What happens when she gets the devices? The devices? I haven't found them. 

"You know I thought you died... Ashley would be so happy to see you. The girl keeps talking about you. She says you'll never die. Not yet. At least not until you figure out the case."

It all makes sense now; I look like my mom. Clinton likes my mom, he thinks I'm her. He gives my mom everything, including a lashing, damn it still hurts! So I'm supposed to pretend like my mom. It was never about Christopher but me. What will happen to Christopher? Does he know about this? He speaks so little when we meet. Is he betraying me again? Was he always betraying me? Once a liar always a liar. This whole thing was planned. They have my father. I love Christopher. 

I flip my hair from my right shoulder unto my left and roll my shoulders as if the weight would fall off them. Damn it, I haven't found the devices. Damn it, should I even keep looking? 

I have reached this far in the mission, and now I'm questioning a lot of things. God damn it! Is it safe for me to continue? Should I give up? All I want is to live a normal life and to rescue my dad. However, it's not possible without the device, or at least that's how Cindy let it seem. 

 I walk to the other side of the room, probably I just need to trust faith for once. People are not always deceiving, and probably this is all mere coincidence. Surely Christopher wouldn't do this to me. He probably doesn't even know Amelia is my mom. I hope he doesn't. I can already hear my heart breaking. 

I turn as my eyes land on the treasure. It sits in the safe like Clinton said it would, he didn't even bother to close the darn thing. A small smile appears on my face, at least I didn't have to do anything really. I stretch my hands to take them out, I remember the tether. I can't go anywhere anyways. Plus, the last time something was so inviting I nearly got my head blown off. I pull my hands back to my side. 

I need a plan! That can work. And, fast! Questions need answers, and lives need to be safe, including mine.  

I slip out quickly but quietly before anyone sees me. I pass the steps as male voices enter my ears. I fur my brows, no one was here before, right? The voices become louder and clearer.  

"But if we go there then whoever is on the roof can see us," a soft but manly voice cuts above the voices that can be heard.

"Yes, but if we go your way, it'll take longer," a next voice says.

"Have any one of you been to the blue house," another voice chips in then silence falls over the room.

 Blue house, I have actually been there before. My second mission to be exact. It's not easy getting in there due to high security as well as other measures. However, there is always a way to go around the system. Once there is a will there is a way!

I have an idea, just to get Clinton on my side. I know he will be reluctant, his little speech in the room said it all. The possessiveness with the ankle monitor, and everything in between.  However, as Cindy said, I already have the upper hand in this party. Love is all Clinton sees so love is all I will show him.

If love doesn't work, then my other method may be bloody. A manic smile spreads on my face as I go down the steps into the living room... Action, here I come!

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