Chapter Six: True or Trust

My eyes drag down Chris' figure. I watch as he breathes in and out soundlessly as he sleeps. You know honestly I thought he was a robot. He never sleeps, well I have never seen him sleeping. Not until now. His lips twitch and he turns unto his side. Normally I wouldn't be awake this time. However, I was awake when Cindy was getting ready for her mission this morning, and also for her weird phone call.

I crease my brows as I'm reminded of this morning events.

I left the bathroom, in my room, downstairs to the kitchen. In order to reach the steps I passed two rooms, one which Cindy sleeps in and the other Chris. As I was about to pass Cindy's room I heard her talking.

"Yeah they are sleeping," she said. I stepped closer to her room door that was slightly opened to catch a view of what was going on. She stood at her window gazing out, with the blue device at her ears.

"No, he haven't said anything other than blabber about the dumb girl," she replied to the speaker on the phone. The dumb girl? Who is that her sister? Must be.

"of course not, it doesn't matter what I'll make him mine, I'm just helping him for now because I know he will be great help with the agent in the future", she informed the other speaker.  Make who yours? You can't make anybody or anything yours mama.

"Yeah, she have. Some of her memories came back" oh so it's me. Happy to know. "No, I don't miss one thing all the rooms in here are bugged"

"What", I shreeked surprised. I slapped my hand over my mouth, and looked to see if she heard me and moved. She didn't. Phew! Cindy was silent for a while listening what the person on the  other side had to say. I gripped my hurting stomach. Damnit!

I ran off down the stairs to the kitchen clutching my stomach. The conversation continued, however I needed tea. My stomach wasn't in the best condition right now. I placed the kettle on the stove watching the fire heat it after I placed everything I need for tea in the cup. I leaned forward on the counter my cheeks pressed to the cold marbles. I hate having a stomach ache. It must have been because I didn't have any dinner. I was so worried and confused I couldn't force myself to eat.

I drank the tea sending the gas away. I made one more cup of tea carrying it with me to the room. I climbed the stars quietly looking forward to ears drop on Cindy's conversation. To my dismay her room door was wide open and she was no where inside. I shrugged my shoulders and continued. Probably she's in that darn room, I thought to myself. However, I realized Chris' room door opened. Probably he's awake. I continue walking.

As I passed Chris' room I spot Cindy stroking his hair. My eyes widen as I step back, so I'm not seen.  I peep looking at the scene again. Cindy stands heading to the door,  the heals of her shoes clicking on the floor. I step back out of view, straightening my postre. As she came into view I begun to walk then pretended like I was just coming upstairs.

"Oh my tea nearly splashed. What were you doing in there is Chris awake? Why are you all dressed up?", I say. Cindy closes the door stepping back, as she runs her hand down her leather jacket.

"I'm going on a mission I just told him, he's asleep now, don't wake him. He seems tired. Come and lock up for me," she said nodding to downstairs. I locked up when she went away, then went to Chris' room, where I still am.

Cindy's actions were scary and very unexpected. From the suspicious phone call to her stroking Chris' hair.

I looked down at grumpy sleeping. He pushes his mouth in a pout, as his hands slide under his cheek. Cute. He smiles. Damnit can he read my mind. Why the hell is he smiling?  I roll my eyes, then smile with him.

I lift my hands and stroke his hair twice before he holds it. I freeze. He was awake? His eyes opens, and he looks up into my eyes. Ha. Look at who is looking up now.

I drag my hand from his grip as a smirk forms on his face.

"You missed me?", He asked in his husky voice. I stare. His hair falls into his eyes as he sits up. He brushes it out his face. Sexy. Damnit I swear I'ma crush my brain and dump it. Do I even have a brain?

I take up my tea cup and stand to make my way downstairs. I swear I'm getting dumber everytime I see him. I guess it's a Chris thing. Burn, oops.

I start to walk, but he holds my hand as he stands. Is this a Korean drama or something. Why the hell are we always so close? I bet you all are playing some background music.

"Why did you come I here?" He asks. I scrunch my nose.

"Your breath stinks," I say.

"So do yours," he says lifting a brow. A chuckle leaves his lips when my lip twitch into a frown. I roll my eyes then remember what exactly I came in here for.

"Your phone?", I ask extending my arms. A document caught my eyes yesterday when I was in the room. I wanted a photo of it so I could read it and not be caught, so I came in here for Chris' phone. I didn't know when Cindy would be back and decided to make it quick, but I got all caught up in the moment I guess.

"So your searching my phone now?", he smirks. I free my arm and smack his chest.

"Just give me the phone"

"For what?"


"Then I nothingly don't want to led you my phone," he says with a smile. I crease my brows, new word?


"Yeah that's right. Add it to your dictionary," He says and walks off. My teeth find my lips and I grip the tea cup harder. Should I tell him? I close my eyes exhaling sharply before opening them again.

I wouldn't want him to feel how I did: betrayed. To trust someone and then your trust for them come crumbling down. To be hurt, by the person who should have been working with you. Sigh

Moreover, I don't have proof of what I heard, so I would have to wait until I get proof. But suppose what Cindy said to the caller is true? Suppose Cindy is working with them? Suppose the people who they were running from knows where they are and are just waiting for the right opportunity to attack them? Suppose by time I get proof it's too late.

The attack at the hospital flashes cross my mind. The running, the guns, the blood. Betrayal, trust.

I look to the door where Christopher stands. He looks at me, those innocent eyes. I walk and sit back on the chair beside his bed.

"What's the matter? Huh?" He asks walking back inside the room, he sits on his bed.

"I don't trust Cindy," I blurt resting the cup back in it's place on the table, beside me.

"What do you mean by that?" What do you mean by what do I mean by that? I don't trust Cindy, it's as easy as that. Do I need to spell everything out? Dumbo.

"I mean that I don't trust her" he rolls his eyes.

"Why do you not trust her?", He asks. Don't try to make me look like the dumb one here. I knew that's what you meant to ask, well practical asked but read between the lines honey. I groan. The last time I spoke exactly what I meant we nearly got our heads blown off. I remember that memory well.

"Forget it," I mumble. I exit the room; he watch me go.

After returning the cup to the kitchen,  I went to my room and washed up.

"Your breath stinks"

"So do yours" huff not anymore. I rinse my mouth out, and stare at myself in the mirror. Short hair, fierce. Tall hair, innocent. Should I cut my hair?

" Ava the food is getting cold," Christopher yells. Breakfast time so nope. I skip out the room, my hair bouncing. My childhood memories rush to me, I had tall hair when I was younger. Tall shinny hair.

I pass Cindy's room.

"I'll get them to you as soon as I earn Chris'trust"

"No, I don't miss one thing all the rooms in here are bugged"

I stop.


"I'm coming," I shout. I continue my journey to the eating room.

We take our seat and begin eating. However, that feeling of knowing something is wrong sits at the pit of my stomach. I need to find proof. Something is wrong. Shit. Damn feeling. Tell you want let me eat first at least. Ugh! I guess not. I hurriedly placed some food in mouth, then got up. Chris looked up at me as the chair scraped against the floor. I leave without saying anything. I couldn't my mouth was full.

I start with the living room where we frequently are. I look under the paintings and chairs: nothing. I look into the vase and under the tv: jackpot. I step back looking at the bug in my hand. Okay I'm definitely an agent.

A hand rest on my shoulder. I grip it spinning swiftly and kick. My foot collided with Christopher's side. He steps back still holding on to my hand. He loses his balance and I fall on him. Great! We can't be more than six feet apart for more than a minute. I groan, Chris chuckles.

"What was that?"  I don't know. Probably I'm not much of an agent just yet. I push myself off him dusting off my, well, Cindy's skirt as I stand.  The bug, great! I look all over for it.

" What are you looking for?"

"This," I say as I take the device from a corner. Chris looks at it as I approach him, his face creased with that well known expression. I takes it from my hand.

"How did you know?"

" She has always been suspicious to me. Her phone call this morning confirmed it"

"What did you want my phone for? It's something to do with that office isn't it?"

" Yes-"

"We need to leave," trust broken I knew it. I bite the I side of my cheek.

"Let me get what I need first"

"Just take it and come-"

"I can't do that-"

"That's your saying. She won't need it if she got everything we know. Get it and met me at the door," he says dropping the device to the floor stepping on it afterwards. He runs up
the stairs, leaving me to get my details. I do.

I read the papers and take as I go along.

File one:

'Mission Exclusive 5.0^2 (Retry)

Item to receive: laptop and flashdrive.

Agent Foska                                                Agent Christopher                                           Agent Avagay

Agent Cindy                                                Agent Mascow                                                   Agent Riverdale

Agent Rosy                                                 Agent Gear                                                          Agent Black

Agent Ribbon                                            Agent Danny                                                       Agent Redwolf

Agent Brown                                             Agent Etiquette                                                  Agent Space'

File two:

'*Cindy's photo*

Founder of F@X

Name: Vanessia Clarke'

I gasp; gossip.

I tuck the paper with the others. I turn to exit the room, I think that's all I need. My eyes see something. I think I know that man: Stewart. That woman.   I slip my hands on the booklet, I take it.

My right hand switch the light off as I exit. The soft patting of my feet echo down the hall as I run to the door. I think I've been in the  room for a long time and Chris is long ready. Probably na. He would call me. I stop.

Cindy, shit. And, I though I wouldn't get caught for the second time. Life, fate and everything in between. Sigh.

"Look the cat has come out the bag," Cindy says smirking.

I scoffs and reply, "She was never in a bag it was you who was too blind to see,"

"You are probably right, I guess that's why I used my ears," Cindy says striding to me. I grip the paper tightly as I prepare myself for an attack.

She lounged at me, I moved to the side. She fell; I ran. My feet is suddenly grabbed from behind, and I fall on my face with a thud. Damn, my nose is broken. I turn as she drags me on the floor. I kick my free foot. Once, twice. Jackpot in  the nose. She growls, but doesn't let go off my foot. Do I really have to spell it out to ya? Let. Me. Go. I think as I kick her hand three times. She lets me go and smacks me across the face. Oh no she didn't

I smack her back across the face holding her by her ears as I stand. Guess you have never heard about me. She growls, standing with me.

"you piece of shit," she yells spitting blood. Nice. Now look who looks like a piece of shit.

Cindy elbows me in the side then the cheek. Damn and I thought I was skilled.

"James was right, you are one piece of work," She says smacking me across the face afterwards. I hate her.

I try to attack but fail causing all the papers to fly out of my hand. She kicks me in my back I fall on my knees. I'ma just say a God damn prayer and call it a day. I turn and get smacked in the face yet again.

I lay on my back, while Cindy sits on my stomach.

"Chris: Christopher," I shout, my second call muffled by her hand.

"Are you really calling him after everything he has done, stupid" she did not just call me stupid.

"You believe you went into a comma because your car just crashed," She chuckles. She bends her body over mine, he face comes close to my cheek. What is she going to do, kiss me? Her breath fans my ears.  "Ask Christopher honey, everything that has reached you today is because of him," she smirks as she sits up, still I. My stomach.

Christopher? What did he do?

Cindy is slapped off me by Christopher who is so early in rescuing my fragile behind. I stand holding my cheeks, they need ice.

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