"Louis" Harry calls out as he and his squad are running the fields at the university. Harry and Charlie started their team of six on daily exercises before shift, to keep up their fitness and bond as a team. They usually run the university track as its closest to the bureau and the onsite coffee is actually really good.
Harry sees Louis on the football fields alone, he's trying to kick the ball into the net and practise some basic ball skills. Louis usually does it in the afternoon after classes but he was off today and wanted to get as much time in before the team needed the space.
Louis was told the devastating news that his football career was officially over and it shattered him. The boys were all there, especially Harry, to help pick up the pieces. He's moved on though and actually found a new passion in architecture, he has a natural talent and loves his degree. He does miss the game though and the boys don't know he's been secretly kicking a ball around most afternoons. He doesn't know why he does it, it just feels like he can't let it go just yet.
Louis and Harry have become extremely close. He and Charlie are over all the time and although nothing has developed romantically, the other boys all know it's a matter of time.
Louis waves at Harry as he picks up the ball. Harry says something to his group and jogs over towards Louis. He's sweaty and looks amazingly hot, Louis is a little lost for words. His slight scruff and tuffs of hair sneaking out the back of his cap, Harry makes Louis mouth go dry. His muscles and tattoos, Louis is so attracted to Harry.
Harry sees the way Louis Stares at him and internally smirks, he thinks Louis is the most delicious thing on the planet and to know he might think the same about Harry makes him smile. He is planning to ask Louis out on a date, he just hasn't wanted to rush anything and wants to take it slow, doesn't want Louis to feel pressured.
"Hey Harry" Louis says as Harry gets closer and stops in front of Louis catching his breath
"What are you up to out here so early" Harry asks.
"Just um, you know, kicking the ball around and stuff" Louis shrugs.
"Yeah? Do you have an early class?" Harry asks
"Oh no just...I was just mucking around....no classes today" Louis says shyly. He hasn't exactly told the boys that he's been out on the fields practising.
Harry eyes Louis warily, he knows there is something else to this but doesn't push Louis.
"Are you working today?" Louis asks trying to change the subject
"Yeah, just getting some training in with the squad before we start" Harry says
Louis nods.
"Listen I was wondering, if you're not busy tonight, I get off at 5 would you like to go to dinner with me?" Harry asks straight up.
Louis is taken aback he doesn't know if Harry is asking him on a date or just as friends, they do hang out a lot and of course Harry has cooked Louis dinner at his place before but they've never gone out. Harry must catch on to Louis inner turmoil, and he smirks
"I'm asking you out Lou, on a date" Harry says confidently
Louis smiles shyly.
"Okay" Louis says
"Okay then" Harry smiles back.
"I'll pick you up about 6:30, dress casual but warm" Harry says as he begins to walk backwards, back towards the group
Louis nods and watches Harry and the others leave, waving at Charlie who waves goodbye to Louis.
Louis can't belive Harry just asked him out on an actual date. He knows they've been avoiding their feelings for each other, but Louis is actually excited that Harry even acknowledged his feelings and wants to take Louis out.
"Did you ask him?"Charlie asks as Harry and the team start jogging again.
Harry smirks.
"Get it Styles" Max taunts
"Ohhh shut it" Harry smiles trying to to blush as his team rib him. Harry takes it in his stride and just hopes that his date goes well with Louis.
By the time 6:30 comes around Louis is heading down the stairs in black skinny jeans and a white sweater, his hair styled in a quiff, his vans on his feet. He's nervous but is trying to remind himself this is Harry, his Harry. They hang out all the time together.
"Wow Lou, you look awesome" Scott says as Louis walks to the kitchen where the boys are
Louis smiles shyly.
"Nervous?" Drew asks gently
"Yeah, I know it's silly but...yeah" Louis says.
"It's not silly kiddo, honestly, and there is no pressure okay" Edward says
"I know, it's just like...." Louis starts
"Like?" Edward asks cautiously
"I'm worried that....if we like do something.....sexual or like even a kiss or anything that I will have a flashback or something, I don't want Stanley to control my life and I really like Harry but I'm scared I won't handle it and he won't want me" Louis says embarrassed and uneasy.
"Oh sweetheart, listen firstly, Harry is not going to pressure you or not want you, if anyone understands it's Harry, I absolutely promise you" Scott says
"We wouldn't let Harry take you out if we didn't trust him to take care of you, Harry is one of the only people we will ever let you be around alone" Drew says winking at Louis who blushes.
"And it's your first date, don't put pressure on yourself darling, see where it goes and if you just want to be friends than that's okay and Harry will respect that" Edward says
"So, you've already spoken to him then?" Louis says half smiling knowing his brothers too well
They chuckle.
"Of course kid. What kind of brothers would we be if we didn't interrogate your potential boyfriend" Scott says
"And what kind of boyfriend would Harry be if he went behind our back and didn't ask us first" Edward says
Louis smiles slightly thankful he has the best brothers ever
There is then a knock at the door and Louis takes a deep breath, ready to have his very first date ever and hopefully put his ordeal behind him and start his future with new memories with Harry.
Harry is nervous as he knocks on the Tomlinson door, he doesn't usually knock but thought it was appropriate in this instance. His breathing pics up as the door is open and he smiles as he comes face to face with Drew.
"Looking handsome Haz" Drew says teasingly
"Why thanks Snookums" Harry teases back
They both chuckle and Drew opens the door widely for Harry to come in.
As soon as Louis and Harry lock eyes Harry's breath hitches, Louis looks stunning
Louis thinks Harry looks beautiful in his black skinny jeans, white shirt and blue jumper.
The boys look back and forth between Louis and Harry before they speak up
"Well i would say the date is going really well so far, you're both speechless" Scott teases
Harry looks over to Scott smirking as he pushes Scott playfully who laughs.
"Very funny, ready to go Lou?" Harry says calmly.
"Yeah" Louis says shyly.
"Have him home by 12" Edward teases
"And no funny business" Drew laughs
"Oh god please stop" Louis says blushing embarrassed.
Harry laughs taking it all on the chin.
"Of course boys" Harry says as he holds the door open for Louis to walk out
When Louis walks ahead Harry turns to the boys seriously.
"I'll look after him, I promise. I've got him" Harry says seriously
The boys trust Harry and appreciate his words.
"We know, thanks Haz" Scott says.
Harry nods and goes to leave
"Have fun now" the boys tease and Louis shakes his head as Harry leads him to the lift.
When they are in the car the tension and pressure of a date kind of drifts away as Harry and Louis just relax into their usual selves, laughing and joking with each other. And both of them are secretly relieved.
Harry takes Louis to a small Italian restaurant on the outskirts of London. One of his favourite places. It's intimate and sweet and although they are on a date Harry doesn't make it awkward or anything and they have a really good time together, Louis is actually so surprised and grateful he really didn't want the dynamic to change between him and Harry.
When they leave the restaurant and are walking back to the car, Harry grabs Louis hand gently and Louis feels warmth through his body, his stomach tingly and he looks to Harry who's beaming back at him and smiles shyly.
"Is this okay?" Harry asks
"Yeah, it's more than okay H, I....like holding your hand" Louis says and Harry smiles even wider.
"Thank you for dinner" Louis says
"Anytime little one, thank you for coming" Harry says and Louis blushes once again at the pet name.
"I thought we could go back to my house and watch a movie, would you like that" Harry says as the reach the car.
"Yeah, I'd love that" Louis says as Harry opens his car door for him.
As Louis gets into the car he looks up across the road and stops on his tracks, it can't be.
Louis breathing picks up a little
"Lou? Darling? What's wrong?" Harry asks as he follows Louis eyes
Harry sees Louis looking at the other side of the road but sees nothing.
"Um nothing, sorry I just thought I saw something, nothing" Louis says as he shakes his head.
Harry is a little worried but Louis smiles at Harry and gets into he car.
Louis swears he just saw Stanley, but it's impossible, he's in jail and he's never getting out.
Louis tries to push it aside, he won't let that man ruin his night with Harry, It must be his imagination and he pushes it to the back of his mind.
When they get to Harry's place Louis relaxes as they enter, he loves Harry's house and the smell of gun oil and vanilla that lingers. Harry leads them both to the kitchen first where Harry sets down his keys and wallet and smiles at Louis.
"Would you like a drink?" Harry asks kindly
"Water would be great" Louis says and Harry walks to the fridge and grabs two bottles out.
He puts them on the counter and goes to grab a packet of crisps and gummy bears. He puts them next to the water and smiles at Louis
"You seem nervous, are you okay?" Harry asks
"I'm fine H" Louis says and Harry reaches out and gently pulls Louis close to him, capturing him in his strong arms
"Good" Harry whispers smirking
Louis smiles shyly.
"You're beautiful Lou" Harry says and Louis blushes
They don't speak just stare at each other, assessing, looking over each other's features.
The tension gets a bit hot and both Harry and Louis begin to get restless
"Can I kiss you?" Harry asks in a seductive voice
"Please" Louis whispers
Harry smirks and leans in, he doesn't touch Louis lips though and it's hot and they both ghost their lips over each other's, their breaths fanning over their lips as they move seductively but don't actually kiss it turns both boys on insanely and Harry draws Louis closer as he walks him backwards gently into the kitchen wall.
Their breathing is heavy and hot and finally Harry leans all the way in and kisses Louis intently. It's absolute fire and Harry kisses Louis with purpose and dominance.
When Harry pulls back Louis whines
Harry smirks and leans in again, this time adding his tongue as he explores Louis mouth seductively.
They kiss heatedly for ten minutes straight before Harry pulls back.
"Fuck you're amazing. I've wanted to do that for months" Harry says
"Yeah?" Louis asks cutely
"Yeah" Harry confirms smiling.
"Well I might just let you do it again" Louis says smirking
Harry smiles brightly, he leans in and kisses Louis again, he pulls back, kisses Louis on the head and leads him to the lounge room.
They make out a few more times and end up falling asleep together on Harry's couch just before midnight.
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