
"Scott?" Harry questions as three males he remembers so clearly and hasn't seen in about four years walk through the doors of the police station.

Harry is just finishing his shift and about to walk out of the bureau. As head of homicide and missing persons he's had a very long day and is ready for a good night's sleep.

"Harry?" Scott replies surprised.

Scott and Harry are both 27, they went to high school and university together. Harry studying justice and criminology before heading to the police force and Scott studying medicine and becoming an Emergency room doctor.

"Wholly shit" Harry replies as they hug hello, they lost touch some years ago but have always been on each other's minds.

"You remember Drew and Edward" Scott says as they pull apart

"Of course" Harry says as he goes to hug them both.

"It's good to see you Haz" Drew says

"You haven't changed a bit" Edward smiles slightly hugging Harry back

Drew and Edward are Scott's brothers, twins and two years younger, Edward a high class lawyer and Drew the CEO of a high class record label.

Even though it's great to see each other, Harry can see that something isn't right. Something is amiss, the boys seem on edge and a little worried.

"What brings you all here. My shift just ended but I can lead you in the right direction" Harry says

The boys look at each other upset.

"What's happened" Harry asks seriously as he puts his hands on his hips frowning.

"We need to report a missing person" Drew says.

"Missing person?" Harry asks and the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

"Our younger brother, you remember Louis, he's been missing for 24 hours and we can't find him anywhere" Edward says a little panicked.

"Okay, okay, just let me see if my squad partner has left yet and we will get things started on a missing person report" Harry says

Harry of course remembers Louis, Louis was quite young when Harry became friends with the boys but he would never forget Louis gorgeous blue eyes, cute smile and innocence. Louis always had a love for Harry's curls and Harry would give in to Louis when he was over at the house and let him put his hair in pigtails. There was always something about Louis that Harry was drawn too, there has always been a protectiveness that Harry felt, and even though the boys lost touch he still wonders of Louis every now and then. Harry will do everything he can to help the boys find Louis. Harry knows how critical the first 24 hours can be in a missing person case. He just hopes that Louis has maybe just wondered off or needed space and will be back in no time.

"Are you sure, you've just finished your shift" Edward says.

"Of course, you guys are my family. We will find him don't worry" Harry says.

Harry leads the boys to his office that has a conference room table set up, whiteboards with pictures all over them and a desk full of paperwork.

"Take a seat" Harry gestures to the boys.

They all take their coats off and sit down, Harry not even caring that he's just finished a twelve hour shift. He rolls his sleeves of his black button up to his elbows and runs his hand through his short curly locks. He's tired but needs to lead this case.

He looks at the three boys in front of him, they are all just as gorgeous as he remembers, the Tomlinson genes providing three tall, muscly good looking boys, all with blue grey eyes. They look exhausted though and worried, like they haven't slept in a week.

Charlie, Harry's squad partner then walks into the office.

"Thought you knocked off H" he says as he sticks his head in.

"Boys, what the!" He then asks as he too recognises the Tomlinson boys. Charlie and the boys used to know each other through university too. They can't believe they haven't seen each other in years and that Charlie and Harry are work partners.

After the boys are reacquainted they all sit down at the table.

"So what's going on?" Charlie asks concerned

"Louis' gone missing" Edward says

"Okay, and you're sure he's not just at a friends house?" Charlie asks.

"Positive, we've checked everywhere" Scott says.

"Okay, so first things first let's go over what's happened. How old is Louis now? Around 17? Do you have a recent photo" Harry asks, Harry has the picture a 12 year old Louis in his head .

"Yeah, he's just turned 17" Edward says

"Here is a recent picture" Scott says passing over his phone to Harry and Charlie.

Harry's breath gets caught in his throat, Louis is absolutely stunning, his feathery brown hair, tanned skin, and bright, bright blue eyes are beautiful. It then hits Harry and Charlie at the same time and they look at each other worriedly, they are thinking the worst but hoping it's not what they are thinking, they've been chasing a serial killer for the last few weeks who targets young boys all blue eyes, and football players, all boys were also gay. They are praying Louis doesn't fit all the categories.

"I'll send this to Jax and get this printed and held as a media pic incase we need it" Charlie tells Harry who nods.

"What were Louis last movements. Does he live with you boys, or your parents?" Harry asks carefully.

There is an obvious reason why the boys are here and not their parents. Harry remembers Mark and Jay as the most loving people, warm and friendly like his own parents.

"Well, um...a lot has happened in four years" Drew slightly chuckles dryly

"We lost mum and dad four years ago on a car accident. We have custody of Louis and are his legal guardians, he lives with us, we all share a penthouse in the city" Scott Says

"Shit, I'm so sorry boys" Harry says sincerely.

"It was a tough year but we made it through and we're closer than ever" Drew says.

Harry smiles and nods, knowing the boys would be taking the best care of Louis.

"So Louis, he's still in school?" Harry asks

"He finished a year early, he's in uni now, on a football Scholarship" Scott says.

Harry and Charlie don't show their concern but a horrid feeling sets in their gut.

"What University is he attending" Charlie asks

"Manchester, he has scouts wanting him for the representative team for MAN U" Scott says

"Wow that's impressive" Harry says impressed

"So what were Louis movements and what made you consider him missing" Charlie asks kindly.

"Louis has training every afternoon pretty much, until 6, sometimes he will stay in the dorms with his friend Noah who's also on the team. Noah is two years older than Louis but they are best friends" Drew says

"Last night, Louis text me at 4:00pm saying he was staying at the dorms with Noah after training and not to worry about picking him up" Scott says

"We usually call each other at 6 every night if we aren't going to be together, just to check in. Louis has a three call rule, if he misses our call three times in a row he's grounded" Drew says

"It wasn't until we tried to contact him last night, he didn't answer, we tried a few more times until morning but still no luck. We couldn't get hold of Noah until the morning and he confirmed that Louis never made it to training last night and he told us that Louis sent him a text message saying he was sick and going home, that was around 2pm so before he sent the text to Scott saying he was staying at the dorms. We have spent the day literally walking the university grounds, asking around if people had seen him and no one has" Edward says.

"We searched a few more places and then came here, we are really worried. This is really unlike Louis" Drew says.

"Is he popular at uni?" Harry asks

"Yeah, very, everyone loves Louis, the team treat him like a little brother" Scott says

"I'm really sorry to ask this and I'm not prying I promise but...what's Louis sexual orientation" Harry asks

"He came out two years ago as gay" Drew says

Harry and Charlie share a look

"Does that mean something?" Scott asks

"It might, look we have a few leads we can start with. I'll log on tonight and we will bring in a team, the first 24 hours is crucial and we just need to find him" Harry says

"I'll log on too, hopefully we will have Louis back safe and sound in a few hours" Charlie says.

The boys nod

"What do we do? We can help search" Edward says

"Back track and ask all of Louis friends for information again, we will pay Noah a visit and the team but try to think of any places Louis likes to go and start there" Charlie says

The boys nod and get to work.

Harry and Charlie split their investigation areas, it takes Harry two hours to find CCTV footage of Louis last movements. He was seen at his favourite local coffee shop one hour before he sent his text to Noah at 1:00pm.

As Harry sits down in his office to watch the footage, he feels deep emotions. It's always hard to watch someone's last movements but this is Louis, even though he doesn't know Louis as a teenager, his likes, dislikes, his little quirks. He still feels a huge connection to him and it unsettles Harry. Harry came out as gay at 17 and has had a few partners here and there but nothing long term, he's just never found the right person.

The screen shows up and the quality of footage is crystal clear, Harry sees Louis exit the coffee shop, a takeaway cup in his hand. He has a pair of black skinny jeans on and a white and blue baseball shirt, with black vans on his feet. His feathery brown hair is quaffed nicely, he's tiny and Harry's heart skips a beat.

Louis reaches into his pocket and pulls out his car keys. Someone off camera then calls out to him. Louis looks up and over towards the voice, a few words are exchanged. Louis then looks around the deserted car park uneasily, he hesitates but then walks over toward the person and out of shot.

Ten seconds later Louis coffee cup spills back into shot and that's when Louis disappears.

Harry sighs, his heart aches for Louis and for the boys. He doesn't want to imagine what Louis is going though right now. it's not really much to go on but Harry just hopes they find Louis soon, although uneasiness is settling in.

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