
A month passes and the case goes cold, no new leads, no useful CCTV footage, all leads end up at a dead end but Harry refuses to close the case. Two more bodies have shown up and even though the killer slipped up and left his DNA behind on one of the victims, its finding the killer that's the problem.

Stanley Green was a direct hit in the database, his face has been plastered all over the news but he seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. The hoax calls are coming in thick and fast resulting in resources being used up and its becoming frustrating. They won't give up though, the boys are still as vigilant, are drumming up as much media attention as they can which has been a huge help. They just need one good lead so they can nail this guy once and for all.

"Do you think he's still alive" Drew asks as they are all eating dinner at the apartment

"Without a doubt. Louis is smart, he's strong he's got mum and dad looking after him from above. I know he's alive" Scott says with conviction.

"Do you think he will be okay? Like if we find him, do you think he will be okay?" Edward says.

"With us around I know he will, whatever shit that arsehole has put Louis through we will get him through it, we will be there for him, he will recover from this" Scott says

Edward looks to Harry and Charlie for reassurance too.

"Scott's right, there's been plenty of cases where we've saved victims who go on to lead happy and healthy lives. Of course dealing with the trauma can and will be terribly hard, but I know we are going to find Louis and get him through this" Harry says

It's then they Harry's phone rings

"Styles" he says direct.

"Boss, we've had a complaint from a neighbour of a man in Greenberg street West Grove. She said she heard a commotion coming from the house tonight, as well as other strange comings and goings the last few days. She describes the car the man is driving as a blue Camry, I've pushed a warrant through.....she says she saw a boy in the upstairs window tonight, and he matches Louis description" Jax says over the phone sounding rushed

"Shit, Charlie and I are on our way, no one is to go in without us. We will meet the team at headquarters, de brief and head in" Harry says

"Right boss I'll organise everyone" Jax says

"Will will be there within half an hour" Harry says as he hangs up

"What's happened" Scott asks and Harry can see the fear in his eyes

"We have a lead, a possibly sighting of Louis" Harry says as he and Charlie grab their coats.

"What, can we come? Where are you going" Edward asks as they all get up.

"You know you can't come, sit by the phone, we will call you as soon as we can, you know that, please boys trust us" Charlie says.

"Please please find him, please bring him home safe please" Drew begs and Harry and Charlie's hearts break. These boys have been through hell the last few months.

"We will boys, we promise" Harry says

"Sit by the phone" Charlie instructs and the boy's do

Minutes roll into hours and it feels like an eternity. Just when they are going to give up and lose it. The phone rings.


Harry and Charlie head straight to the station to de brief the team.

"Boys listen up, let's get this organised and Louis home safe" Harry yells to quiten the room down.

"Harry and I will head in first, armed with vests, with our team spotting us, SWAT take the back entrance and roof above and out on the front lawn" Charlie says as they place the map out on the table and direct everyone

"Our priority is getting Louis out Alive. We need Stanley alive, but not at the cost of Louis. We will have Ambulance waiting onsite" Harry says.

"We don't know what we are walking into boys. Prepare yourselves, Louis has probably been living a nightmare for over a month and he needs to trust us to get him out and to safety" Charlie says.

Everyone agrees and they decide to head out.

"Follow my car, sirens off, we don't want him to do something drastic, lights on when we turn into the street! let's go" Harry says as they all get going.

Harry and Charlie arm up with vests under their police jackets. They pray Louis is still alive and okay, pray this is what they've been waiting for and can get him back to his family.

It's a tense ride as they race to the address, usually Harry loves this part of the job, raids and busts give him such a thrill. This time though, he's on edge. As they pull into the neighbourhood the houses are modest and the immaculate front lawns give off a very posh vibe. Harry wonders how the neighbours have gone this long without realising what's been under their noses.

The house they pull up too looks the same as the neighbours, immaculate. Charlie parks the car and without even hesitating they are all out of the cars, guns drawn and falling into line. Harry and Charlie are up on the stoop first. They look at each other, this is it. They know their team will back them up, know the steps, they've done this hundreds of times. They give each other a nod, their nod of trust and are straight into work mode.

"Open up police" Harry yells in all his dominance

They get no answer

"You have one more chance, open the door" Charlie yells

They then hear running footsteps from inside.

That's all it takes before they break the door down and Harry and Charlie lead the way in.

The house is absolutely disgusting. The smell of death and blood is in the air, it's filthy and full of rubbish. They make their way through the house as silent as possible.

When they reach a set of stairs Harry and Charlie break apart, half the team follow Charlie towards the kitchen and the other half follow Harry upstairs. Harry checks the first room they come to, he nearly vomits at the smell as he opens the door, it smells of rotting flesh but there is no sign of Louis.

Harry signals his team and moves forward to the next room.

"Suspect restrained. I repeat suspect restrained and in custody" Harry hears over the radio. Charlie has caught Stanley and Harry needs to find Louis.

As he opens the door to the second room, the first thing his eyes land on is a small boy in the corner chained by his torso, to the radiator. The look on his face is one of pure terror. He's in black boxer shorts extremely dirty and beaten, he's black and blue and Harry's heart just breaks.

"Louis" Harry says carefully as he stops his team entering the room. They hang back outside keeping watch from the door.

Louis looks intently at Harry.

"Harry?" Louis whispers his voice extremely horse

Harry is shocked Louis remember who he is.

Louis has seen Harry and Charlie on the news, Stanley made him watch the broadcasts, taunting him with his brothers and detectives, telling him he will never be found. Louis remembers both Harry and Charlie from his childhood so clearly.

"Yeah buddy, it's me, it's Harry. I'm not going to hurt you okay, you're safe now" Harry says as he puts his gun away and walks further towards Louis slowly.

Louis flinches out of pure instinct

"It's okay, shhh it's okay" Harry says.

He kneels down in front of Louis trying to asses his injuries. It's bad, Louis looks terrible and like he's ready to give up.

"Is it okay if I call one of my team in, we can get these chains off you and somewhere safe, we have an ambulance downstairs" Harry says gently

Louis looks at Harry, he's scared but needs to get out of here, incase his captor comes back and kills Harry before he gets free.

Harry sees the panic on Louis face

"It's okay, He's is in custody, he can't hurt you okay" Harry says comfortingly.

Louis nods and Harry smiles, he turns behind him to his team, still kneeling on Louis level.

"Max, can you come and help me, we need to get these chains off Louis" Harry says.

Max enters the room quietly and efficiently cuts the chains around Louis off. Louis then without warning launches for Harry and latches on to him. Harry is taken aback but welcomes the hug. He cups Louis head and hold him tightly.

"It's okay kiddo, I've got you, you're safe now okay, it's all going to be okay" Harry reassures over and over.

Louis doesn't say anything just keeps a hold of Harry, he won't let go. Harry somehow manages to get his warm police jacket off and put it on Louis. Harry stands up with Louis still attached to him and walks out of the room, his team flagging them both as they walk out of the disgusting, filthy house.

Harry takes Louis to the ambulance but Louis will not let go of Harry.

"Go with him Haz, I'll call the boys and we will meet you at the hospital" Charlie says

The ambulance agrees and Harry gets in the back of the ambulance with Louis latched on to him. They share a moment together the whole way to the hospital. Some unsaid understanding between them both.

The ambulance officers try their best to assess Louis but he won't even budge off Harry and Harry is secretly grateful. Having Louis in his arms does something to him, and he will savour this moment forever.

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