
Louis passes out by the time they reach the hospital and there is a media storm when they arrive. Louis is finally pried from Harry and whisked away. Harry heads to the waiting room and is met with Charlie and the boys waiting for any type of news.

"Haz" the boys chorus as he enters the waiting room in a bit of a daze

"Boys" Harry responds and they all just fall into each other

"Is he okay?" They all ask as they all break apart.

Harry sighs as they all take a seat. Harry leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees

"He wouldn't let me go, he was chained to the radiator in a room, we unchained him and he launched at me. He wouldn't let me go. He knew who I was and wouldn't let me go" Harry says choked up.

"Jesus" Drew says upset

"Can you find out what's going on Scott?" Edward asks desperately.

"I can't, it's not my hospital, they won't let me in, they won't give me anything" Scott says sympathetically.

Scott is head of the ER at London's St Mary's private hospital, where they asked for Louis to be sent. The ambulance however, brought Louis to London private as it was closer, therefore Scott has no access to Louis until he's been assessed and they've been cleared. They will transfer him as soon as they can.

"We have to get back on scene Haz, We have to start interviewing Stanley" Charlie says.

"Yeah, I know... I know, lets go" Harry says reluctantly

"We will call with any updates" Scott reassures.

"Please, I'll answer even in the middle of an interview. Please let me know he's okay" Harry says with a little desperation.

"We promise. We can't thank you both enough. Thank you for saving him" the boys say and they can't hold back their emotions anymore.

Harry and Charlie smile they are just glad they were able to get to Louis.

"We will have to come and interview him when he's up to it but we will come by and check in after we've finished our shift" Charlie says.

The boys agree and all hug each other as Charlie and Harry leave.

In the car as Harry makes his way though the media storm and drives off, Charlie turns to Harry

"You didn't want to leave?" Charlie says looking at Harry.

Harry shifts uncomfortably

"It's affected you hasn't it. You're different, not as cold, it's not case closed like normal" Charlie says.

"I know Louis, soon as I saw him I saw the terror in his eyes, I just wanted to wrap him up in my arms and when he wouldn't let me go I.....didn't want to let him go either, I want to protect him Charlie" Harry confesses.

"Shit Haz" Charlie sighs

"Please don't" Harry sighs.

"Look, all I'm saying is just be careful okay" Charlie says

"Shit Charlie he's just been through something traumatic, all i'm saying is I want to be there for him. Help him through this" Harry says.

Charlie knows Harry though and knows there is a deeper level of connection that Harry feels, but he will always support Harry and be there for him.

"Then let's nail this son of a bitch okay, let's put him away for life"Charlie says and Harry nods in understanding. He has work to do now and the sooner he gets it done the sooner he can get back to the boys.


"Scott" Andy says as he reaches the waiting room.

"Oh Andy thank fuck, you have Louis?" Scott asks his worry diminishing as he sees his good friend Andy who he went through medical school with

"I've got him, it's okay, he's with me" Andy says as he walks over to the boys and they all stand up, Scott and Andy hug hello and Scott introduces him to Edward and Drew.

"Is he okay?" Drew asks worriedly. It's been three hours waiting to hear anything about Louis.

"Let's sit okay" Andy says.

They all sit down and Andy brings a chair in front of the boys.

"First things first, he's stable and at the moment he's going to be okay" Andy says

"At the moment?" Edward asks.

"He's got extreme hypothermia but we've stabilised his body temperature for now. He's been beaten, badly. Six of his ribs are shattered we had to operate and remove his spleen. He has a cracked skull that thankfully hasn't caused any permanent damage and will heal fine. His knee has been shattered, we will need to operate at a later date. He has a broken wrist that we needed to re-brake and reset as it wasn't the first time it had been broken. There's a lot of cuts and bruises and his kidney had been damaged so he's on antibiotics for that" Andy says

The boys are in shock and Scott knows the extent of the situation but there is still one question on everyone's lips.

"What about.....has he been sexually assaulted?" Drew asks

Andy sighs.

"We found a lot of seamen all over his body and his boxer shorts but there does not seem to be any form of penetration done. He's been sexually assaulted but not penetrated" Andy says.

Even though everything that Louis has been through has been horrific and traumatic it's a small win.

"Can we see him?" Edward asks.

"He's sleeping and we've sedated him but yes, you can. You can stay with him" Andy says

"Thanks Andy" Scott says.

As the boys walk to Louis room, so much emotion comes over them, they haven't seen their little brother in six weeks. Six weeks they've been living through hell of wondering if Louis was alive or not. Waiting for that call that was going to tell them if he was or not. It was torture but they have no idea what Louis has been through and when Andy opens the door to Louis room it's extremely confronting for the boys.

Louis has clearly been beaten, he's so skinny and looks tiny, the bed swallows him up, there are drips and machines and tubes hooked up to him and the boys lose it at the sight. They are crushed that they weren't there to protect Louis and keep him safe but they are so grateful to have him back.

Louis doesn't move for the next few hours and the boys just watch him. Harry and Charlie stop by six hours later on their way home and after the boys fill them in, they too sit and wait by Louis bedside.

Harry is really affected seeing Louis like this, he's finding it hard to cope right now.

"Scotty?" Harry asks

"Yeah?" Scott asks

"Can we chat, outside in private?" Harry asks.

"Yeah of course" Scott says as he and Harry leave Louis room.

"What's up" Scott asks concerned

"Listen I just, I need you to know that I care, that I want to be in your life and Louis life again, I don't want this to be it" Harry says.

"Haz, why would you think that you wouldn't be. We want you to be part of our lives again. God we've all missed you be honest, the first person when mum and dad died that I wanted to call was you and I didn't even have your new number. You're family Haz and I want you here, we want you here" Scott says.

"I just need you to know that I have to talk to Louis, as a detective, he will be put through the ringer emotionally and I want to make that as easy as possibly. I want to help him and be there for him and I feel very protective and I don't know why, but I just need you to know that" Harry says vulnerably.

"It's okay Haz. I know, we know, we trust you impeccably and know you have Louis best interest and his wellbeing at heart" Scott says.

Harry nods and they head back inside to Louis room.

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