Bakugou was curled up on the couch, waiting for his boyfriend.
He sighed and began to brush his tail, picky about knots and fluff in the orange and white fur. The blonde looked at his phone and whimpered quietly, not receiving a text from Kirishima in a while.
Bakugou picked up the device, opening the texting app and sending a quick 'hey.'
He almost immediately got a response.
Alpha💕 - Helloooo!
Baby✨ - Where are you? I've been waiting
Alpha💕 - Calm down, I'm omw. Why so restless?
Baby✨ - I just have something to tell you. Not a big deal
Alpha💕 - Seems like it is. What's up?
Baby✨ - Nothing. I'll see you soon
Alpha💕 - Alrighty, love ya!
Bakugou sighed and turned his phone off, curling back up carefully and petting his tail.
What the blonde had to say to Kirishima was extremely important. Maybe not to Bakugou, but it would be to Kirishima.
By the time Kirishima returned from his job, Bakugou was hungry. But he was too lazy at that moment to get up and make himself something.
"Fucking finally..."
"Katsu, I have a surprise!"
Bakugou's ears perked up at the word 'surprise', sitting up from the couch and looking at the hall with wide eyes.
The blonde purred when Kirishima came through the doorway, happy to see his loved one.
But then he froze.
His crimson eyes locked on three people walking in behind him.
One a tan-furred coyote hybrid, a surprisingly good-looking spider hybrid, and the other...
A rabbit.
Specifically, his eyes locked on her. Her hair was a light pink, her tanned skin complementing the brown ears atop her head. She was grinning widely, her yellow eyes sparkling as she looked around.
Bakugou was already starving, and his fox senses came in to bother him.
She looks good...
S-Shut up. She's probably one of Ei's friends.
Oh, but I'm so hungry, and rabbit sounds so good right now~..."
S-Stop, you won't touch her.
Bakugou tore his eyes away from the girl, looking back at Kirishima and cocking his head. The redhead grinned.
"These are my friends! This is Kaminari," he gestured to the coyote, "Sero," the spider, "and Mina!" Finally, the rabbit.
The three nodded and waved as each of them were acknowledged. The rabbit bounced up and down energetically, shaking Bakugou's hand excitedly.
"Hi! You must be Bakugou! It's so nice to meet you, Kiri talks about you all the time!"
"He does..."
Bakugou nodded and swallowed the drool building in his mouth, doing his best to smile. Kirishima must have noticed his discomfort, and he gently pulled Mina away.
The blonde exhaled quietly, the urge to devour the hybrid getting stronger, but he held it in.
Bakugou looked back to Kirishima, whining and holding his arms out for the male. The redhead chuckled and walked over to him, lifting the boy into his arms and cradling him gently.
"Is today a soft day?"
Ah, Bakugou's iconic "soft day"s. These days were the ones where he just wanted to be loved. Not as many angry bursts, lots of cuddles and kisses, and maybe a bit of sex, if he was in the mood.
"Fuck off..."
Kirishima snickered and turned back to his friends, telling them to lounge around while he loved Bakugou for a bit.
"Is my little kit hungry?" Kirishima purred as he stroked Bakugou's hair.
(A kit is a baby fox, fyi)
Bakugou hummed a small confirmation, nuzzling his snout into Kirishima's neck and inhaling his powerful scent. The redhead smiled and gently scratched behind the boy's ears, knowing it was a weak spot for him.
Like a cat, Bakugou purred, his tail thumping gently against his thigh. Kirishima laughed.
"You sure you aren't a cat, Katsu? It would fit your personality."
"Shut the fuck up, dumbass. I'm not a fucking cat."
Kirishima chuckled, rocking Bakugou gently and kissing his forehead.
"Didn't you say you had to tell me something?"
"It can wait. I want it to be private... your friends are here..."
"Oh! I can-"
"No, it's fine. They won't be here forever, hang out with them while you can. I don't want to take up all of your time."
"Baby, it's okay to be selfish. But alright, if you're sure. But first, I want to cuddle with my kit."
Bakugou rolled his eyes, but curled into Kirishima more and closed his eyes.
"Bakugou, I'm gonna go take a quick shower... do you mind hanging out with my friends?"
Oh no~
"It's fine. Go ahead."
Kirishima smiled and leaned down to peck Bakugou on the lips, getting up and heading into their bathroom.
The blonde stood as well, walking into the living room where the three other hybrids were talking. Once he stepped in and his scent made it clear that he was there, the three of them looked at him. They grinned and ushered him over, and Bakugou slowly dragged himself to the couch, keeping his inner predator at bay.
"Hey Bakugou! We're playing truth or dare, wanna join?"
The blonde hesitated before nodding slowly, immediately getting yanked to the floor and whimpering.
"Sorry! Did we hurt you?"
"No, it-it's fine."
Kaminari smiled at him, patting his own knees and looking around the circle.
"Alright! Bakugou, since you're new, truth or dare?"
"Dare. I'm not a pussy."
Kaminari thought for a moment, then smirked as he heard the shower water from the bathroom.
"Walk in on Kirishima's shower."
Bakugou's immediate reaction was to shrug. He got up, his tail swinging slightly, and walked into the bathroom, the three others behind him.
The blonde stepped up to the shower, pulling the curtain back enough to stick his head through, not to show off Kirishima's dick. He smiled slightly and Kirishima paused, just staring at him.
The redhead snickered when he puckered his lips, leaning down to give his boyfriend a quick kiss. Bakugou pulled away from the curtain, turning to the other three that had their jaws dropped.
The blonde's ears flattened against his head and he flushed, pushing past the group and plopping back on the couch. The other three scrambled over and bombarded him with questions.
"How can you just do that?!"
"He was cleaning himself!"
"You two must have a very close relationship! How many times have you had sex?!"
"Bakubro, truth or dare?"
"What is one secret that you've kept from Kiri?"
Bakugou froze, staring wide eyed at the smiling rabbit. He bit his lip and sighed.
"Sometimes when he's gone, I go through his stash of Mochi... tell him, and I'll kill you," he muttered, hearing the shower water turn off.
Mina giggled and yawned, leaning her neck to the side to pop it.
Bad decision.
It had been a while since Bakugou ate last, and damn, she looked appetizing.
He snapped.
The blonde's crimson eyes shined and his canines sharpened, rearing up on his hind legs before pouncing across the couch. Mina shrieked, falling off the couch with Bakugou on top of her, growling and digging his claws into her arms.
Right when he was about to bite her, he was yanked back. The blonde growled and thrashed in the grip of the other two boys, Mina on the floor, holding herself and whimpering.
A door slammed and quick footsteps echoed through the room. Kirishima entered, hair damp and eyes wide.
"What's going on?!"
Kaminari and Sero looked up, thankful for the perfect timing of their friend's entrance.
"Bakugou just attacked her! I don't know what's going on!"
Kirishima looked down at the bleeding girl on the floor, then at the blonde struggling in his friends arms. He snarled and stomped up to Bakugou, slapping him, hard.
At the yell, the blonde whined weakly, falling limply to the floor. Kirishima cooled off, shaking his head at the boy on the ground, helping Mina up and ushering the three out the door. Once it was locked, he straightened his back and turned to the blonde who was attempting to stand.
Bakugou whimpered, hesitating to inhale the intimidating and furious scent around Kirishima. He slowly looked up at the fuming redhead, flinching at his facial expression.
"Bakugou, what the fuck," He hissed, stepping closer to the blonde. Bakugou quickly stood up, taking a wobbly step back.
"E-Ei, I-"
"You almost killed my friend."
"I-I'm sorry..."
Kirishima shook his head.
"No. I'm not... I can't deal with you right now. I'm leaving."
"E-Ei no..." the blonde cried out weakly as he watched the other male walk to the door.
Kirishima shook his head, avoiding the eyes of the blonde because he knew he was crying. Bakugou hiccuped, tears falling down his cheeks quickly as he stumbled forward.
"Eijiro, p-please don't leave!"
"Goodnight Katsuki."
With that, Kirishima slammed the door.
Bakugou was silent, then he collapsed in loud sobs. He clutched his stomach, his ears flattening against his scull and his tail curling around his back.
He cried out in discomfort when his stomach sent a stab of pain through his body, clutching his abdomen tightly.
"F-Fuck! EIJIRO!" He cried, needing the redheads arms around him to soothe the pain.
Bakugou's breathing quickened, and he began panicking.
Where's alpha? What happened? Where did he go? Am I bad? Does he hate me? Do I need to be punished?!
Bakugou groaned as he clutched his head, standing up on wobbly legs and swinging around blindly.
Who will be my mate? Who will love me? Who will deal with my moody bullshit? Who will hold me? Who will help me through these nine months of pain? Who will help me take care of our pups?
The last few thoughts stuck with Bakugou.
I didn't tell him.
I didn't tell him I didn't tell him I DIDN'T TELL HIM!
Bakugou thrashed around the living room, vision going blurry and his breathing pattern going insane, until he finally ran his head into a shelf and passed out.
All Midoriya needed to hear was the crash.
The green-haired puppy hybrid shot up from his desk and rushed out of his room, sprinting up the stairs and knocking on his explosive friend's door.
"Kacchan? Are you okay?"
He didn't get a response, so he kicked the door down. The greenette barged in and looked around urgently, finally spotting the crumpled form under a bloody shelf.
Midoriya gasped and bounded over, turning the blonde over and inhaling sharply at the gash on his forehead. He lifted the boy up quickly, pulling out his phone and calling the closest hospital.
"Kōbe Kaisei Hospital, how can I help you?"
"Hi! I need an ambulance to Akeili Apartments about six miles away? P-Please hurry!"
"Alright, we'll be there soon."
Midoriya thanked them and hung up, carrying Bakugou down to the lobby and out the door, waiting impatiently for the ambulance to arrive.
Once the vehicle pulled up, Bakugou was loaded into the back, Midoriya and another doctor slipping into it as well. The leopard hybrid pulled out a clipboard, grabbing a pen and facing the panicking greenette.
"Please calm down sir, could you give me your name?"
"I-Izuku Midoriya."
"Thank you, now what is his name?"
"Katsuki B-Bakugou."
"Alright. Do you know anything about what happened for a result like this?"
"I-I don't know exactly what happened, but I think he was having a p-panic attack?"
"Does he have very many of these?"
"I-I mean, it happens at least once a month, so, yes?"
The doctor nodded, writing things down.
"Does he have any pills he takes or any mental and or physical sicknesses?"
"Uhm, I-I believe he takes anti-depressants and pills for his a-anxiety and anger issues... o-oh, he's about a month p-pregnant?"
The doctor's eyes widened, but he nodded and wrote it down.
"Is there any relatives or important people we should call to inform them?"
"Uhm, h-his mom and dad, Mitsuki and Masarou Bakugou, a-and his boyfriend, Eijiro Kirishima?"
"Thank you. We'll call them as soon as possible. Thank you for your help, Midoriya."
"Y-You're welcome doctor."
Oops my hand slipped
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