Kermitcraft RP Lore: Part one

Alright, here's where it gets a bit crazy XD Coal, Becca, Switch, Zoe (briefly), and Seer (in part 2), and I all roleplayed this via text chat on discord so we had no limits and honestly? At first, no real plot. So it's a bit messy but bare with me, it'll be worth it, I promise. 


One day, Exy went missing and so Becca, Coal, Fade (who now goes by Switch and he/him so if you see either of those you know they are the same), and NPG went to find him. He was not in the server so they headed to the Central Hub of all servers and worlds to see what they could find.

It was Becca who had found a missing poster for him on a board of missing people. People that... usually weren't found. Or if they were, they had been permakilled. She had found people like that in the past.

She and Coal went to explore a warehouse in the hub and after Coal left to check on Switch, Becca found a basement and against her better judgement, entered it. She stumbled across me who was locked up in a cage. After releasing me, she asked if I had seen Exy...


Molly nodded. "I saw Exy earlier but only briefly and yes, someone else is here but-" Suddenly the door slammed shut behind them. Her eyes widened and pushed herself to her feet, a bit unsteady. She clenched her fists.

Becca spun around with an angry expression. "Who are you and what have you done to my friends?!" she demanded, trying to hide her fear with anger.

A laugh echoed around the room. "Don't you recognize me, Becca?" The voice taunted. "This isn't the first time we've met after all..."

The lights in the basement were dim and hard to see anything.

Molly glared as the voice echoed in the room. "Be ready for anything, Becca..."

Becca grimaced. "Uh, yeah, I hope I am. Expect the unexpected. Which would mean of course I don't recognize the scary voice that knows my name..." she muttered, holding her knife in her left hand and allowing her shield to materialize from her inventory in her right hand.

The voice laughed again. "Really, now? I suppose I do sound a bit different from him..." He muttered before moving around the girls. "As for you're other friends, I have them. Hidden away..." He grinned, circling the girls in the dark.

Molly glanced around trying to spot him when she suddenly tensed and her eyes glossed over. "Perhaps this will remind you..."

Molly suddenly leapt at Becca, trying to take her down.

Becca screeched and raised her shield to block Molly. "What the heck?!" she yelled and shoved Molly to the ground with the wide, flat mass and hoping that she didn't hurt her friend. Her eyes widened as she recognized Molly's dazed red eyes.

"NP...G...? Did you go demonic again?!" she breathed with shocked revelation and looked to the figure.

The figure stepped into the light. It looked vaguely like NPG but the sharp blood stained teeth that grinned at her and gleaming red eyes that glistened from the thrill did not look like him at all. Nor did the clawed hands with blood stains. "You could say that, but you'd also be wrong... That little pest can't hold me back anymore..."

Molly had stayed on the ground when knocked to it and was breathing heavily.

Becca exhaled sharply and backed up, holding her shield up in fear. "What... are you?" she asked, sounding genuinely scared. Despite the fear and worry that knawed at her, she still held her ground to protect Molly. Her expression changed to one more masked and cold and determined as she waited to see what would happen next.

"So many people have theories on where that little Rustic Brat came from... Some closer to the truth than others. That... Grian," he spat the name as if a toxin in his mouth. "built him to help build said 'rustic houses'. Or at least that's part of it... He used that heap of scrap metal to contain me when I finally found him after searching for so long..."

He growled an unearthly growl. "How infuriating to be limited to making stupid rustic houses when I could kill hundreds of people with ease!" He chuckled. "So when he went 'deviant', he unknowingly broke the seal that confined me to him. Why do you think Grian never let him leave his closet?! He was scared that he'd run off and kill someone! Let alone him!" He hissed.

"I finally convinced him to leave it. To go explore. I just wish I had been able to run my claws along that little architects throat..." He turned back to Becca. "Who do you think made all those MIA people disappear and never return?" He taunted. "I know you found some of them..."

Becca felt her throat tighten at the mention of her past occupation. "You... He... Oh my god..." she whispered. It's his fault. NPG's. No, not NPG. Yes NPG? This guy? I don't want to believe it was him. NPG is a friend. No.

"No, no, no..." she whispered under her breath. "This can't be possible. Those- those were by glitches. No person with coding capabilities could do that- I, I made SURE it wasn't a person! So that if it was a person, I could bring them to justice and make them pay for all the people they killed!" she yelled, tears she didn't remember allowing to fall suddenly streaking her cheeks.

He laughed and stepped forward, digging his claws into her shield then discarding it to the side with a swift movement, looking her in the eyes. "Bold of you to assume I'm a 'person', let alone not have a glitch." His body briefly glitches before he pinned Becca to the wall. "You're lucky I still need you..." He hissed before having Molly force herself up and over to them, handing her a sword and letting her strike Becca down with it.

Becca screamed as she lurched and stumbled on the glowing spawn pad of HUB. She immediately braced for an impact, only to find nothing striking her, as it has already been done. 


Becca stopped and started trying to find the others as she started panicking from the encounter and bumped into NPG which made her panic. Meanwhile Switch and Coal were captured and trying to reach the others for help. Zoe had also run into them here.


Becca jumped back with wide eyes and looked up at NPG. "Ohmygodpleasedon'thurtmeagainNPG," she rambled, letting her normally no-controversial-words-block slip as she pulled back from the human AI.

NPG stared at her confused and concerned. And if he were honest? a little hurt. "Becca? What are you talking about?" He asked.

Zoe froze, her eyes widening. "Becca?!"

Fade lurched upward, breaking free of a nightmare. "Help..." she whispered. Something buzzed angrily in her ear, and she swatted, thinking it was a bug before realizing it was her comms. "They missed it!" She whispered excitedly. She tapped it. "Hello??? Guys??"

Becca glanced between Zoe and NPG. "There was, this, this, demonic version of NPG, and he claimed to be the one responsible for, for everything. EX, he has Molly, every poster on that board and all those horrible fates I was the one to find and have to tell their families..." she breathed, her normally rather tough demeanor broken with a fearful, hazy look in her eyes.

NPG looked confused then frightened. "Wait, y-you saw him?! He... Oh gosh..." He paled and stepped back before realizing. "H-He let you go?" He asked Becca confused.

Becca snorted. "Well, he killed me if that counts. He said he needs me which makes me VERY concerned, but right now I don't have the faintest clue why so I'm shelving that for when that actually matters." she looked up at NPG.

"NPG, who the heck did I just meet? Because from what he explained, he's been in our server since you went haywire. And that he was responsible for every missing player on that board, players dead by glitches that shouldn't be possible. But that was before he claims you two were separated, which means... you were also responsible for those deaths." she choked up, tears threatening to fall except she wouldn't let them. "I don't want to believe you caused that trauma, NPG. Tell me what the heck just happened, tell me that wasn't you."

Fade tapped her comms again. "Guys?"

Coal saw Fade trying to use her comms device and looked at hers only to find it snapped. "Damn."

Fade looked at Coal sadly. "It's not working. No one's responding. We're on our own."

"Mine got snapped in a fight, otherwise I'd try to. They can't miss both of us."

NPG stared at Becca, tears welling in his eyes as well before breaking his gaze, looking away, shamefully. He didn't know what to say. Or how to explain everything... this was never supposed to happen... He never wanted anyone to find out. Especially not those who he now considered close family... or to find out this way...

"I-I... I'm sorry..." He choked out , unable to look at her or Zoe and had released his grip on Zoe's arm.

Fade, suddenly angry, slammed herself against the bars, startling Coal. "But they did! That's why we're here! Because- they- forgot us..." Fade sunk back down against the bars. "They left us..."

Becca inhaled shakily and looked away. She didn't know what to think. He... he... it was him... she shook her head and backed away from NPG, unable to bring herself to look at the AI she also considered one of the closest things she had to family or say anything to him.


NPG silently alerted Becca to the comms who then asked where they were as Zoe tried to defend NPG as they'd been together that whole time. 

Coal told Becca they were caught and needed help as Switch was not feeling well while Becca muted herself to reply to Zoe. 


Becca flicked her comms to mute herself for a moment to talk to Zoe. "This isn't about right now, Zoe. I understand that and I won't blame him for EX and Molly and whoever else is missing. Right now, I'm blaming him for the dozen or so cases I was able to solve on that board and the tens more that are unsolved. You know what? Almost all of those cases ended in perma-deaths, and rather gruesome ones at that. And the two or three who were still alive were messed up mentally. That's what I'm upset about." She turned away and flicked her comms on again to respond to Coal's thing that she was internally cursing at.

"Alright... any idea where you are? You might have to hang tight for a while for us to be able to find you and figure out our own situation I just stumbled into..." Becca muttered irritated.


Coal and Switch tried to figure out where they were so they could tell them and NPG begged Becca to let him help despite everything but she didn't have to forgive him. 

Becca agreed that he will know the best way to get them back unharmed but that they were to have a serious talk about all this new information. 

NPG promised to explain what he could and regretted her finding out the way she did. He listened to the comms and suggested possibly teleporting to Switch or Coal. Saying,  "Becca, I... I might be able to find them. It's a long shot and I haven't done it in hub in a long time but... I might be able to teleport to her or Coal. Or at least nearby. That's how we..." He trailed off.

Switch was trying to get ahold of him but he ignored the pleas not to come and something about Noir, and took himself, Becca and Zoe to Switch and Coal's location. 

Switch wasn't doing well and had a bad fever and was out of it. NPG offered to hold him down and Becca agreed so she could work. Coal told them it was Switch's brother, Noir, who had captured them which relieved Becca greatly since it wasn't Kalaraja. But some of Switch's injuries were like that of the glitched attacks from Kalaraja.

Switch tried to tell them something but passed out. They all panicked for a moment before just keeping an eye out.

Much later they had been moved by Noir to a couple of rooms in the prison (which ooc Becca thought was a hotel- Never letting her live that down lol <3) and Becca confronted NPG about Kalaraja while Switch, Coal, and Zoe weren't present.


NPG sighed, his tense body slouching. "Well. You said you met my "other half"..." He took a deep breath. "He's manipulative... He's been with me for a long time. Heck, I think I was still in beta testing when Grian bond us together..." He closed his eyes. "I was more... Robot, than human then." He opened his eyes and stared at his hands. "... His name is Kalaraja, Lord of death. He has other names or aliases he has collected over time such as Dearil, the call of death and Azrail, angel of death," He shook his head.

"Anyway, he came to Grian, having been searching for him for a while. Why, I never really found out, but Grian cheated death by binding us together. It limited him since I was still very glitchy and broken. He hated it. As Grian finished programming me to build a rustic house, Kala was trying to learn how to take control. Grian grew fearful of me and locked me away in the closet, rarely ever letting me out."

He sighed. "And Kala used that to sway me to his cause. He told me he'd show me the world. Teach me new things... be free..." NPG closed his eyes again. "He only kept two of those promises to me. But to be fair, I was free of the closet... I kept telling him to wait. See if Grian ever came back... He didn't. We left. Escaped to the hub for the first time. He asked for control. I didn't see any dangers..." He scoffed. 

"I was blind." 

He looked over at Becca, eyes dull and cold. "I watched him take the first victim. Heard and witnessed everything. Their cries for mercy. Their cries of fear, then of pain. It felt like it lasted for hours. And all I could do was watch, frozen in shock. I had never seen violence before. I was an innocent naïve child. He took that from me and imprisoned me to watch myself continue to take new victims and do as he pleased with them. Some worse than others... I asked him why. He always told me that it was for a greater reason. Some grand plan or something... If that didn't help then he told me he was teaching me the ways of the outside world... It was a long time before I managed to take back control." He chuckled. 

"It was actually Exy who found me broken and scared, trying everything I could to retain control... even if it meant..." He trailed off, turning away. "... I wasn't in a good place.... But Exy helped me. He showed me ways to contain it and after awhile, he found Kermitcraft. He came back to me and offered me to come with him to check it out. Then I met all of you... And that's the story..."


He and Becca hugged it out only for Switch to have heard everything and sending NPG into a panic attack. This upset Switch who left and Becca calmed NPG down and went to talk to Switch. Switch thought NPG only trusted Becca and ran off again. 

NPG replayed the memory and was startled when Coal and Switch returned. NPG slept on the sink counter in the bathroom and he and Switch had a bonding moment. Becca had a nightmare that NPG woke her from and they talked about going to Coal's home and they began their escape. 

Becca tried to get down from a high height, as they went out a window, but almost fell but NPG caught her. They were frustrated that she was being stubborn. 

They finally get to Coal's mansion beyond the world border and rest.

A storm is coming and Becca watched it for a bit before going inside.

Switch and Becca had an awkward conversation and Switch was upset when Becca ran off. 

Becca ended up in NPG's room while Coal searched for answers. Thunder woke NPG and he startled Becca. Becca and NPG bonding. 

NPG admitted he had only touched water once, and it wasn't for a good reason. 

NPG was spooked when he thought he saw Kala in his reflection and so Becca snuggled with him and they fall asleep. NPG was awoken by Becca waking up. She had been possessed. NPG panicked but Becca fought it off. Switch came in and saw what was going on.

Becca fled out to the balcony in the rain after proving herself innocent and NPG joined her with a blanket to protect himself. 

Coal brought them in and offered cookies and comfort and a much needed talk.

They talked about killing Kala made NPG freak out and flee into the woods with his blanket being the only protection he had. Kalaraja appeared to NPG while Coal searched for him. 


NPG had stopped, once realizing he was lost and sighed. "Great... lost in the forest in the rain..." he muttered before looking around.

"Hello my little compliant robot,"

NPG stopped and tensed up.

"What are you doing out in the woods in this weather, alone? Did your friends abandon you?"

"Wh-where are you?!" NPG called out.

The voice laughed. "Here. Oh, now I'm there. No, this way. Wait! That way!" the voice laughed again. "What does it matter?"

NPG was starting to shake. "Sh-show yourself!"

"Hmmmm, alright.

NPG jerked back when Kalaraja appeared before him.

His glowing red eyes seemed to penetrate him as they scrutinized him with malicious intent. Fangs peeked out as he grinned slowly as he eyed NPG, making NPG shudder as a chill went down his back as Kala circled him.

"It's good to see you again, puer meus. Aw, why so tense? Aren't you happy to see me?"

NPG couldn't reply or move no matter how much he wanted to. Kala's gaze was firm and it felt like it held him to his spot as he was circled like a predator would its prey.

"Are you scared that I'd hurt you?" Kala grinned, tilting NPG's head up with his finger under his chin. "Well, that'd be no way to treat the one who has served me so well over the years... After all, you did have a hand in the disappearances too. No matter how much you try to play innocent. I let you try it for yourself..."

"N-No! I didn't! Y-Yes, you let me try it myself but you had already caught the person! You were just gonna let me do the killing! But I couldn't I refused! I tried to free them but instead you made me slit their throat!" He cried out in anger, shaking as he mustered the strength to argue.

Kala started to grin. "Did I? That maybe what I told you, but are you sure that's what happened?" Kala looked down as he moved aside, allowing NPG to see his refection in the puddle in front of him when he followed his gaze.

His eyes were glowing red.

He screamed in fear and backed away. "NO! THAT WASNT ME! YOU DID IT! ITS ALWAYS BEEN YOU!"

Kala didn't reply as NPG yelled at him but NPG stopped when he noticed the water had been starting to taint red along with the rain. His eyes widened in fear as the blanket became stained with the red liquid and looked down at his hands only to find them blood stained.

He screamed again as Kala watched him.

He scrambled backward, the blanket falling off of him, letting the red substance start to drench him as well, making him scream in pain this time at the zaps of electricity starting to go off. He dropped to the muddy ground and reached desperately for the stained blanket as Kala stood over him watching, disappointedly.

"I could help you,"

"I dOnT wAnT yOuR hElP!" NPG's voice glitched sharply as he glared at kala, the glow of his red eyes illuminating the area around him.

"Don't be so stubborn, let me help you." Kala offered his hand which NPG growled at.

"No! I wOnT sToP!" He winced at another loud zap. "BeInG sTuBbOrN iS a FaMiLY tRaIt!" He replied before splashing muddy water at Kala, making him back off and growl.

"You're making a mistake-"

"YoU mAdE a MiStAkE! A FaTaL oNe! MESSING WITH MY FAMILY!" NPG yelled, voice echoing around as he ignoring his human voice dying out into his original robotic one with another zap.


Coal found them and the fight began but Coal was quickly injured. Becca came and looked for a way to help but was stopped when Switch was possessed and started fighting her. 

Becca tossed NPG a helmet and failed trying to get him out of there. 

NPG went to fight Kala in place of Coal and teleported Coal to Switch and Becca.


NPG struggled to keep dodging Kala's vicious swings and finally lunged at Kala, knocking them both to the ground from the air. He caught a glimpse of what was happening and growled. He tightened his grip on Kala's wrists, having torn the sword away for now.


"Make me." Kala snarled back.

NPG gritted his teeth and tightened his grip, his eyes starting to glow brighter.

Kala for a moment actually looked scared. "What are you doing?!"

"WHAT YOU TAUGHT ME" NPG closed his eyes and felt his connection to Kala connect once more allowing them into each others minds.

NPG started probing around searching for any signs of his friends. He stopped briefly when he saw the bond connected to Molly and grasped it tightly, pulling it away from Kala and taking it as his own, changing the bond from Kala and Molly to Him and Molly. Though he did have to fight for it from Kala who yelled at him the whole time.

He tore it away and clung to it and searched for the others.

Meanwhile, Molly stopped what she was doing, her eyes returning to normal and she collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

NPG felt it and it briefly took him off guard allowing Kala to kick him off and slam him into a cliff side, causing sparks and zaps as he was damaged.

"YOU FOOL!" Kala snarled as he pinned NPG against the rock face. "I SHOULD KILL YOU! ALL OF YOU! YOU WORTHLESS HEAP OF SCRAP!" He moved when NPG tried to swing at him and summoned his sword, slashing at NPG's arm, slicing it clean off making him scream in pain as his wiring was severed and exposed to the rain causing more frequent zaps and shocks.

Kala stood over him, calming for a moment. "Join me, and we will rule this server. I cared for you and tended to you for so long. Join me. Like the old times. We will find that Grian and make him pay for what he's done to us."


Kala growled and bashed the side of his face into the rock, exposing more of his android frame and shattering one eye causing him to see fractures in his depth perception now but he swung again at Kala, taking him by surprise that he was still fighting as NPG tackled him and pinned him once more. "WHERE IS MY FAMILY?! MOLLY, EXY, RAE, ALL OF THEM?! TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE!" NPG hissed, anger flaring off of him as he connected forcefully to Kala again and searched, fighting against Kala's will the whole time until he finally saw and got an idea of where to search for them but it was when he saw Exy, he snapped.

He turned to Kala in his mind and growled. "YOU HURT THEM YOU MONSTER!" His voice glitched as they left the mind realm and NPG started beating him with his good arm as he sat on top of him and then tore his sword away form him and stabbed him through his chest with it making Kala gasp sharply as NPG's eyes glowed dangerously as he zapped and shocked them both. "ONE LAST CHANCE TO GET OUT OF HERE AND NEVER RETURN AND DO EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING BACK TO THEM EITHER CAUSE WE ARE GOING TO GET THEM SO GET OUT OF HERE. NOW." NPG pulled off of him, shaking, barely still standing and Kala growled at him. 

"I'll be back you little brat..." He grunted as he removed his sword and glitched and teleported away.

NPG panted heavily before collapsing and tumbling down the small mountain cliff they had ended up on and onto the muddy wet ground below.


Switch was mildly insane at that point while Coal tried to help him inside. Becca found NPG and freaked out before helping him inside. They all started trying to heal up and rest when I showed up at the house. 

NPG used his new bond to me to possess me to tell the others where our missing friends were. I possessed by NPG, Coal, and Switch go to get them from the far lands. 

Everyone was there kept in cells unable to leave but were so happy to see us. We brought everyone home and the three of us went back to Coal's. NPG and Exy reunited which was very emotional for both of them and Coal teleported all of us back home when we were ready.

It was good to be home.

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